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Have you ever wondered what your angels see in you that you don’t yet see in yourself? In this intimate and transformative reading, Julie connects with Brenda, uncovering powerful messages from her guardian angels about her purpose, her sensitivities, and her path forward. Together, they explore the energy of lost items, the deep connection between Brenda and her son, and the profound role angels play in guiding and healing her family. You’ll hear how angelic insights can reveal hidden strengths, shift energy, and bring clarity to even the most uncertain moments. This episode will leave you feeling inspired to trust your angels and embrace your true essence.
 Hello, beautiful souls. I’m thrilled you’re here to connect with the divine guidance of your angels. Imagine feeling the gentle, loving whispers of your angels, guiding you every step of your life. For those eager to work daily with their angels, join my membership. Every month, we explore a new facet of angel communication through live weekly meetings on Wednesday evenings at 7 PM central time.
This isn’t just about learning it’s experiencing healing and coming home to know your soul’s truest path. And if you’re ready to develop your spiritual gifts to the max, join my Angel Reiki School. You can go through the school in two ways. Whether you choose our enlightening, online, eight week school starting on the first of each month, or join our immersive, in person school in Oakbrook, Illinois from April 11th through the 13th, 2025.
You’ll gain the skills to become an angel messenger yourself. MySchool gives you the skills of mediumship, energy healing, and angel messages all at once. You can use these skills to start your own spiritual business or to grow your current career. Step into a life filled with angelic energy, transformation, and unstoppable abundance.
Sign up today at theangelmedium. com Or check the show notes to book a call with me to chat about which program would be best for you. Your journey with the angels begins now. Let’s see what messages they have for you in today’s show.
Motherly energy on the other side and I feel like you have a piece of her jewelry, whether it’s a ring just keep feeling like this weighted piece of jewelry. I’m thinking it could potentially be my great grandma. My mom did give me a piece of jewelry a while ago. And I don’t remember if that was hers or not, but I have lost it.
And I’ve felt bad. I haven’t even told my mom. Okay, is it the ring though? Because I keep feeling like the weight of this ring. It’s the ring. Yeah, I mean, she keeps taking it and like placing it into your hand. I don’t feel like it’s lost for forever. I feel like it’s something that Like, almost in your closet, like, hidden around something, behind something.
You know how the carpet can kind of be tall sometimes, and you find things in it? I would go around there with your hand, and you have to email me if you find it. But I wouldn’t vacuum, like, all the corners in there, or up against the edging until you, you look under there, because it is in the house.
Okay. Okay. I’ve moved since I remember And so I wonder if it’s like that’s what I thought I was like, oh my gosh Like I didn’t think of it till I moved after I was like, I don’t know if I got it or not There’s still a couple boxes in my attic that I haven’t and then so I don’t know it could I was going to ask you about the move.
Yeah, it’s there. It’s with you in your current house. I promise you. Okay. Okay. Okay. Well, that’s something. Okay. Cause I’m like, I don’t know what happened. I feel like we were pretty thorough, but I haven’t seen it since that. Yeah. You know, sometimes it also is just like a way that they kind of play with us and show us our, their presence as well.
I feel that if You’re missing it. You’re thinking about them more. You’re tuning into their energy more. It’s not lost for forever. I also feel like they’re able to manipulate things in a way where it’s not even really gone. It’s almost like we just can’t see it and it’s right there and then they’re able to do something vibrationally where all of a sudden you can see it physically.
It’s wild. Okay, I’ll look for it. Okay. One of the things that happened when I tuned in to your energy while you’re in meditation is you have a guardian angel that’s been working with you your whole life and she’ll continue to work with you your whole life. Her name is Samantha and she told me she was the first to come forward.
She said, Brenda, you need to understand how much and how sensitive you are to energy. I don’t feel like all empaths are as highly sensitive. To energy you are very very highly sensitive to energy and one of the things that your angels have you working on this year is Really Understanding your own energy better and what you’re feeling in the present moment Because as you do you can then get back to that oneness Frequency that we were just working on in the meditation and you can start to move shift I don’t mean manipulate in a bad way, kind of use it like a chiropractor would manipulate the energy to transform it to what you need it to be.
