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Quick Tools For Easy Energy Healing: Try THIS With Donna Eden and I

Guest Interview

Hello beautiful souls! Meet Donna Eden, a beacon of radiant spirituality and warmth. Together with her husband David, she graces our Angel Membership today, sharing profound insights into energy healing, spirituality, and intuition. Donna’s teachings offer transformative tools to dissolve any lingering blocks, guiding members towards spiritual alignment and empowerment. Join us in practice today as we delve into her quick and accessible techniques for spiritual growth and healing. For a visual guide, check out our exclusive video on YouTube at [https://youtu.be/djBlJWP5238]. Experience the power of spiritual intuition and angelic guidance as you tune in with tapping today on the show! 

If you’d like to develop your gifts of mediumship, angel messages and energy healing in my Angel Reiki School, or if you’d like to share your angel story, please visit theangelmedium.com for more information.

To learn more about Donna and David’s work:

▶️ Click HERE to watch this episode on YouTube.

📝 Click HERE to read a transcript of this episode


🎤 I’m hosting my first-ever in-person events at Oak Brook, Illinois! I can’t wait to see you there.

  • Angel Reiki School June 1 and 2, 2024 (early bird pricing expires May 10) Learn more at TheAngelMedium.com/Get-Certified
  • Spiritual Retreat on October 4 – 6, 2024. Learn more at TheAngelMedium.com/Retreat

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Julie Jancius: Want to know what’s coming up on today’s episode? Here’s a preview. I like how you said at the very end, too, these fears and doubts are my friends. Oh, that was powerful, David.

David Feinstein: Right? We tend to make feelings that are uncomfortable our foe. And they’re not our foe. They are part of our psyche that’s informing us, that is helping us be whole.

Julie Jancius: Hello, beautiful souls. You’re listening to the Angels and awakening podcast. I’m, your host and author, Julie Jancius. Did you know that you can listen to this show everywhere podcasts are found? It’s true. Now I have three free gifts just for you. First gift, I give away a new reading each week to a person who’s left a five star positive review of this show, then submitted it to me using the contact form@theangelmedium.com. contact. I hope I’m calling your number next. Second gift. If you’d like a new daily angel message, join me on Insta angelpodcast. Third free gift. If you’d like to know the name of one of your guardian angels so that you can work with them even more closely, go to the homepage of my website, theangelmedium.com, and submit your contact info at the very top. I’ll email you back personally with the name of one of your Angels. Okay, as we begin the show, I want you to feel the presence of your Angels surrounding you. And just know that the loving, positive messages you resonate with today are messages for you from your Angels and loved ones on the other side. Hello, beautiful souls. Welcome back to the Angels and Awakening podcast. I’m your host and author, Julie Jancius, and friends. Today we’re here with Donna Eden and David Feinstein. They’re the authors of so many books on energy healing. I, used to have them as, like, instead of coffee books, I was like, I want people to know my personality so that when they come into my house, they know who I am and what I’m about. So I had one of your big books on one coffee table and one of your big other books on the other coffee table, and they were out there for like, at least five years. and I think they might still be there. But your new book is so wonderful too. And we’ve had people on to talk about tapping, but you talk about it in a completely different way. Your new book is called tapping self healing with the transformative power of energy psychology. Donna, David, welcome to the show.

Donna Eden: Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, Julie to be here. Julie, yay.

David Feinstein: Yay.

Julie Jancius: okay, so, Donna, I see you as, like, the queen of energy healing around the world. I think there’s nobody else who knows more about it than you. And we were just on with your daughter before, and she was talking about how when she was seven years old, you went through an energy program where everything started to make sense because you had been seeing energy as ribbons or swirls. And going through this program gave you a way to talk about it.

Donna Eden: yeah, that’s right. I had gotten myself, well, from multiple sclerosis using energy, but I didn’t know how to talk about it and say what the energies were. And I went to a group called touch for health, and they had the names on all the energy systems, and it was really, really wonderful.

Julie Jancius: Yeah. So then you were able. Because I think this is a question. There’s so many healers that listen to this show. I think that so many people are like, well, I shouldn’t build off of other people’s work out of respect, because it’s theirs. But I see spirit as working through us, as individuals, wherever I. We really should be working off of other people’s work.

Donna Eden: Absolutely.

Julie Jancius: Okay. Take this away and talk this about this so that other people don’t feel any guilt.

Donna Eden: Yeah, no guilt. I mean, it’s for all of us. Once you get into energy medicine, it will open up more and more and more for you. And I have thought I made up, an exercise, only to find out it’s been being done for thousands of years. You will always run into what somebody else has done, because it’s just out there and you trip over it and it’s yours, and. But, no, I just want everybody


Donna Eden: to.

Julie Jancius: Have it, and it’s being channeled through you. And sometimes I think that they channel something through you and almost kind of validate in a way where you’re like, oh, my gosh, that’s actually a thing. Other people are doing it, too.

Donna Eden: Yes, that’s right. That’s right.

Julie Jancius: That’s amazing. And I know I’ve heard you say this, maybe in one podcast before, but I. Do you work with Angels as well?

Donna Eden: Well, you know, Angels and guides. Spirits sometimes come through me. I mean, it’s just not unusual. They just will. I’m just available, and it’s amazing. When I had my practice and if I was suddenly stumped and wasn’t sure what to do, I’d get quiet and, somebody would come in and tell me exactly what to do or move my arms and hands and place them on the person’s body exactly where they should go and then all the energy would start to move and the person would get better.

