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Angel Reiki School
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New Readings with Julie
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Hello, beautiful souls! In this episode of Angels and Awakening, I’m sitting down with Jessica for a heartfelt conversation about connecting with the angelic realm, receiving divine guidance, and deepening our spiritual gifts. Whether you’re a healer, lightworker, or simply feeling called to grow in your connection with Spirit, this episode is filled with wisdom and love to support you on your journey. I’ll also be sharing exciting opportunities within our community—like the Angel Reiki School and the beautiful benefits of our monthly membership. I can’t wait for you to tune in and experience the love, healing, and transformation the angels have for you! 💖
Julie: [00:00:00] Hello, beautiful souls. I’m thrilled you’re here to connect with the divine guidance of your angels. Imagine feeling the gentle, loving whispers of your angels, guiding you every step of your life. For those eager to work daily with their angels, join my membership. Every month, we explore a new facet of angel communication through live weekly meetings on Wednesday evenings at 7 PM central time
This isn’t just about learning it’s experiencing healing and coming home to know your soul’s truest path. And if you’re ready to develop your spiritual gifts to the max, join my Angel Reiki School. You can go through the school in two ways. Whether you choose our enlightening, online, eight week school starting on the first of each month, or join our immersive, in person school in Oakbrook, Illinois from April 11th through the 13th, 2025.
You’ll gain the [00:01:00] skills to become an angel messenger yourself. MySchool gives you the skills of mediumship, energy healing, and angel messages all at once. You can use these skills to start your own spiritual business or to grow your current career. Step into a life filled with angelic energy, transformation, and unstoppable abundance.
Sign up today at theangelmedium. com Or check the show notes to book a call with me to chat about which program would be best for you. Your journey with the angels begins now. Let’s see what messages they have for you in today’s show. Hello beautiful souls. We’re here with Jessica today and I’m so excited Jessica to dive into this reading because there’s so much that was coming through.
Um, your angels wanted to start with you are protected. You are guided. All is happening in divine time and it’s like all of your, uh, angels step forward at [00:02:00] once and they want you to know that you will fulfill your soul’s purpose, um, in this lifetime. And, uh, they just kind of want you to rest assured because sometimes I feel like you get anxiety, you just get this nervousness, and I can feel it all sitting here on your heart chakra.
Uh, Your angels all step forward in a way to where they said your brain works a little bit different and I kept Hearing this phrase repeat. It’s like you don’t care how things have been done in the past You don’t care how other people are doing things in their lives I really just kept hearing this phrase over and over that you want to do things differently Like you feel like doing things with your family with your life, with your career, in just the way that you feel called.
Is that true?
Jessica: Yeah, I think, um, I’ve had a lot of trauma in my life, and so there’s a lot of new patterns [00:03:00] that I’m trying to develop for our family, for myself, um, trying to just, like, forge my own path and trying to break a lot of that intergenerational trauma, um, and really trying to I’ve always felt, like, a little bit different than everybody.
And so I feel like everything I’ve done has been, you know, kind of status quo, you know, getting married, buying a house, having a child, but I always feel like I do it just a little bit differently.
Julie: Yeah, but that’s how you feel in your safe zone because when you’re doing things differently, you know that you’re listening to your intuition and you’ve always allowed it to guide you.
Archangel Michael just said, even if in your darkest moments, you let your intuition guide your way forward. And, um, did you have a son?
Jessica: Uh, no, I had a brother who passed away.
Julie: Okay. Um, know that he’s coming forward because I feel like [00:04:00] he was very intuitive too. Um, very highly empathic. Uh, There’s some things that I want to talk about there, but I don’t know that it’s appropriate for the show.
So I’m gonna kind of just make a note of that. And just kind of Did you, or do you want to go there?
Jessica: I’m an open book. So if you want to talk about it on the show, great.
Julie: Okay.
Jessica: If you don’t, okay.
Julie: Did your brother endure the same type of trauma?
Jessica: He was three years old and he died in a drowning accident. Okay.
So, his life was just short.
