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Finding Healing and Hope with Angels (An Angel Story)

Angel Story

Hello, beautiful souls! When Andrea Delgado’s father passed away from COVID-19, it marked the beginning of a series of losses within her family. In the midst of her grief, Andrea discovered a deeper spiritual connection that would guide her journey toward healing. Through meditation and connecting with her guardian angels, she began receiving signs that validated her faith and gave her strength. One of the most remarkable signs came in the form of a green butterfly—a symbol of hope and healing. Her experiences with vivid dreams, angelic messages, and a miraculous outcome after a health scare highlight the comfort and reassurance that comes from knowing our loved ones are still with us, guiding and protecting us.

Whether you’re navigating loss or seeking a spiritual connection, Andrea’s journey offers insight into how love and faith can transform grief into a powerful force for healing and hope.

Episode Highlights:

01:29 Andrea’s Journey Through Grief and Spiritual Awakening

06:02 A Life-Changing Dream and Its Validation

10:21 Upcoming Events and Opportunities

12:38 A Dream of Farewell and Family Connections

17:06 Reflections on Dreams and Spiritual Connections

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like you said, it’s palpable. I can smell her, you know, when I went to hug her, like I could feel The texture of her dress, I’ve had dreams like that where I can feel, smell, touch people, And that’s how I know that those dreams are different because. I can have random dreams too, right? Like regular dreams that don’t necessarily mean anything. But when my senses, like you said, are activated in the dream, that’s when I know that there’s something more

Welcome to the angels and awakening podcast, where we connect you with your angels, loved ones, and soul self. I’m your host and author, Julie Jancis. My journey began when I started hearing my late father before I knew he’d passed. Through my readings, membership, and Angel Reiki school, I help you awaken.

Heal and master your unique spiritual gifts. If you feel called to work with me, it’s your angels guiding you to discover your soul’s highest purpose. Details at theangelmedium. com. Thank you, earth angels for the five star reviews. You’re entered into a drawing to win a free session. Now let’s see what messages your angels have for you today.

 Friends today. We have Andrea on the show to share her beautiful angel stories, Andrea, welcome. 

Hi, thank you, Julie. Of course, thank you for being here. 

just a little bit of context before I head into the um, story. Back in 2021, my father passed away. 

it was actually the first of a series of deaths, unfortunately, on his side of the family. a lot of them were Like, COVID related he did pass away from COVID. in January of 2021 is when he passed you know, I was going through a lot of grief at that point. his mother, my grandmother passed two months after him. they lived in the same household unfortunately COVID had spread within the household. So the family was going through a really hard time, we were all grieving pretty hard. fast forward, within the next 2 years, we lost a total of 5 family members. The last three were women in the family, and they passed from cancer. 

my journey with the angel membership started in late 2021. I ended up finding your podcasts, you know, and so that helped me process like a lot of my grief and also understand, through other people’s angel stories. Um, it kind of opened my eyes because I want to say I’ve had experiences since as far back as I can remember a teenager, I just didn’t know I guess that that’s what it was. going back to, you know, the angel membership, I did, go through the courses there in regards to like, how to talk to your angels. I bought the book. I dedicated time to getting to know, the angels, specifically like my guardian angels.

I’m drawn to them in particular. There was one day, I was meditating and asking the question, right, like how many guardian angels do I have? And so I did get a number and But I didn’t get any names, right?

And I did ask, like, can you tell me your name? But I didn’t get that right away. it was something I had been meditating on for a while. And in April of 22 is when one name came to me, I actually ended up falling asleep during meditation. But what woke me out of my sleep was what I defined to be like a masculine voice.

I just heard it loud and clear like if somebody was in my ear and it said, Adam, right? So I woke up to that name. So I was just like I don’t know if that’s what it is, but okay, like, I’ll just, I’ll have it in the back of my mind so fast forward I just kind of keep that in mind. I go on a business trip in October of that same year, so I’m on this business trip right by myself. I’m like, okay, I’m going to use this time to meditate again. Right. I meditated on it. kept getting the same number. And then I kept getting the name, Adam. So I asked Adam, I said, can you send me? a sign for validation.

So I asked for a green butterfly. Green because it’s my favorite color. And butterflies because I just love butterflies, So then fast forward, you know, we go through the last two deaths right in the family, which were due to cancer. So in February, one of my aunts, which was my dad’s sister, she was the last death in the family.

