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Healer Awakening: Channel Angels, Transform Lives


Join Julie Jancius on Angels and Awakening as she channels messages from Nancy’s spirit team, including her parents, Archangels, and a younger male relative in spirit. Discover how Nancy’s childhood intuition evolved into a powerful healing gift, why Archangel Gabriel urges her to write a book, and how to align with financial abundance through divine guidance.

🌟 Key Takeaways:

  • Healing Family Trauma: Nancy’s mother’s psychic legacy and soul-level reconciliation.
  • Career Clarity: Archangel Michael’s blueprint for financial and spiritual success.
  • Neurodivergent Intuition: How Nancy’s granddaughter’s gifts reflect angelic connection.
  • Leadership Call: Why healers must step forward NOW to lead communities.

💫 Julie’s Offerings:

  • Angel Reiki School: Train in-person (April 2025) or online for mediumship, energy healing, and angel messages.
  • Membership: March’s focus: Exploring Spiritual Gifts—uncover your soul’s purpose!

00:00 Introduction to Angels and Awakening Podcast
02:00 Nancy’s Childhood Intuition and Self-Doubt
03:00 Connecting with Nancy’s Spirit Team (Parents, Pets)
05:00 Financial Guidance and Career Purpose
07:00 Nancy’s Calling as a Healer and Awakening Others
08:00 Archangel Gabriel’s Message: Speaking Your Truth
10:00 Writing a Book and Mentoring Younger Females
12:00 Spirit Communication: Younger Male Relative in Spirit
13:00 Relationship Insights and Mother’s Psychic Legacy
15:00 Stepping into Power: Healing, Leadership, and Nature
18:00 Archangel Guidance for Business and Service Offerings
21:00 Healing Through Channeling and Community Building
24:00 Granddaughter’s Intuition and Neurodivergent Gifts
27:00 Closing: Julie’s Programs and Angel Reiki School

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Angel Reiki School

Feeling called to step into your spiritual gifts? Start online today and receive FREE tuition for an in-person training this spring (April 11-13, 2025, in OakBrook, IL) or fall. Become a certified healer through mediumship, angel messages, and energy healing.

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New Readings with Julie

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Day 31 of 31 Miracles: Your soul is already perfect, just as it is. Today, your Spirit Team invites you to see yourself through the eyes of the divine—whole, complete, and worthy of love. Release the need to strive for perfection and embrace the beauty of who you are in this moment. You are a unique expression of divine love, and the world is better because you’re in it.


Julie: [00:00:00] Hello, beautiful souls. I’m thrilled you’re here to connect with the divine guidance of your angels. Imagine feeling the gentle, loving whispers of your angels guiding you every step of your life. If you’re ready to experience that profound connection, book a personal reading@theangelmedium.com by clicking the readings tab For those eager to work daily with their angels.

Join my membership. Every month we explore a new facet of angel communication. Through live weekly meetings on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM central time. This isn’t just about learning, it’s experiencing healing and coming home to know your soul’s truest path. And if you’re ready to develop your spiritual gifts to the max, join my Angel Reiki school.

You can go through the school in two ways, whether you choose our enlightening online eight week school starting on the first of each month, [00:01:00] or join our immersive. In person school in Oakbrook, Illinois from April 11th through the 13th 2025, you’ll gain the skills to become an angel Messenger yourself.

My school gives you the skills of mediumship, energy healing, and angel messages. All at once, you can use these skills to start your own spiritual business or to grow your current career, step into a life filled with angelic energy transformation and unstoppable abundance. Sign up today@theangelmedium.com or check the show notes to book a call with me to chat about which program would be best for you.

Your journey with the Angels begins now. Let’s see what messages they have for you in today’s show. One of the very first things that your angels came in and said is that you self doubted a lot as a kid and as a teenager, but you realize now looking back, [00:02:00] that you were more on and right about things earlier on than you gave yourself credit for.

And they said that’s intuition and that it’s. Always been with you. And if you really go back to those earlier moments, you’ll see you’ve always had it. Yeah.

Nancy: That is so funny because, you know, and just today I was thinking about it too. When I was younger, I would get these moments of clarity. I grew up in somewhat of a dysfunctional family and in the midst of chaos, I would get like these moments of clarity and I’d be like, wow.

Well, that makes sense. Where did that come from? Yeah. And then it was just not too long ago, I realized what it was. It actually, it was from joining your membership, Julie. So thank you so much for doing what you do.

