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In this episode, Julie Jancius sits down with HeatherAsh Amara to explore the transformative energies of Wild, Willing, and Wise—three archetypes that shape our lives in cycles. HeatherAsh explains how creativity, courage, and surrender each play a crucial role in finding balance, and how imbalance can manifest as emotional turmoil. With engaging stories, self-reflection exercises, and practical tools, she shares how to harmonize these energies to cultivate inner freedom and alignment. This is not just a conversation—it’s an invitation to step into your most creative, courageous, and compassionate self. Tune in to learn how to embrace the journey and reconnect with your true power!
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Julie: [00:00:00] I wonder what that journey was for you that kind of led you one step at a time to, to claim who you are. Often as
Heather Ash: women, we hold this idea that we have to be perfect, that we have to figure it all out before we can take an action, that we have to nurture other people. And so much of the work is helping us see the agreements that we’ve created that limit us.
And like the first lesson in warrior goddess training is commit to you to really look at where have we as women committed to helping everyone else or being small to be safe or not really following through on our dreams. And how do we really claim our commitment to ourselves? Yeah. And, and follow through on our dreams and visions and what we’re here to do, what our light is here [00:01:00] to bring into the world.
Julie: Welcome to the angels and awakening podcast, where we connect you with your angels, loved ones, and soul self. I’m your host and author, Julie Jancius. My journey began when I started hearing my late father before I knew he’d passed. Through my readings, membership, and Angel Reiki school, I help you awaken, heal, and master your unique spiritual gifts.
If you feel called to work with me, it’s your angels guiding you to discover your soul’s highest purpose. Details at theangelmedium. com. Thank you, Earth Angels for the five star reviews. You’re entered into a drawing to win a free session. Now let’s see what messages your angels have for you today.[00:02:00]
Hello, beautiful souls. Welcome back to the angels and awakening podcast. I’m your host and author Julie Jancius and friends. I’m here with an author today. I have three of her books already sitting on my shelves. If you’re watching on YouTube, I’m showing them to you right now. Um, she’s a woman who I I’m sure that if you listen to this podcast, you know, that there are some authors, um, who just keep things very, very simple.
Um, and they have this way with their words of taking your experience of life very deep, taking you very, very deep within yourselves. Um, and Heather Ash Amara is one of those people who. I just, I always love reading what you’re working on because you go so deep and just the energy of the words makes me feel this very high vibrational energy.
Um, [00:03:00] thank you for being here, Heather Ashe.
Heather Ash: You’re
Julie: so welcome,
Heather Ash: Julie.
Julie: It’s so delightful to be with
Heather Ash: you today.
Julie: Yay. And we’re actually in the same city. You’re doing a book tour right now. So you’re going all over. Um, you’re in Chicago today as we’re interviewing. You have a new book though, uh, Wild, Willing and Wise, which kind of goes back to the, um, maiden mother crone archetypes.
Yeah. So I’m excited to dive into everything with you today. But can you tell us about your new book and what the inspiration is and where you’re taking us as readers? Absolutely. So the subtitle of the book
Heather Ash: is an interactive guide of when to paddle, when to rest, and when to jump naked into the river of life.
It’s so fun. And it’s beautiful. It’s really, this is my ninth book, and I just decided as we were going through the pandemic that [00:04:00] we were, on the other side, we were going to need something, I knew I needed something that was light, but deep, that would help us find balance again. And so, the book works with three archetypes, and I was inspired, as you said, by Maiden Mother Crone, and sort of studying those three energies more.
And what I wanted to do is get to the core of those energies, and That’s something that was gender neutral, and that also wasn’t linear. Because there’s some ways that we think of maiden is like when you’re young, and then mother is when you’re in, you know, the middle of your life, and then prone is when you’re older.
And I wanted to create something circular. So the book is about wild, which is our creativity and our curiosity, and that like, yeah, let’s try. And then willing is the, okay, we got to get steady, we need to grow something, we need to be in for the long haul. And there’s a sustainable, generative, nourishing energy when [00:05:00] we tap into our willing in a balanced way.
And then wise is our connection to the divine, our connection to our compassion, to calm. Really having the longest view possible. So this is the three energies that I talk about and we explore in the workbook.
Julie: So for people who don’t know, um, what, Everybody kind of has a slightly different take. What are the archetypes and, um, what is You know, I’ve, I’ve looked at them before, but I don’t remember off the top of my head.
Ma Maiden Mother Crone. They
Heather Ash: were, they’re connected with the moon cycles, and that the maiden energy is new moon, is new beginnings, is things coming into their fullness. And I think about, that’s the wild energy. And that there’s, uh, exploratory And, like, it’s also connected to spring, like, all the new things [00:06:00] are starting.