Julie Jancius: Yes. And can you talk? Because I think in over 560 episodes, we haven’t really talked about meridians and how energy moves through the meridians. Can you talk to that?

Donna Eden: Yes. I mean, meridians are amazing. There are twelve meridians in the body and they travel through, they are named for the organs that they travel through, but they go through many more places than just the organs. But they, they stream through different parts of the body. They have a definite direction, they travel, they have a definite color, they have, and they interconnect with other meridians too. And the meridians have all the acupuncture points on them. So one of the things I often do is teach people the acupressure points because I just, personally, I really like it as a pressure instead of even the needle. Sometimes the needle is perfect, but it’s your energy. Your energy is as unique as a thumbprint. It’s, it’s healing and it goes right into the body when you, when you put your fingers on an acupressure point.

Julie Jancius: Amazing. Okay. So Archangel Raphael has been working with me for a long time and I thought to myself, if I ever get to talk to Donna, this is what I’m going to ask her. Archangel Raphael says that when you stretch out, because so much energy is stored kind of in. What do you call this? Like the shoulder, like where the shoulder meets the arms, these kind of joint points, your knees, your hips. That when we just stretch, it’s one of the best things that we can do for ourselves energetically.

Donna Eden: You are right. Stretching. No, I guess, Archangel Raphael is right. Stretching is one of the best things you can do because you make space in your body for energy to move and then it isn’t stuck and it’s just really excellent. Stretching is.

Julie Jancius: Yeah. Okay. I love that. So how did you come across tapping and tell everybody kind of what your take is on tapping and just how it energetically shifts the, energy in the physical body?

Donna Eden: Yeah, it most definitely does. Like, what you’re tapping on is on acupressure points. And immediately you see, you see that point of light on, the acupressure point, you see it and then you see it pulse. It begins to pulse. It will pulse up into the brain, it’ll pulse to where is needed. And it’s like it gets in rhythm with the heart and it is amazing. It works amazing.

Julie Jancius: Okay. So I want to see if anybody’s got anything that they want to work on, and if not, I’m going to pick somebody. Christina, would you mind being one of our volunteers? Okay. So, christina is a student that I’ve been working through, and I know that christina, one of the things that she. I see really coming to her is a bigger business and reaching more people. Christina, would you be okay if we reach, kind of tap on this? Okay, perfect. So where does she start? What does she start to do for tapping?

David Feinstein: Right. Well, like, to just say a little bit more about what tapping does. But let’s start, christina, with telling us, about your journey in creating a business and creating, becoming, expanding the business and, where the difficulties are, where the blocks are.

Christina: Sure. I just recently started my spiritual business. I went through julie’s, angel reiki school, and I was really interested and started to develop my gifts through my clairs. And, I’m in a small town, so I’ve been. It’s been very hard to get any clients.

David Feinstein: And are there any blocks within yourself to having this business become really successful?

Christina: I believe that I do have a couple blocks. I’m trying to work on them with my spirit team. egoic mind is a big blocker for me,


Christina: passing through the doubts and fears.

Julie Jancius: the doubts and fears of, like, what if it never happens? Christina? Okay.

David Feinstein: In energy psychology, one of the things that is interesting is that, if everybody follows the procedures along with christina, it will support her, but it also will help you with whatever your issues are. So what I’m going to ask everybody to do is to identify something that is, somehow getting in the way of your success or something in your life that simply gets in your way, like a trigger in a relationship. Just identify something that’s pretty specific. So, for christina, it’s when she’s really trying to move forward with her, with your practice, the doubts and fears sometimes come up. so choose something for yourself. And now, Christina and everyone, think of this situation or these doubts in your case, and give it a rating of zero to ten, with zero being no distress at all, ten being that. Wow. These doubts are really extremely distressful. They really, they’re really strong.

Christina: Yeah. For me, it’s about eight or nine. Eight or nine high up there.

David Feinstein: yeah. And, so even if I can’t see you, just, write down the number if you have something there, or at least memorize the number. Okay. And now, whatever we do with christina, you do it also and do it as if Christina’s issue was your issue. So you’re going to use her words, and they’ll be really supportive for her. And the first thing you do is you find sore spots on your chest. So just kind of rub in and find points that are sore. These are generally called neurolymphatic points. They’re connected, actually, with the meridians, but they’re blockages. And if you can’t find one, take your forefingers and go in between where your arms attach to your chest. Usually those are sore, but if you’ve already found something, just go with that. Okay, so, Christina, it looks like you found some points. Okay, so, we start with what’s called an acceptance statement. And rather than tapping, we start with rubbing this point. Rub it with, enough firmness that you really feel it, but not enough that you’re going to in any way bruise or hurt yourself. And as you rub the points, repeat after me. Even though I have these fears and.

Donna Eden: Doubts, even though I have these fears and doubts.

David Feinstein: So everybody say that out loud.

Julie Jancius: Even though I have these fears and.

David Feinstein: Doubts and doubts, I deeply love myself and accept my feelings.

Donna Eden: I deeply love myself. Accept my feelings.

David Feinstein: Good. And twice more. Even though I have these fears and.

Donna Eden: Doubts, even though I have these fears and doubts, I deeply love myself and accept my feelings.

David Feinstein: And once more. Even though I have these fears and.