And that one started out as COVID, ended up being cancer. After that happened, I started to realize there were patterns, like health patterns in the family, but that kind of shook me a little bit seeing these patterns throughout the family. So, I was like, I’m just going to go in and get a checkup right on everything.

to include the breast area because I had already been feeling weird about a certain area there. I ended up scheduling an ultrasound for the breasts and they did end up finding two lumps. We had already scheduled a vacation to take place in May of that year, to Cancun, like a family vacation.

in the middle of all of this, you know, I’m going through the scan, I’m finding out, yes, there’s. something that needs to be looked at closer. and also trying to plan and put together for this vacation. I schedule an appointment with my primary you know, she sets me up for a mammogram and then ultimately a biopsy. During the vacation is when I got my first validation. know, while were at the hotel or at the resort, I ended up seeing a green butterfly.

I’m like, I didn’t even know these existed, we’re just kind of walking out there like chilling and this green butterfly, like, just flies right in front of me I think that’s funny because. I was still in skeptic, mode. So for me, it had to be like a blunt, like in your face type of sign

and green is often associated with Archangel Raphael, a very healing color as well. yes, I’ve come to learn that so I see this butterfly and I’m like, no way. I’m like, thank you. So we come back from the vacation. I go in for my biopsy, between the time I took the biopsy, which was June 27th, and the time I got the results, which was July 2nd, I was just like nervous, you know, really nervous, fear started to set in a little bit.

I started to think of like what my life potentially may be like if it does end up being cancer. So I end up having this very, very vivid dream in between that waiting period. in the dream, I’m like in this room that looks almost like a laboratory or like a doctor’s office, like everything’s white, the walls are completely white, there’s whiteboards on there, the whiteboards have, this writing that I don’t understand from my, like, viewpoint, directly in front of me, there’s like this long table, there’s two beings on my left, and there’s one across, like, directly in front of me, but across from the table. The two beings on my left look like they’re wearing white scrubs and like the white mask and the cap, Whereas the being in front of me is only wearing the white scrubs, but I can see its face. even though the room is white, there’s like this, blue glow everywhere. the computer It’s like projecting an image into the air, so the two on the left, they are definitely, giving off like this warmth, It feels like comforting. It feels like loving, there’s a knowingness that I have in there, and I know that they are my guardian angels, And the number that I did get during meditation was the number three, there were the two on the left, and then there was Adam directly in front of me. So it introduced itself. When Adam spoke to me, the other thing I noticed was they weren’t like moving their mouths or anything. It was just like telepathy or something, and it says, you don’t have cancer. Let me show you. So then the image that’s being projected, it like enlarges all of a sudden. And I realize that I’m staring at my boobs, so then they zoom into like where the lumps are they’re explaining to me like, look, this is where it’s at, But it’s not cancer. You’re going to be fine. I was very relaxed in the whole dream and I was like, okay, you know, like just accepting it for fact, So I was like, okay, you know, thank you. that was pretty much it. that’s what I remember of that dream, so it ends I’m like, that was crazy.

You know, that, that was crazy. I wrote it down And then July 2nd came around, right?

Which is when I got my pathology report with the results. so I’m reading through it and It’s negative, right? So like no, no cancer. so I was really overjoyed about that. But the thing that caught my eye where I was just like, This is just crazy and it’s like the validation is crazy, is that the pathologist’s name was Adam.

Wow. You saw the three angels, Adam was giving like the diagnosis and checking everything out and then you go actually physically in person and Adam is right in front of you sharing the results. I was like, wow, that’s, you can’t ask for more after that.

Right. Oh my goodness. That is so, just so incredible. I’ve got complete body chills. 

Here’s our free and paid upcoming events. Angel Reiki school is in person November 8th through 10th in Chicagoland, or begin online November 1st. My new course, Release Fear and Embrace Miracles, starts November 1st online. Become a member to get this course free or it’s 133 for non members. We have a free workshop October 23rd at 8 p.

m. Central on how fear is really holding you back. And join our free prayer meeting right before that at 7 p. m. Central sign up for all of this and more at the angel medium. com backslash events.

 the second story, involves the last step in our family, which was my aunt, in Spanish, we, say tía, my tia, she was my father’s sister. when my father and my grandmother passed, she took it very, very hard.

I know she did because she was my grandmother’s, primary caregiver, from there. Her health just sort of declined, she did end up getting COVID herself, she was the closest aunt to me on my father’s side. And then her eldest daughter, like we’re super close. So I did keep in touch with my cousin, kind of like asking like, Hey, how’s she doing? how are you guys doing?