And then, with the, the mother, and I always think about the mother energy is, we’re, we’re mothering not only children, but books, but our spiritual path, but our relationships, and that’s the willing. And so, and that’s really about intimacy with ourselves and learning how to be intimate with others and to sustain and nourish our relationship.
And then the prone energy and that’s, and that’s a full moon. So the mother’s usually connected to the full moon and then the, the, Waning Moon is the Throne Energy, and that’s, I connect that with wisdom, and that Throne is when we’ve had many life experiences that we’ve digested, and that we have wisdom to share, and that, there’s a great story I read about grandmothers, I’ll just share this really quick because it’s such a great Throne story.
That there’s a woman that [00:07:00] did a study to find out why are grandmothers important. Because we so often in our culture don’t give reverence to being elder women especially, to that crone energy. And what she discovered is that, what she thought originally was that grandmothers are important because they feed their children, their grandchildren.
Like they give extra care to their grandchildren. But what they actually found was true is that those grandmothers feed anyone in their village that needs extra nurturing love. So they’re seeing the biggest picture of a village. And that’s what the crone energy about wise energy is about.
Julie: Wow. You know, it’s so wild.
Like my brain is so ADHD that when I hear so many different, um, maiden mother crone, I get so confused. But I love the three W’s and the way that you’ve interpreted this energy. Because it’s so much easier for me to just instantaneously remember. [00:08:00] Wild, willing, wise. And you said, when do we rest in life?
When do we paddle? Um, you know, kind of work towards something? And when do we just jump in? Did you say jump in and swim naked? Jim, jump naked into the river of life. Exactly. And it’s so true because if you think about it in terms of that rest paddle or, you know, just jump in, do it and swim, um, there’s so much energy in that.
And, um, you talk about, you know, becoming the woman that you’re meant to be in warrior goddess training, you’ve got warrior goddess way claiming the women, uh, the woman you are destined to be. And I wanted to kind of. Take the listeners back, because I think as women in our society, too often we put this pressure upon ourselves.
Like we have to have it all figured out. We have to know [00:09:00] we have to instantaneously just get messages from the universe and know exactly what it is and follow. But. I think all of the creators that I’ve had this huge blessing of just getting to spend time with an interview. The common theme among all of them is that it doesn’t happen fast.
It doesn’t happen quick, but that you keep following this alignment within yourself, just one step at a time forward. And so I wonder what that journey was for you. That. Kind of led you one step at a time to, to claim who you are. Definitely been a long journey.
Heather Ash: So I was raised in Southeast Asia and traveled around the world with my family as a kid.
And so I had this really diverse, incredible childhood. And when I came to the United States to go to college, I felt really [00:10:00] disconnected. And I had this sense of like, something’s not right. I don’t, I couldn’t name it, but I felt it in my body. When I started studying different spiritual traditions, I was like, Oh, that’s what I’m missing.
Aja has a very rich spiritual heritage and like, it’s just in people’s bodies and how they connect deep family, deep intimacy. And I felt that I had lost that somehow, I didn’t have that. And so that was really the beginning of my journey. And I started studying different earth based traditions. Getting in touch with the seasons and the cycles and honoring the beginnings and endings and the moon cycles and the seas.
It was just, it was such a huge homecoming for me. And then I just started sharing. I was like, I have to share this with people. And so that was the beginning. You know, I was 21 when I started teaching, and [00:11:00] I’ve just been doing it ever since to really support mostly women. I work with all genders, but really mostly women, because as you said, often as women, we hold this idea that we have to be perfect, that we have to figure it all out before we can take an action, that we have to nurture other people.
And so much of the work is helping us see the agreements that we’ve created that limit ourselves. And like the first lesson in warrior goddess training is commit to you to really look at where have we as women committed to helping everyone else or being small to be safe or not really following through on our dreams.
And how do we really claim our commitment to ourselves? And, and follow through on our dreams and visions and what we’re here to do, what our light is here to bring into the world.
Julie: I want to dive into that, [00:12:00] how we keep ourselves small, um, how we just kind of don’t even sometimes tune into our own dreams.
But first I’m just really, really curious in South, uh, Southeast Asia that you said you were talking about. Thank you so much. Where there’s just that natural spirituality. What is that like? What is that experience like?
Heather Ash: Well, I remember as when I was seven years old, here’s a, here’s a story that really, really sparked me.