Julie: Thank you. Oh my goodness. I wanna bring in a couple of different energies. [00:03:00] Nancy, is dad on the other side?

Nancy: Yes.

Julie: Okay. And is mom on the other side as well?

Nancy: Yes.

Julie: Okay. Know that they both stepped forward together as like the front and foremost of your spirit team. I don’t know if on mom’s side she had a lively group of females sisters aunts of, of yours. Your grandma because when I tune into your mom’s side, there’s a bunch of female energies over there and they are all just like, they have a lot of personality.

They’re sometimes spirit comes through subtle and shy. They’re none of that. They are kind of like they’re Greek. Okay. They’re loud, they’re fun, they’re just wonderful. They’re all there together. But I want you to see that when you tune into your spirit team, mom and dad are at the very front. You’ve also got some pets on the other side.

I feel like there’s a soul animal of yours that’s over there. Right at the front with mom and [00:04:00] dad. And then you’ve got these female cluster of, of relatives on the other side right behind them, and they’ve got a lot that they wanna say. But I want you to know that your mom and dad came in first and foremost, and I know it’s generic, but they just want you to know how proud they are of you, how much you’ve done, and they’re just wanting you to take a moment to honor yourself for all you’ve been through, and just be proud of yourself.

Okay. Thank you. Yeah. Another thing that came in and I don’t blow smoke. Like they just give you what they give you. Right? But you have to talk about what’s there. So I don’t know what’s going on money wise, but they had me write down money. Archangel Michael and your parents want you to know that they’ve been hearing you talk about finances or.

Just wanting guidance, divine guidance on that. They want you to know that that’s on its way. I wanna go a bit deeper into that though, [00:05:00] because it separates out with a separate energy of you’re kind of within this new energetic pathway. You feel different things starting to come in career-wise or just that you wanna do.

Talk to me about those two things. Finances and career, service, purpose.

Nancy: Okay. I need money. I know that’s so generic, but yeah, I, I’ve been through where I, I had some savings and I’ve depleted and I need to move into a bigger home so I can have my family over and, and things like that. I haven’t been able to, you know, I have my grandkids over my, my sons, and, you know, so.

I, I need to get to that comfortable spot. And then as far as the, the service goes, is I, I feel I’m a healer.

Julie: Yes.

Nancy: I [00:06:00] am a reiki master through use Sui, but I also did like a Reiki angel healing through a, a program online. But even, you know, I just, I feel like maybe I’ve always been a healer.

And not just like a reiki, but talking to people, I, I feel I help awaken them. Yeah. For some reason they come to me and talk to me about things and I help awaken ’em, and I just love that.

Julie: Well, and it’s something, again, this all ties back with threads that you can see back to the very first thing that they were talking about when you self-doubt it as a teen, they said, you are a much more soulful teen and you felt things very deeply and you could feel, you can feel truth, and you can feel what’s fake and you really, really align very deeply.

Just every cell of your being [00:07:00] with that truth. And so it’s something that you feel called to really live in every capacity of your world. The other thing is I want you to know that on your spirit team, Archangel Gabriele and the cherubs came to the very forefront of your spirit team. Now, it’s interesting when two angels come in together like that because you don’t always see Gabrielle with the cherubs.

What that indicator. Kate’s is exactly what you were just talking about, that you are helping people awaken, step into that oneness at the front and foremost, because that is energetically where you get information from the other side. It is that oneness energy. Gabrielle, when she came in during your meditation, she said that you’re also here to speak more.

You have a lot to say, and yet you weren’t always allowed that throughout your life. Speaking, just kind of being able to share all of yourself. And Gabrielle [00:08:00] comes in and like rips off a bandaid and she’s like, now’s the time, right? Like, you feel this I don’t want you to think about it in terms of like a big or small business.

Gabrielle just wants you to look at it in terms of helping souls. How many souls can you really deeply touch? And, and just like touch their hearts, touch their souls, bring them back to themselves. Does that make sense? Mm-hmm.

Nancy: Yeah.

Julie: Yep. Yeah, and the money will follow. I also see money coming through in different ways, in different streams.

One of the other things that Gabrielle is showing me is you writing a book. And I promise I don’t tell that to everybody, but you have to give people things when you hear it. And I really see your spoken word, your written word as being something that you need to bring through because it’s things that other people need to hear as well.

Okay. Has that been calling to you [00:09:00] at all or have you gotten any visions of that?

Nancy: No, I haven’t had any visions of, of that, but I do like to write a lot. I, you know, I have a journal and, and I write a lot and, you know, just my thoughts and, and things like that. Like, I, I have a journal from back in the nineties.

