Hello, Beautiful Soul! Both the Angel Membership and Angel Reiki School begin this week, and I’m so excited to guide you! These programs are also how I support this podcast, so if you’ve been thinking about joining, now is the perfect time!
Angel Membership
✨ It’s not too late to join! ✨ The Angel Membership is your pathway to a life aligned with your angels’ guidance. Each month, you’ll receive a new course, join live weekly events, and connect with a supportive community of like-minded souls.
👉 https://theangelmedium.com/angelmembership
Angel Reiki School
Feeling called to step into your spiritual gifts? Start online today and receive FREE tuition for an in-person training this spring (April 11-13, 2025, in OakBrook, IL) or fall. Become a certified healer through mediumship, angel messages, and energy healing.
👉 https://theangelmedium.com/get-certified
New Readings with Julie
Book a 25-minute reading recorded for the podcast and social media. Hear what your angels have to say and share their guidance with others!
👉 https://calendly.com/juliejancius/promoreadings
Not Sure Where to Start?
Email me at julie@theangelmedium.com or book a free discovery call.
👉 https://calendly.com/juliejancius/discovery-call
Day 25 of 31 Miracles: Knowing your truth is the key to freedom and fulfillment. Today, Archangel Gabrielle encourages you to go inward and connect with what matters most to you. What do you need? What do you love? Trust your inner wisdom and let it guide your words and actions. Living your truth inspires others to do the same, creating a world where authenticity and love prevail.
Hello, beautiful souls, I’m your host and author, Julie Jancius, and you’re listening to the 31 Day Angel Success Formula, a special edition of the Angels and Awakening podcast. Listen in the morning while you’re getting ready to set your energy and mindset for the entire day. There are 31 recordings in total, one for each day of the month.
Use these recordings day after day, month after month, all year long to see your angels work miracles and help you transform your life. Want free access to all 31 recordings, the teaching video, and workbook for this course? Go to theangelmedium. com and subscribe to my email list. at the top of the homepage and we’ll send you access to this entire course for free.
If you’d like to support this podcast, you can purchase a ticket to my monthly workshop, monthly sacred group healing, or take my course of the month. For access to all of these, join my angel membership. Where I’ll also get to personally coach you in our monthly small group meetings. Members report that they’ve gained the ability to work with their angels daily.
They’ve stepped into their power and they feel a deep sense of belonging. The Angel Membership has been a life changing experience for so many members, and friend, I want that for you too. A new year of the membership starts February 1st, and we expect this year to sell out. Join now and you’ll get automatic access to my new Manifestation Course.
For more information, click the link in our show notes and join me for a free upcoming Zoom call to hear how you’re Angels will work with you in the Angel Membership to strengthen you, transform you and activate your soul’s highest calling. Now, friend, take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. Open your heart and your mind as you begin your day with your Angels.
Good morning, beautiful soul. Welcome to the 25th day of the month, a beautiful day to know yourself more deeply as you breathe naturally. Notice the subtle presence of your spirit team, your angels. and your higher self here with a loving positive messages to guide you today. Today, your spirit team is talking to you about knowing your truth.
Taking the time to go in words allows us. to know ourselves better, but let’s go deeper to learn how to know what our truth really is. Friend, take a second to sit with this question. Do you know who you really are? I’m not talking about what you do for a living, your marital status. or whether or not you’re a parent, I’m talking about who you are as a uniquely designed soul living on this earth.
If your honest answer is that you don’t know or that you’re unsure, you’re not alone. Spirit says that not knowing who you are is nothing to be ashamed of because we’re always growing and becoming new versions of ourselves throughout the course of our entire lifetime. But friend, it is so important to take the time to learn about yourself by taking the time to invest in your internal life.
Aside from your personal relationship, and your relationship to God, spirit, your spirit team, your relationship with yourself is the most important and one of the longest relationships you’ll have on this earth. Don’t you think it’s time that you started learning who that person is? The old adage is that if you can’t define yourselves, others will do it for you.
And friend, that couldn’t be more true. Spirit explains that one way to strengthen our relationship to God’s energy, aside from getting into oneness, is to go inward and learn about ourselves, because we are one. Reflections of that same energy. This is so important. So I’m going to say it again. We are reflections of God’s energy, and it’s important for us to go inward to understand that you can take steps today to better understand your purpose, what serves you, what is toxic to you, what it is that you need and what it is you love by spending more time with yourself today.
Archangel. Gabrielle is with you asking you to know your truth, speak your truth, and take action on your truth. She says the reason that people do not speak their truth more often is simply because they don’t know what their truth is. To find your truth, you must go inwards and ask yourself periodically throughout the day, what emotion am I feeling right now?