But when I was seven, we lived in Hong Kong and I remember driving on the bus, being in the bus to school and there’d be people in the park doing Tai Chi or praying to rock or like communing with trees. And I didn’t have language for that. I was just like, Oh yeah. There’s this natural connection we have with the natural world.
And when I was a little, yeah, I was also seven, we went to India with my family and we traveled all over India. And I remember I was holding my dad’s hand and we were walking down the street and what I was worried about [00:13:00] was my shoes. Like, that’s where my consciousness was. I was like, my shoes are going to get dirty because everything was so dirty.
And I remember looking up and there was a seven year old, about a seven year old girl walking towards me, dressed in rags, she had really long black hair. And as we’re walking towards each other, these two very different worlds, our eyes connected. And everything melted and I just fell in love and I felt her fall in love.
And there was this, this moment where we saw each other and we, and I really got in my body. There’s no separation. We may look different, but we’re all Shira. We’re all light. We’re all connected in a really deep way. And then we pass.
Julie: Wow.
Heather Ash: It’s almost like seeing another part of your soul. Totally. It was exactly like that.
Julie: Oh, okay. Okay. So. We, I was just talking about this in my membership last night, [00:14:00] where I used to think to myself, well, if you have seven self limiting beliefs, you just work through them and then you don’t have them anymore. And then you just go on with your life. And, you know, years and years and years later, you’re like, Oh, I Oh, okay.
Those never truly go away, but we keep pulling back layer after layer after layer, but there is a point that you get to, I was telling again, my members last night where I was like, 40s are feeling really good of. I’m confident. I’ve been following my path. It feels like every ounce of my heart and soul to do this work.
I feel like I just radiate love and love getting to do the work that I do. That I have a confidence now that I didn’t have in my thirties, where. I used to always worry, am I going to be okay? Like what the, what [00:15:00] was I worried about? Like the worst thing that could possibly happen. I don’t know. In my mind might’ve been that I was going to be out on the streets and homeless one day.
You know, what, what’s the word? And it’s never going to happen, right? Like you’re going to be okay. You’re going to figure it out. Just this trust in this confidence in yourself. Do you still have self limiting beliefs that you’re peeling back? Even though you’ve been doing this for years? I
Heather Ash: agree that it’s.
It’s ongoing. Uh, you know, I’m in my fifties and it just gets better. Yay. And it does, it just gets better. And I think there’s also that understanding that there isn’t, that’s like linear thinking is if I just do this and this and this, if I just clear the belief out, then I will get to the goal and I’ll be happy and like never suffer again or never have fear.
And We’re human. We’re going to have emotion. There’s going to be challenges. And I always think that on our journey [00:16:00] that we can learn that part of the power of being human is that we can set intent for things that we want to manifest and create in our lives. And that’s planting a seed in the universe and being like, Hey universe, I’d like to be more loving, or I’d love to, you know, feel more confident or whatever that is, whether it’s a physical manifestation or something that we want to feel inside.
And as you know, there’s. Beauty that happens, there’s synchronicities, there’s guides that show up, there’s people, there’s all this wonderful thing that starts falling into alignment. But what also happens is obstacles show up. And the obstacles are not, we don’t want to live an obstacle free life. Like the illusion is, I want an obstacle free life, I want it to be easy, but we don’t really.
That would be so boring. We want to live a life when an obstacle arises that we’re like, hi, you are a worthy obstacle. I’m ready. Because your obstacles actually help you raise energy and get more clear and [00:17:00] let go of the agreements. Because the obstacle is just mirroring back something that needs to get cleaned up or moved around.
And so, now I just know obstacles are going to show up. I’m going to then look inside to see what’s coming out of me. Am I delighted? Am I scared? Is there an agreement? And what I’ve found is that I get more and more compassionate with myself and others. In the process, and that there isn’t an expectation of nothing bad will ever happen.
But there’s more a trust of like, I will navigate and be present with whatever arises. If there’s grief, if there’s loss, if there’s fear. that I will show up with it. And I think as we get older, hopefully we stop abandoning ourselves so much.
Julie: Exciting news friends! Our all new membership kicks off January 1st and I couldn’t be more thrilled to invite you to join us. This [00:18:00] year we’ve simplified everything. Everything with 12 powerful courses designed to help you connect with your angels, take control of your destiny and use your intuitive gifts to transform your entire personal world, your relationship, professional successes, your healing journey.
Plus you’ll get live weekly calls with me for hands on guidance and support. Bonus for members, my January course, Manifest Miracles with Aligned Co Creation is free for you. Perfect for starting off 2025 with Aligned Miracles. Non members can grab one of the limited paid spots. And for those looking to start their own healing business, join the Angel Reiki School in person this April or start your journey online January 1st.