Donna Eden: Doubts, I deeply love myself. Of my feelings.

David Feinstein: Yeah. Good. And now we’re going to start the tapping. These fears and doubts. Go ahead and say it as you tap your tap. So Christine’s, tapping just about the right way. And right where the eyebrows start in the middle there. And now, side of the eyes, these fears and doubts.

Donna Eden: These fears and doubts.

David Feinstein: Under the eyes, these fears and doubts.

Donna Eden: These fears and doubts.

David Feinstein: Under the lower lip, these fears and doubts. I mean, under the nose? These fears and doubts. Under the lower lip, these fears and doubts. And now on your collarbone, right underneath the center. Right underneath it. These fears and doubts are getting in my way.

Donna Eden: These fears and doubts are getting in my way.

David Feinstein: I know I have something to offer.

Donna Eden: Come on, Christine. I, know I have something to offer.

Christina: I know I have something to offer.

David Feinstein: Again. I know I have something to offer.

Christina: I know I have something to offer.

David Feinstein: And now on the sides of your ribcage. I really want to work with people in this way.

Christina: I really want to work


Christina: with people in this way.

David Feinstein: And then kind of clap the sides of your hands together. But my fears and doubts get in my way.

Christina: My fears and doubts get in my way.

David Feinstein: And, I’m not sure why that happens.

Christina: I’m not sure why that happens, but.

David Feinstein: They really do interfere with me taking the steps I need to take to make myself known, but these really do take.

Christina: Interfere with interfere with taking the steps.

David Feinstein: I need to take to make myself more known.

Christina: Make myself more known.

David Feinstein: now we’re going to do something totally different. We’re going to continue to tap here, but we’re going to close our eyes. So everybody close your eyes and open them and look down to the right. Down to the left. Circle in one direction. Circle in the other direction. And now we’re going to continue to tap as you hum the first few verses of row, row, row, your vote, roll, row. And now you’re going to count to 512345 and hum again. And now we’re going to continue to tap as you do something totally different. Again. You’re going to keep your head straight, and as you keep your head straight, you’re going to move your eyes down to the floor so your head’s straight, but your eyes are down to the floor. And you’re going to send the energies out your eyes just send those energies out your eyes. And now roll your eyes upward so that you’re looking at the wall or whatever’s in front of you. Sending the energies out your eyes. Continue to roll up, up, up. Send the energies out your eyes. And now back to tapping on the body right in between the eyebrows and my fears and doubts.

Donna Eden: My fears and doubts.

Christina: My fears and doubts.

David Feinstein: My fears and doubts.

Christina: My fears and doubts.

David Feinstein: My fears and doubts.

Christina: Fears and doubts.

David Feinstein: My fears and doubts.

Christina: My fears and doubts.

David Feinstein: They’re getting in my way.

Christina: They’re getting in the way.

David Feinstein: And, I know I have something to offer.

Christina: And I know I have something to prosper.

David Feinstein: I can really help people.

Christina: I can really help people.

David Feinstein: I’m really ready to help people.

Donna Eden: I am.

Christina: I’m really ready to help people.

David Feinstein: But of course, I have fears and doubts.

Christina: but, of course, of course, I.

David Feinstein: Have fears and doubts because I’m just starting this.

Christina: Just starting this.

David Feinstein: This is new for me.

Christina: This is new for me.

David Feinstein: I accept these fears.

Christina: I accept these fears.

David Feinstein: I accept these doubts.

Christina: I accept these doubts.

David Feinstein: I can learn from these fears and doubts.

Christina: I can learn from these fears and doubts.

David Feinstein: One thing they teach me is one.

Christina: Thing they teach me is to really.

David Feinstein: Give this my best.

Christina: To really do my best.

David Feinstein: Another thing they teach me m is.

Christina: Another thing they teach me is.

David Feinstein: And you’re going to finish that sentence.

Christina: To keep going to fight the fear.

David Feinstein: They teach me to keep going to overcome the fear. My fears and doubts are teachers.

Donna Eden: My fears and doubts are teachers.

David Feinstein: My fears and doubts are going to help me become a better practitioner.

Christina: Fears and doubts won’t make me a better practitioner.

David Feinstein: True or false?

Christina: True.

David Feinstein: My, fears and doubts are going to make me a better practitioner.

Christina: My fears and doubts will make me a better practitioner.

David Feinstein: Okay, take a breath, and everybody just watch. But christina, what I’d like you to do is go back into the original thoughts that you had about fears and doubts and give it a rating again from zero to ten. And let’s see if it’s changed at all with this first round.

Christina: Yes. I feel it lower. Like at least a five. It’s been a big jump for me.

Donna Eden: Yay.

David Feinstein: So it’s going from an eight or nine down to a five.

Julie Jancius: Ready for a little getaway that completely resets your energy? We’re hosting a live, in person spiritual retreat called a whole new you. It’s the weekend


Julie Jancius: of October 4 in oakbrook, Illinois. This spiritual retreat is all about your own personal healing and growth, reconnecting with yourself, learning to connect with your Angels. And I’m going to talk about all new Angels that I’ve never talked about anywhere before. And you’re going to leave with more personal peace, purpose, clarity, and confidence than ever before. Learn more and see the itinerary@theangelmedium.com. retreat that’s theangelmedium.com retreat. Links are in the show notes and friend, I cannot wait to meet you and hug you in person.