I think it’s very, very important to know that you’re highly sensitive to energy so that you can also put yourself in the right situations. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re, An outgoing person, but there’s some times where there’s gatherings happening and you don’t really even care to go because you just need to be in your own energy that night.
Does that make sense? Oh, totally. We’ll plan things where I wanted to do it, but when it comes to the day, I’m like, I do not want to do this now. I was insolently planned it, but, but yeah, I would totally say that. Yeah. Yeah. And it doesn’t mean not to plan things they just had me write down. You’re also working with Raphael on this, the more that you understand your own energy and how it operates, the more that you can help others around you with their energy as well.
Now, do you have a son? A child? Okay, because they tied an energy strand between you being highly sensitive to energy and him being highly sensitive to energy. And they said the more that you figure it out for yourself, the more that you’ll figure it out for him as well. Cool. How old is he? He’s nine. Oh, peanuts.
Okay I just feel like, too, when I tuned into the energy of your soul, it feels like big, expansive love, and when you tune into his energy, too, it’s the exact same vibration that you get. It’s just this big, expansive love, like he wears his heart on his sleeve. Totally, yeah. Yeah. You know, we’re doing these episodes now to air on the podcast.
And so if there’s something that we want to go into more after, we don’t have to dive into it all. We can stop the recording, but I just want you to know that Archangel Shamuel was another angel that stepped forward at the front of your spirit team. Shamuel works a lot with relationships and I only bring through loving, positive information.
I do feel like you have this. I want to call it like just a yearning from your soul to go deeper in some relationships and also just this yearning to be seen and validated. Samuel had me write down this year is about deeper connections. Sometimes he gives me this vision of our, our relationships can be very surface level where sometimes it’s hard for us to let people in.
and share about what we’re really thinking, what we’re really feeling. And I just keep seeing you go to like more of the depths or the middle of the ocean or the depths of the ocean with a lot of your relationships this year. Friendship, romantic relationship, that it’s all good and it’s wonderful and that you’re gonna feel so much better letting people in at another level.
Does that make sense? Yeah. No, that makes sense. I, I, yeah, I guess I could feel that. I’ve been wanting to be more vulnerable lately, and even though, like, I, when I’m vulnerable I cry all the time, and before I’d be like, I’m not crying in front of people, and so I would withhold that, but just recently I’ve kind of been like, I don’t think I care.
I think. Well, I mean, I still feel the need to like, I’m probably gonna cry, you know, I still feel the need to like, warn people, but I’m like, but I’m gonna do it anyway, so, yeah. Yeah, and it’s really about you coming into yourself because what Shamuel shows me is like this process of when you allow yourself to share with someone else and be vulnerable with them, what ends up happening is you get to another layer within yourself that you didn’t even know was there and he said there’s so much to you to peel back in this lifetime.
And people do show you, I, I really resonated with that quote, trust it when people show you who you are, because I don’t know that in my life I feel comfortable going to that place with just anybody. You know, it really takes that special person, that friend that you’ve built up trust with over years to go to that place with them.
Even, I have the best marriage and the best partner. It’s taken me years in some ways to be open and vulnerable about certain parts of myself with him, so just know it’s also about your growth and evolution as well. Okay. Thank you. Yeah. I want to talk about your son a little bit, but before we get to that, what do you do for work?
Have you ever been like a buyer? Like a Professional shopper? Yes. Mm hmm. What is that? I was a buyer for a clothing sporting goods store for years. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, fun. What do you do now? Now, I stepped back for a little bit when I had, after my second baby, had a third baby. Went back for a little bit, and then just felt like it just wasn’t good timing.
I’m feeling kind of pushed to start my own business. But it feels very vague and foggy still. I think it’s coaching to some degree, and I do some of that on the side. But, I don’t know, I’ve had some intuitive nuggets lately, and I feel like I’m really trying to sew it together, of what I feel like I’m being pushed into, but not quite there yet.
Okay, so that was another piece that was coming through to explain this to you. And I think that this is where people within the spiritual industry don’t think, don’t have things perfectly laid out for their clients because they’re, they’re missing this one piece and that is what the angels say is that when it comes to energy, let’s say energy healing it isn’t 100 percent helpful to the client because it doesn’t actually get to the root of the problem.