You’re going to learn mediumship, how to be an angel messenger and energy healing all at once. And as a gift to everyone who listens to this podcast [00:19:00] on December 30th at 7 p. m. central time, I’m holding a free healing for you to clear out all of the energy from 2024. And really clear out what’s not serving you.
And then again, on January 1st at noon central time, I’m hosting a free two hour workshop where you’re going to learn how to invite miracles into your 2025 and make this your best year yet. If you’re ready to step into a miraculous 2025, sign up for all of this and slash events.
That’s the angel, or email me at for more information. I can’t wait to spend all of 2025 with you in the Angel membership. Love you friends. Now back to the show. There are those who. Um, I, I had Dr. [00:20:00] Daniel Lieberman on once, and he talked about how people have a different chemical within their brain.
And if people have more of this chemical, they are more ADHD and more kind of like jump in naked and just go swim. And then there’s people with another chemical that have more of that self doubt and are going to hem and haw longer. And I wonder for those people who just keep spinning. With an idea, right?
Like they know something is calling to their hearts. They know it’s in alignment with them. They have this dream, but they’re just not taking the first step on it. How do you help those folks break through to take that? initial step. Maybe not a leap, but just like that first step.
Heather Ash: So I, I see that with all of us, we can get out of balance with our wild, our willing, and our wise.
So you can have a [00:21:00] deficiency of wild or an excess of wild, a deficiency of willing or an excess of willing. As part of what I love the book so much is it’s super simple way to like look at ourselves and be like, Oh, I need a little bit more wild in my life. Right. And so somebody who’s Procrastinating or holding themselves back probably has deficient while and deficient willing so they’re scared.
They’re wanting to stay safe and and are in resistance in some way. And, and we all have patterns for different reasons. There’s agreements that that cause us to be like the other side is like, I’m just going to do it. It doesn’t matter where we don’t we don’t think anything through we just jump or excess willing we’re caretaking everybody and trying to fix everything.
So, On that end of the deficiency, it’s really about little bitty baby steps, and being [00:22:00] willing, like, like, like, okay, what am I willing to do? What would be a little baby step that I could take, and it doesn’t have to be the right one. Instead of, I have to do it right, or I have to figure it out. So, okay, for the next week, once a day, I’m going to send an email.
Around something like super simple and that if we have a hard time doing that, that we then get support that we find a community or we find a girlfriend or we find somebody who that we can say, I used to use my first writing is that I was, I didn’t know how to get myself in. And so I made a contract with a friend, super simple, and the contract was, we literally wrote it out was that I would write for, I think, 15 minutes every day.
And that when I was finished writing, I would text her and say done.
Julie: And that if
Heather Ash: she hadn’t heard from me, yeah, it was so [00:23:00] simple. If she hadn’t heard from me by like seven o’clock or five o’clock or something, she would just say, hello. Amazing. And it was just enough of a support system and a, a great experiment for me to run, to find what I needed to get myself in.
And that changed my, my relationship to my writing.
Julie: Well, I think that that would change everybody’s relationship to life. If we stopped looking at, like, we have to be right or wrong. Um, they, I was in this writer group a couple years ago, and they made us go in and look at, um, Reviews that other people have gotten on their books and there’s always going to be critics right and everything Um, and there’s so many people that would say didn’t get anything out of this book and I was like, oh my god But that’s a book that I love and I got so much out of it that You know, we’re all so vastly different and what works for one person doesn’t work [00:24:00] for another.
And to your point before, the objective isn’t to get it right, to get it complete and live a life of no obstacles. But if we all looked at life as, okay, we’re just going to do some experiments here and see what works and what doesn’t test something. So see what we’re in alignment with, what we’re really not in alignment with.
We really kind of. It feels like an energy of, like, swimming through life, start swimming. Yeah, exactly.
Heather Ash: And the
Julie: understanding,
Heather Ash: I love the metaphor of the river, which is all throughout the book, because sometimes the waters are calm. And when the waters of life are calm, like, we want to rest, we want to look at the beauty around us, we want to take it in.
And then sometimes it’s really rocky, it’s really, you know, churning water, and it feels really scary. And in those times, we can get more skillful at learning to navigate, and we’re going to get dumped over, we’re going to end up in [00:25:00] the river sometimes, and I’m thinking, you’re going to lose our boat. And we can learn when we recognize, instead of, I just have to paddle all the time and it’ll work, or I’m going to paddle upstream and I’ll make it happen.
