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An Incredible Miracle Of Your Spiritual Gifts Activating (An Angel Story)

Angel Story

When Amy’s dad was on hospice, she placed her hands on his head and was immediately tuned into what was happening with his soul on the Other Side. When Amy wrote to tell me about this story, I knew I had to share it with you because so many listeners report that their spiritual gifts activate as one of their loved ones is crossing to the Other Side. DM me @angelpodcast to let me know what you thought of today’s episode!

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Episode Highlights

02:55 Amy Shares Her Angel Story

09:24 Reflections on Spiritual Gifts

13:42 Connecting Souls and Spiritual Messages

21:46 Embracing and Using Your Gifts

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The touch was a big part in activating the gift and the angels, as soon as I read your story, the angel said, please have Amy on because the world needs to know that gifts are activated in different ways, but there are multiple blessings in your story. And one of them is the blessing of you getting to know that you’re gifted.

And that you get to activate those gifts here. 

As we begin the podcast today, feel your angels surround you and sing to you. You are a miracle. Your life is a miracle. The good that you choose to do today is a miracle received by other souls. And just because you’re you, God Universe Source sends you big and small miracles this day and every day.

Right now, invite your angels to guide you. Ask God Universe Source for what your heart wants. See it as if you’re in the future and what you want is already yours now. And so it is. I love you. And I’m so grateful. You’re here that I have some freebies for you. I worked with the angels to create 31 meditations that are going to make you a magnet for miracles.

Get them free at theangelmedium. com. Want to be my angel? Leave this podcast 5 stars or a 5 star positive review and I’ll enter you into a drawing to win a free reading with me. Use the form at theangelmedium. com backslash contact to send me your contact info so I know who to call when you win. Use that same contact form to submit your angel stories, what you’re struggling with, or a question, which I’ll answer on this podcast or Instagram at angel podcast.

That’s theangelmedium. com backslash contact. Thank you for being my angel and remember angels and miracles are your birthright. And they’re activated when you believe. So ask, believe, and receive your miracles.

Hello, beautiful souls. Welcome back to the angels and awakening podcast. I’m your host and author Julie Jancis and friends today. We have Amy here, Amy. Thank you for being here to share your angel stories.

Yeah. My pleasure. Yay. Well, I’ll have you take it away and share your first one. Okay. my dad in 2016 passed away and. I moved back in with my parents for the last three months he had cancer and he wanted to die at home and we, so we set up a hospital bed in his den you know, slowly he got, you know, less and less able to function.

And then for like the last day, he. Probably last, I don’t know, 24 hours, 48 hours, he just stopped being able to talk, but you could see in his eyes that he was still there. when it came time for him to die, it was evening and we, my family was there, my husband and my two children. And we want to, I went upstairs to go to bed and, my mom was sleeping in a chair in his room with, you know, next to the hospital bed and we all kind of knew it was coming.

And so, at like 11 o’clock after we had gone to bed, I heard my mom call up and she yelled up, she said, it’s time. So I went downstairs. And I put my hand in my heart and my other hand on his head. And all of a sudden I could see where he was. I could see it was like he had left his body and I could see where he was.

I could see him from behind and it was a big blue space and he was. Big and free of this, you know, he had been a very active man. He was a runner, his old life. And, you know, in the last, I don’t know, two or three months, he sort of shrunk into this, you know, skeleton of a person. and so when I, when all of a sudden I knew I could see that, what a gift, I ran upstairs.

I woke my family up and they all came down and I did the same thing, put my hand on his head and my hand in my heart and I just narrated what I saw. And what I saw was, him walking and enjoying that feeling of freedom and, release, I think is the best word. And I don’t know, I don’t know if I saw it or felt it, it’s kind of hard to describe.

It’s more like, I guess it’s more like a dream. but anyway, I just narrated what I saw for my family and I saw him go forward. I saw, I could feel what he felt, which was really cool. I could feel that release. I could feel. The release of his physical body? Yes, the release of the, like the capture of his physical body because he had never had any, you know, really big physical issues until he had cancer and went through all the treatments that sort of you know, suck you dry.