David Feinstein: Now, how do you know that it’s still a five? What are the feelings in your body when you think about it? What are the sensations?

Christina: I still feel some tightness, in my chest. But not as strict.

David Feinstein: Mm Okay, so we’re going to work with that. okay, so even though there’s still some tightness in my chest, even though.

Christina: There’S still some m tightness in my.

David Feinstein: Chest, I deeply love and accept myself.

Christina: I deeply love and accept myself.

David Feinstein: Even though there’s still some tightness in.

Christina: My chest, even though there’s still some tightness in my chest, I deeply love.

David Feinstein: Myself and accept that, tightness, I.

Christina: Deeply love myself and accept that tightness.

David Feinstein: Even though there’s still some tightness in.

Christina: My chest, even though there’s still some tightness in my chest.

David Feinstein: And I know that means there’s still some fears and doubts.

Christina: And I know that means there’s some fears and doubts.

David Feinstein: I deeply love myself and accept my feelings.

Christina: I love myself and accept my feelings.

David Feinstein: These fears and doubts.

Christina: These fears and doubts that make my chest tighten and make my chest tight.

David Feinstein: There’s tightness in my chest.

Christina: Tightness in my chest.

David Feinstein: There’s tightness in my chest.

Christina: This tightness in my chest. I can breathe into it I can breathe into it.

David Feinstein: And take a deep breath take a deep breath and release some of that tightness.

Christina: Release some of that tightness.

David Feinstein: But the tightness is reminding me the.

Christina: Tightness is reminding me to be at my best. To be at my best.

David Feinstein: So I accept the tightness so I accept the tightness even as I release it.

Christina: Even though I release it, accepting the tightness in my chest, accepting the tightness.

David Feinstein: In my chest, accepting my fears and doubts.

Christina: My fears and doubts.

David Feinstein: As I, get ready to become much more successful.

Christina: As I’m ready to become more successful.

David Feinstein: And now, continuing to tap, we’re going to do the same routine we did before. Close your eyes. Open them. Look down to the right. Look down to the left. Circle in one direction. Circle in the other direction. Now home. Now count to 512345. Come again and do the sweep again where you keep your head straight. Your eyes go down to the floor. Send the energy out your eyes go up, up. up. And all the way up to the ceiling, sending the energy out your eyes. And now, once again, tapping on the insides of your eyebrows. My fears and doubts.

Donna Eden: My fears and doubts.

Christina: My fears and doubts.

David Feinstein: And the tightness in my chest.

Christina: Tightness in my chest.

David Feinstein: And I can see myself taking steps.

Christina: Now I could see myself taking steps.

David Feinstein: Now that I was a little afraid to take before and I was a.

Christina: Little afraid to take.

David Feinstein: True or false?

Christina: True.

David Feinstein: I can see myself taking steps I.

Christina: Can see myself taking steps that I.

David Feinstein: Was a little afraid to take before.

Christina: And I was a little afraid to.

David Feinstein: Take before because of the fears and doubts.

Christina: Because of the fears and doubts.

David Feinstein: But now I know the fears and doubts are my friend now I know.

Christina: The fears and doubts are my friend.

David Feinstein: And, I just flow with them.

Christina: I just flow with them.

David Feinstein: And, I move forward, informed by them.

Christina: I move forward with them.

David Feinstein: I move forward and I’m informed by them.

Christina: I move forward and informed with them.

David Feinstein: So I will. So I can


David Feinstein: be more sure footed.

Christina: So I can be more sure footed.

David Feinstein: With every step I take.

Christina: With every step I take.

David Feinstein: So I appreciate those fears and doubts.

Christina: I appreciate those fears and doubts.

David Feinstein: And, Even if they’re with me as I.

Christina: Move forward, even though they’re with me.

David Feinstein: As I move forward, they don’t need to stop me.

Christina: They don’t just stop me.

David Feinstein: You don’t need to get in my way.

Christina: They don’t need to get in my way.

David Feinstein: Okay, take a breath, everybody. Just watch. And Christina, again, go into the same fears and doubts that you were, that you started with.

Christina: You’re like, it’s pretty much a zero now.

David Feinstein: Much a zero. Good. That’s great.

Christina: Thank you so much.

David Feinstein: Okay, we’re gonna take one more step with you. What is one of the things that has been hard to do that you need to do? Let’s just talk about that. What’s kind of hard that you need to do to really succeed?

Christina: I’m, putting myself out there and really be consistent about it.

David Feinstein: And what’s one of the ways you could bring yourself out there?

Christina: Social media.

David Feinstein: Okay, and are you on any platforms? Have you started that?

Christina: Yes, I am on Instagram and Facebook.

David Feinstein: Okay, so imagine yourself making an Instagram. It’s just a minute, right? Making yourself an Instagram minute. And can you imagine yourself doing that with total confidence?

Donna Eden: Radio yes.

David Feinstein: Okay. Okay. So we’re just gonna. We’re gonna really build that in. So I’m, doing this, Instagram, I’m doing this, Instagram, the total confidence and ease.

Christina: The total confidence and ease.

David Feinstein: I’m doing this, Instagram.

Christina: Doing this Instagram, and it’s gonna be fun. It’s going to be fun.

David Feinstein: Doing this Instagram, doing this Instagram is going to be really creative.

Christina: It’s going to be really creative.