Julie: Okay. Um, because he just kind of was showing your heart and his heart and he showed me the same energy strands of pain. Um. And he also talks about, now you have a [00:05:00] younger child, correct, because he keeps talking about them being like you, very highly empathic. And I get that not feeling, because I wrote that down, didn’t feel, um, felt different, uh, as a kid, I felt that way too.
And it’s almost like as a parent, you’re able to help your child not feel that. And I really see you actively working with that energy already, even though they’re young, um, to help them feel integrated, to help them feel a part of everything. Um, I also feel like there’s some unique experiences that you want for the family.
What is that?
Jessica: Um, I don’t know if they’re unique in that, I think they’re unique to my situation or unique to the way I was raised and just having a really [00:06:00] painful childhood, a really painful past. Um, my parents, they did their best. Um, but their best was really. It was hard. You know, you lose a child. Most people don’t survive that.
Marriages don’t survive that. Um, and so I think just the life I’m trying to create for us is a very present one, a very close one. Um, we always just talk about we will love our child no matter who she is. Um, she comes to me one day and says like, Mom, I’m gay, I’m trans, I’m whatever. That’s fine with us. We want her to know that we love her.
And I, I don’t doubt my parents loved us no matter who we were, but you know, there’s a lot of conditions put on love and there’s a lot of, um, just kind of pain that came with everything growing up. And I want my daughter to know that my past pain and that any current pain I’m facing is not her responsibility.
It’s not her problem.
Julie: Yeah.
Jessica: And so we’re trying to create this situation where, um, our daughter, she can call us, us her best [00:07:00] friends, but we don’t ever want her to have to feel the burden of, like, being our best friend, of feeling like she needs to grow up and be more to us than what’s appropriate.
Julie: I keep seeing this vision of you and her having just this beautiful connection, lifelong, and, um, You know, it’s interesting.
I just had three or four sessions today and, uh, all of them had somebody who’s actively in the process of passing away. Okay. And when you have somebody who’s actively in the process of passing, it feels, there’s two energies that come through a lot. One feels like, um. An hourglass, those decorative ones that people kind of used to have back in the eighties on a desk and like part of their energy is here and part of it is crossing to the other side, but [00:08:00] it also feels like a tree, right?
That there’s these roots. into the ground that you have to energetically pull up one at a time to be able to lift your energy and go to the other side. You guys are so closely bonded and so closely connected. I can feel that all the way from now through to, um, the end of your life and your brother comes in showing me that like you 105 years old, right?
And he said You know, sometimes I struggle with this, right? Like giving readings because you can’t blow smoke. You can’t tell somebody what they want to hear. All you can give them is what’s there. But sometimes after we’ve gone through a tragedy, like your family endured, they come through and they do say [00:09:00] very powerful things.
And your brother says, I need you to know that you will, um, You and your husband will be here as old adults, your children will, um, be here too, to see you off. Um, And that’s where this other energy keeps coming in. Do you guys want to have another? Have you kind of decided on a family of three? Or, um, Yeah,
Jessica: we’re, we’re done.
We, like, by choice, um, I think for a lot of reasons, but you know, three is really, it’s a great number for us. And you know, my personal past pregnancy and just having a child is really difficult. There’s a lot of, um, there was a lot of miscarriages. There was a stillborn in my family, you know, in between my mother’s living children.
And so, yeah, so we’re, we’re very happy with one, but there’s, I walk around with this [00:10:00] heavy fear all the time because the worst thing that could happen to my family. And so there’s always. I try to be chill, I try to be relaxed, I try to give her freedom to run and play and get dirty and climb high, but there’s always this underlying fear.
Yeah. Um, that really stinks walking around with. I think all parents have it to an extent, right?
Julie: It’s different though, it’s a PTSD energy. Yeah. Because when, you said your brother passed from drowning?
Jessica (2): Mm hmm.
Julie: They’re so little, right? And just, they, they can just get out in a moment. And I mean, you just blink your eyes and something can occur with the pool in the back of the yard, you know, or a lake house or, or just anything.
And, um, he just comes in and says, You’re always going to try your best to give her her [00:11:00] freedom, but you’re never going to feel completely safe, you know, inside. I mean, it’s always something that’s in the back of your mind, even when, like I keep seeing a vision of her going over to a friend’s house, or when she’s driving at 16, or just different times.