And so my cousin would give me tidbits. So I just knew that she had gotten COVID her health wasn’t doing too good. And that she ended up going to the hospital, so the next time I heard from my aunt. Or from my cousin, was that she was still in the hospital, her health was progressively getting worse and they weren’t understanding why. So at the time we didn’t know that there was potentially cancer in the body, but I think the doctors as they were seeing, symptoms and whatnot.

They were telling my cousin, like, there’s a very real risk that there’s cancer in the body. so we knew it was getting a little bit more serious, she was still conscious. So there was a point in time where she went unconscious. And she never quite came back, after that. I ended up having a dream where my father takes me to this house It’s a full blown party, going on in the house. again, this knowingness, that it’s, New Year’s Eve. Which is really weird, because this was already the end of January, when I had this dream.

he’s like, Go ahead and go find a seat, you know, in the backyard, and I’ll catch up to you. that’s typical of him, because he was a social butterfly. I do find like a table that’s empty. I sit down, I can see everything very clear. I can see people that I don’t recognize, there’s lights, A DJ’s lights, right, like going and there’s music and there’s a band playing. I’m just sitting there waiting for my dad, I see my aunt, and so she’s coming like from around the corner. she looks young, like how she used to look like in her 30s. And she’s wearing like this long, pink, glittery gown, , so she comes out you know, she sits right across from me I tell her, Hi Thea, like, I’m so glad to see you’re doing well, and I asked her, so in the dream, I also have this knowingness that she was in the hospital.

So I asked her about her health and I say, How are you feeling? she tells me she’s good, but she also tells me you know, now is not the time, And I say, okay, I’m like, that’s totally fine. I was like, I’m glad to see you. Okay. And she’s like, yeah, she’s all like, I love you.

And I say, I love you too, Tia. You know, and then I get up, we hug. she kind of has, I do see like some tears streaming down the face, but I can’t tell if they’re happy or sad tears, we hug and then she leaves, so then I go back to kind of sitting on this table and I’m like, where is my dad?

So I go, I walk back up into the house and out to the front yard and I’m looking for my dad. I feel like the party’s kind of already over too because you can kind of see like the signs of sunrise, right, where the sky starts to get a little bit light. it’s so weird because I end up, you know, seeing this fire truck.

And I open the passenger side and I find him in there sleeping on the driver’s side. And he was known like to take naps, you know, like he loved to take his naps. So it was so funny because like, he’s just there. I’m like, what are you doing? And he wakes up. He’s like, Oh, I was just taking a nap. I’m like, okay, I’m like, well, I saw my, Tia, she looks good. And he’s like, okay, you know, and he starts driving this fire truck, And we start driving away and then I wake up. at that time, I did get a little bit, worried because. I don’t have those dreams for no reason, I kind of felt like, she’s coming to me. Um, it almost felt like a goodbye, like a, Hey, I just want to let you know, like, I love you and I’m okay.

Because at the time that you had the dream, she was still alive, correct? Yes, she was alive, but she was kind of like in a coma like state. She was unconscious. that’s kind of why I was like, that’s really weird. I’ve never had a dream like that. I’ve dreamed of family members.

before, but normally they’re past, right? Like they’re already on the other side. This is the first time I’ve dreamed of someone that was technically still alive, but she was unconscious. that’s what prompted me, like I have to reach out to my cousin, I need to know what’s going on with her, I talked to my cousin the next day because I had this dream on a Friday. And then I talked to my cousin Saturday and she did tell me that the situation was pretty serious. the doctors hadn’t talked about the possibility of her passing, They were more talking about like, what was the next step?

Right. In regards to her situation. that kind of calmed me down a little bit after I spoke to my cousin and I didn’t tell her at this point in time about the dream, because I didn’t want to scare her either. And I’m just like, okay, well, I don’t know. Right. Like, I don’t know what the dream meant. And then Monday morning, early Monday morning, she passed. after the fact, I did, eventually talk to my cousin about the dream.