Or we pull our boat out of the shore and we’re like, I’m not getting in, it’s way too scary. That we can start to be honest with ourselves where we are in relationship with the river and then learn skills and run experiments and be like, okay, that rapid seems really scary, but what if I stayed calm this time through it?
Or what if I learned the skill beforehand? Because I know, I mean, so often the agreements we have, it’s not like we make up new agreements. Yeah. Right? We have the same agreements that we’ve had since childhood. Right. That we’re navigating. So when we’re honest with ourselves and we’re more intimate with ourselves, like, I know that I’m always going to be navigating on some level, wanting everyone to like me.
It’s just part of what I came in with. I’m a Libra. I’m like, I just want everyone to get [00:26:00] along and all to be beautiful. And so I’ll laugh at myself. Sometimes I’ll get in conflict or someone will be upset with me and I’ll be like, okay, sweetie, they get to be mad at you. They get to hate you. They get to not like you.
They get to not know. That be want to be your friend, they get to, and can you just paddle through this and
Julie: it’s gotten easier. Yeah. So you are a person who’s just a natural teacher. I think it’s just one of your spiritual gifts. And I wonder, there’s so many tools out there, um, experiments to try. What are the tools and the experiments that have just.
Work the best or that you’ve had the most success with to bring you back home to yourself. Uh, there’s a couple really simple
Heather Ash: ones one is When I feel out of balance, I’ll put my hands on my body I’ll put my hands on my heart my hands on my belly And i’ll talk to myself either in my head or out loud and just be [00:27:00] like hi, sweetheart.
Okay. What do you need? What’s what do you what’s going on? And I just um, I just wrote wrote a sub stack about this I had a, a big challenge where a tire blew. I’m on two months tour right now in my Airstream and 30 minutes from home, the tire on my Airstream blew, which is a big trailer. And I pulled over and I had an hour to get to the first book event and I’m on the side of a freeway with a blown, really blown out tire.
And I had to back the trailer up in the freeway anyway, there was a, it was a big obstacle. And I got really quiet and I was like, If you leave, we can do this. You can do this. I have, I can have faith in you. And I have a nickname for myself that I only use when I am like, when it’s a hard, hard thing. So I really recommend people like put your hands on your body, talk to yourself, and pick a sweet nickname for yourself that you use when it’s really hard.
That’s this [00:28:00] cue of like, Come back honey right now. We we got something hard to do we can do there. It’s really helpful
Julie: I love this. Um, so What are some of the biggest self limiting beliefs that you see with the clients that you’re you work with? and what are some of like the Ways or aha moments that they’ve had to kind of find their way through
Heather Ash: Such a good question.
So I’ve seen that there’s three main beliefs that we as humans tend to lean into. I see it a lot with the folks I’m working with is, I’m broken, I’m not lovable, and I’m not enough. And they, they kind of mix around, but I’ve, when you kind of boil all of us down into what are the cores, those are really, really deep in many of us.
And to be able to start to see. What I love about the work I get to [00:29:00] do is I get to work with women and have them start sharing their experiences and their stories. And we start to realize, oh, we’re all the, we’re all very similar. When you, we don’t, when we just believe we’re broken and don’t talk to other people about it, then you can’t heal it.
But the moment that you start to talk, you know, like say, yes, I feel this way. And somebody else says, oh, I feel that way too. And, and what I help people do is see. That those beliefs aren’t true, what’s, we’re in this dream, we’re in this, this place that we’ve been trained and domesticated is the way that you call it, domesticated to think that there’s something wrong with us and that we have to change to fit in.
And when we start to understand, Oh, I learned to be this way, my soul, my light does not come in like I’m broken. But our personalities [00:30:00] and what we learn from the people around us, we’re trained. And which means, the good news is, we can untrain ourselves. We can domesticate ourselves out of love, rather than, you know, and re parent and love ourselves.
out of love rather than out of fear, which is what most of us are navigating domestication from fear and reward and punishment. And we’re learning, we’re in a big paradigm shift right now. That’s, we see that internally. We also see it around us as well.
Julie: Friends, I’m pausing for 30 seconds because I love, love, love connecting with you.
And I want to connect with you more. Got a question? Let me answer it for you on the podcast. The link to submit your questions is in the show notes. Also, we need your angel stories. Share your angel stories at theangelmedium. com backslash contact. And last but not least, leave a five star review and you could win a free [00:31:00] 20 minute session.
Last year, I did 56 free readings for review winners. All links are in the show notes. Thank you for listening. Now, back to the show. Can we do some work together? The I’m not enough really struck home. How do you work through the I’m not enough? Okay, let me feel into what would be the best. Cause there’s so many ways in, right?