David Feinstein: I’m going to reach a lot of people.

Christina: I’m going to reach a lot of people.

David Feinstein: I’m going to speak to them. And the part of them that needs.

Christina: My guidance, I’m going to speak to them. The ones that need my guidance and.

David Feinstein: They’Re going to know from this 1 minute that I’ve got something to offer.

Christina: Them, they’re going to know with this 1 minute that I have something to guide them.

David Feinstein: I can’t wait.

Christina: I can’t wait.

David Feinstein: When is this tapping session going to get over with so I can start so I can go do my. Make my instagram?

Julie Jancius: Oh, my m God.

David Feinstein: I’m going to go into this with.

Christina: Such confidence going to go in this with such confidence that it’s going to.

David Feinstein: It’s just going to be fun.

Christina: That it’s just going to be fun.

David Feinstein: I’m already looking forward to it.

Christina: I’m already looking forward to it.

David Feinstein: True or false?

Christina: True.

David Feinstein: I’m looking forward to it already.

Christina: I’m looking forward to it already.

David Feinstein: And this is, a next step.

Christina: And this is the next step towards.

David Feinstein: Bringing in the people towards bringing in the people that’s going to let me have a practice it’s going to let me have a practice that, helps me to flourish.

Christina: It helps me to flourish.

David Feinstein: It helps me to do my art.

Christina: To do my art.

David Feinstein: I can’t wait.

Christina: I can’t wait.

David Feinstein: My enthusiasm is bubbling over.

Christina: My enthusiasm is bubbling over.

David Feinstein: Okay, good. Take a breath. So, now, everybody else, go into your original issue and use the same images, the same thoughts that you rated before. Rate them again. The amount of distress these thoughts or images bring up in your mind and body. And if, and kind and maybe, chat with the chat, let Julie know whether, like, say, it’s gone from a nine to an eight or it’s gone from a nine to a three or whatever, it’s gone. Just just kind of let her know. Let her see that. Okay. So, christina, thank you so much for having the courage.

Donna Eden: Yes. Thank you.

Christina: Christina,


Christina: thank you so much for this opportunity.

Julie Jancius: Oh, that is so beautiful. And I love Christina’s energy, and I just know that she’s here to do so much great work within this world that really does so much seeing the way that you do this with another person. My gosh. I call it oneness energy, where you get to that point where your energy. Energy is just no holds bar, nothing is holding you back, no blockages. You’re just like a sun radiating out your energy in all directions, and. And that is just so powerful. It’s incredible. I noticed that when you were doing the tapping and talking her through David, you used some different words that I hadn’t heard before with tapping. Did you guys change the methodology at all to kind of make it your own?

David Feinstein: Well, I think every tapping therapist does that. Every tapping. There’s the formula. There’s what you teach. There’s what the manual says. But when you’re in front of a person, you really, everybody, like Donna said, everybody’s energy is unique as a thumbprint, and so you simply adjust the words to what’s needed in that moment. And so that means kind of being connected energetically with them, which is a little bit more challenging electronically. But you can do it. Just like I feel connected to you right now. And I, felt connected to Christina, particularly as we got going. And so the first words I, used were more rote. I just kept on, talking about her fears and doubts, but as I feel. Yeah.

Julie Jancius: And as you started saying that these fears and doubts, and you repeated it as you kind of moved across the face, these fears and doubts, I was seeing the energy shift, then to just an awareness of the fears that there hadn’t been an awareness of the fears then, like before. But as soon as you started to say it, the specific fears and doubts started to come through, like envisions, or you heard them or you saw them. and. And as soon as they bubble up, it was like they were out of the physical body’s energy. They’re more out here in the auric field energy. And then as you kept going, and you were saying things like, but of course I have fears and doubts, and then I accept these fears and doubts, and I can learn from these fears and doubts. And what are these fears and doubts teaching me? These fears and doubts make me better. It was like they kept getting further and further and further away from the body, just dissipating.

David Feinstein: That’s very interesting.

Donna Eden: I loved how you said that. Yes, that’s right.

Julie Jancius: That’s beautiful. so I have a question for you. Do you think that you get to a point in life where you have no more fears and doubts at all, or is fear and doubt just a part of being human?

David Feinstein: I think that fears and doubts are absolutely part of being human, but, you can get better and better fears and doubts. That is, your fears and doubts may be, less tied to the vulnerabilities in your psyche and in yourself. They may be less taught, less tied to unresolved emotions from the past. And so they are informing you about what is dangerous in the world. They are informing you about the risks that you may be taking. And it’s important to take risks because that’s how we grow and move forward. So, I don’t think we ever don’t have fears and doubts, but we can have fears and doubts that are more and more attuned to the actual situation that were.

Donna Eden: I think that fears and doubts really can help you to grow, because, I mean, I thought I didn’t have any fears in life. I thought that. And then when a new growth, something new came along that I needed to grow in, then that would come up and it would. Wow. It was like, it was just a part of the story, and it’s just because you have to move through it. So I. I think they all are a part of the growth in the story.

Julie Jancius: Yeah. I have this, babe Ruth sign carved into wood, and it’s like, when I sit up in the morning, I see it and it says something to the effect of, it’s hard to stop a person who doesn’t give up. And I saw that in a store a couple of years ago, and I go, that’s it. That’s life. You know, why do some people cross the finish line? Because they didn’t keep up, and they just kept going.