And so he could just be again. And that was, that felt really good for him. And he felt joy. And, I just followed him and we got to a place where there was like a line. I can’t, it’s been a while now. I can’t remember. I think there was, I don’t know if there were two lines or one line of people in, beige, like tunics, kind of, and they were all there.

It was very somber, but not sad. Just like a, like a welcoming to a new face. Place where you are a new face. And, and he went down and they all shook his hand. And then there was, um, a friend of his from who had died before him. and he was there to greet him. He was like the one who could say, here you are, you know, there were no words spoken, but you could just feel the welcoming and, and, and, And so once we got to that place, I knew I was done. I didn’t have anything more to do. And so it also, I don’t, I can’t remember if they turned and walked away or it just sort of faded, but I knew my job was over and it felt like I was there so that I don’t know, and maybe both if it was me telling my family that it was all going to be okay.

Or that my dad needed a hand to hold as he walked that path. And he knew I would get it. You know, that I would understand it. And I was convenient because I was there. And so, I got to, you know, I just got to narrate that whole scene to my family. and I think also it made my mom feel really good to know all of that, that he was free, that he was safe, that he didn’t just disappear, you know, like it doesn’t end right then, that there is something more.

And I think that was really, Reassuring for my mom. 

Join me for these upcoming events. We’re hosting the Angel Reiki Mediumship School live in person. Again, this fall and spring. Event dates are up at theangelmedium. com backslash events. Space is limited. Reserve your spot today. And as a bonus, I’m giving you access to our eight week online Angel Reiki Mediumship School so that you can get started as soon as you register.

Don’t want to come in person? That’s okay. You can still earn your certifications in Mediumship Angel messages and energy healing in our eight week online program with a new online class and zoom calls Starting on the first of each month. Did you know one Wednesday evening of each month? I host a free group prayer event Open to all.

And right afterwards, I teach you a new tool to work with your angels or loved ones in heaven. Sign up today, free at the angel medium. com backslash events, and we’ll send you the zoom link to participate. You’ll also find details on our upcoming spiritual retreat, October 4th, 5th, and 6th, 2024 at theangelmedium.

com backslash events. So excited to work with you now back to the show.

I want people to tune in to a couple of things because I just love the story and how beautifully you tell it, because you did help him transition to the other side. And I think it’s both Amy. I think he needed your help. I think he needed you as a messenger in that moment to really relay that message, because your mom was able to feel profound peace and that profound peace is a gift, right?

that she wouldn’t have been able to receive that gift without the message that you were able to deliver. And. Yet too, there’s another gift that came about at all to you, which is, we’re, we’re all very, very gifted. And I don’t like it when people say, you know, are you clairvoyant? Are you clear audient? Are you clear sentient? Because really it. All of our gifts mixed together. The angels always, equate it to reading a book when you read like a fiction book and you’re really engrossed in this book, you feel very deeply for these fictional characters. You anticipate what’s going to come up. You, are reading the words on the page, but you’re actually saying them to yourself with your own ears.

Inner dialogue, which is what your intuition sounds like as well. And so what spirit is saying to tell you, though, in this moment, Amy, is that our gifts come about in different ways. Wait, like you have visions, um, through clear tangents, which we’re going to talk about and everybody might have their gifts come about in a different way.

Somebody might hear something. Somebody might get a vision. Somebody might, um, Get a knowingness or this deep gut feeling, but that’s just the beginning. Right? Like that is just a pinpoint at the tip of the iceberg. The rest is developing that gift in order to be that messenger to everybody. Right? And so what, um, I keep hearing from your angel teams to tell you, well, And, and everybody listening, like this is for them too.

You have the gift of clear tangents. And I haven’t talked about this on the podcast. But you’ll hear it back in my story. So if you listen to the podcast, you know, that when my dad passed and I would brush my daughter’s hair, but I’m touching her head, right? I’m touching her hair. I start to get these auditory messages from my dad.

She needs a hairbrush. Like I use, she needs, I use. But that clear tangents is clear touch. So when you touch the person or you touch an object of theirs, there’s information that comes with it. For me, it was auditory at first, for you, it was visual. So, What was interesting is when I go back and I think about that story of my dad coming through all month long when I don’t even know he’s passed, is that it came about every single time I touched my daughter’s head.