He goes, you can’t shake what’s in your cellular makeup. And you were so young when you lost your brother. It is a part of your cellular makeup. The only thing that you can do is your best. And he said that you’ll do your entire life. But he also said you can’t fault yourself for your entire life, having concerns.
Um, I, he needs me to tell you as a parent of one child. I think it’s the energy of being a parent to one child, to their your one and only. And, um, You worry more than [00:12:00] I think. I think all parents worry. So you kind of have that double whammy, right? But he can’t spread it
Jessica: between children. It’s all on the one
Julie: For sure.
No, I completely get it. But he keeps coming in with this beautiful smile and he’s like you’re with her for forever like you have her for forever and you can be multiple things at one time. You can feel the worry, you can feel the concern and you can also know that your brother’s got her. I also feel like there’s a grandma on the other side.
I keep seeing similar hair or hairstyles or just like a similar. Um, like hair color, uh, that is with you and she keeps acknowledging what your brother is saying is truth, that you can kind of relax into everything is going to be okay. Um, that grandmother, is that mom’s mom on the other [00:13:00] side? Yeah. Okay.
Cause she drew a line from her energy over to like, what’s going on with mom right now?
Jessica: You know, she’s had three strokes, she’s had a lifetime of trauma and abuse, and she’s just always had a hard time, and so she lost her mom, who my daughter is named for her. She lost her mom in 20, uh, late 2017 or early 2018.
And, um, You know, she’s just never really recovered from that. She’s that was her person.
Julie: Yeah. Your grandma comes in when you talk about your mom. And then they had me write down health right underneath. I only bring through loving, positive messages, but grandma is concerned for mom. Um, and, uh, I know that she hasn’t recovered.
I think that doing this work, something that you see over a [00:14:00] period of years is you can only lose so many people, and your heart just kinda endure that pain of grief so many times. Before, um, it really takes a toll on you. Um, and your mom is trying to do her best to stay here for you. But I also want you to, um, I feel like you’ve done this before.
kind of in forgiveness of your parents maybe not being everything that you needed them to be growing up is have conversations with their soul self and your grandma says have a conversation with your mom’s soul self about so it’s not something that you have to do face to face, but just that You want what’s best for her and you want her to take the path that she needs to take [00:15:00] because you’re okay and you’re good.
If you’re searching for a community where you can share your beliefs openly, connect with kindred spirits, and feel truly supported, you’re exactly where you need to be. My programs are more hands on and unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. Let’s explore our upcoming events. In March, our membership topic of the month is exploring all spiritual gifts and how the world needs you.
In this course, you’ll learn all about the different types of spiritual gifts, what they are and discover what kind of gifts you might have. This course is designed to help you understand what type of healer you might become and how you could use your gifts. To make this world a better place. Then in April, we’re diving into a new membership topic called be your own angel messenger.
I’ll be teaching you how to [00:16:00] receive angel messages for yourself on demand, anytime, anywhere. So you can navigate your life with a clear divine roadmap, always at hand. And in May. Members are doing an exciting 21 day money. Miracle challenge, a journey designed to help you open new doors of prosperity and abundance in your life.
Trust me, you won’t want to miss these transformative experiences for members only, and don’t forget if you’re ready to elevate your spiritual gifts to their fullest potential, whether to enhance your current career, enrich your personal life, or build your own spiritual business. Join my angel Reiki school.
You can opt for our enlightening online eight week course, starting on the first of every month, or immerse yourself in our in person session in Oakbrook, Illinois, from April 11th to the 13th, 2025, [00:17:00] complete with online access. Step into a realm of angelic energy, profound clarity, and embrace limitless possibilities.
Sign up today at theangelmedium. com. And for more details, check the show notes to book a call with me, Julie, to talk about how this program can unleash your hidden gifts and transform your path into one of soulful abundance.
Jessica: I hear sometimes during my meditations of like needing to Kind of go through some forgiveness with them.
Julie: Yeah.
Jessica: Because, yeah, there is anger, there is resentment, there is, there’s sadness and empathy and sympathy, but there’s not always super positive feelings. Um, and so it’s, there’s a lot of boundary setting. Yeah. Uh, and they, you know, their daughter, their granddaughter is like the light of their life, and I try to give them as much of her as I can.