I could tell you, I could tell you like, uh, childhood stuff. I, I don’t know. And, and it’s just so hard. So deep seated, right? Like, I think everybody around me who I know and my local community would be like, Oh my God, why do you feel that way? But it doesn’t feel ever like anything that I do is enough. Um, I feel so full with joy and like full of life and I love living life.
But there’s always a part of you that just feels [00:32:00] like. You’re not enough, not a good enough wife, not a good enough mom, um, not a good enough friend, uh, and I, I don’t know, I had all like the normal childhood stuff. Parents divorced, dad cheated, caught him cheating, and um, I have some deep seated memories, like my dad getting into the car of Catholic school and we’d gotten our report cards and he’s like, Hand me your report card.
I didn’t even think it was a big deal. It wasn’t on my radar. And he goes, you got a C in math. And he goes, I’m really disappointed in you. And as an adult, I started to see, I started to see my daughter struggle in math in fifth grade, and I recognized that she just needed some support outside of the classroom.
So we got her a tutor. She [00:33:00] had a tutor, like, all day. All throughout middle school. She’s doing great. She’s rocking and rolling at it. Um, but I got into high school and I thought I was just stupid in math because I never got that extra help. And so, um, you know, now I’m kind of at a point in my career where I’m so blessed.
I really have done so much that I set out to do. And I have some bigger dreams of, um, Getting the message out to a larger audience and making the radio show even bigger. And, um, if we can, getting a TV show out there about angels to just kind of bring angels back into the world. Um, but it still feels like.
It did when I was in high school, like other people can be successful [00:34:00] authors. That’s not me or other people like can get these things done. That’s not me. Why do we do this to ourselves? Like, why do we, why is it so hard? You know, like I’ve done over 500 interviews for this podcast and. It’s still there.
Heather Ash: Um, I can’t remember her name right now, it’ll come to me, but she wrote a book called Lean In, and she was the COO of Facebook. Of a little company called Facebook. And, Sheryl Sandberg. And, She did, uh, interviewed a bunch of women who are part of Fortune 50 companies, so the top 50 companies. And every single woman she interviewed felt like a fraud.
Wow. No way. Why? [00:35:00] Why? So think about this. This is, I started teaching this when I first started teaching Warrior Goddess. About 120 years ago, right, women in the United States, Got the right to vote. And that was white women, women, women of color didn’t really get the right to vote until the sixties. So that’s in my lifetime and, and not too many generations back.
So within our great grandmothers, we couldn’t own property. We couldn’t vote. We couldn’t have credit. That energetic and, and women were thought of as second class citizens and not important, right? Not as valuable as men. That energetic just gets passed down. It gets passed down through the female line.
And, and they’re now finding that something called epigenetics, that trauma and belief systems get passed down through our DNA. But we can [00:36:00] also change them, but we, it needs to be done consciously. And so there’s these, what I think of as these lineage beliefs, that when we start to recognize, oh, this isn’t me, this is how we’ve been trained, again.
Yeah, yeah. And we’re in the process of undoing that. Yeah. And it’s probably not going to happen in our lifetime, but it might happen for the, you know, like, the girls that are coming in, it’s going to start to shift more and more and more, and we’re like the in between generations, you know, so it takes a hundred years, right?
Let’s just say it takes a hundred years to undo thousands of years of patriarchy. All right. So having that bigger picture, then what I like to do, I have a practice that I call the warrior heart practice. And I talk about it in the new book and wild, willing, and wise that often what we do when we have old agreements, like I’m not enough and we take them personally, like this is mine.[00:37:00]
What happens is that we don’t catch it. We’re just living it. And we’re also, we also spend a tremendous amount of time avoiding that feeling or doing what, what I call exiting. So the moment we start feeling like I’m not enough, it’s like, Oh, well, I’ll just work harder or I’ll prove it in some way, or I’ll compare myself to somebody else and feel bad about it.
And then you’ll reason, see, I am not good enough. Now I have evidence. And so there’s something incredibly powerful about this practice, which is super simple. It has four chambers. And the first chamber is what I call the feeling chamber. And it’s our, it’s about our willingness to just feel what we’re feeling.
So that the moment like I’m not enough arises instead of trying to overcome that or like defend against that to just be like,
Julie: okay, let’s feel this. And I don’t think that is something that [00:38:00] my mom or my grandma knew how to do at all. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah,
Heather Ash: they were doing. I mean, they were doing their best.
They had way less tools than we did. Yeah, absolutely. And so part of the healing is like, can we just sit with, I don’t feel like I’m enough and just be with it without any story. And that’s where the healing happens. I really teach people how to separate a feeling from the story about the feeling. The feeling is in the body.