Yeah. You know, so.

Julie: Oh, I love that. Yeah. Now, do you have a daughter, Nancy?

Nancy: No.

Julie: Okay. Is there a niece or like a younger female that you kind of mentor in some capacity?

Nancy: I mean, maybe my son’s girlfriend. Perfect.

Julie: Do you feel just like a pull in your heart to kind of help guide her on things where it’s appropriate and just help be there for her?

Nancy: Yeah. In a, I’m backing off way since it’s my son’s girlfriend. I don’t wanna overstep and she, you know, they have three children together, so I [00:10:00] don’t wanna be the annoying mom.

Julie: Totally. Don’t worry about that at all. What your angels come in with a message on. And I totally hear you, and I think that that’s so great that you recognize that what your angels want you to know is go to that soulful place with her and just connect with that oneness and that love when it comes to her, because there’s a thread and an energetic.

Bond beyond this lifetime between the two of you. And what they keep saying is that she needs your wisdom, your guidance, and then here’s another piece. Okay? This comes up in some of my sessions where people get really interesting on this. You’ll talk to, some people have conversations with them and they’re like.

I gave this person my advice. They didn’t take my advice, so I’m never giving any advice to this person again. Right? It’s [00:11:00] not like that for her to have to take it. It’s more I wouldn’t be worried about what she does with it. It’s just that your a sense of just love and inspiration and guidance and just really a true friend.

Nancy: Okay, good. Yeah, I just recently gave her, a journal, you know, because she doesn’t talk a lot. She just is not very, you know, vocal. I grew up in a Greek Italian family, so we talked all the time. We’re not afraid to talk. So anyway, I gave her this journal and I told her that it. It would be healthy for her to just start writing her thoughts down.

Yeah. ’cause she doesn’t talk and she needs to get her thoughts out, you know? So, and she texted me a picture the next day and it was like, really early in the morning and she’s like, thank you, [00:12:00] thank you for giving this to me. I’m already using it. So, yeah. That’s, that’s good. Good. That makes me feel good.

I, I was really grateful that, she let me know that, so.

Julie: Oh, that’s a wonderful I wanna talk about another piece that keeps coming in. Like, I see your mom to the left. I see your dad to the right and then right behind your dad. I feel like he’s got his hand out and he’s holding the hand of a younger gentleman who passed before his time.

Do you know who that is?

Nancy: A younger gentleman that passed before his time. I

Julie: feel like he’s from the family, that somebody from the family passed before his time. He’s a part of your spirit team and just wants you to know that he’s there.

Nancy: I mean, we have so many relatives, but I can’t at this moment remember a younger male.

Julie: That’s okay. I don’t wanna push it. But I do feel like it’s a closer proximity. [00:13:00] So, sometimes this happens where your mom might’ve had a miscarriage, there might’ve been a miscarriage somewhere along the, the way in the close family. And they’re showing that that soul has grown on the other side.

Just know that there is an energy over there that wants to make their presence known as a, as a part of the team that guides you. Oh. Yeah. And Nancy are you married and if so, how long have you been married? I am not

Nancy: married. I’m divorced. And I’ve been with my boyfriend since.

Julie: Christmas of 2020. Oh, okay.

Okay, perfect. Did your mom get to meet him? No. Okay. She loves him and she just says she wants you to be so happy. And she also wants you to focus on your happiness. So as you step. Into your power as a healer yourself. I really want you to focus in on, you know, you do have surface purpose. You have a reason that your hair, that’s 50%, but [00:14:00] also what the angels are trying to bring in is more just enjoyment of this life.

More of us just loving being here and having more fun. Which is something that I feel like you’ve been called to do lately and that’s been helping like over the last year or six months, taking more time for yourself. You also have Archangel Ariel on your team, and I don’t know if you haven’t done a lot with like nature in the past, but I feel like she’s calling you to make a shift from.

Just more of like an internal inner environment indoors to really getting outside this year in 2025, getting that fresh air. And again, those cherubs are with you. So getting out into nature. Really putting your focus in on oneness and being in oneness every day [00:15:00] and focusing in on speaking. And when you’re called to step into your role as a healer to lead people sometimes.

I can even take a backseat in the podcast when other experts are on and they’re teaching, and I have a lot to say that the angels are trying to bring through. The angels are really calling to healers right now saying, don’t take that backseat. Step into the forefront, really say your opinion, say how you see things, because there’s so much shifting so fast energetically, and with our lives.