Donna Eden: Yeah, yeah.

Julie Jancius: And you know what? I’ve been speaking more and more on bigger stages,


Julie Jancius: which was hard for me at first. when I was younger, my first boss threw me up on big stages and was like, go, announce me before I come up. And I’m like, I don’t know how to talk in front of 200 people. So I’d get so nervous, I’d stumble upon my words. And he hired a speech coach for me, but that didn’t help at all. And it’s so funny because getting up this last year, I started to reframe it and tell myself, it’s not fear, it’s excitement. And I noticed that David really brought, ah, Christina. From the energy of fear to the energy of excitement. I just wanted to make that observation because I think so often, do we mistake fear or an excitement?

Donna Eden: I think so. I really do. I think so. and it is. And when fear transforms into excitement, I mean, it changes the whole landscape, you.

Julie Jancius: Know, it really does. It makes life more of an adventure.

Donna Eden: yes, it does.

David Feinstein: One person find, fear as excitement without breath.

Julie Jancius: Say that one more time.

David Feinstein: One person defined fear as excitement without breath.

Julie Jancius: Okay, I like that. Now, I noticed this, but I want your take. Donna, does energy always do what we command it to do within our body?

Donna Eden: Oh, that’s a very interesting question. energy absolutely follows your direction and, your lead, but also you will follow energy at times. Like, energy will lead, and you get on that wavelength and you follow, and that’s just as good, because, when I had my practice, I often had people who didn’t really believe what I was doing, but they would come, and they came because my deal was, if it didn’t work, you didn’t have to pay. So. So, as I would just lead them with the energy. Just with energy. And their consciousness would shift, their thoughts would change everything. So it’s either way, it works.

Julie Jancius: Amazing. amazing. I like how you said at the very end, too, these fears and doubts are my friends. Oh, that was powerful, David.

David Feinstein: Right? We tend to make feelings that are uncomfortable. Our foe and our foe, they are part of our psyche that’s informing us, that is helping us be whole. And so to accept that reality helps us to move forward with all of us, rather than trying to keep part of us back there, trying to bury it, but just there, it is. And ironically, that’s what helps those fears and doubts or negative feelings to change as you really embrace them. That gives them a chance to say, okay. Now, I know, my purpose has been registered, and I don’t have to keep knocking at that door because I’ve been heard.

Julie Jancius: Amazing. Okay, we’ve got Joanne b. Here. she just got out of the hospital for an electrical issue with her heart, and she’d love to work on this with you. and she said she’d love any information on the heart meridian. Joanne, can you. Oh, yay. Can you unmute? And then if we go through the tapping, just a reminder that you have to repeat every line that David says. Okay, perfect.

David Feinstein: This may not be tapping because it may be different, because Donna knows a lot about what you’re going through.

Donna Eden: I do. Joanne, I, really had to learn a lot about the heart, and, I can tell you a lot of things.

David Feinstein: Why don’t you tell white how you learn so much?

Donna Eden: And I had open heart surgery two years, and I’m not at all sorry that I went through it because I learned so much. I even know why it happened to me, but I had to learn things that were differently, different than what we were told, what you should do to make your heart stronger. I did it differently. I followed it. See, I followed the energy. I followed the energy, usually. And, so let’s see. Do you know where your heart meridian is?

Donna Eden: Okay, take one arm and put your other hand underneath your armpit in line with your baby finger. In line with your baby finger, and smooth your hand all the way down and off your baby finger and kind of pinch it at the end


Donna Eden: and on, the other side, all the way down and pinch it at the end. That’s heart meridian. That’s a really good thing to just trace. Your energies are electromagnetic, so if you align your energies up with your meridian, your meridian will follow that energy, and it’s really, really good for your heart. I’m going to tell you something else just looking at you. Okay. Spleen meridian feeds the heart, and it’s often weak in people because, especially if you want to, if you really want to say yes to people, take care of people. You often find yourself in a situation where you have more compassion for them than maybe even for yourself. Then you don’t. Then that energy can’t feed the heart. spleen is considered the mother energy in the body. And like a mother, you got to give to your heart. And so, So let me see. So what I would say to you, gosh, if you’re willing to do it with me, okay, I want you to put your arms like you’re holding a baby in your arms. Okay? You got it? And just imagine and pretend you’ve got little baby Joanne in your arms, same little you, okay. And you know that, you would have, you would just pour all your compassion and love into her. And if you haven’t been giving that same kind of compassion to yourself, then you want to make a promise that, that compassion and, time for her. You’re going to give it all to her. And as she grows up, you’re going to be there, never leaving her side.

Joanne: Okay?

Donna Eden: Okay. You promise?

David Feinstein: All right.

Donna Eden: All right. Now, every time you feel like, this can be physical, it can be emotional, but when you just want to give to your heart, just take your hands and put them over your heart chakra. Take a deep breath in and let your breath out your mouth. Because when you let your breath out your mouth, your vagus nerve calms your nervous system and your heart gets it too. Everything calms down and says, I’m safe. I’m safe. Okay.

Joanne: I’m safe.

Donna Eden: Yeah, you’re safe. And you’re.

David Feinstein: John, do you want to say a little bit about what your concerns are?

Joanne: Well, some of my concerns are, moving forward, I’ve written a couple of books that are fiction, and I’m getting ready to self publish them after many rejections from agents and editors. And so I’m just concerned that nobody will like what I’ve written. And, that, you know, I won’t be able to get them out there like I should, because I think I would. I would like to be able to have people get the, the message that is the underlying message in them.