Yeah. Um, but it’s, [00:18:00] There’s, it’s still really hard for me. And um, and I, I do, I, but I want, you know, carrying around that’s really happy. And so I’m, I’m, would actively like to, to work on that. And so this is a really encouraging message for that.
Julie: So I want to, do you want to do some of that work right now?
Because I just want to kind of send some energy over to your heart and I want to just lift some things up and off. So I’m gonna have you close your eyes. And I’m gonna have you place your hands on your own heart, and if anybody’s listening who wants to do this along with us, you can. Um, Jessica, I want you to just take three deep breaths in and out.
And as you do, I want you to notice that Archangel Michael has placed a bubble of protection and love surrounding you.
That [00:19:00] protective bubble brings complete healing, complete safety and security.
So that you can release any walls that you’re holding up, any walls to your heart and you can allow your mom and dad’s soul self to step forward.
And I just want you to see that dad approaches first and he’s got tears in his eyes
and he says, I’m so so sorry.
When I tune into the energy of your dad’s soul, What I keep seeing him sorrowful [00:20:00] for is you alone a lot in your room. I feel like, um, I feel like he was so concentrating on him, himself, his career that he doesn’t, he didn’t realize how much you were alone. Does that make sense?
Jessica (2): Mm
Julie: hmm.
Jessica (2): Yeah. He worked a lot. That’s all he did. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Julie: And I want you to just see that he worked a lot because he didn’t know how to move through grief himself. He didn’t know how to feel his pain, his emotions.
As I tune into his energy, he is so incredibly [00:21:00] grateful for the chance to be better with your daughter. And I feel like he keeps showing me this bright expression like every time he sees his granddaughter, he is so excited, so lit up with joy. Um, I feel like he is to her who you needed him to be as a kid.
Jessica (2): Yeah. He’s so happy around her.
Julie: I want you to see that a part of your inner child gets to be healed as you witness the relationship, just by being the observer.
And I want you to see your [00:22:00] mom’s soul come through, her soul self, and she comes in and she gives you a big, huge hug. And she’s just got these big tears running down her face. She keeps showing me a vision that when your brother passed, a part of her soul went to the other side with him. A part of her was just paralyzed here with fear, with grief.
She keeps saying, as her soul self, the same fear that you feel for your daughter is the same fear that she felt being your mama the rest of your years growing up.
And they both come through, your dad and your mom, and they [00:23:00] just have these big tears in their eyes and they say, we are so incredibly sorry. They say you get it now as an adult how paralyzing it would be to have to walk through
that situation in life.
And they’re so grateful that despite all that you’ve been through, despite how they weren’t able to show up for you. That you’ve still turned out to be just this amazing, joyful, vibrant energy. And you feel within your heart, Jessica, just this huge energy to help and to serve the world. Is that right?
Jessica (2): What I hope my soul’s purpose is. [00:24:00] Yeah,
Julie: so sometimes when I work with a soul, You just see a couple of their angels come through. But for you, I kept seeing all of the angels step forward at once, meaning that you work with the angels yourself. And I want you to see all of those angels surrounding you right now. Just use your imagination, your third eye to visualize just trillions of angels, large, medium, small, Teeny tiny all surrounding you and they just come in to give you this smushy loving hug.
And the instant that they give you that hug, all of your worry evaporates, all of the stress, all of the anxiety evaporates
and don’t [00:25:00] feel different. You feel seen, you feel heard, you feel loved,
and you feel known by your angels.
When you’re ready, I want you to come back to me. I hope as you tune in after today, we got a lot more to do, but I hope that you just feel a liftedness from your heart center. Um, and, uh, your angels keep talking about you. And remember them saying this at the beginning, just wanting to do things differently.
Um, I see you wanting to have a career where you get to stay home. Um, With your daughter, you’re there dropping her off at the morning at school, dropping or picking her up in the afternoon. Like you’re so hands on and you’re so [00:26:00] present. Um, and your angels come in saying that that business that you want to start, that business that you want to create is going to give you that life of being able to be there for her.
