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A Life-Changing Near Death Experience (An Angel Story)

Angel Story

Hello beautiful souls! After the devastating loss of her husband, Rosemary found herself in a spiral of trauma and depression, only to later face a life-threatening medical diagnosis. In what she describes as a “temporary death experience,” Rosemary was shown profound love, peace, and a choice about her future. She discusses how this experience not only healed her spirit but also freed her from the crippling emotions of guilt, anxiety, and grief that had followed her. Join us as Rosemary reflects on the lessons she learned from this otherworldly encounter, offering hope and insight into how divine love and angelic guidance can lead us through the darkest moments of life.

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Episode Highlights

02:38 Rosemary’s Story: Loss and Struggle

11:42 Near-Death Experience: The Turning Point

18:46 Reflections and Spiritual Insights

30:46 A Divine Revelation

31:18 Encounter with Angels

34:03 A Journey Through Light

38:49 Returning to Life

Connect with Rosemary: 

Checkout her website: https://temporarydeath.com/

Grab a copy of her book: Remembering The Light: How Dying Saved My Life

▶️ Click HERE to watch this episode on YouTube.

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When you’re in that place of perfect light and perfect love and perfect peace, all you want to do is the will of God. So I asked, is this the divine will for my life? And before I could even get past, is this the divine? The answer was no, but whatever you decide, you go with all of God’s peace. You have to have God’s blessing and mercy and care and love.

There isn’t a wrong decision. As we begin the podcast today, feel your angels surround you and sing to you. You are a miracle. Your life is a miracle. The good that you choose to do today is a miracle received by other souls. And just [00:01:00] because you’re you, God Universe Source sends you big and small miracles this day and every day.

Right now, invite your angels to guide you. Ask God Universe Source for what your heart wants. See it as if you’re in the future and what you want is already yours now. And so it is. I love you. And I’m so grateful. You’re here that I have some freebies for you. I worked with the angels to create 31 meditations that are going to make you a magnet for miracles.

Get them free at theangelmedium. com. Want to be my angel? Leave this podcast 5 stars or a 5 star positive review and I’ll enter you into a drawing to win a free reading with me. Use the form at theangelmedium. com backslash [00:02:00] contact to send me your contact info so I know who to call when you win. Use that same contact form to submit your angel stories, what you’re struggling with, or a question, which I’ll answer on this podcast or Instagram at angel podcast.

That’s theangelmedium. com backslash contact. Thank you for being my angel and remember angels and miracles are your birthright. And they’re activated when you believe. So ask, believe, and receive your miracles.

Hello, beautiful souls. Welcome back to the Angels in Awakening podcast. I’m your host and author, Julie Jancis. today we have on Rosemary Thornton, who’s here to share her story of what she saw on the other side.

Her book is called Remembering the Light, How Dying Saved My Life. [00:03:00] Rosemary, welcome to the show. Thank you. where are you at in the world? I live in the St. Louis area. Hey, wonderful. I was, was raised a little bit in St. Charles, uh, Missouri. That’s not far at all. Oh, that’s so funny. So I want to talk about your story because I think it influences.

Then your journey on the other side, you lost your husband two years after you lost your husband, you were diagnosed with cancer. can you talk to us a little bit about your story? That’s a big question. Uh, well, I was a writer before he died and I had written nine books and, uh, written and published.

Actually, like most people, I’ve written a lot more than I’ve published, you know, just in the side. My favorite musical artist is Harry Chapin. And Harry Chapin has this great quote that he wrote 400 songs before any of them got published. And writing is a lot like that. You [00:04:00] just write and write and write.

 But anyway, I had always been a writer, worked, uh, briefly, at different newspapers and magazines, websites, written for pretty much everybody in every way. So like many writers, I was a bit neurotic, tend to overthink things, and yet I had also always believed very much in a divine presence guiding me.

You know, Norman Vincent Peale had this beautiful quote that I memorized, I probably in my early twenties, but I believe I’m always divinely guided. I believe I will always take the right turn of the road, and I believe that God will make a way where there is no way. And I have said that to myself probably every day for 40 plus years.

So prior to, my husband’s death, he, he ended his own life at our home and on the East coast, I had been tormented by recurring dreams that my husband had died [00:05:00] violently and in the dreams, I didn’t know what had happened, but I know I knew that I was suddenly alone and I had to leave my beautiful home and we did have a beautiful home right on a lake and it was very peaceful and tranquil.

We had a good life, I thought. So I had this recurring dream that he had, he had died violently and in the dream I was very puzzled as to what exactly happened, but now I was alone and I had to leave my beautiful home and go find a place to live and I had these dreams over and over and over again.

And, and one day. In my waking hours, my husband and I always had breakfast together in the mornings. He usually made me breakfast, which I really appreciated. But one morning, uh, he was getting ready to go to town. As he would say, he had on his fancy suit and he was going to a professional office in the downtown district.

And He would always say, I’m going to town now, Rosemary. That’s really kind of sweet. And as he walked out the door, I very distinctly heard a being, an angelic being, standing beside me, very clearly [00:06:00] say, he will be gone soon. So prepare yourself for this next chapter of your life. And I immediately dismissed it as something not good.

And I doubled down on my daily prayers for him, that God would cover him in light and love and peace, and that the angels would keep him safe and bring him home to me. it was just a few days later that he ended his life, and he did it at our home. And so that was the end of me being able to be in that home.

So, those dreams that had tormented me were now my reality, the nightmares. for 29 months, I had three prayers. I prayed every day. one was heal me or let me go. Two was when I die, spare me the life of you. I had been, I thought I was an accomplished, successful, professional, interesting, intellectual woman.

And now I was reduced to just a pile of misery, darkness, and sadness. So my prayer was, when I go, I knew it wouldn’t be long. I knew I couldn’t survive this [00:07:00] much grief and trauma. I asked, that I be spared the life of you. Because I’d always been a big fan of NDEs and had always read, oh my goodness, starting with Raymond Moody’s little trade paperback, Life After Life.

Pretty much memorized that one. Then it came out in 76, not sure. And then, Danian Brinkley and Betty Eady and George Ritchie and I read them, I gobbled them up and read them again and again and again. I knew that we had a life for you and I knew I didn’t want to see mine because I, I had always thought of myself as somebody who had accomplished some things in life.