Cause my cousin, she’s pretty open to that sort of thing. so I was telling her about it and for the most part, I feel like it gave us both some comfort. my aunt was just telling me like, Hey, I’m okay. Like I’m going to be okay. Regardless of what. is coming, so that’s kind of how we took it like the message from that dream.

it gave us some comfort in that, it’s so interesting that you had that dream because I’ve had something so similar with just seeing my dad at a party on the other side and then meeting him out back, to talk. but he was there. I found that when I really meditated on that dream, that it was my house.

that everybody was at on the other side. And so I want you to tune into that and meditate on that question. Was it your dad’s house that you were at on the other side? Was it your aunt’s house on the other side? Was it your house on the other side? And just see what comes to you. it’s interesting as we’re recording this right now, we just lost a couple of weeks ago, Cheryl Harris, who’s a member of my team of healers. And she texted me on a Wednesday morning and spirit said drop everything. Cause I was supposed to head into like a, another appointment, 10 minutes later, they’re like drop everything and call her.

So I called her and she goes, Julie, they’ve given me two to four weeks with her cancer. At first I was just in shock and then spirit started bringing through like this flood of messages to give to her while I was on the phone and I did. I mean, you think you have two to four weeks, With someone, you know, to kind of have some conversations the very next night I couldn’t sleep at all.

And I just completely felt her energy transitioning, in a very similar way where I feel like people that I’ve tuned into and done sessions for when their person is on hospice, and you can feel their energy. Bridging both sides, almost like the shape of an hourglass part of their energies on the other side.

Part of their energy is still here. But I could feel that transition happening. I could feel her with her daughter and her mother on the other side. As soon as she crossed and her energy was primarily on the other side, I started getting all of these downloads She is lightning fast where she just kept going from one spectrum to the next, to the next, the next.

And she was just showing me so much. I was trying to describe this to my angel membership yesterday. And what I said is When you get messages, it’s like a little bit here, like a little bit here, like these little puzzle pieces. Right. But what people mean when they say that they get downloads coming in is it’s just this waterfall of information, almost as if your brain is a computer and spirit is trying to upload this very, very large file of information to your consciousness.

I was so disappointed though, because, after I got off that initial conversation on the phone with Cheryl while she was still here, I immediately called other people who are very close to her to let them know that they needed to talk to her right away. somebody was like, okay, well, I’m just going to hang up.

I got to call her right now. I need to know what the sign is that she’s going to give me from the other side. And I was like, Oh, why didn’t I think of that? That would have been amazing. Gosh, darn it. So, I’ve tuned into Cheryl and I, I said, you know, what’s the sign that you’re going to give me? And she’s given me many, but the one that I’ll bring through in this episode is she just said, I’m going to bring through all of the signs.

And I said, okay. so last night is the first night that I dreamt of her and she’s been gone now for over a week. you know, You wake up, you go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and you remember your dreams. Yes. Oh, my God. I remembered it. So vividly almost as if Cheryl was right there and she was talking to me and I was taking notes, right?

Like on everything that she was saying, I was just taking dictation and I was like, okay, I’m awake now. I’m in the bathroom. I’m scared of the dark. I don’t like the dark. Don’t scare me as I go back to my bed. Like I just, you can come back into my dreams. and she was laughing at that from the other side.

But, I love the dreams that we get because you feel a very, very palpable feeling almost as if you get when They’re here with you human. Like here we are sitting together on zoom. I see your face, you’re nodding. You know, I see your eyes, I see your hair, I feel your energy. there’s something that happens in a dream.

Where, when they come to you, they’re just so physical. They’re just so real. They’re right there across from you. You see them physically with not your eyes open, but your mind’s eye, that imagination, and they’re so. and it’s funny because I always say that when my dad comes through, my grandma’s on the other side, everybody, I don’t hear them in their voice, but Cheryl had such a unique voice.

Northerner main type of accent that whenever I hear her, I hear her in her beautiful voice. But I think that there’s something sensory wise that comes together for us very fully, wholly, completely when you have a dream of somebody, because you can hear them, you can see them. It’s so physical using all of your natural senses.

I wonder if scientists have studied that. That would be a great thing to study that in the dream, are your senses activated? Because to me, they’re so activated. like you said, it’s palpable. I can smell her, you know, when I went to hug her, like I could feel The texture of her dress, I’ve had dreams like that where I can feel, smell, touch people, And that’s how I know that those dreams are different because. I can have random dreams too, right? Like regular dreams that don’t necessarily mean anything. But when my senses, like you said, are activated in the dream, that’s when I know that there’s something more, absolutely. 111%.