David Feinstein: Okay. So give a rating of zero to ten of the strength of that concern that no one will like them.

Joanne: Oh, it’s about a nine. Okay, maybe nine and a half.

David Feinstein: So even though I’m concerned that no one will like my books, even though.

Joanne: I’m concerned that no one will like my books.

David Feinstein: You have your chest sore spots?

Joanne: Yes, I definitely do. Right there.

David Feinstein: Yeah. Good. Love and accept myself.

Joanne: I love and accept myself.

David Feinstein: Even though I’m concerned that no one will like my books.

Joanne: Even though I’m concerned that no one.

David Feinstein: Will like my books, I deeply love and, accept my fear.

Joanne: I deeply love and accept my fear.

David Feinstein: Even though I’m concerned that no one will like my books.

Joanne: Even though I’m concerned that no one will like my books.

David Feinstein: I choose to remember the important message that they hold.

Joanne: I choose to remember the important message that they hold.

David Feinstein: I’m afraid no one will like my books.

Joanne: I’m afraid no one will like my books.

David Feinstein: I’m, very uncomfortable about putting myself.

Joanne: Out there I’m very uncomfortable about putting.

David Feinstein: Myself out there because I can’t control the reader’s response.

Joanne: Because I cannot control the reader’s response.

David Feinstein: I want them to like it.

Joanne: And I want them to like it.

David Feinstein: But what if they don’t?

Joanne: But what if they don’t?

David Feinstein: And what if I find out that they don’t?

Joanne: What if I find out that they don’t?

David Feinstein: Oh, my gosh.

Joanne: Oh, my gosh.

David Feinstein: I. Not the idea.

Joanne: Not the idea.

David Feinstein: That’s not the point of being an author.

Joanne: That’s, not the point of being an author.

David Feinstein: I want people to get my message.

Joanne: I want people to get my message.

David Feinstein: I have an important message.

Joanne: I have an important message.

David Feinstein: And I’ve refined it and I’ve refined it, refined it and refined it, refined.

Joanne: It and refined it.

David Feinstein: True or false?

Joanne: True.

David Feinstein: And I’ve gotten it so it’s as good as I know how to get it.

Joanne: And I’ve gotten it to a point where it’s as good as I can get it.

David Feinstein: And, that is good.

Joanne: And that’s good.

David Feinstein: And I can’t take the publishers rejections.

Joanne: Too seriously, I can’t take publishers rejections.

David Feinstein: Too seriously, because that’s a jungle of a world.

Joanne: Because that is a jungle of the world.

David Feinstein: And what they’re looking for is not what is true for me.

Joanne: What they are looking for is not what is true for me.

David Feinstein: I’m amazed at all the junk that gets published.

Joanne: I’m amazed at all the junk that gets published.

David Feinstein: That isn’t nearly as good as my stuff.

Joanne: It isn’t nearly as good as my stuff.

David Feinstein: True or false?

Joanne: True.

David Feinstein: It’s not nearly as good as my stuff.

Joanne: It’s not nearly as good as my stuff.

David Feinstein: Who are these idiot publishers?

Joanne: Who are these idiots?

David Feinstein: Well, that’s not my problem.

Joanne: So. That’s not my problem.

David Feinstein: My challenge is getting my books into a really good, attractive format.

Joanne: My challenge is getting my books into a really good, attractive format.

David Feinstein: That’s what’s up on my plate right now.

Joanne: That’s what’s on my plate right now.

David Feinstein: Getting them into a format that is as attractive as the quality of the writing.

Joanne: A format that’s as attractive as the quality of their writing.

David Feinstein: That is my challenge right now.

Joanne: That’s my challenge right now.

David Feinstein: True or false?

Joanne: True.

David Feinstein: That’s what’s up for me.

Joanne: That’s definitely what’s up for me.

David Feinstein: Okay, take a breath. And even though we didn’t do the whole routine, let’s just kind of tune in again to the same concern about no one will like my writing and give it a rating. Again from zero to ten. One now down from nine to one. Okay. That’s great. When. When you, When you see how beautifully you have put it into the form of the completed book, I suspect it’s going to go down even further. But you can also tap on it. You can also do what we just did.

Joanne: Okay.

David Feinstein: Thank you bringing that to us.

Joanne: Thank you so much.

Donna Eden: And your energy looks healthy right now.

Joanne: Oh, that’s great. Thank you. So much better.

Julie Jancius: I’m just so excited that Donna and David, you decided to pack everything that you know about energy healing into tapping, because it can be complex for people who don’t know about energy to clear their own energy out. And you have just, gifted the world with the format to clear their chakras, clear their energy out, clear those blockages away, because the Angels always come in and say, we have purpose, we have things that we’re here to be doing, and that fear is the number one driver behind why we don’t. I think it, 90% of people who pass away in the world have regrets on their deathbed, and 76% of those regrets are not doing something out of fear of what other people would think. And so I just think that your new book is such a gift to this world to help them clear out those fears and be on their paths.

Donna Eden: Thank you, Julie.

Julie Jancius: Oh, thank you both. any other insights?

David Feinstein: Aha.

Julie Jancius: Ah. Moments that you want to share with the audience that you learned along the way? When it comes to tapping, you know.