How people are living, how people are relating to their angels, how people are stepping into their own spirituality, which I believe. Fully is part of us building this new earth that the angels keep saying, we [00:16:00] don’t have time anymore for us to be quiet or in the background, or to dim our voices in any way they need us peacefully leading teaching.

How does that resonate with you?

Nancy: That resonates with me a lot. I want to do that. You know, and I feel like, you know, I am around a lot of people pretty much. Well, I, yes and no. He’s in a band and when we go out there’s always just tons of people. And I’ve met a lot of people that, you know, are just, I feel like right on the edge, right on the, the brink, and, you know.

I don’t like to chit chat about, you know, stupid shit. I, yeah, I like to have like a deep conversation, so I’m usually a little standoffish when it’s, you know, just the mundane [00:17:00] stuff. Anyhow. Totally get it. So, so, yeah. I’ve, I’ve met some people through knowing, you know, being with him that I talked to and we.

Feel the same. So

Julie: what I want you to tune into, I want you to put your hand on your heart, and I want you to imagine Archangel Gabrielle Sina, and your Seraphim angels, Archangel Michael, the cherubs, Archangel Raphael, all surrounding you. They keep showing yourself, like you stepping into your power as a healer, offering three things, three services.

I can see you working one-on-one doing readings like this yourself. I can also see you doing group work, almost leading people to [00:18:00] awaken themselves. How to step into that. Then there’s a third thing that I can see you doing, which is writing that book kind of almost as you lead others, you can see things that need to be written, things that need to be heard.

Your angels want you to tune into this and really pray on it and meditate on it, and then they want you to come up with three services that you can offer. Allow that to be your business that you really start up and build this year.

Nancy: Okay. Okay. Yeah. You know, Julie, it’s so funny. Right now you sent us this, for, you know, manifest of co-creation. And we have these questions that we’re supposed to ask the universe Yeah. And answer in the, in

Julie: the membership. So,

Nancy: yeah. Right. And before you [00:19:00] even did this, it was like I don’t know, may last month maybe I wrote myself a letter as if I were God, you know? Yeah. One of the things was that I need to be heard.

Mm. Yeah. So when you, when you said that I was, I need to heal and I need to be heard. So yeah. That was one of the things that I. I broke down. We

Julie: can see those as two separate things needing to heal and needing to be heard. But what Archangel Michael just said to you and whispered in your ear is that they’re actually one.

Yeah. So as you speak, you channel and as you channel things come through you that you wouldn’t have known yourself because they’re not coming from you, they’re coming through you, and as you speak them, and you just are the messenger and. The channel, oh my [00:20:00] goodness. It opens up a pathway to healing and understanding for yourself.

I can’t tell you the number of times that I’m in a session and I will have been racking my brain for the answer, like praying for the answer for something in my life, but in the session. The client is struggling with something similar and spirit comes through with the answer. And I was like, oh, thank you.

I needed to hear that. And so, mm-hmm. My healing happens as I connect with others, as I do sessions like this. It’s not the intention and the primary purpose of why we do the work. It is a byproduct for all healers that as you’re the intuitive working in this space. Healing comes from being the channel itself.

If you are searching for a community where you can share your beliefs openly, connect with kindred spirits and feel truly supported, [00:21:00] you’re exactly where you need to be. My programs are more hands-on and unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. Let’s explore our upcoming events in March. Our membership topic of the month is exploring all spiritual gifts and how the world needs you.

In this course, you’ll learn all about the different types of spiritual gifts, what they are, and discover what kind of gifts you might have. This course is designed to help you understand what type of healer you might become and how you could use your gifts to make this world a better place. Then in April, we’re diving into a new membership topic called Be Your Own Angel Messenger.

I’ll be teaching you how to receive. Receive angel messages for yourself on demand anytime, anywhere, so you can navigate your life with a clear divine roadmap [00:22:00] always at hand. And in May. Members are doing an exciting 21 day Money Miracle Challenge, a journey designed to help you open new doors of prosperity and abundance in your life.

Trust me, you won’t wanna miss these transformative experiences for members only. And don’t forget, if you’re ready to elevate your spiritual gifts to their fullest potential, whether to enhance your current career, enrich your personal life, or build your own spiritual business, join my Angel Reiki school.