Um, they’re asking you to trust. that your intuition is showing you the right path. Uh, sometimes we have to take risks and I don’t think that that’s always easy. I take, um, very careful risks where I dip my toe in and they say that you can do the same, but. It still is a risk just to even dip your toe in.
It is a risk to start something and you, you don’t know at the beginning, you know, where it’s going to take you. But, oh my. Gosh, is the payout just so rewarding. And I think that that’s why we like to talk about manifestation and abundance [00:27:00] so much is because when you work with the angels nonstop, this is what they do with every single person they work with.
Every single human being on earth, the angels will always show you the end vision first. And that is where abundance and where, um, Just, not just abundance of wealth, but of health and friendships and love and all the good feelings that we want to feel. That’s where all of it lives, when they show you that end vision first.
So let’s say for you it’s this business, right, and getting this business up and running, but seeing the clients that you’re working with one on one and the healing that you’re helping, and, and just the from helping one person with their soul self webs out as they heal to affect all of the other people in their family, their friends, their communities.
And your angels are like, Jess, [00:28:00] this is what you are able to do. This is like your mission here. Um, so what questions do you have? Cause they had me write down career. They wanted to talk to you about this. Um, But there’s so much here for you.
Jessica: Yeah, I so it’s probably about six months ago I just realized woke up like hey, there’s one of my cups isn’t being filled and it’s my spirituality cup of not religion You know, I always pray if I prayed I always believed in God But I was like something is missing and so I’ve really returned to meditation as a daily practice I have a stack of books and I Signed up for goodness knows how many courses and I’ve listened to your podcast and all these other podcasts like on the regular But at this point, I’m a little bit like huh, I feel I’ve always felt intuitive.
I’ve always felt empathic I’ve always felt like there’s always something coming to [00:29:00] me. Certainly But at this point, I’m a little bit like, okay, what’s next? Where do I go? How do I know? What do I know? Uh, so that’s, that’s a little bit kind of where I’m at now. I feel like, okay, like I’m getting this, the basic skills of meditation.
I’m learning a ton about manifestation and quantum leaps and, you know, as woo as you want to go and as scientific as you can go. But at this point, I’m a little bit like, okay, what’s my next step?
Julie: Yeah. Does that
Jessica: make sense?
Julie: Yeah. And I can tell you exactly what it is. Right. Um, so there are foundations that once we get certified in these things, we have a foundation to build off of.
Um, so I’ve been working on this with my husband and I’ve seen this since, gosh, Even longer than I’ve been doing this work myself, I could see him and I running retreats together and him being more of a life coach, me [00:30:00] doing what I do, but us doing stuff together eventually. And as I put pray and meditate on it, cause I can see some of that for your partner in the future as well.
Um. So this story is for you to kind of hold on to. So I would meditate on this and I would see this vision and I’d go, okay angels, you know, like show me the way and they’d be like, don’t press Blake. Like don’t talk about it with him. Don’t bring it up, you know, like you could talk about your life and what you’re doing, but just like let him come to things on his own.
And he would, just like he’d watch documentary on on the Beatles. And he’d be like, I want to try transcendental meditation. And then he’d, you know, see this seminar and he’d be like, I think I want to do this. Um, so I’ve just let the angels bring him through his own journey. But we’re finally at the place where he’s like, 10 years later, caught up to speed [00:31:00] on, uh, okay, this is what I’ve been seeing since the beginning.
And he’s like, yeah, but I don’t know where to start. Same question, right? You have to get some sort of certification, because if you don’t, um, you really don’t know how to work with other people using your gifts when we’re just focused in on our own healing, that’s wonderful, but that’s only one half of the equation.
Um, people who know how to work with their own intuition, their own angels to bring through their own messages every day to work with their own particular journey. That’s awesome, but it’s not how you messages for other people. It’s not how you heal other people. That’s an entirely different game. Um, and so once you have that foundation of, that’s why I created the Angel Reiki School, mediumship, intuition, [00:32:00] energy healing, angel messages.
Then you have this basis to work from. And what ends up happening is once you’re certified in this and you understand how to work with the angels and messages, you start working with clients, which I can see you doing just like nonstop, you have this completely. open heart chakra and people just love to be in your energy.