So when you think about a human being and what they’re thinking and feeling, Oftentimes the vibration and what they’re feeling within their physical body is stemming from a root thought that they keep thinking about or circling back to and when you bring through messages and you learn to open up your intuition, what ends up happening is you open yourself to learning how to work with the energy itself.
How to bring through messages and then you get out of the way, right? Because like I talk about on the podcast, it all starts from that place of oneness. Oneness and what it really is, is conscious thought and vibration. So when you’re working with both the vibration and the thought, and you’re working with a client and you don’t know them.
I’ve never in my life in over 7, 000 sessions talked about somebody being a buyer. Right? But it came through. I couldn’t have known that, but that information validates something within you that gets to the root of what we’ve been feeling. And when we go back into our lives after getting that information we go, all my angels are working with me in this way and they’ve got this.
So they help you in your everyday after the reading release the fear and be more so on your soul’s path. That’s where we need more people in the intuitive space, the spiritual space doing this work to be able to work with both the energy itself and the messages because as soon as you bring through the messages, you get to the root.
of the vibration. Can you bring in the messages? Is that what you said? Yeah, when you bring through the message and deliver it for the other side, within the person themselves, you get to the root of the vibration. And so the energy that they’re feeling, the vibration that they’re feeling, can shift. Not because we worked with the energy alone, but because we got to the root.
through the message. Okay. That’s interesting. Okay. No, that’s Yeah. Two, like, the nuggets that I have is kind of been thinking about energy, like that word keeps coming up for me and intuition. So, like that speaks a lot to me because I’ve been looking for certifications for energy, raising vibrations, and even looking for those answers for myself.
There’s a lot out there, but, and then also intuition, and so like, I guess that makes sense as far as like, it really resonating and hitting how it’s supposed to with the message that coupled with that. Well, and I’m not going to tape up your time here with it, but just know that that’s why I created the Angel Ricky School is because nobody teaches there this method, right, of using both the intuition, the messages.
And the energy healing piece in the same way. And it’s also something that the angels are saying to tell you. I, I don’t resonate with this, right? Like, there’s a lot of healers online who are saying, you know, You could make this much money, or this is how much I made last year, and there’s a lot of people touting businesses just based on the amount of money that they’re making.
It doesn’t feel right, like something just feels off with that, and I’ve had some friends who were like, Julie, you should take this course with this person, this business course, you should take this person, their spiritual business courses. So I did, and they’re just not in alignment, and a lot of those people are saying, Oh, you could be making X amount of money, and their business isn’t anywhere near that themselves.
Hmm. Interesting. Yeah. If you’re searching for a community where you can share your beliefs openly, connect with kindred spirits, and feel truly supported, you’re exactly where you need to be. My programs are more hands on and unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. Let’s explore our upcoming events.
In March, our membership topic of the month is exploring all spiritual gifts and how the world needs you. In this course, you’ll learn all about the different types of spiritual gifts, what they are, and discover what kind of gifts you might have. This course is designed to help you understand what type of healer you might become and how you could use your gifts.
To make this world a better place. Then in April, we’re diving into a new membership topic called be your own angel messenger. I’ll be teaching you how to receive angel messages for yourself on demand, anytime, anywhere. So you can navigate your life with a clear divine roadmap, always at hand. And in May members are doing an exciting 21 day money miracle challenge, a journey designed to help you open new doors of prosperity and abundance in your life.
Trust me, you won’t want to miss these transformative experiences for members only. And don’t forget, if you’re ready to elevate your spiritual gifts to their fullest potential, whether to enhance your current career, enrich your personal life, or build your own spiritual business, join my Angel Reiki School.
You can opt for our enlightening online eight week course starting on the first of every month, Or immerse yourself in our in person session in Oakbrook, Illinois, from April 11th to the 13th, 2025, complete with online access. Step into a realm of angelic energy, profound clarity, and embrace. limitless possibilities.
Sign up today at theangelmedium. com and for more details, check the show notes to book a call with me, Julie, to talk about how this program can unleash your hidden gifts and transform your path into one of soulful abundance. Yeah, so ask questions before you get into a program. I wish I would have I still like to participate in different programs myself because I want to be able to tell people that mine is the best.
And there are certain people who would say, Oh, well, I can help you get there. But my business is what was doing double, triple, quadruple what theirs was. And if they don’t, If they’re not there themselves within their business, they don’t have the know how of how to get your business to where it needs to be.