Ah, uh huh. 

The touch was a big part in activating the gift and the angels, as soon as I read your story, the angel said, please have Amy on because the world needs to know that gifts are activated in different ways, but there are multiple blessings in your story. And one of them is the blessing of you getting to know that you’re gifted.

And that you get to activate those gifts here. 

So when you came in and you touched dad and dad’s head, you were immediately transported visually with your mind’s eye to his eyes and his sight, his consciousness of what he was physically seeing. On the other side. And I think it’s such a powerful story as well, because people need to know without a shadow of a doubt, there is another side.

Oh yeah. Yeah. And I, I. Well, there are two things come to mind. one time, a very long time ago, I had a dream and in the dream, it was like all dark in the dream. There wasn’t any picture. And someone said, do you want to be a messenger? And I was like, okay, what are you talking about? Like, I’m a photographer.

Do you mean with my photographs? And they said, do you want to be a messenger? And I’m like, I don’t, I don’t know what you’re talking about. And they’re like, do you want to be a messenger? It’s like. Yes or no? And I’m like, yes, I do. And then after that, uh, they started coming and often in dreams and, um, often I’ll get a message for someone and say, I got a message for you.

You might think this is totally wacky, but, um, do you, do you want to hear it or not? It doesn’t matter to me. I’m just supposed to pass this information on to you. I have no opinion on it. I’m just giving it to you. Um, a few times it’s been really helpful, but, and during my, when my dad was, um, ill, I had a dream that I saw these two sort of fiery, um, blue lines going towards each other.

and meeting in the middle. And a friend of mine had a daughter who was 13 who was going through cancer treatment. And I knew from that dream that I was supposed to put them in touch with each other. Don’t know why. So I called my friend. I said, okay, this is really weird, but Um, do you think your daughter and my dad can be pen pals?

Because I think they’re supposed to connect. And then they did. And they wrote letters to each other those last few months. And, um, he, we, we for her bought a teddy bear and sent it to her. And then she bought one for him and sent it to him. And it arrived after he was done being awake and alert. And so we just sort of tucked it in with him.

But that connection. It felt really important because it felt like at some point he had a choice whether he wanted to stay or go. He was a doctor and it felt like to him, he could be more helpful on the other side for her. So he, Got to choose what he wanted to do. And he chose to go to help and she’s totally fully recovered.

And, 22 now. Wow. Yeah, it was pretty cool. Wow. So when you say that you felt this nudge that you needed to connect those two together and have them be pen pals, which are a lot of people might with their egoic mind nowadays be like, I don’t know what that means, you know, like kind of push it underneath the rug, like hold it down.

what did that feel like when that came in? Was it an auditory voice? Was it a visual that you saw, you know, like, how did you make that connection? How did you get that information? Well, it came in a dream. And like I said, it was like two, like, um, like neon lights. And they were going towards each other and I knew that the two of that, that they were the two of them.

Like, I don’t, I don’t know. I didn’t hear it. I just knew that they needed to connect. And that, that was, I said. Okay, dad, you’re going to think this is really weird. And to my friend’s mom, you’re going to, I mean, my, my friend, this is going to be weird, but, I think you’re supposed to do this. And it is different, you know, I was sitting outside last night, it’s summertime, 2024 sitting outside with my neighbor, Tara, she just moved in next door and she’s absolutely a hoot. She’s so amazing. and we were talking about this and I was telling her How different people’s energies are because you can’t just go in and be like, okay, somebody’s in this stage of cancer.

This is what their energy is going to be. It’s directed towards the soul. Like the soul has different purpose and. Different ways it’s going to go in different reasons for being here. And each soul feels completely different in a session. So I was telling her about somebody that I love very much. who’s just been put on hospice and how she has loved ones on the other side.

And that when I tune into her energy, I don’t feel. Any ounce of just scaredness anymore. Like I just feel complete peace in her heart because so many of her people are on the other side and she just can’t wait to be with them. And there is this part of her human energy that I can feel that doesn’t want to leave people behind here.

Absolutely. But she knows so concretely that. Those people who are still here on Earth, their higher selves are on the other side. And that she’s gonna be with everybody and yet I have another friend whose mom has cancer and when I tune into her energy, her energy feels completely different where when I tune into her energy, it feels like Archangel Michael is in front of her, like, guiding the way for her.