And now I thought I failed. I failed in every way a human being can fail. And this man for whom I prayed, who I considered to be the love of my life, was gone. And he did, he told me probably early on that he felt we were soulmates. I mean, it was so many, so many goofy things that we found about each other that were so aligned.

And then to think that I spent 45 years looking for him and he was dead after only 10 was too much to bear. In our wedding vows, when we were married, because I was in my mid 40s when we got married, in my wedding vows, I [00:08:00] publicly affirmed that he was the answer to a lifetime of prayers. I had been married before, and that marriage ended in divorce, and I was always deeply grieved that despite my best prayers, that marriage had ended.

And this second marriage felt like The answer to all those prayers that my prayers got answered, but in a different way. So my third prayer was, that I was tired of decisions. I had severe decision fatigue after somebody ends their life, things get pretty mucky and messy, and there are a lot of very difficult decisions to be made.

And I was suffering from profound decision fatigue. And one of the stories I tell, it’s kind of funny now, but I, couldn’t even decide what to wear in the morning. So I bought a dozen white polo shirts and three or four pairs of blue jeans. So every morning I woke up and I’m like, Oh, Well, I wear, oh yeah, my polo shirt.

But that’s decision fatigue when you can’t even face what to wear. And I couldn’t eat. I was so profoundly distressed and depressed. I literally couldn’t eat. I lost about [00:09:00] 30 or 35 pounds. I lost tremendous amount of weight and I just stopped eating. I was living on, Those protein shakes and I a lot of days I could only get half of one down.

So that’s a pretty big mess. 29 months thus passed after his death and I cried in the shower a lot You know, I think that’s kind of an interesting test of trauma Is when the warm water hits you and your body kind of relaxes And every time in the shower, I just burst into tears. It was like I could let the guard down And I did, I cried in the shower a lot.

So I did ask God, heal me or let me go. Me and I just wanted to be dead. I had a plan to end my own life. The only thing that kept me from doing it was, one sheer will. I wanted to be gone so bad. I had the guilt. Oh my gosh. I wish, I wish somebody could do a podcast about the guilt that people such as me were known as suicide survivors because a loved one ended their life.

The amount of guilt we face. And by the way, you know, we talk a lot about. During september that suicide prevention or awareness month or something. I turn off facebook. I turn off social media [00:10:00] Because people who talk about suicide prevention Most of them are clueless if we really want to have a serious talk about suicide prevention We need to look at the fact that suicide survivors such as me who’ve lost a spouse or a child to suicide Are 12 to 48 times more likely to end their own life And yet what happens when we end lose somebody that way we become a pariah We become a 21st century I really felt like a leper that I had to walk down the street yelling unclean, unclean, unclean, because people stayed away from me.

And my husband and I had an impressive array of accomplished, successful friends. And boy, after this happened, they fled like rats deserting a sinking ship. And yet what’s fascinating is the people who rushed into the fray, the people who came in to save me, to keep me from drowning. From being swallowed up in this horror.

They were, uh, what the world might call working class, middle class. They were the people just trying to get by themselves day by day. And yet they literally rushed in to save me. There was a point that I began living out of my car. It was a nice [00:11:00] car. Camry, heated seats, sunroof, nice sound system. Really love that car.

But I, I just couldn’t get comfortable anywhere. The car felt very cocoonish and very safe. And a friend of mine, again, very average woman working a hard job. And her husband worked a hard job. She said. You’re not sleeping in that car anymore. You’re coming home to live with me. And I said, nope, tried to live with other people.

Didn’t work out. Nightmare, screaming, sleepwalking. I had it all. I said, nope, not living with you. And she insisted, she pulled her. I’m the mother and that’s that voice. So I lived with her for four months and I was a mess. I still wandered her house. I still woke up screaming her name was Tracy.

Many times Tracy would appear at the side of my bed in her own guest bedroom, shaking me awake and saying, Rosemary, it’s okay. You’re safe you’re here, but the violence with which suicide takes someone out is something nobody talks about either or The rest of the story and I won’t go into that because that’s not what this is about But I was a hot mess and then 29 months out.

I went to the doctor for some alarming symptoms. I Was diagnosed with [00:12:00] cervical cancer stage two. I was sent to an oncologist. The oncologist did some things and said, yep Stage two. you know, I got all the, we caught it early. It’s good stuff. I had a minor, minor surgical thing done and they made a boo boo and they cut something that shouldn’t been cut.

And, I woke up in the recovery room and I said, something’s wrong. Something’s real wrong because I’m bleeding a lot and they said, Oh, once you get home, lie down, you’ll feel better. They told me that three times. Uh, the nurse that was attending me in recovery sent me home. I went home at home. I realized things were going from bad to worse.

I went and stood in the shower because when you’re bleeding out and you’ve got white carpet, bad combination, you know, when you’re dying, housekeeping is really important. And I was very concerned because you know, I don’t want to leave my heirs a messy house. So, I had a friend in the living room actually a pair of friends And I I stepped out I actually thought about just letting myself go in the bathroom because I mean I you know Go to heaven from the bathroom in the shower there in my nice white shower stall Because I thought you know i’ve been asking god heal me or let me go.

Maybe this is the answer to a prayer Maybe this is the let me [00:13:00] go part and I thought i’m not doing it to myself In fact, I followed medical advice. I did everything the doctor said I should do and now i’m dying. So I did everything right. And so I thought about that. I thought, you know, I have to do is sit down on the floor of the shower and this will be over.

Nobody will ever say a word except poor mom. went to the doctor and it all went bad. So I decided that that really wasn’t the perfect will for my life to die in a shower. So I stepped out of the shower, went into my living room, told my friends, call 9 1 1. I’m bleeding to death. ambulance came.

They took me to a nearby ER and I, I, this shouldn’t be legal, but it was an ER. Not attached to a hospital was a standalone er. They made some more mistakes kind of greased the skids to the afterlife for me in that er my blood pressure was plunging and they didn’t really address that and in fact, i’m not sure really what transpired there, but they gave me a morphine derivative Which was real bad news and you know I’ve given this talk in public a handful of times And when I tell the part that i’m bleeding to death and my blood pressure’s going down and then they give me A morphine derivative to calm [00:14:00] me down.