People will just love, um, your care. I mean, you really have a care of the human being and making sure that each client particularly is. on an individual level taken care of. People will deeply, deeply resonate with that. So, um, going through a certification program really gives you that foundation that you need.
The angel said to bring this through, I have a hard time like tooting my own horn. We probably get three messages a week [00:33:00] from people who are like, oh, I just did Reiki, but now I’m feeling called to the Angel Reiki school. I thought that I should do it at the beginning. Um, people say that they don’t get what they need from like their local certification program because Traditional energy healing Reiki certification.
It’s silent modality. Okay. When I say angel Reiki school, what I mean is you’re learning energy healing, but you’re also learning how to bring through messages. You’re also learning how to communicate with their loved ones and angels on the other side. That’s a whole nother level of healing. And this is what people just don’t understand because they’re not in it every day.
If you go, and I know you’re going to get this, Jessica, if you go for energy healing, it’s wonderful. I mean, you feel like you just got a massage. You feel the energy with you for a couple days after. Sometimes people can even hold that energy for a [00:34:00] week. But traditional energy healing. needs to be modified because it keeps the client reliant on the healer to come back again and again and again and again and again for that healing.
I don’t believe in that at all. So what I teach my people is how do you create a system where your clients understand how to do that healing work on themselves, for themselves, for themselves. to keep that healing going. So take that, hold it off to the side. The other piece to this is that, um, when you bring through messages, you’re not just getting this feel good energy of oneness and the body that energy healing brings, you’re also fixing and getting to the root of worry, anxiety and [00:35:00] doubts, fears within the mind.
And if you can get to the root of that with a message, that person, that client goes back into their life and they have that worry, boop, it comes up within them and they go, nope. My grandma came in, my angel came in, my brother came in and said, I don’t have to worry about my daughter. She is going to be fine.
I’m going to be 105 years old and she’s going to be right there by my side. And so what happens is your heart and your mind both sink in to this relaxed state of ease. And you go, So I’m not going to worry about that. What that ends up doing, the energy plus the messages gives people the ability to manifest faster and to just keep going.
strong in their life and to get where they need to be and I wish that more people recognized [00:36:00] that about messengers themselves good messengers Okay, so your grandma says to give you this piece as well. I don’t believe in bringing through negative messages Okay, because which came first the chicken or the egg?
I’ve been doing this long enough where I’ve had people be like, Oh my God, so and so told me that I was going to get a divorce. I went in for this reading with who knows who, and they said that I’m going to get a divorce. Well, a lot of times they end up creating like a dysfunction within their relationship because that bad reading.
is so hard for people to clear that they end up more so manifesting the energy than clearing the energy. So what I tell people is you go in for a bad reading with somebody who brings through negative messages, sometimes you’re worse off than not going in for the reading at all. Work [00:37:00] with people, Jessica.
I would love for you to work with me, but work with somebody who Only brings through loving, positive messages. And I hope that you come, but I’m just not a pusher, right? Work with somebody who only brings through loving, positive messages. Um, and what your grandma says is you really want to visualize the end first.
So I see you really wanting to do things differently, like where you’re home with your daughter when she gets home from school. You know, you’re the one to drop her off. I see you creating a business that gives you that opportunity.
Jessica: Yeah. I have this vision of like a spiritual wellness center that offers like all different healing modalities, but makes it like really approachable.
And there’s a diverse set of clientele coming in and it’s just like a really uplifting and joyful and, um, Like really happy place like I sat in meditation the other day and was thinking about it and I like saw her next to Me my daughter like doing her [00:38:00] homework after school like checking people in going to yoga with me um, like That’s my like big vision right now
Julie: You live in a place where there’s a lot of people who would invest in something like that And uh, I was saying this earlier in a reading but I want to give it to you too Because your angels are handing it to you Okay, if you had a chart, you know, X and Y axis, and some people dream at like a 40, 45 degree angle, right, your angels are like, Come on, dream bigger.
So sometimes you could be saying to yourself, well, you know, your 40, 45 degree angle is Well, you know, maybe I could get that center going in 20, 25 years. And your angels are like, come on, dream bigger. What if you found an investor who was right in your [00:39:00] backyard who was like, yeah, let’s go in on this together.