You can opt for our enlightening online eight week course starting on the first of every month. Or immerse yourself in our in-person session in Oak Brook, Illinois from April 11th to the 13th, 2025. Complete with online access. Step into a realm of angelic energy per. Found clarity and embrace limitless possibilities.[00:23:00]

Sign up today@theangelmedium.com and for more details, check the show notes to book a call with me, Julie, to talk about how this program can unleash your hidden gifts and transform your path into one of soulful abundance. One more thing before I let you go. I know that you’ve done some other work if you need any help whatsoever.

I do feel like the Angel Reiki School we have over like 33% of the people who come in have gotten their Yu Sui Reiki before. They need that help. Understanding the messages and how to bring the messages through, how to be the messenger. So if you want any of that, I’m happy to work with you in the future on developing your skills too.

Nancy: I, I would love that. And also to be like an annual member, it’s, I just, you know, with c certain circumstances right now, I, I can’t [00:24:00] afford it. How do you like the membership? I love it. I love it. I, it is wonderful. I, I actually feel the growth. I thank you for that. It’s great.

Julie: Yay.

Nancy: What

Julie: were you gonna

Nancy: say before?

Oh yeah, what I was, if you don’t mind, can I just ask you a question real quick? Oh, sure. When you said that. My mom and dad come in together. I, you know, feel my dad all the time, but my mom and I weren’t close. I mean, I know she loves loved me and I loved her, but I always felt like my. That she was stepping in behind my dad because Is that not

Julie: because of that relationship dynamic?

Nancy: Yeah.

Julie: What I see when I tune in is that she went through her life review on the other side and her and your higher self, your soul [00:25:00] self. Cleared a lot that was there. Your soul self, you can feel as deeply connected to her as you always wanted to be because she realizes where she went wrong and she’s completely making up to that to you.

For that from the other side, I would keep her at the forefront because she keeps showing me like that money stuff. She’s bringing an influx of money. Okay. And Julie,

Nancy: she was like psychic. She knew things. She had some kind of a psychic ability.

Julie: Yeah. Well it was passed down. You have that.

Nancy: Yeah. And my sister Alexis does too.

I’m I. I know it. She Do

Julie: you have the granddaughter?

Nancy: No, I don’t have a granddaughter. I, oh, I do have a granddaughter. I, I, oh my God, I’m so sorry. No, that’s okay. She is too. She’s okay. Mm-hmm. She was [00:26:00] just diagnosed with borderline on the spectrum of Sure. So.

Julie: Yeah, it just means she’s more highly empathic.

She’s more highly intuitive, and there’s a lot of research out on that of just how highly empathic kids with A DHD autism on the spectrum are. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, it’s amazing. I

Nancy: guess that enhances other senses. Yeah. When you’re lacking from one, the other one is more enhanced. So

Julie: yes. Oh, Nancy, this was amazing.

Thank you so much for being here. I’m so excited to spend this time with you.

Nancy: Well, thank you. I am too. I appreciate it. I appreciate it so much. Lots of love.

Julie: Yeah, you too. All my love. Have a great blessed day. You too. Bye. Thank you. Bye. Thank you for joining me today. I hope you’re feeling a renewed sense of clarity [00:27:00] and a deep connection to the angelic guidance that surrounds you right here, right now.

If you need help hearing and working with your angels. Join me in the membership for an experience unlike any other. If you’re seeking personal insights, book a reading with me. Each reading brings you the loving, positive messages. Your angels and loved ones in heaven need you to hear right now. And if you’re ready to unleash your hidden gifts and transform your path into one of soulful abundance, develop all your spiritual gifts to the max and my angel Reiki school.

In person in Oakbrook, Illinois, April 11th through the 13th, 2025. This immersive experience isn’t just about learning. It’s your gateway to unlocking your intuition to its fullest potential. Learning the skills of how to bring through angel messages for others mediumship, and you’re gonna become an energy healer too.

All of this all in [00:28:00] one weekend at the Angel Reiki School in person. If you can’t attend in person, we have an eight week online program with live Saturday calls. Graduates say the Angel Reiki School gives them an advantage in their personal and professional lives. After completing the program, your heightened intuition becomes a tool you’ll use for the rest of your life.

Whether you’re launching your own healing business or elevating your current career, you’ll operate from a place of deep wisdom and clarity. Your decisions will be guided by a divine insight that sets you apart. Opening doors to opportunities that truly resonate with your passion for healing and soulful, abundant living.

For more details, please visit the angel medium.com and go to the Angel Reiki school tab. I’m Julie and I can’t wait to guide you on this remarkable journey. Until next time, keep radiating your unique, [00:29:00] beautiful energy into this world and listening to your angels. I love you friends.

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