Julie: And
Heather Ash: we can start to track. I feel not good enough. I feel scared. I feel insecure and then breathe into whatever that is and just be with ourself without trying to defend or change or justify. But just like this is what the feeling is. Yeah. And then we can get curious about what’s the story that I’ve made up about this feeling.
You know, and so often the story is, you know, Like, I have to be perfect, I have to prove to everybody that I’m okay, I have to be [00:39:00] better than everybody else, whatever it is. Um, and to, and to then start excavating the story that we’re telling ourselves, and that excavation process of going deep into the story, so often we have really interesting experiences when we’re young, where we tie things together in a big knot, and when we bring our awareness to just looking at the story, those knots can start to undo themselves.
Julie: Friends, I’m pausing for 30 seconds because I love, love, love connecting with you. And I want to connect with you more. Got a question. Let me answer it for you on the podcast. The link to submit your questions is in the show notes. Also, we need your angel stories. Share your angel stories at theangelmedium.
com backslash contact. And last but not least, leave a five star review and you could win a free 20 minute session. Last year, I did 56 free readings for [00:40:00] review winners. All links are in the show notes. Thank you for listening. Now, back to the show. That’s interesting because I’ve been trying to understand this lately and asking spirit, but I don’t have an answer to this yet.
Why is it that as we go through like all these millions of. Of seconds of life that some are just more that they hit you like that moment in the car with my dad. And I remember that. And I remember some really great moments too, but why is it that we remember certain threads so poignantly?
Heather Ash: I agree. We talk about this for, for years, right?
So one of the, the work that I did, I worked with Don Miguel Ruiz, who is the author of the four agreements for years. And. He taught us something called Toltec Cosmology, and it’s a really, it helped me understand that question because part of [00:41:00] it is that what I believe is we have what’s called a big soul and a little soul, and the big soul is the part of us that’s connected to eternity, the divine, that travels from lifetime to lifetime.
And then we each have our personality, our little soul, that is about a separation. And that also gets disconnected very easily from the big soul. So when we’re little, those parts are connected. You see that in little kids, they’re like joyful and connected and happy. But at some point we start learning a Greek, like you just talked about, right?
You’ve got a scene, and then there’s a whole amount of agreements that come out of that. But probably you had had previous experiences. That had that same frequency. We carry these resonances. What I believe is we can carry these resonances from lifetime to lifetime and every lifetime we have an opportunity to clean them up.
And if you don’t clean them up in the previous [00:42:00] lifetime it’s not punishment, it’s just that didn’t get cleaned up, it’s gonna get carried and that particular resonance will pull in particular experiences. So somebody that doesn’t have the resonance of I’m not doing it right or I’m not doing enough wouldn’t even would have been like, yeah, I got to see who cares I need, right?
But if we have a resonance of like, oh, that’s a bad thing and I’m not enough, we’ll grab those experiences and use them against ourselves.
Julie: Wow. That’s so crazy. It is, but you’ve just answered a huge, huge question. Cause, um, spirit’s been saying like, there’s part of your soul. That’s perfect. One with all that is.
And then there’s another part of your soul that’s expanding. Just it’s always ever expanding. And I was like, well, how can those two things be truth at once? And they’re like, it is, but I love this big soul and little soul, because it’s a perfect. [00:43:00] explanation of that. Are there any Toltec writings or any books out there that that talk about that too?
The big soul, little soul concept? Yeah, in
Heather Ash: my, my book
Julie: before,
Heather Ash: Wild, Willing, Wise, which is called Warrior Heart Practice, Yeah. I talk about that in the beginning and there’s maps and like drawings and, uh, yeah, it’s really an amazing, amazing practice to just see that we’re untangling things across timelines from our ancestors and also from our, our own personal journey from lifetime to lifetime.
And that then it, for me, what happened when I, when I really understood this in my body was like, Oh, what a gift. That I have enough awareness in this lifetime and enough support and safety to be able to untangle this to the next level. And I may not untangle it all the way, that’s not the point, but how can I bring more [00:44:00] love to create more spaciousness in my life so that this resonance gets cleaned up as much as possible.
Yeah. And then it’s just, it’s a, it’s joyful and then it becomes like, instead of I have to fix myself, like what a gift that I get to entangle this next layer.
Julie: Well, and it ties into what you said before. And I just want to make space for that because when you said, okay, we are most likely right now in this middle part where we are untangling right now for the future generation so that they don’t have to hold onto this trauma, I just got like a flood of visions coming in, um, because it’s so true and I think our daughters.