And I can always tell the medical personnel in the audience because they go, Oh, no, nobody can believe because morphine depresses blood pressure and respiration. So, the funny thing is not funny, curious, this nurse in this ER, very motherly, sweet natured nurse had held my hand right before they gave me the morphine.

She had held my hand and she said, she was very, Motherly. And I was crying because, interesting side effect of bleeding out, your brain consumes 70 percent of the body’s energy. Isn’t that fascinating? Brain is an energy hog. And what happens when you’re bleeding out is not getting adequate red blood cells, adequate oxygen, adequate anything.

And so you become more anxious. So, way to stoke those fires! And I did. And so I grabbed this nurse’s hand and I said, promise me you’re not going to let me die. And she said, Oh, honey, we have many solutions for this. We’re not going to let you die. And I believed her and she sounded very genuine and she was very genuine.

She was [00:15:00] a good person. So that was kind of the last things I said before I lost consciousness. And fortunately, my friend who’d been with me in my living room was by my side. He sat on a little stool beside the gurney that I was on. And he said, I lost consciousness pretty quick. interesting thing is, he said, my blood pressure at one point hit 33 over 25, which for all purposes is pretty much dead. he was getting ready to get up and get the nurse, but he said, I woke up. You ever heard of the term terminal lucidity? Yeah. At the very end of life, it’s like the spurt of energy, where people who are mostly dead do amazing things, and it’s usually just a very short spurt of energy, very, lasts for seconds, maybe a minute.

Well, he said, my eyes popped open, and he said, you tried to sit up on the gurney, and he said, you reached your hands up to heaven and looked up to heaven and talked to somebody only you could see. And he said, and after that, you dropped your hands back to your side, dropped your arms back down. And your eyes shut and he said no you got very still and that’s when the alarm went off on the blood pressure [00:16:00] machine So the nurse came running down the hallway and they did this sternal rub I’m, it’s so good to have a witness to your life and death But they did this sternal rub where they take their little gnarly knuckles and rake them over your sternum And because it’s supposed to elicit a pain response if anybody has any consciousness in them whatsoever They’ll flinch or do something and this cracks me up.

He said then she went over to the blood pressure machine and checked the power cord. Will this thing stop working? So then she summoned the nurse. He got put out of the room. Crash cart came flying. Meanwhile, I’m having the time of my life. Quite literally. Yeah, because not everybody knows NDE means near death experience, but this is what you had.

I want to know everything. Well, last thing I remember was, that nurse looking at me. Actually, the very last thing I remember was they had given me that, painkiller via an IV. They had an IV in my arm and they had given that to me via IV and boy, that, that hit me hard and fast. And I think now the reason it hit [00:17:00] me so hard was because I was down a few pints.

So it probably just went straight to my heart and my heart went 


Join me for these upcoming events. We’re hosting the Angel Reiki Mediumship School live in person. Again, this fall and spring. Event dates are up at theangelmedium. com backslash events. Space is limited. Reserve your spot today. And as a bonus, I’m giving you access to our eight week online Angel Reiki Mediumship School so that you can get started as soon as you register.

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com backslash events. So excited to work with you now back to the show.

I remember my close to my very last words on this earth were that’s some really good stuff And it was I talk I understand why people get addicted to that stuff, but yeah, I remember, I was [00:19:00] awakened from a deep dreamless state floating away from my body, and I felt like I popped out of my body like toast out of a toaster.

It was very profound. It was right on the cusp of being jarring, but it was not jarring. Yes, very much so. And I knew exactly what was happening. It really, you know, one of the images, and this doesn’t make sense to me because so much of my story doesn’t match traditional near death experiences. And by the way, I don’t like the nomenclature near death experience.

I prefer temporary death experience. Near death is when, you know, something bad happens. You’re like, oh my gosh, I almost died there. No, that’s near, you got near death. I had a temporary death. I died, got kicked out of heaven. So, it really felt like, and I remember this image as it unfolded, that there was this silver sinewy rope or cord from the crown of my head to the bottom of my feet and almost like an archer’s bow that somebody had pulled back and released, and when that pop hit my back, my soul went flying out.

And I mean, flying out and I was floating. And I was floating away from my [00:20:00] body. And yet people say, Oh, did you see your body? I did not. the blackness I would describe as velvety, soft, actually actively comforting me blackness. It was perfect peace. I know a lot of people talk about the love and I did experience love, but as somebody who’s really struggled with anxiety my entire life, the peace was profound.

And my very first thought was. Because I’ve always been, I guess, kind of a quasi intellectual. I love to read. I love vocabulary. I mean, I’m that person that when I find a new vocabulary word, I write it down on a list and I review it every day. So now I have a new vocabulary word. Well, not to mention that you’re a journalist and you’re a writer and you don’t write things that aren’t truth.

I mean, you get to the truth and the heart of things and that’s the essence of, of what you do and what you write. That’s true. That’s a good point. I hadn’t thought of it quite that way Yeah, there’s a book called what color is your parachute? I don’t I read it years ago And all I remember is the point everyone comes to this earth to bring more beauty into the world or bring more truth into The [00:21:00] world so I always thought of writing as I brought more beauty and more truth I hope But yeah, that’s the only thing I remember from that book.

So in this experience my very first thought was One, how peaceful, how perfectly peaceful. And I had no wish to see my body, which I learned later that there were some messy things happening with my body. But, so I think that was God’s mercy actually. But my very first thought was, my heart has stopped.

And I thought, how do I know that? I thought, I don’t know how I know that, but I know that’s right. And then my next thought was. You’re dying and then I thought actually you’re not dying You’re dead because when you’re going on to your reward, the most important thing is correcting your tense I’m that person on social media when I see somebody not use contraction properly or misspell something i’m like My favorite is when somebody says i’m defiantly going to the movie tonight when they mean definitely And I say why not just go why do it with defiance?