We’re going to partner on this together. Five years. Okay. Your angel said, think about it in terms of five years. Um, So it’s 2025. We’re recording this in almost March of 2025 and this summer is gonna be 10 years since my dad passed and my angels have been saying in meditation to tell people that for this exact reason Jessica because How the heck could all of this happen so fast,
Jessica: right?
Right. From nothing to this now.
Julie: Yeah. I mean, it really took off like bananas within the first six months. And then with the podcast, like the first five years, just even crazier. That’s what they want you to dream. I didn’t dream that way. I was dreaming at [00:40:00] a 40, 45 degree angle. They really come in and say dream at that 80, 85 degree angle.
Okay? That’s what they want for you. And, and see the investors. That’s the other thing that we need to talk about more when it comes to manifestation and abundance. You don’t have to know the how. Oh, it’s reconnecting.
Jessica: Oh. Hold on. I saw, I heard see the investors.
Julie: Oh, yeah, yeah. You, um, you don’t have to know how it’s going to happen.
You just have to know that it’s going to happen. And that’s what you have to manage. I know this is going to happen. I don’t know how. I don’t care about the how. I just know this is going to happen. Angels, help me bring it in.
Jessica: That’s, that’s part of the control, right? Releasing that control saying, I don’t know.
I don’t know. I just. What will happen will happen. Like, I can’t control when or how, but, um. [00:41:00]
Julie: Yeah Not just that, but you’re really really good at getting visions. Sometimes I have to work with people just to see the vision. You’ve got it.
Jessica: That’s the big thing I think I face right now is the like, is this a vision or is this my, it’s always the, is this my vision?
Is this my imagination? Is this just something in my subconscious as I’m falling asleep, you know?
Julie: But what if your intuition and what if one of the only tools that your angels have to get through to you Is your imagination? I love that. So like musicians and artists and um I got to go to Monet’s water lily garden, his home, right outside of Paris once.
And being in that place is like being in Sedona. It’s just a [00:42:00] completely different vibrational portal here on Earth. And, um, his paintings just speak to me when I see Monet’s work. When I hear songs I just, movies too. Sometimes I watch a movie or a show and the writing and I’ll be like, angels, you were in on this, weren’t you?
Like you were totally helping, you were writing this, but the writer of the show was just writing down notes. Right? And that’s what it is. Our imagination. is one of the only tools they have to speak with us, to work with us, to bring through what it is that they want us to see. Here’s what, where I was going with this earlier is your angel say, with success, what you’ll realize.
is just that what they’re showing [00:43:00] you through your imagination is for you. Like, you can’t get something that’s not for you. If you’re seeing it, it’s because it’s a potential within your field. You have to choose it within your, uh, free will and go, yes, I want this. Yes. I’m going to go after this. That’s where the movie The Secret got things wrong.
They just allowed everybody to sit on the couch and write a check to themselves. They didn’t do any of the work. They didn’t tune in to the law of action. Once you take manifestation with what your angels are showing you and you go, Yeah, let’s go do that. Things just start popping up faster and faster and faster.
And you just start running with your angels, where you’re just doing one thing after the next. And that’s where so much happens so fast. You know, I’ve said this before on the podcast, but [00:44:00] people are, the angels said people need to hear it. Think about it like this. If, if some folks only listen to their intuition, Two times a year and take action on it.
What is that over the period of like 80 years, 160 times? I did the math one day to be like, okay, if you’re listening to your angels a hundred times a day, what is that over the course of a lifetime? It’s something like over 3 million times. Why do some people say, Oh, why are they farther along than I am?
Some people are listening and taking action three million times in a lifetime versus a hundred and sixty. That’s the difference and that’s what it looks like in terms of math. And what it feels like in terms of energy. Three million pounds feels a lot different than a hundred and sixty [00:45:00] pounds.
Jessica: Yeah, yeah, that’s That’s a big num that’s a huge number.
I mean, I guess we don’t even think about how often throughout the day we’re getting these intuitive hits. Yeah. Like, you just think it’s just part of your normal thought pattern or something, again, something you imagined versus, uh, A true, like, I don’t know, divine guidance, a divine intuition from your, from your angels.