She feels, like, prepped with, I don’t even know what century that was, that iron armor around her. Like, she is She wants to be here. Her energy is grounded and rooted very deeply into the core of the earth. She wants to be here for her family. She wants to be here for her kids and her grandkids. she’s not ready to go.

She’s here. And so I think it’s just so interesting, how you felt that within your dad, because I feel it too. And it wasn’t just about this young girl and assisting her from the other side. But, have you ever seen the old movie? And I don’t even remember all of it. I just remember this one scene from Mission Impossible.

I think it’s like the first one where Tom Cruise has, imaginary screen in front of him and he’s like taking his hands and like different things. That’s what I see your dad doing from the other side, but he’s got everybody’s spirit teams. he’s on everybody’s spirit teams. He’s got everybody’s Lives like pulled up on these screens around him and he’s like, this is coming for this person.

He’s got this and he’s like like an octopus, right? Like he’s got, he’s just going so super fast with his arms and he’s moving the energy around for this person. He’s moving the energy around for this person. He’s Superman over there. Right. and so he keeps saying it’s for all of you. Mhm. That’s nice to know. Is there a grandson in the family that he has? Uh huh. Two. Two. we don’t have to go deep into it, but I feel like one of them has been going through a lot. family’s a little bit just worried here and there about, him. He just takes special care of this young man. And, he said he is so gifted.

And he just has to realize his own power within. but he said, he’s getting to him to that point, but you know how, before we hopped on the call, we were talking about special gifts and how some people keep them on a shelf and some people use them, he goes, this young man is supposed to use these gifts.

He said, this is interesting. I don’t normally see them say this. He said he’s scared of the gifts because he knows how powerful. He is when he really puts his mind to something. And, honestly, I think I could write an entire book on this, Amy, but some people are more scared of success than failure and your dad goes, and that’s why some people put their gifts on a shelf and they don’t open them and they don’t activate them.

That’s so helpful. And here’s the question. He’s got two grandsons. I don’t know which one you’re talking about. You know, who’s that? Um, a little bit more reserved, very athletic. he, I think he’s the younger one. Yeah. Aiden. Yep. That’s who we’re talking about. But, I normally talk about this in the angel Reiki school, but they’re saying to talk about it with you.

a lot of people don’t recognize What gifts actually are spiritual gifts because they’ve had them their entire lives and it just seems so, human to them. Like it’s just, that’s just how people are that you don’t realize not everybody is that way. Right. Yeah. And so your dad comes through to you, Amy, and he goes, you don’t realize what a gift it is to be a teacher.

And he said, you have the gift of being able to teach others. he said, I need you to really see that as a gift and recognize it as a gift because you’re here. when I see my symbol for being a teacher, somebody brings it through from the other side. I often see a spider web where you’re in the center.

And then the people that you’re teaching are these lines that move out in every direction. But then I often see those People as like circular faces right in the web and then from them, it webs out to all of these other faces and your dad says, there’s something within your heart. That’s always called you.

Like you’ve just known that you were here to share a greater message, but you’ve said to God before, like, I don’t know how, like, How can that be? I don’t know how to do that. And they go, you don’t have to know the how you just have to follow and, you have to learn. And I think that that is one of the things that, Most teachers don’t recognize because there’s a lot of other spiritual authorities within the space right now who say, you don’t have to keep learning.

And I don’t believe that’s true. The universe is expanding at such a great speed, which means that And I tell this to my husband, like, I’m comparing the two. My husband will often be like, er, er, ger, ger, TikTok, you know, like, I don’t, and I’m like, okay, grandpa Jancis, like, what the hell? You’re not going to keep up with the times and you’re going to just be that old man that are, we’re around our grandkids one day.

And then what they’re like, I don’t want to be a ground grandpa. Like he’s not keeping up with the times. He doesn’t get it. I don’t want to be those grandparents, I tell them. You know, I want to be the grandparents that get it and that the grandkids love to be around, that they just love. In the exact same way, your dad is comparing that and he’s like, you’re a teacher.