Why not do it with gentleness? Don’t go [00:22:00] defiantly go gently It’s such a good point. My dad came through and I started out as a writing in my journalism school, like, uh, in high school, 14 years old. but carried that through college and my dad started coming through when he was passed and I didn’t know he was gone.

cause we weren’t talking at the time. And every time I would brush my kiddo’s hair, I’d hear she needs a hairbrush. Like I used, she needs a hairbrush, like I used. And it was so frustrating because it would repeat over and over, but only every time I brushed her hair, And it was the tense used. And I go, it’s not me.

Yeah, the language is so important. You know, the Bible says in the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God. Words have tremendous power. You know, sometimes when I’m really, really sick or feel really, really crummy, I will say words that seem so nutty, but I’ll say, Oh, I’m so [00:23:00] miserable.

I feel so bad. I just, Oh, I hate this. But then I stop and I say, I’m struggling with this, but I’m going to say I have the ability to remember perfect health. And I’m going to just think about perfect health, and I’m just going to enjoy the perfect health I’ve always known. And invariably, I started to feel a little bit better.

You know, the words we say to ourself are so powerful. So powerful. So, As yeah, my You’re not dying. You’re dead and that cracked me up because I think i’m really funny, you know, and I thought this is great because here I am Obviously having left my human form going on to whatever’s next and very excited about all that And everything I really am went with me because I also I heard my voice And I heard myself giggle because I do i’m pretty funny and I thought You Everything I want with me my my macabre sense of humor my intellectual musings about the world around me my proper grammar [00:24:00] All of it went with me and and I remember thinking I don’t have breath sounds i’m, pretty sure I don’t have ear canals and eardrums and vocal cords and the things by which we produce and Hear sound and I thought yet I’m hearing myself talk.

I am talking. I sound like i’ve always sounded. I actually started life in broadcasting a billion years ago radio and I thought this is great Everything I am has gone with me down to my funny little giggle because I did giggle and I heard it and it was great So I was like wow, and then I asked myself What exactly did I leave on that gurney, if all this good stuff has come with me, all that I really am?

And you know, I’ve shared this many times, but it really felt like my whole life I’d lived at 60 amps, you know, like a 60 amp breaker box, which isn’t, you know, is what we used to use in older houses. And I felt like suddenly we had 100, 000 amps coming through. And I just felt my, my intellect and my intelligence was just Firing on every neuron and yet it isn’t the brain, you know The brain just this filter by which we receive information in this [00:25:00] earthly form But anyway, I just felt like it I felt alive And you know one of the things that i’ve heard this in ndes and I didn’t understand it But the moment of my death I felt like I had just awakened from a really intense dream It seemed it already seemed dreamlike within seconds of this experience It felt like my whole time on earth and all the misery and he said she said and they did this and they’re not nice And you know blah blah blah It felt like a silly dream and I don’t want to minimize the experience and the suffering that people go through but It’s like a slate wiper.

It’s like god said. Yeah, you know what that was all messy. That was all bad That was all hard But it’s over. It’s really over now.  I remember asking myself, so what did I leave on the gurney? And it was so clear to me. It was instantaneous. The answer was, you left the anxiety, the grief, the guilt, the regret, the self recrimination, the self hatred.

Oh my gosh. The last conversation I had with my husband was an argument over the phone before he did this thing. And I thought I should just take a vow of silence and never speak again. The words, the thing I love the most are words. And now I should just. [00:26:00] Never talk again. Look what my words did. And yet I’ve subsequently learned, I want to share this one to anybody who’s ever lost anyone to suicide.

This is very common for that person who ends up their life to start an argument. It’s like it gives them that last little bit of vitriol or upset or power or whatever. To do this horrible thing so that was you know, it took me a while to learn that one So all but all that negative, energy and negative thoughts Self hatred is the only word I can think of And also the anxiety was gone and I remember thinking to myself my whole life which this year at this point had been 59 years I had wondered what would I look like?

With no anxiety with no fears with no crippling panic about everything What would I look like and I thought this is what I look like and it’s pretty cool You I like this person those were the thoughts I was thinking And then the other thing that happened is I just felt such peace such perfect peace And I thought about the bible verse which i’ve always loved the peace that passeth all understanding [00:27:00] She’ll keep your hearts and minds through jesus christ.

And I thought this is that peace. This is what paul talked about This is the peace that we can’t tell anybody. Let me tell you about this piece because they can’t understand it It is the peace that passes all of our human understanding That’s what I was experiencing. I thought this is great. This is fantastic.

And you know the other thing that occurred to me very very powerful Is I remember thinking, you know, our memories go with us I don’t know how long they last but our memories go with us because I remember thinking I didn’t do this to myself My children will not have the horror Of having had a parent and their own life, because this was, this will be put down as a medical mistake, a medical procedure gone wrong, medical follow up gone wrong.

I didn’t do this to myself and I was so grateful. And I also remember thinking I was so worried after this doctor had diagnosed me, he said, okay, we’re going to start you on. Let’s see, it was cisplatin. It’s a chemotherapy agent and then radiation. So it was going to be once a week chemo and once a day radiation and I [00:28:00] wasn’t sure I wanted to do that because i’ve always been hypersensitive to drugs and I thought I’m, probably going to be one of those people That doesn’t survive the treatment.

So I was really debating what to do, but in this experience. I thought to myself Problem solved. Don’t have to agonize about that decision ever again. And then the other thought I had was, I had some unpaid bills. I mean, I had some medical expenses and I had some unpaid bills and tell you what, there’s nothing worse on this earth than the medical bills that come when you are really sick.

And I thought, That’s not a problem either now. And I thought about all the bills, you know, I had on my desk at home and I thought all those things have ceased to be a problem, but it was very interesting to me, even looking back on this, two things are really interesting is one. I remembered, I remember these things.

I thought not a concern anymore. And the other thing is that memory. Does not reside in the seven pounds of hamburger meat we have in our skull memory resides in our essence, our consciousness, our, or whatever we defined that endures, that has [00:29:00] immortality. Because I remember the details of this with such vividness.

I mean, I can close my eyes and be back there in about three seconds. So it’s, it’s profound. But the other thing that happened shortly after, you know, cracking myself up and thinking I’m so funny, because that was actually very calming to me. To know that what I am goes with me and you know, I get a My website’s temporarydeath.

com I probably get 10 to 20 emails a day every day and I have so for about five or six months And I read them all I can’t always respond to all of them But I read them all and I try to pray for the people ask for my prayers But the number one comment I get from parents, I get a lot of emails from parents typically mothers who’ve lost a child prematurely, which If the mom’s alive, it’s premature.