Are we’re helping them to untangle a lot right now as we’re raising them very, very differently from how we were raised. Um, but they get the gift of getting to untangle it further and getting to take it to a whole [00:45:00] nother level and, and our granddaughters to a whole nother level, which will be so beautiful to get to see in our lifetimes.
Heather Ash: And I love the way that you said that. It’s so true. Like we get to work on our tangles, they get to work on theirs. And I’ve seen so many mothers that are like, I raised my kid wrong or like, I got to help her untangle. And it’s like, no, actually you’ve got to, you need to love her, love her fiercely and model.
You know, I have a goddaughter that’s living with me right now and it’s been so delightful. She’s in her early twenties. For us to like be in a different relationship with each other, where I’m modeling to her unconditional love and boundaries, like making boundaries, but from love for her to get that in her body and get rewired and, and I’m doing my own untangling.
And then I trust she’ll do her work as well. And so even those of us that aren’t mothers, like I [00:46:00] am so grateful to just by the cleaning I’m doing, I know, and it’s true for all of us. As we clean our own channel, that light goes out and gives people the opportunity, even that we never talk to, just from feeling our energy, the possibility of what it’s like to have more spaciousness and more connection and more compassion.
So we’re all modeling that for the future.
Julie: You know, it’s interesting. There’s so many people who say, and I believe this to be true, that the divine feminine energies within the world are rising to meet the divine masculine energies within the world and kind of balance each other out. And sometimes it’s easy to think, well, what does that mean?
But you just explained it. And I wonder if there’s anything else that you would add to kind of that shift that’s happening within the world right now. Yeah,
Heather Ash: we’ve been under a system around the world [00:47:00] of patriarchy, which basically says men are more important and powerful than women. And, and also what’s woven, and this, it harms everybody, this is not true.
Men are, women are better, men are worse, whatever. Um, and, and I don’t believe, like, now we need matriarchy. I don’t believe that at all. We need coming together and realizing that we’re all equal in different ways. And that, that’s why I love warrior goddess training. Like, I like taking it out of the masculine feminine.
We all have warrior energy, we all have goddess energy. You can label it however. We all have that, like, focus, clarity, warrior, and then the goddess is like the opening and the flow and the creativity. And same with Wild, Willing, and Wise. They’re gender neutral, and I love right now, like, part of what’s happening with the The kids that are coming in and exploring gender and running experiments and like one day being like I’m going to present more masculine and the [00:48:00] next day I’m going to present more feminine is it’s getting broken apart.
They’re on the leading edge of starting to break or continuing not starting continuing to break down the gender roles that have been very very rigid, and it’s destabilizing. When it’s happening, but it’s also incredibly important so that we can get back to. We each get to find what’s our unique expression and, and to have the freedom to do that in our own way.
And it’s just a really exciting time right now. And the, and the balance comes by. By honoring each person’s
Julie: expression. While you were talking, I just got this great visual of, you know, on the other side, there is no gender whatsoever of our souls. We’re just completely genderless. And so I don’t know if you would call it like gender here is a self, it’s not a self limiting belief.
What is it? Like we just kind of [00:49:00] pigeonholed ourselves into this way of. thinking. Um, and it’s something that we’re untangling as well, because the gender isn’t what’s important. It’s what the soul wants to do. The experiences that the soul wants to have in this lifetime, the connection that the soul wants to feel in this lifetime to other Other beings.
Um, Oh, I love your work so much. Um, do you ever do retreats or anything? Because I’d love to come out to just spend time with you sometime. Um, tell everybody where they can find your new book, uh, Willing Wild Wise and, um, and where they can find you online. Yeah,
Heather Ash: uh, Wild, Willing Wise is now in all bookstores and online.
And I have two websites. WarriorGoddess. com So that’s the main website. And then the book, WildWillingWise. [00:50:00] com Where all the tour information is. And there’s a lot of extra bonuses. I did, um, audio with each of, uh, like visualizations for people to journey to each of the qualities of Wild Willing Wise.
There’s some really um, Beautiful, again, like bonuses for the book. So that’s where they can find that.
Julie: Yay. Oh, that’s so amazing. Thank you so much. And thank you so much for the beautiful work that you put out into this world. Thanks so much,
Heather Ash: Julie. So great to
Julie: talk
Heather Ash: to you.
Julie: Yay. You too. Okay.
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Now I want you to pause too and ask them, how can I serve as an earth angel today? What guidance do you have for me right now? How will you let me know you’re near and allow your angels to support you all day? Friends, I’ll see you at the angels and awakening podcast here every Monday and Thursday. And thank you for listening.
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