You’re here to be a teacher. And what that means is you have to keep expanding your soul’s energy by learning and growing and keeping up with where the human collective is going. Because if you don’t, as a teacher. , you’re no longer relevant to the students who need you. Yeah. And so, really allowing yourself to see it as a gift, because when you see it as a gift and you actually take action steps on it.

My God, do you feel so much fulfillment? Mm-Hmm. . Okay. Mm-Hmm. . Yeah. That’s good. Yay. I Relevant. Yay. Have you felt that about the teaching? I love to teach. I love it. I, I’m a coach. I teach at nursery schools. I mean, in real life, you know, I’m a photographer, but I incorporate it all together and I just got into a PhD program for philosophy, for Art.

No way. Philosophy. Yeah. So I’ll get outta here. yeah. Tie it all together. Yeah. I know that there’s things out there with photography, uh, orbs and color, like auric colors, but I think that there’s something new, a new modality that you might create with photography, spirituality, that you might teach to people, and, allow yourself to go deep into that, whatever that is.

Okay. I don’t know what that means, but I’ll keep my eyes open. Yeah, keep your eyes open for it. Um, Gosh, if I could go back off philosophy major, that would be, I got philosophy and psychology messed up when I was like a freshman and I just didn’t get it. And so I thought I was getting into a philosophy class.

Cause my dad and I would always have these great philosophical discussions, but I didn’t know it was philosophy when I was young. And so I got into this psychology class and I’m like, Freud, Freud, what? Like none of this. Yeah. Makes sense to me. I don’t like any of this. This doesn’t resonate with me at all.

and then people are talking about this philosophy class where they’re like, is the table there or not? Oh, I missed it. Yeah. And, and this is going to be, it’s a doctorate in philosophy, but, but with a creative practice. So I’m taking my artwork and I did research on different, programs and some were just studying art and the philosophy of art.

And this one is, that half of it, you’re studying and the other half, you’re actually physically making the art. And that’s what I can’t wait to do. Oh, okay. So you have to tell people I asked you about this painting behind you because it’s very, very stunning. It’s very well lit on one side. It’s very dark on the other side, but it’s a skeleton.

And then you have these little bottles, uh, or little things next to it. And so before we hopped on the call, I was like, You know, Amy, what is that painting behind you? And what did you say? I said, it’s a painting of someone who took all his gifts and put them on a shelf. And so there is a physical shelf underneath it and glass bottles and each bottle Has a name I can’t even remember they are but in Latin it says the gift that he stopped into that You know that he stopped using and put on a shelf and it’s hard to see but in Latin behind his head It says use the gifts God has given you and in the in the bottles the red is red thread because I had a whole series of red red thread with the idea that mixed media work that, that, um, the red thread is the gift.

It’s the gift that you’re giving and everyone gets them differently. And we can choose to use them or we can choose not to. And in that painting, you can see that he’s got no arms. He’s chosen not to use his gifts and to put, because he was a musician, he put them on the shelf. And when, when I watched him go from musician to sitting on the shelf, it was, it was really sad.

And so it’s very powerful. And, you know, as I’m looking at this painting and it’s the skeleton and kind of like this darkness inside a, a circle, and then there’s just this, black darkness surrounding it. It’s the complete Opposite of what you see. when you see just somebody radiating their energy and their gifts to the entire world, which is why I wanted to do the podcast cover tile, for the angels and awakening podcast, the way that we did, because I wanted everybody to feel that energy of.

Their energy, their heart being so full of unconditional love. They’re just vibrating in oneness, 111 percent constantly that that energy goes out in every direction to everyone within the world. And, and it symbolizes to me that energy of oneness, right? Mm-Hmm. . Mm-Hmm that when we’re the most ourselves, everybody else can be the most their selves.

And we’re all one. And we create this heaven on earth. and wow, those two things are just the complete opposites. It’s so powerful. So lesson of the day, do not put your gifts in a bottle on the shelf in order to live out your soul’s path in this life, you have to let those gifts out of the bottle and it doesn’t feel comfortable all the time.

Did it feel easy when you were helping your dad transition to the other side and talking to your family? Were you comfortable enough with them or did it feel a little uneasy to be like? Okay, this is what I’m getting. Like, I can’t. No, they already know that that stuff happens to me. That was, that part was easy.