They say that story about your laugh went with you has calmed me so much. Cause I know my, my daughter, my son, everything they really are is still intact. You know, everything that really made them fun and unique and interesting is still there. So I’m kind of a reluctant, uh, [00:30:00] reluctant author on this deal and reluctant to really share it because I also get.

A little bit of hate mail, but part of the gig. Anyway, so it went on and on in the next, I don’t know if it’s the next thing, you know, we tend to think of chronology, like the past, the present, the future. And Einstein said to those of us who are committed physicists, the past, present, and future are only illusion, however persistent.

So while I frame this in terms of this happened, that happened, and that happened, who knows who really knows. The order of events, but my memory is shortly after this experience of laughing and, you know, thinking, what did I leave behind? I felt this enormous spiritual being with me to my left, slightly behind me, towering over me.

And I’m still in this blackness floating. And I turned my head to the left and I look up, which I think is pretty interesting. I’m looking over my left shoulder. Do I have a left shoulder? Don’t know, but I’m certainly trying to turn in my head. But I said, Literally, with a lilt in my voice, I said, And who are you?

And before I could finish the question, the answer was immediate. And the answer was, You, Rosemary, You are the image and [00:31:00] likeness. I’m the original. I’m like, Wow! That’s 1st Genesis 25 and 26. We’re made in the image and likeness of God. Spent my whole life studying the Bible, trying to figure out what exactly does that mean, to be made in the image and likeness.

But hearing it phrased as, I’m the original. I was like, Oh my gosh, that makes so much sense now. and then I was on to the next thing. And the next thing was the angels or spiritual beings. They surrounded me. It’s like, I’m still floating. I’m still floating in this blackness and they surrounded me.

And if I had to summarize this whole experience up in three words, I could do it. And the three words would be welcome home, dearie. My whole life I felt like such a freak, an oddball, I’d never fit in. I remember being on the playground in elementary school and just feeling so alone in the world as a kid.

but in this experience I found my tribe, I found my people, I found the ones that I had always wanted to fit in with and here they were. And somebody said something along the lines of, I know this has been a very hard experience for you. [00:32:00] What they said was this one was a hard one. They said, but look at you now it’s over and you’re okay.

And it’s going to be okay. I was welcomed home with such an immense love and I couldn’t see these beings, but I felt them surround me and I felt their love. And I also remember thinking, Hey, this blackness is floating this piece. I’ve been here before. What’s up with that? I mean, like within this 59 year experience, I’ve done this before.

And immediately again, before I could even ask the question, the answer was immediate. And the answer was. Remember that story your mom told you when you were in your thirties, your mom said as an infant, you had become critically ill and you’d been given up for dead. And my mom was actually sent home from the hospital and told this baby won’t be alive by sunrise.

We’re not gonna let you sit here and watch her die. And that was 1959, different world. So my mother left the hospital and spent with a friend praying for me. And she said the next morning she walked into the hospital, you know, no news is good news. She hadn’t gotten a call in the middle of the night that I was gone.

She said she [00:33:00] walked into the hospital and there was, you know, rushed to the nursery and there was a nun cradling me in her arms and the nun said, this baby isn’t better. She’s healed. And it had been actually blood poisoning. I contracted a staph infection from the hospital. It took three weeks, but, that’s what had made me so sickly.

And they had given up on me. They said my kidneys had failed and they told my mother it won’t be long before everything else goes too. So the angels, I knew that story, but the angels saying, yeah, you remember that? That wasn’t actually a close call. You actually crossed over and we sent you back and I thought, you know, this explains a lot about my life that I would say, Oh, you see the angels.

Do you hear the angels? Do you see, you see our neighbor just passed, he’s walking through our living room and you know, everyone would say, stop, stop, stop. And then I think that’s part of the reason I felt like such an oddball. I’ve always felt that. A little a little bit in that world and you know a lot in this one So I was like, you know, this explains 59 years of weirdness would have been good to know back then But oh, well here we are [00:34:00] now, you know And this just went on and on and on.

I mean it really did and I went from floating in this blackness having these wonderful conversations with the angels to being in a white room I don’t know how I made the transition and I think I don’t know if the angels were like, you know What we’re gonna have some fun here and and you’re we’re gonna have a little memory blank like, you know The men in black neutralizer thing or what neuralyzer that’s what they call it the neuralyzer but I don’t remember the transition from that floating to being in the white room But next day, I know i’m standing on my own two feet or something approximating two feet in a white room You There’s a door in front of me, maybe 10 to 15 feet in front of me, and the room is perfect white, but it’s kind of misty, foggy, almost like a pea soup fog, and it’s very, but everything’s so white, and the room is so bright, so full of light, and I’m in this room, and I see the door, and I think to myself, what I don’t know if I have feet or legs or the means by which I can get to the door But I know I can If I think about I want to be at that door.

I will move with intention toward the door Actually, I thought i’d perambulate which I’ve always loved. That’s a great word next thing. I know i’m [00:35:00] moving to the door I think it’s under my own mode of power. Don’t know for sure But as i’m walking to the store again, there’s more conversations with the angels and I pause As i’m walking through this mist And I wanted to focus on an individual droplet of light or a droplet of the mist.

And I thought, this is kind of weird trying to focus on mist. I mean, next time you’re in a pea soup fog, think about looking at one drop of vapor. But the angel that was with me said, your spiritual eyes have not acclimated to this new environment, but what you’re looking at is not a fog or mist. It is particles of light.

And they likened it to a spiritual carwash. And they said, And filth of the earth is being cleansed from you and they explain that some people come to this, come to this experience, the crossing over, so entrenched with the idea that they are their illness, you know, that they are this ugly disease process, or that they are this mental illness, or they are this problem, that they have to be cleansed from that muck in order to [00:36:00] advance to heaven or the next realm, the next world.

And they said, that’s what’s happening. Is all the muck of the earth is being washed away from you and this mist circled around me It wasn’t just falling it circled around like did the swirling dance around me And the angels told me at this point and I don’t really know how to put this in the words But the message I was given was that If you decide to go back, you’ll be restored to wholeness.

