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Day 27 of Miracles: How to Radiate Divine Energy in Every Moment

31 Days of Angel Messages to Transform Your Life

Hello, Beautiful Soul! 🌟 You can start the Angel Membership anytime—and there’s no better time than now! This month, we’re working on the course “You Can Heal Your Life,” designed to help you release past hurts and step into your power. Next month, we’ll dive into a course that explores spiritual gifts, helping you discover exactly which spiritual gift you might have and how to use them in the world!

Angel Membership
✨ The Angel Membership is your pathway to a life aligned with your angels’ guidance. Each month, you’ll receive a new course, join live weekly events, and connect with a supportive community. Transform your life with the loving guidance of your angels!
👉 Join now: https://theangelmedium.com/angelmembership

Angel Reiki School
🌟 New Class Begins March 1st! Ready to step into your spiritual gifts and help others heal? The Angel Reiki School certifies you in mediumship, angel messages, and energy healing. Sign up today, and the first 10 people receive FREE in-person tuition for training this spring or fall!
👉 Enroll now: https://theangelmedium.com/get-certified

New Readings with Julie
💫 Book a 25-minute reading and hear what your angels have to share. These sessions are recorded for the podcast and social media to inspire others, too!
👉 Schedule here: https://calendly.com/juliejancius/promoreadings

Need Help Choosing?
Not sure which program is right for you? Let’s connect! I’d love to chat with you persaonlly about what’s best for your journey.
👉 Book a call here: https://calendly.com/juliejancius/discovery-call

Day 27 of 31 Miracles: Your cells are alive with divine energy, and today your Spirit Team helps you activate this powerful force within. Visualize every cell in your body glowing with the energy of Oneness, radiating love and vitality. This activation raises your vibration and aligns you with miracles. Feel the energy flow through you, connecting you to the divine source of all creation.

Hello beautiful souls. I’m your host and author Julie Jancis and you’re listening to the 31 day angel success formula, a special edition of the angels and awakening podcast. Listen in the morning while you’re getting ready to set your energy and mindset for the entire day. There are 31 recordings in total, one for each day of the month.

Use these recordings day after day, month after month, all year long to see your angels work miracles and help you transform your life. Want free access to all 31 recordings, the teaching video, and workbook for this course? Go to theangelmedium. com and subscribe to my email list. at the top of the homepage and we’ll send you access to this entire course for free.

If you’d like to support this podcast, you can purchase a ticket to my monthly workshop, monthly sacred group healing, or take my course of the month. For access to all of these, join my angel membership. Where I’ll also get to personally coach you in our monthly small group meetings. Members report that they’ve gained the ability to work with their angels daily.

They’ve stepped into their power and they feel a deep sense of belonging. The Angel Membership has been a life changing experience for so many members, and friend, I want that for you, too. A new year of the membership starts February 1st, and we expect this year to sell out. Join now and you’ll get Automatic access to my new manifestation course.

For more information, click the link in our show notes and join me for a free upcoming zoom call to hear how your angels will work with you in the angel membership to strengthen you, transform you and activate your soul’s highest calling. Now, friend, take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. Open your heart and your mind as you begin your day with your angels.

Good morning, beautiful soul. Welcome to the 27th day of the month. A beautiful day to open and activate your cells. to God’s oneness energy as you breathe naturally, notice the subtle presence of your spirit team, your angels, and your higher self here with a loving positive messages to guide you today.

Today, your spirit team is talking to you about cell. activation. These are the cells within your body. We are living in a moment of huge energetic shifts and we can use this time to raise our own vibration. Friend, we are shifting into a place of energetic refinement on this planet. This means that all that we are seeing take place in the world is part of a larger energy shift that requires us to release.

low vibrational energy like shame, grief, worry, hatred by doing our work and moving through them and instead move into a place of personal liberation that will radiate out into the rest of the world around us. Spirit explains. that it’s a lot like doing a hard reset on your phone or your computer when things start to go haywire.

It is time for us to be released from old ways of thinking and experience renewal and a return to wholeness, a return to our soul self. One powerful way to take advantage of this clean slate and raise our own vibration now is by activating the smallest piece of each cell in your own body. Spirit says, God is the smallest piece of everything everywhere.

God’s energy oneness is in every cell of your body and every molecule of air surrounding you. Cell activation is when you imagine Imagine that every cell in your body and every molecule surrounding you can instantaneously open to feel God’s love pour through. Activating your cells means stepping into oneness energy, God’s energy, in less than a second.