A lot of times spirit is going to show you the right person to work with. They’re saying trust that more than anything. Just trust who you feel called to work with.
But the business is definitely happening. You do have so many intuitive gifts. Again, do you just have one boy? Mm hmm. Okay. He’s very much like, cut from the same cloth, cut from the same mold. His energy is very much like yours. And talk to me about him or any questions that you have about him.
And See, it’s kind of hard. Is it? Is it the harder? No. Talk to me about that. See, well, she was born, and, alright, I think that’s going to get emotional.
And, I think it was cool, a lot to do. I think what emotion that came forward is, I blamed myself a lot when I was having a harder time, so I think around age two he was having a lot of behavioral problems and not speaking. But a lot of things at the same time, and so we reached out to different, and intervention programs, and he was ticking a lot of boxes for autism, and then, so we did some programs for that, and, sorry, I, that was just, I think that was harder for me, so, I had a hard time showing up for him with what he needed, but he so he was taking, but we did the early intervention program.
It took him a while and didn’t really start speaking until three or three and a half. And I also took him to some naturopaths people and said he was very sensitive to all the environments. And he was like, she’s bringing up different things. And so I figured by how sort of these things that he felt like she was being sensitive to.
And he started to improve quite a bit. To the point where it wasn’t been checking the boxes for this anymore and they didn’t push for him to be diagnosed. And, but he still has behavioral issues here and there that kind of are all over the Pikes Peak Coast really good for a while. And it’s huge, big emotions.
And so we’re still at the point of like, trying to figure out, right now he’s getting older, like he has the ability to help himself a little bit as far as regulate a little bit better. And she but we’re trying to try out different therapists and things just to help him. So let’s kind of force this out.
I don’t know if that was helpful, but they’re okay So they’re talking about this because they want you to know a number of things He has a very very large angel team surrounding him. Okay, and he Might be on the spectrum, but he’s very very high functioning. He’s I’m going to lead a life that from the outside looking in looks completely normal, doesn’t look any different from anybody else’s.
I was actually just on a call with a scientific researcher right before this. And I’ve been working with researchers behind the scenes, having conversations. I don’t know if you’ve heard of the Telepathy Tapes. It’s a podcast that came out. It’s just a series. It’s something interesting to tune into.
And the reason that I’m saying it is having these conversations in the background with folks, what I know 111 percent is that We don’t have this all figured out right now. I do think that there is a high link between ADHD and having some autistic traits as well. It doesn’t mean that you have full blown Autism, I think that there is much more of a spectrum here and I do believe that you have a lot more presidents, CEOs, who both have autism sorry, ADHD, and some autistic traits.
And what I see with working with the Angels is that over the next 10 years, so much is going to be just blown out of the water, where we look at everything very, very differently. Okay. His behavioral issues. There is a very high sensitivity. So Archangel Raphael comes in right next to him. And there are times where Raphael says the tiniest little bit of something kind of throws the chemistry in the body off.
Yeah. Rafael will show me, how is it that when I get my period and I take one ibuprofen, it makes a difference? It’s such a little teeny tiny thing, but it makes such a huge difference within my body. Your son has that too, where he’s very, very highly sensitive. To what is coming in and it’s something that is just the way that the energy works.
It’s hard as a mama to be able to manage that, but as best as you can, it’s gonna keep him where he needs to be. And then learning as we grow as a collective around what all of this means. and how he’s feeling within himself, understanding how he processes emotions, whether or not he can even access some of it.
I think a lot of it is not knowing what we feel, and other people are saying, well, you should know how to feel what you’re feeling within. I don’t think everybody knows how to do that. Or has an easy time going within and feeling. It’s like on the podcast, or we talk about this a lot in my membership, that there’s some people who can auditorily hear things within their head.
And some people can’t, and some people can, if I was to say, envision a farmhouse in a meadow, some people can see it. Sorry, Jacqueline, we’ll be with you in just a second. If you give me like five more minutes. Yeah, we’ll be right on. Thank you. So if you envi like some people can envision the farmhouse, right?
They can see it in complete color and detail. And when I asked my daughter this, she can’t see anything. She can just see black, darkness. So then you have other people who are really feelers, and other, other folks who can’t. feel at all. And a lot of the feelers say to the non feelers, well, you should just be able to tune in and feel what your emotions are and be able to process them.