David Feinstein: It’S been such a surprise to me as a psychologist. When I saw this tapping, I thought it was ridiculous. What does this have to do with helping a person become healed, overcoming anxiety, overcoming depression, overcoming fear. And it. It just looks very strange.


David Feinstein: But as I really studied it, and really, when I first got into it in 2001, there was no research at all. Now there’s more than 175, clinical trials showing that it works. So in that 23 years, there’s been an explosion of research. And, so just knowing that you can kind of play the keyboard of your body to shift the way that your brain is coding information is very empowering. And that’s why we wrote the book. And we really do hope that people will open the book and begin to read it and be inspired and so inspired that they begin to use it because it really, I mean, we just know from so many people’s experience that it changes lives. It really helps people to go in the direction they intend to go. And, that’s what I hope people will take away from this.

Julie Jancius: Amazing. And do you have a YouTube channel where they can practice along with you?

David Feinstein: What we have is, a website. If they will go to energytapping.com now, I think there, there. We don’t really have a certification program, per se, but we do have some things on our website that will, lead them to people that do certification program or resources page so that they can really learn this well. And, it’s being taught all over the world. It’s probably the hottest new therapy coming out of psychology.

Julie Jancius: Yay. So repeat, the website and tell everybody where they can find the book, and we’ll put those in the show notes.

David Feinstein: Great. So, energytapping.com is the website, and the book is available everywhere. It doesn’t come out until May 28, but once it comes out, it’ll be on Amazon, Barnes and noble, local bookstores. It’s already, one of, it’s Amazon’s number one bestseller for mental health new books.

Julie Jancius: Congratulations.

David Feinstein: And so it’s really out there. There’s a website. Well, if you go to energytapping.com, there’s a link to the book so that you can go there, and it will tell you a lot more about the book and how to order it.

Julie Jancius: Perfect.

David Feinstein: We also have some, some bonuses for people that order the book right now.

Julie Jancius: Oh, fabulous. Thank you, Donna. And thank you, David, not just for this book, but for everything that you’ve done for this world. I know that I wouldn’t be here without you today, and I’m m just so appreciative of the people that you are and the authenticity that you both just radiate.

Donna Eden: Oh, thank you. And speaking of authenticity, yours is just over the moon. It’s so authentic.

Julie Jancius: Thank you. Thank you, Donna. we’ll keep in touch. And when the next book comes out, I hope you guys will come back on.

David Feinstein: Yes.

Donna Eden: And you know what? You already said it, but Dondi has some wonderful things to teach about energy, medicine, and the five elements, and you’ll love it.

Julie Jancius: No, I know. I’ve got to have her on and connect with her. because both of your daughters do energy work, right?

Joanne: Yes.

Julie Jancius: Oh, my goodness. I can’t wait to connect with them. Thank you both. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend, and thank you to all of our members for being here today.

Donna Eden: Who’s a mother? Happy Mother’s Day.

Julie Jancius: Oh, yes, happy Mother’s Day.

Christina: Okay, goodbye.

David Feinstein: Bye bye.

Julie Jancius: Friends, I need your help reaching as many people as possible. If you’d like to support this podcast and help us spread more hope to the world, please book a session with me, join my angel membership, or take my angel Reiki school. What’s the difference? If you’d like to know what messages your Angels and loved ones have for you, you’ll want to book a session with me. The angel membership is all about your own personal spiritual healing. The membership takes you on a spiritual journey that teaches you how to create your own heaven on earth. And the angel Reiki school is for those who want to get certified in mediumship, angel messages and energy healing all at once. These are three ways you can help us share a message of hope and love with more people than ever before. Register for one or all three@theangelmedium.com


Julie Jancius: that’s theangelmedium.com dot. Now let’s pray together as we do. I want you to pray in a way where you feel as though everything you want for yourself and the world has already come true and you’re giving thanks. Why? Because this is the best way to manifest. So let’s begin. God Universe Source thank you. We’re so grateful that you’ve blessed this world with calm and peace for all. This calm and peace has spread like ripples soothing the hearts of every Soul. Thank you for opening our hearts to abundance, allowing each of us to live our most authentic life and helping us to create our own heaven on earth. We thank you for the love and deep heart to heart connection that surrounds us every day in our relationships. We thank you for the abundance of health and aliveness we feel radiating from every cell in our and our families bodies. Thank you for the gift of walking this life with us and guiding us every step of the way. Through your messages. We hear you through our own intuition and we feel you walking right by our sides and we overflow with gratitude. Thank you for financial abundance and abundance of opportunities and miracles, blessings and prosperity in every way. We know that you want us to succeed so that we can show others how you want them to succeed too. Thank you for the boundless love, kindness, Empathy and compassion that binds us all together. Thank you for the laughter, fun moments of pure delight that fill us every day, especially today. God Universe Source thank you for blessing us beyond measure and allowing us to use our souls gifts, talents, skills and abilities to serve the world. We love you. I love you. And in this we pray. Amen. Friends, we’re working on some pretty major things over here, and if you wouldn’t mind saying a little prayer that these things come to fruition, if they’re God’s will, we’d so appreciate it. And please add a little prayer in for any specific thing you need right now, too. Have a beautiful, blessed day, and don’t forget to submit your contact info@theangelmedium.com. dot, if you’d like me to channel the name of one of your Angels for you, sending you peace, bliss and many blessings.


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