As you do this, you also step into your soul self and you connect with your spirit team. As you do this, you are filled with love, joy, peace. bliss, ease and grace, and a gentle yet unshakable confidence and faith that no matter where you’re at in life, you’ve got this. Other practices like Reiki or the Angel Reiki modality of healing that I founded can be helpful in this work as well because of their effectiveness in charging and nourishing our cells.

with positive energy, which supports the function of the cells in our vital organs as well, and clearing energy blockages that may be holding old or stagnant energy. Friend, if you need help with this, you can always book an individual session on my website. or take my angel membership course that lasts for a whole entire year or longer, which gives you access to a new pre recorded Angel Reiki energy healing session each month.

Today the Cherub Angels and Archangel Sandalfun are with you asking you to activate the smallest piece of each cell in your body. They remind you that all of your 37. 2 trillion cells within your body are made of God’s energy. Activating every cell in your body is like turning on oneness within you.

Full blast! Today, when your mind wanders and you remember, return your consciousness back to your cells. Feel every cell being activated with God’s energy so powerfully that you radiate God’s energy out to everyone on earth and every planet in the solar system. That’s how powerful your energy is. Let’s take a moment to do this together.

I want you to just start by taking a deep breath in, and a deep breath out.

Friend, I want you to take a moment to envision the cells within your physical body as a pixelated picture. If you were to zoom in on a picture, what you would see is all these little dots. And together, the dots make up this beautiful picture in front of you. In the same way, I want you to envision the pixelated cells within your body.

That there are 37. 2 trillion cells within your body. And when you see, feel, imagine these 37. 2 trillion cells, you can start to feel them all tingle within your physical body. What I want you to do is imagine that each one of those 37. 2 trillion cells can open like a circular opening at the center of the cell that expands so that the cell, every single one of your cells, is now open.

And what comes in as if you were translucent, right? This wave of God energy. It’s soft, it’s gentle, it’s love. It just pours through every cell within your physical body. And your angels say not just that, but there is more than 37. 2 trillion molecules of air surrounding you, in front of you, behind you, to the sides of you, above you, below you.

you and your angels ask you to imagine those same pixelated molecules surrounding you that each one of those two can open instantaneously to God’s energy and in comes another wave of God’s pure love. Friend, you can feel love surrounding you, God’s oneness, highest vibrational frequency that is.

Surrounding you, filling you, moving through you. And friend, that’s not your human self, right? So, you cannot send that energy out in the world and then deplete your own physical energy. The energy that you’re feeling when every one of your cells Every one of the molecules surrounding you is activated is God’s oneness energy.

It is limitless. You can send this energy out all day, every day and not be depleted. And that’s what I want you to do. Now. I want you to be so filled with this oneness energy coming in through every cell in your body. Through every molecule surrounding you. You have so much. It’s just moving through you constantly flowing through you that you’re able to send it out to everyone in the world.

Every animal who needs it, every person who needs God’s energy, you’re just able to allow it to flow through you as you’re the vessel and your intention directs it out to the rest of the world, allowing you I want you to be this beacon of God’s vibration, radiating out love, joy, peace, bliss, ease, grace to the world and to yourself.

Friends, it really is as easy as this. You can do this work anytime that you’d like to. I’m so excited for all the blessings that are on their way to you right now. As you spend your life living from this beautiful. Energy. Thank you for joining your spirit team. And I, to start your day today is a great day to live in joy and build the life.

Your soul came here to live as you move through the day, feel the presence of your angels, as they guide you to take one step towards your best financial, mental, spiritual, and physical health. Remember that no matter what the day brings you, my friend, you are guided. It, you are protected and you are so, so, so deeply loved, radiate that love To yourself and to everyone you interact with today,

friend, follow me on Instagram at Angel Podcast where I’m celebrating kicking off a whole new year of the Angel membership with Live Angel readings for you and tons of giveaways all month long. Ready to know exactly how to communicate with your angels. Join my angel membership at theangelmedium. com for access to all my courses, live events, and small group coaching.

For those asking about the Angel Reiki School, yes, we are hosting an in person event, April 11th through 13th, 2025 in Oakbrook, Illinois. Spots are limited, so grab yours today and start your journey as a healer. Not sure where to begin? Let’s figure it out together. Book a personal call with me, link in the show notes, and the angels will guide you to your next step.

See you back here tomorrow as you start your day with your angels.

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