Friends. I just want to thank you for sharing each episode with your friends. Because of you, we’ve hit nearly 10 million downloads a year. Wow. As a thank you and gift, please enjoy my free 31 day angel success formula at theangelmedium. com so you can start connecting with your angels today. And please share today’s episode.

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Spirit’s asking me to bring through a couple of things for you. one is Keep taking care of yourself. I think that we do a lot of damage as human beings to our own wellbeing. When we just make things black and white, and we don’t see that multiple things are truth at the same time.

And your dad and your aunt and your grandma stand right next to each other. and they come through and they say it can’t just be holistic healing. It needs to be a combination of everything, holistic, medical professionals, everybody working together for your own well being. We need a different perspective that’s all inclusive of all of these things.

And they said, keep doing what you’re doing because you’re on a good track. Taking care of yourself. And so you have this long, beautiful life with your three angels. Amazing children, and they want you to use your imagination for good to see the good possibilities that you can activate the right switches within your own DNA to, be here as long as possible and to take care of yourself That trio on the other side is saying, break the cycle here for the kids so that they see what longevity is and that they’re able to energetically attached to that and not the sickness or the disease within the family.

And so they thank you, your ancestors for being strong enough to break that cycle. and again, they go back and they’re like, it’s not just one thing or the other. It’s all. Both and to just be inclusive of mind, body, spirit, well being. Definitely. I’ve been having kind of like nudges towards that too, where it’s like incorporating the best of both worlds.

yeah, a hundred percent. I feel like, you know, if I was a listener of this podcast, I’d be like, Julie always tells everybody that they’re a healer. the fact of the matter is when you are a messenger, you’re not able to ethically withhold. Messages from a person, you just have to give them what’s there.

And also I’m not just a messenger. I’m a teacher. And oftentimes spirit brings me people who are teachers and healers themselves to help them step into their power. But you’re very much a healer and a teacher yourself. And I see you. making decisions to step more and more into that, the older and the older that you get.

It’s funny, I was in meditation yesterday and they’re kind of pulling something that I saw in there and handing it to you where they had me write down, I might partially retire one day, but I’m never going to stop doing this work until the day. That I pass and they said the same thing for you that you’ll partially retire one day, but there’s part of you that’s just always going to want to help and serve in some capacity.

And they said, follow that, just follow the callings within your heart. One breadcrumb after another, it’s going to lead you exactly where you need to be and trust. Trust that path. They’ll show you they won’t let it bypass you. They won’t let it go around you underneath you. If there is a step you need to take, they are going to show you that.

definitely. I did take a leap. I signed up for your ARS. Yes. Oh, you did. That’s amazing. I ended up doing it. So I’m excited, you know, for that and to see Like what’s next, that’s amazing. You know, we ended up having the best. In person, Angel Reiki school and spirits just saying to let, you know, anybody who goes through the Angel Reiki school online, I’m going to give them a discounted price if they want to come in person as well.

The next time that we do it, cause I’m looking at spring of 2025. So, Anybody who’s listening, who wants to go through the Angel Reiki school, in person, you can start now. You can go through it online and you can still come in person. It’ll just be a little extra, fee, you know, because. They’re two different things, but, yeah.

Oh, I’m so excited for you. And I’m so excited to see where this takes you, please. Here’s what I want you to do. I want you to report back to me because there’s going to be times as you’re going through the program always happens when you start to get to like, the last quarter of the program where you start to get these nuggets of pain.

Oh, and this is how I’m supposed to use it. Text me when you get those. Okay. Okay, we’ll do. Awesome. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you so much for sharing your stories , friends who are listening, if you have angel stories to share, please go over to thetheangelmedium. com Use the contact form.

Share your angel stories with us so that we can have you on the show next. Love you so much, and I can’t wait to work with you! I know, so excited. Yay, me too. Have a beautiful day.

If you feel called to become a certified angel, messenger, energy healer, and medium, join my angel Reiki school to learn all three at once. I’ll also give you my secret sauce for building a successful, sustainable, spiritual business. We’re in person November, 2024 and April, 2025 or start the angel Reiki school online on the first of the month.

For personal messages from your spirit team, book a one on one reading with me. New slots are released monthly via email. Join my membership to grow spiritually, heal deeply, and connect with your angels for daily guidance and support on your personal journey, visit theangelmedium. com backslash contact.

Have an angel story. Share it@theangelmedium.com slash contact to inspire our community with hope and love. Thank you for listening, and I’ll see you back here Monday with a brand new episode.

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