I was like, okay, good to know out of my way I’m doing the door and because I really didn’t want to go back There are no words to tell you how much I did not want to go back I truly felt I remember thinking this too. I felt like I had been granted good relief Early release for good behavior. I really did I felt like I had been given an out because what did I pray every day?

Heal me or let me go and healing didn’t seem possible. I was too busted up. as i’m advancing to this door I really felt like telling the angels, move, I’m doing the door. I served 59 years, let me out of here. And 59 lonely years. And that was a blessing in meeting my [00:37:00] husband. I wasn’t lonely anymore. And there were a couple of Thanksgivings where he and I had Thanksgiving dinner, just the two of us. You know, the kids are busy, your friends, or you know, you end up just the two of us.

And I, I would look at him and I’d think, I’m not lonely. Because if you just have one person sitting across from you at the dinner table, that’s a lot. That is a lot. So it’d been 59 very lonely years, and now he was dead, and I was alone again. but I came to this door, and the door was shut, which annoyed me, because there’s a song called Going Home.

It originally appeared, I originally became familiar with it in the movie The Snake Pit with Olivia de Avalon. Well, it talks about passing through an open door and I’m like, that door’s shut, door ought to be open. But I got to the door and I put my right hand up to push through this door.

So there was no equivocation. I wanted to be gone. I want to be on that side, best possible speed. And as I did so, I paused. And I had this thought, very powerful thought, and I asked the angel that was with me, because now there was a spiritual being right by my side. And I asked the spiritual being, is this the divine will for my life that [00:38:00] a medical mistake sends me on?

Because I, wish I could communicate to people as much as 

I willfully wanted to go on 

When you’re in that place of perfect light and perfect love and perfect peace, all you want to do is the will of God. So I asked, is this the divine will for my life? And before I could even get past, is this the divine?

The answer was no. But, whatever you decide, you go with all of God’s peace, you go with all of God’s blessing and mercy and care and love. There isn’t a wrong decision. 

And that was the answer to my second prayer, I was so tired of decisions, and this was a big one. And I thought, that’s a pretty sweet deal, that as long as we’re trying to do God’s will, we’re not going to make a wrong decision.

Because if we do make a wrong decision, you know, we may take the long way around the barn, but we’ll circle back to where we need to be. So, I said, okay, I’ll take that deal, I want to go. I don’t want to be here anymore. I want to go. And the next thing that happens, kind of funny, I saw the nurse who had shown me such motherly comfort.

I had a vision of her. And to say it’s a vision is, is a way simple [00:39:00] understatement. I felt like I was inserted into a physical scene where I’m in a hospital supply room with linens and medical supplies and all the accoutrements of medical care. And she’s, this nurse is sitting on a little metal stool, leaning forward, head in her hands, sobbing uncontrollably.

And I, I observed this. I’m I’m a silent observer to this scene. And the, the nurse says through tears, I promised that woman, I wasn’t going to let her die. And I lost her. I was like, Oh, come on. She’s about my age. She’s seen people die. She’ll get over it. You know, sorry about it, but I got to go. And then it got worse.

I didn’t just see that. I felt her grief and despair. And that guilt, it just hit me right in the, the core of my being. recognize that grief and guilt, guilt and regret is what I felt with my own husband’s death. And I thought if I can spare one person that much emotional pain, I think I have to go back.

And in a millisecond. I was back in [00:40:00] that hospital room back on that gurney, you know looking up at the ceiling back in this experience And it’s kind of funny a nurse because now instead of being left alone in this hospital room i’m surrounded they have everybody In that little er in that room And i’m in a different room.

I got moved to a different room at some point in the experience, but it’s so funny a nurse was right in my face and she said What is your name? And I said rosemary You And she said, what year is it? And I said, I said, 2018. And she said, where are you? And I said, A crummy excuse for an er,

I shared this story with a retired anesthesiologist, and he became emotional when I shared that part. He said, after somebody’s been gone, ’cause I was gone more than 10 minutes, no heartbeat, no nothing. He said, after somebody’s been gone that long, we have to ask ourselves. Am I doing the right thing in bringing them back?

Because the interesting thing about dying from bleeding to death, which was officially my cause of death, the interesting thing about [00:41:00] that is when, because I interviewed some medical personnel, interviewed an ER doctor for my book, when you have a patient that bleeds to death, you can’t do CPR because you’re just going to push more blood out of their body.

So he told me, I love this quote, he said, first we have to, patch the refill the tank and then we restart the heart. So now according to medical belief with more than 10 minutes of oxygen to the brain, I’d be compromised. There’d be a mess, blah, blah, blah. But you know, it’s true. The Bible says it’s true.

God’s ways are higher than our ways. There are spiritual laws that are so far above what we mortals can comprehend and understand. So I was in the hospital for several days, had a great time. I mean, it’s, it’s all in my book, but I had angels come to the bedside and sing me songs. I asked one of the angels if I was going to die again, because I still didn’t feel a hundred percent in that hospital, but I was still a little out of sorts and ultimately took some time, but ultimately I found another doctor and I said, I don’t think I need these.

Well, actually, I went back to my original oncologist and said I don’t need these cancer treatments. And he put mental ill on my chart. No kidding. You know, they do these patient portal things [00:42:00] where you can go look and, yeah, he put mental ill right on my chart. So I had to find another oncologist in another part of the state!

Because the famous Dr. Phil in the blank was this big deal. And if he said it, it was right. and they insist on doing a second surgery. To ascertain that I was indeed cancer free and they did the second surgery and that doctor was pretty Doubtful about my story that i’d been healed in heaven of cancer And yet she woke me up, you know in recovery and you’re going But she she shook me by the shoulders and she woke me up and she said Rosemary, you’re right.

We examined all All kinds of flesh in all kinds of places and there’s not one cell of cancer there and my friend was waiting in the again My friend’s waiting in the waiting room for me He said she burst through the doors threw her arms around his neck and said she’s right and what she told him beautiful quote She said, her flesh is so pink and pretty and perfect were it not for the original diagnosis and test I wouldn’t believe she ever had cancer And yeah, frankly it was yeah, it was a [00:43:00] big deal and so I you know I love I love the doubters because I am kind of a intellectual, you know reporter.