Friend, I want you to do this with us right here, right now. Ask yourself, what emotion am I feeling right now? Label that emotion. Even if that means you have to Google list of emotions, list of feelings, and then scan the list to identify specifically what it is you’re feeling. And once you’re able to pinpoint it, the second thing that you want to do is, once you know what you’re feeling, ask yourself, Why am I feeling this way?
What thought or experience experience is causing me to feel this way. Ask your angels to help you identify what that thought or experience is and help you understand how it connects to this feeling friends. A lot of times when you do this, spirit will show you, you know, when you say to yourself, what is it that I’m feeling right now?
And you put a specific feeling or emotion on it, where you say, I’m feeling angry. Right. And you don’t just. You don’t judge the feeling at all. You don’t shame yourself for having the feeling. You’re just the neutral bystander and you’re the journalist doing some digging. So once you identify, okay, I’m feeling angry and then you go inside and you say, why am I feeling this way?
What thought or experience is causing me to feel this way? Something’s going to come up. You’re going to see something within your imagination. You’re going to feel something. You’re going to. Remember a past experience, you’re going to hear something within you, or getting knowingness. And when that happens, trust the first thing that comes to you.
And the way to go deeper into this is to keep questioning why, okay? Feeling angry? Why am I feeling this way? You see your past and you see something that your partner said to you and you say, okay, well, why is that making me angry? This experience that just happened and then something else. is going to come up within you and you go, okay, and you keep asking why you keep going deeper.
Okay. Well, why, why am I angry about this or what do I need to know more of? And you keep asking questions of. to go deeper until they stop showing you stuff, right? And you’ve kind of, at that point, when you aren’t seeing anything anymore, you know that you’ve gotten to the root of why you’re feeling the way that you do.
And once that it is, that you get there, To that point, you’ve gotten to the root. That’s where number three comes in step three. And at step three, you’re going to ask yourself, what is it that I need? Because sometimes you need to use your throat chakra to get something out. Sometimes you need to do something or let something go.
And so when you ask right here, right now, what do I need to do? Or what do I need? Something else is going to come in. Um, and you’re going to get a sense of feeling and knowingness, something within your imagination that comes to you. And once you’ve identified what it is, you need number four, step four, what comes to you, what, what you need, that’s your truth, right?
That’s where you’re at in this moment here. And now, so we cannot expect others to be mind readers. Once you know what it is that your truth. is. Once you know what you need, you got to express, you must, must, must express what it is that you need to those around you. That doesn’t mean that we have to go in a abrasive way and express that right?
We can do it in a non dramatic way that’s healthy, where we go to one another and we say, Hey, you know what? This is really coming up for me and I need to talk about it. And we’re not going in blaming or shaming other people. We’re just being vulnerable. And allowing people into our space where we can deepen that relationship through that vulnerability, through you opening up and expressing your truth.
Um, so once you know where you are, you can. Ask for what it is that you need and you can have your needs met friends. It’s important to note here that we cannot hop into the body of another person and make them do anything. We cannot change another person, but the understanding that we do have responsibility for ourselves and that we can change ourselves.
And we can just focus on ourselves. What’s that saying? Right? You do. You just do you. And when you focus on you and you take responsibility for you, and you own your truth by looking at it and asking yourself what it is that you need, and then expressing it within your world. Your entire life can shift, and that’s what your angels want you to focus on today.
Friends, be patient with yourself as you do this work and know that I am so excited for your journey and for you to see your truth more clearly. Thank you so much for joining your Spirit team and I this morning to start your day. Today is a great, fantastic, phenomenal day. To live in your joy and build the life your soul came here to live as you move through your day, feel the presence of your angels, as they guide you to take one step towards your best financial, mental, spiritual, and physical health.
And remember, no matter what the day brings, you are guided, you are protected, and you are so, so, so deeply loved. Radiate that love to yourself all day long and to everyone you interact with today. I love you, friends. See you here tomorrow for day 26.
Friend, follow me on Instagram at Angel Podcast, where I’m celebrating kicking off a whole new year of the Angel membership. With live Angel readings for you and tons of giveaways. All month long, ready to know exactly how to communicate with your angels. Join my angel membership at the angel medium. com for access to all my courses, live events, and small group coaching for those asking about the angel Reiki school.
Yes, we are hosting an in person event, April 11th through 13th, 2025 in Oakbrook, Illinois. Spots are limited, so grab yours today and start your journey as a healer. Not sure where to begin? Let’s figure it out together. Book a personal call with me. Link in the show notes. And the angels will guide you to your next step.
See you back here tomorrow as you start your day with your angels.
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