Julie: Okay. So the angels are just saying this this morning, and they’re saying to say it again,
nobody has anything to lose by just imagining that angels are working with them. Even if you’re like, Julie, I don’t even know if I believe in angels. All right, let’s just say you do. Let’s just say you believe. Let’s say that you have trillions of them surrounding you. Let’s say they can do anything for you, that they can work miracles in your life.
What do you want? And [00:46:00] I think if more people open themselves in that way, they’d find that those angels come in with miracle after miracle and blessing after blessing.
Jessica: Yeah, I mean, what’s it’s it’s like optimism. It’s like hoping for the best like
Julie: yeah,
Jessica: there’s nothing wrong with being optimistic and positive and Believing you know, there’s a placebo effect, you know, Joe Dispenza has that book.
You are the placebo like there’s
Julie: I think it’s raising your vibration. So it’s raising your vibration to what you actually want to call in. And as you raise your vibration, the angels always show it’s like a magnetic field. Boom. Now, when they say calling it in, that’s what it means. Your vibration is now raised where you’re like, okay, well, Julie said to just imagine maybe this is possible for me.
So you start believing it’s possible. Boom. And then it shows up and that’s. That’s what our angels want for us. Um, Jessica, I have to hop into my next reading, but I want [00:47:00] to send you so much love. And your, your brother is with you. He’s going to be working with you as you hop into this work yourself. I want you to tune into him as if he’s an adult.
And, um, oh. I love that picture. That’s beautiful.
Jessica: He’s right in my little woo woo corner over here.
Julie: I love it. And he might have like a more male voice. Um, he said something that I’ve only heard a loved one on the other side say once before, and that is give him a voice. So if you imagine that his adult voice would sound like, um, an actor or a musician or somebody that you know, like.
Make him, give, give your brother a voice because you are also very auditory.
Jessica: Thank you. That, that really does help because it’s You know, there’s, it’s been 27 years. It’s hard to have a lot of memories. My grief is not [00:48:00] really grieving so much a person so much as a person who could have been. And so there’s a lot of, um, sometimes it’s hard to imagine him speaking because you know, how does a three year old speak and how am I going to be getting this guidance and this divine intuition from a three year old?
So that is really, really helpful. Thank you so much. And thank you for all you do, all that you. Given all of us and thank you for this moment.
Julie: Thank you, Jessica. And if you ever want to talk about the Angel Reiki school, I’d love to connect with you.
Jessica (2): I will. Absolutely.
Julie: Awesome. Ooh, perfect. Okay. Um, so I’m going to press end.
Thank you for joining me today. I hope you’re feeling a renewed sense of clarity and a deep connection to the angelic guidance that surrounds you right here, right now. If you need help hearing and working with your angels, join me in [00:49:00] the membership for an experience unlike any other. If you’re seeking personal insights, book a reading with me.
Each reading brings you the loving, positive messages your angels and loved ones in heaven need you to hear right now. And if you’re ready to unleash your hidden gifts and transform your path into one of soulful abundance, develop all your spiritual gifts to the max in my Angel Reiki School in person in Oakbrook, Illinois, April 11th through the 13th, 2025.
This immersive experience isn’t just about learning. It’s your gateway to unlocking your intuition to its fullest potential. Learning the skills of how to bring through angel messages for others, mediumship, and you’re going to become an energy healer too. All of this all in one weekend at the angel Reiki school in person.
If you can’t attend in person, we have an eight week online program with live Saturday calls. [00:50:00] Graduates say the angel Reiki school gives them an advantage in their personal and professional lives. After completing the program, your heightened intuition becomes a tool you will use for the rest of your life.
Whether you’re launching your own healing business or elevating your current career, you’ll operate from a place of deep wisdom and clarity. Your decisions will be guided by a divine insight that sets you apart, opening doors to opportunities that truly resonate with your passion for healing. And soulful, abundant living for more details.
Please visit theangelmedium. com and go to the angel Reiki school tab. I’m Julie, and I can’t wait to guide you on this remarkable journey until next time, keep radiating your unique, beautiful energy into this world and listening to your angels. I love you friends.
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