I love to read I love to write blah blah blah and people always they always like to the naysayers the doubters they always like to say not nice things about these ndes but What and i’ve had them in my own life in my own family in my own circle They said well, you’re making it up. It never happened that way blah blah blah I said, okay.

Well, here’s the thing when I died. I had stage two cancer when I came back. It was gone You So this wasn’t just the brain shutting down. And you had the other thing that happened. I’d also had chronic shoulder pain. I had, what else? I had a, a knee problem. I had a variety of ailments that simply vanished.

And a friend of mine said, you didn’t come back as Rosemary V2. You came back as Rosemary V27. I got a serious upgrade. So it was very profound. Changed my life as soon as I was better. I got my house ready for sale. I sold off that house with a white carpet, sold my fancy car. I had a brand new Camry. That was a nice looking Camry.

I had a red Camry with a panoramic roof and a V6, zero to 60 in 5. 8 [00:44:00] seconds, made it with an eight speed transmission, nice ride, white leather interior, macadamia, but I sold that car because I thought that car isn’t me anymore. And I moved a thousand miles to the Midwest, lived with a relative because I wanted to watch the corn grow and people think I’m making that up.

But have you ever watched corn grow? It’s cool. It’s really cool. I still love it. And then I ended up buying a house. My relative had some life changing circumstance. I had to go buy a house and I bought a little house. It’s on the edge of a cornfield. So now I can look out the back window and just watch my corn grow.

I love, people say I’m making that up. I love watching, I love watching anything grow because you know, that was me. After this thing happened, they thought I was just like the seed that gets trounced down in the soil and the dirt and stomped on. Well, she’s never going to mount anything. Look at her. She’s a mess.

But then suddenly you’ve got this beautiful plant. I love color. Can’t get enough color. Just love color and I love watching things grow. So yeah, it changed me in a lot of ways But I sold off all my earthly possessions. It was real cool before I sold like I had a lamp I had a lot [00:45:00] of nice stuff Because I was married to a fancy man And so before I sold anything I like I had this old chair that I toted around forever some arts and crafts You know green and green chair And I would I would look at that chair and I’d say god this chair has been such a blessing to me for so long But you know it’s time for this chair to be a blessing to someone else Please send me somebody who will love this chair as much as I do And then I’d put it on, you know social media marketplace and And invariably somebody would come see it and they’d say, I’ve spent months looking for something just like that.

I’m so glad I met you. So yeah, I sold off everything and moved. And, that was six years ago. Big life change. I’ve written down so much. I mean, you know, when you go into a restaurant for dinner. And you’re eating and you don’t really like take time to think about the surroundings around you or even what you’re tasting as you’re eating.

You’re not even processing totally the conversation that’s happening. It’s almost like there’s just so much and all that you said, we got to like slow down and unpack a couple of [00:46:00] things. It’s a two hour story and I try to tell it in an hour or so. There’s that amazing, you did a phenomenal job. I mean, it’s.

Just like I, this is one of my favorite podcast episodes ever. I like that you talked about that fog because I hadn’t experienced myself and I’ve shared this on the podcast, but just briefly, I was called to go out to Seattle. I took a couple extra days. and I let spirit lead every step and I ended up walking foot, like stride by foot stride next to this.

Beautiful woman. And we walked stride and stride for just blocks and blocks before she turned to me and she goes, you’re not from here. Are you? story short, we ended up spending the entire day together. We went back to the hotel and went out later. And I wish I would have kept in contact with her because at one point in our conversations, we were cold in Seattle.

We went into a Starbucks [00:47:00] and got some drinks, sat down. And I remember her talking in a language and that my thought was she’s not speaking English anymore. And then I go, that’s not even a language I’m familiar with in the earth Like I studied history in college. I studied different languages. Not very well, but I know what they sound like.

This wasn’t a language that I knew. And then I look around the room and there’s that entire. And I’ve talked before about how this was a time in my life that was just so incredibly painful because I had just graduated from college. My mom had made the decision down to move to Florida. My sister was going with her and I just.

New in my heart, it wasn’t a move that I was supposed to take, but then I was alone here in Chicagoland and I had ended up getting into a [00:48:00] fight with my best friend from college. And we weren’t talking at the time and it was just one of the loneliest times in my entire life. Actually, the guy that I thought that I was going to marry one day, Ended up getting engaged.

And I mean, just on every level possible where you could be disconnected from people, I was disconnected this fog descended and I’ve talked to people before who’ve had these. near death, or I forget the term that you use, but temporary death. Yes. So much more accurate. And, they talk about this emotional clearing and healing that happens.

And I didn’t see that with the fog, but now that you say it, That’s what it was. They were healing all of the pain of my, my mom moving away, losing that love, losing, that friendship and being on [00:49:00] my own. And at the same time, filling me with so much strength. But I like that you talk about that fog being particles of light, because as I’ve talked to people who’ve had these near death experiences too, they also say that that light energy are angels in a different form.

I don’t doubt that. I think that we are always consistently surrounded by too many angels to count, and I don’t think we take advantage of it. I had, you know, one of the beautiful parts about this, because I do get some ugly mails, I get some ugly comments from my own family. I actually had a family member say, you made this up.

I’m like, Well, you know what I can tell you as a former reporter if I thought somebody’s making up a story like quite this grand I’d say something like what hospital did this happen to at did you save the medical records? and I did but um it’s bizarre to me that people would rather just discount me in the whole story but I was gonna say one of the beautiful things is I get these emails from people and one of the prayers [00:50:00] somebody shared with me was somebody said, They will pray when they’re in dire straits, they’ll pray.

Okay, angels. I don’t know who’s on duty right now, but I need some help show up and help. And I think that’s part of the gig is we have to invite the angels into our life. And I tried to do that moment by moment because my life, you know, people get this idea that I’m some guru. You know, true story. I had a dentist appointment yesterday with a new dentist.

Cause I had a dentist that I liked and I moved to a different area, different part of the Midwest. I mean, I moved like, you know, an hour away, but I had to get a new dentist. So I was like, oh my gosh, what are they going to look at? What are they going to see? What are they going to say? What are they going to charge me?

