Hello, Beautiful Soul! Both the Angel Membership and Angel Reiki School begin this week, and I’m so excited to guide you! These programs are also how I support this podcast, so if you’ve been thinking about joining, now is the perfect time!
Angel Membership
✨ It’s not too late to join! ✨ The Angel Membership is your pathway to a life aligned with your angels’ guidance. Each month, you’ll receive a new course, join live weekly events, and connect with a supportive community of like-minded souls.
👉 https://theangelmedium.com/angelmembership
Angel Reiki School
Feeling called to step into your spiritual gifts? Start online today and receive FREE tuition for an in-person training this spring (April 11-13, 2025, in OakBrook, IL) or fall. Become a certified healer through mediumship, angel messages, and energy healing.
👉 https://theangelmedium.com/get-certified
New Readings with Julie
Book a 25-minute reading recorded for the podcast and social media. Hear what your angels have to say and share their guidance with others!
👉 https://calendly.com/juliejancius/promoreadings
Not Sure Where to Start?
Email me at julie@theangelmedium.com or book a free discovery call.
👉 https://calendly.com/juliejancius/discovery-call
Day 31 of 31 Miracles: Your soul is already perfect, just as it is. Today, your Spirit Team invites you to see yourself through the eyes of the divine—whole, complete, and worthy of love. Release the need to strive for perfection and embrace the beauty of who you are in this moment. You are a unique expression of divine love, and the world is better because you’re in it.
Learn about your energy, your Angels and get the tools you need to heal your life! SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video!