They’re like, oh, there she goes again. Yeah. I love it. I love it. Oh, be loud. Be proud. Be you. Love, love, love. Amy, keep in touch with me. I want to know what happens with your philosophy degree. Oh, thank you. I do too. Amazing. That was already in my head.

Yay. Yay. Yay. Oh, all my love. And to everybody listening, if you have an angel story that you’d like to share, please get in touch with me. Go over to my website, theangelmedium. com and use our contact form to submit your angel story. Also, don’t forget we have the spiritual retreat coming up and friends, this is what I know.

Like I know, like I know. When you go to a spiritual retreat, and I’ve been a seeker, trying to find my way home to my soul self since I was very, very young. And at age 19, I started going to spiritual retreats and I just come home feeling like my cup is overflowing with joy and love and clarity and purpose, and it never fails.

There’s always this anticipation energy of excitement, almost like you’re going to Disney before you go on a spiritual retreat because you, uh, Open the veil more up between you and the other side. And you start to get the, this more clarity and messages. And then when you’re at the retreat, spirit always shows you something that’s been missing.

You’re like, Oh, it’s been on the tip of my tongue. I can’t tell what it is. It’s on your subconscious. But. They make it really clear and then they show you your path. And it’s just so much fun because after the retreat, you get to step back into your own life and just feel this warmth and radiance of, I know why I’m here.

I’m confident in it. I know my next steps and I trust that spirit is leading me every single step of the way. And that’s what I want for you. If you want to register for the spiritual retreat, October 4th, 5th, and 6th, go over to theangelmedium. com backslash retreat and get your spot today. I love you so much friends.

And Amy, I love you so much. Please stay connected. Yeah, I certainly will. Thanks so much for talking with me today.

I’d love to work with you if it resonates. Book a reading to get messages from your angels right away. Or join my membership or my Angel Reiki Mediumship School. What’s the difference? The Angel Reiki Mediumship School certifies you in mediumship, angel messages, and energy healing all at once. Some join simply to develop all of their unique spiritual gifts to the max, and others want to start their own spiritual business.

Both are perfect. You can take the Angel Reiki Mediumship School online with a Zoom meeting. Or in person in Oakbrook, Illinois, in November or April bonus. When you register for the in person Angel Reiki Mediumship School today, you also get the eight week online program free with zoom meetings included.

So you can literally start today. How is that different from my membership? My membership gives you everything you need to care for and nourish your soul. The fact is, our world neglects the soul. Most people only attend to their own soul when they have a big life crisis. But your soul is not a problem to be solved.

Your soul is starving to be seen, heard, nourished, and cared for. Your soul is speaking to you, and it wants you to hear it. That’s what my membership does. It nourishes your soul. It shows you there is an entire universe living within you, how you can access your own angels, messages, and live a life of wonder, magic, enchantment, and miracles.

At your request, we’ve changed the membership so that you can join anytime, any month. You can purchase readings, the school, my membership, all over at theangelmedium. com. As we close today, ask your angels to be with you and allow these messages to speak to your heart. Your angels say you are connected to the universe.

And the universe is connected to you. All you ever need is within you right now, at this very moment. Stay true to yourself. Don’t betray yourself by going against the intuitive feelings you get. Trust your own inner wisdom. Why? The world needs you. The world needs you to dream big. big and for you to discover what’s possible for yourself, step into the energy of all that you are smile, laugh, and allow your heart to be healed.

Ask your angels to bring you big, big miracles, prosperity, and to open big doors. Believe in miracles. You have a big purpose and friends. Inspiration is everywhere. Everywhere you look, there are people in need of help, love, and support. Find a way to be of service. Start right now by asking yourself, what good shall I do this day?

Love is who you are. Joy is your nature. Remember, God only ever has three answers to your prayers. Not yet, or I have something so much better in mind, you can’t possibly believe it. Nothing is impossible and nothing can stop your determined soul from succeeding. Now go about your day and expect the most wonderful things to happen.

Have a specific prayer request? Let us know and we’ll be praying for you every day. If you want, we’ll also ask our private Facebook community to pray for you as well.  Will also automatically add you to my email list. 

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