But you wouldn’t say that to somebody who can’t see visually with their imagination. You would go, Oh, They can’t see it, so let’s find other tools for them. And for somebody who’s not auditory and they can’t hear their intuition, you wouldn’t say to them, Oh, well, you should just try harder. You’re going to use other tools to help them.
It’s the exact same premise. And what your angels want you to know about your son is that he has a hard time understanding what he’s feeling. And we can’t just say to him, well, what are you feeling? Go into that deeper, just feel. He doesn’t have that ability to tune in to what he’s feeling. Okay. Makes sense.
So we have to find other tools to work with that. And sometimes it’s asking questions. The angels talk about that a lot with feelers. The more questions that you ask them, the more energy they can access within their own physical body. Okay, I like that. Yeah. Okay, that’s helpful. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, of course.
Brenda, is there any question that you have for Spirit or your angels? I was, yeah, maybe just the last one to wrap up. I don’t want to steal too much of your time, but If there is, and I think maybe you touched on this slightly, this might have been what you were saying, but I still feel like, I feel like I’m getting cryptic messages as far as like, what it is I’m starting my business, and I think maybe it’s supposed to be like that to send us on gathering the things we need to but I still feel a little bit lost and feel like I would love just more specific information on that, but if it’s not there and that’s not what they’re trying to do right now, I, I can understand that.
I want to know for sure. I really want to talk to you about the angel Reiki school. And if you have time let’s chat on a call after this. After my next reading, we could jump on a call and talk about it. You’re, you’re supposed to be opening up in different ways. You’re very much a feeler yourself and you’re very sensitive to energy yourself.
You have to be working with that because it’s how, when you’re working with clients, you’re going to be able to get energy and tune into the message itself. So the reason that I have the Angel Reiki school structured the way that I do is because energy is the language of the universe. One sugar cube worth of energy.
And how much energy do we have within our body and around our body? One sugar cube holds more knowledge than the library of Congress. So once I can get people to tune into understanding the language of the universe, energy. I can teach them how to open up that scale of tuning into what the messages are.
And then there’s an art form to how to bring through the messages. So that’s what we work on. And I do see you doing that one on one with people also in groups with people and It’s something that’s just supposed to be a creation of love from you to the world. And what your angels say to tell you is that as you heal and as you go through life, you’re going to be healing in a way that you create what needs to be in the world for your past self and for other people who are going through a similar healing journey.
Okay. Okay. Right. And a similar growth and evolution journey. Yeah. No, that makes sense. Yeah. Okay. Thank you. Yeah. I appreciate it. Yay! Of course, Brenda. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for joining me today. I hope you’re feeling a renewed sense of clarity and a deep connection to the angelic guidance that surrounds you right here, right now.
If you need help hearing and working with your angels, join me in the membership for an experience unlike any other. If you’re seeking personal insights, book a reading with me. Each reading brings you the loving, positive messages your angels and loved ones in heaven need you to hear right now. And if you’re ready to unleash your hidden gifts and transform your path into one of soulful abundance, develop all your spiritual gifts to the max in my Angel Reiki School in person in Oakbrook, Illinois, April 11th through the 13th, 2025.
This immersive experience isn’t just about learning. It’s your gateway to unlocking your intuition to its fullest potential. Learning the skills of how to bring through angel messages for others, mediumship, and you’re going to become an energy healer, too. All of this, all in one weekend at the Angel Reiki School in person.
If you can’t attend in person, we have an eight week online program with live Saturday calls. Graduates say the Angel Reiki School gives them an advantage in their personal and professional lives. After completing the program, your heightened intuition becomes a tool you will use for the rest of your life.
Whether you’re launching your own healing business or elevating your current career, you’ll operate from a place of deep wisdom and clarity. Your decisions will be guided by a divine insight that sets you apart, opening doors to opportunities that truly resonate with your passion for healing and soulful, abundant living.
For more details, please visit theangelmedium. com and go to the Angel Reiki School tab. I’m Julie, and I can’t wait to guide you on this remarkable journey. Until next time, keep radiating your unique, beautiful energy into this world and listening to your angels. I love you, friends.
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