What’s it going to be like? I stayed up all but three hours the night before, cause I was so anxious about this dentist. And people get this idea because I’ve been to heaven. I’ve had this temporary death experience. I’ve come back changed, but I’m, I’ve still have a lot of stuff I’m working on. I mean lots and lots and lots of stuff, you know, I have a romantic partner with whom I have plenty of arguments for somebody who’s [00:51:00] so enlightened Yeah And actually one day I put this in my book one day I got really depressed and I googled nde plus depression and it’s a thing It’s a thing because on one hand You realize I was dead And i’m back now and yet you realize this is this is hard to come back to And it’s hard to fit in and it’s hard to listen to somebody.

I remember shortly after my NDE, I was sitting around in a neighborhood circle full of women primarily talking, and they were talking about the deal they got on their shoes and they got these shoes and they got them on a shoe sale. They had to fight with the clerk to get them on the special sale and the two front of blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

And all I can think is how inane. Yeah. I don’t want to talk about shoes. I want to talk about those flowers popped up in the middle of the sidewalk. What a beautiful spiritual example that is. So yeah, it’s, it’s very common to suffer depression after you come back from [00:52:00] heaven because you’re like, what am I doing here?

I was out. I was clear. And now I’m back. Dag! Roseanne, will you come back?

Well, we’re going to make this a two parter. Will you tell everybody who listened to the episode today? And this was just, oh, I love, love, love talking to you. will you tell everybody where they can find your book, where they can find you? Yes. My book is, uh, Remembering the Light, How Dying Saved My Life.

And by the way, it will soon be available in audio. It’s been uploaded now, just waiting. but it’s at the world’s biggest bookstore. also, my website is temporarydeath. com if anybody wants to reach me. And there’s a contact rose. Like I said, I do read every email and I try to respond to them, but it’s a little overwhelming.

but yes, I cherish every email. I read them, I think about them and I love getting them. Oh, I hear you on that. Before we go, Spirit’s saying that I got to tell you this. This message has been coming in lately, and it’s not just for me, it’s for you too, that when we do this work, we have to remember [00:53:00] that we’re not to keep our eyes on the skeptics or those who have closed hearts.

To the message, but that when we do the work, we’re writing, we’re speaking only with eyes in view of those with open hearts, receptive to the message because the angels have already primed them and they’re ready. They’re receptive. They’re open and they need the message for their journey. I know that that’s true.

And it is way too easy to lose sight of. You know, I, my friend points out that I get, 98 percent beautiful emails, but then the 2 percent are so vicious and they tend to just drag your way like just a wave coming to shore and pulling you back out. And I mean, I think a lot about what Jesus said, cast not your pearls before swine.

And I feel like sometimes I got to remember that. I just got to remember people will say vicious things and I mean vicious things. And I’m like, how does that benefit [00:54:00] you? How does that make your day a little better?

to rip apart another human being. But anyway, but yes, that’s a, that’s a lovely message. And it is hard to stick your neck out there and say, Hey, I died and went to heaven and this thing happened. And people go, what? A hundred percent. A hundred percent. Well, you’ve got a friend in me and I totally get it because I get the same thing somewhere out there.

There’s a documentary about the guy who made five hour energy drinks. And he changed the motto within his company to not focus on the 1 percent who, will just tear you to shreds, that you really focus in on the 90%. Cause he said he studied it within his company and they were spending the bulk of their time and energy.

All of his employees on that 1%. So he said, we’re just going to let that 1 percent go. And we’re going to focus all of our time, all of our energy, all of our love on the 99 [00:55:00] percent who are open. And, I’m just saying receptive. and he said it changed their entire company. So that’s a motto I’ve adopted too.

That’s lovely. Well, thank you for telling me that. Of course, of course. All my love, Rosemary, and we’ll have you back soon. That sounds lovely. 

I’d love to work with you if it resonates. Book a reading to get messages from your angels right away. Or join my membership or my Angel Reiki Mediumship School. What’s the difference? The Angel Reiki Mediumship School certifies you in mediumship, angel messages, and energy healing all at once. Some join simply to develop all of their unique spiritual gifts to the max, and others want to start their own [00:56:00] spiritual business.

Both are perfect. You can take the Angel Reiki Mediumship School online with a Zoom meeting. Or in person in Oakbrook, Illinois, in November or April bonus. When you register for the in person Angel Reiki Mediumship School today, you also get the eight week online program free with zoom meetings included.

So you can literally start today. How is that different from my membership? My membership gives you everything you need to care for and nourish your soul. The fact is, our world neglects the soul. Most people only attend to their own soul when they have a big life crisis. But your soul is not a problem to be solved.

Your soul is starving to be seen, heard, nourished, and cared for. Your soul is speaking to you, [00:57:00] and it wants you to hear it. That’s what my membership does. It nourishes your soul. It shows you there is an entire universe living within you, how you can access your own angels, messages, and live a life of wonder, magic, enchantment, and miracles.

At your request, we’ve changed the membership so that you can join anytime, any month. You can purchase readings, the school, my membership, all over at theangelmedium. com. As we close today, ask your angels to be with you and allow these messages to speak to your heart. Your angels say you are connected to the universe.

And the universe is connected to you. All you ever need is within you right now, at this very moment. Stay true to yourself. Don’t [00:58:00] betray yourself by going against the intuitive feelings you get. Trust your own inner wisdom. Why? The world needs you. The world needs you to dream big. big and for you to discover what’s possible for yourself, step into the energy of all that you are smile, laugh, and allow your heart to be healed.

Ask your angels to bring you big, big miracles, prosperity, and to open big doors. Believe in miracles. You have a big purpose and friends. Inspiration is everywhere. Everywhere you look, there are people in need of help, love, and support. Find a way to be of service. Start right now by asking yourself, what good shall I do this day?

Love is who you are. Joy is your nature. [00:59:00] Remember, God only ever has three answers to your prayers. Not yet, or I have something so much better in mind, you can’t possibly believe it. Nothing is impossible and nothing can stop your determined soul from succeeding. Now go about your day and expect the most wonderful things to happen.

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