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Empowering Women’s Voices: Louise Hay’s Wisdom and a Spiritual Reading with Julie


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In this transformative episode of the Angels and Awakening Podcast, host Julie opens up about her personal health journey, including an upcoming hysterectomy, and the lessons of resilience it brings. She shares an enlightening excerpt from Louise Hay’s Embrace Your Power, emphasizing women’s empowerment, self-love, and the crucial role of political involvement in shaping a better future. Julie then delivers a profound spiritual reading for guest Dipna, exploring the divine purpose of women in family evolution, the awakening of spiritual gifts, and overcoming life’s challenges with strength and grace. Listeners will gain insight into the power of community, healing through spiritual guidance, and embracing their own inner wisdom. Julie also announces upcoming courses and events designed to help individuals deepen their spiritual practice.

 Hello, beautiful souls. Welcome back to the angels and awakening podcast friends. I hope that you love how we have been working here on the podcast. I’ve been doing. Intros, new intros for you for each episode. Wanted to let you know that I am going to be going in next week to get a hysterectomy. I’ve had so much pain over the years with endometriosis, with PCOS, and I think it’s time the angels kind of set it up.

There’s an angel story to this. That’s for a different day. We’re going to dive into today’s episode, which is a reading for a client, Dympna, who I just did a couple of weeks ago. I don’t remember exactly what is in that reading. What I will tell you is I was praying this morning and meditating, and I knew I needed to jump on to do this introduction.

And I said, God, universe source, you know, like what. is the message that you want to bring through [00:01:00] today to folks. And I heard, Julie, step away. Don’t do it just yet. You know, you’ll know when you know, and I was like, okay. So I just went around the house, was doing some work and I heard, go over to your bookshelf, pick up this book, which.

Actually, I don’t think I have read in full, but it’s a book by Louise Hay. It’s called Embrace Your Power. It’s from 1997. And, and they said, just read a section from this book. I don’t think that she’ll mind. Cause I’m promoting the book here. Obviously she’s on the other side. She’s part of my spirit team, but let’s see.

Okay. So this section, I just like randomly opened the book and I feel like this. And just two pages is something that maybe we all need to hear right now in our lives. Louise Hay writes, For a long time, we women have wanted to have more dominion over our lives. Now [00:02:00] we have the window of opportunity to be all that we can be.

Yes, there is still much inequality in the earning power and legal power of men and women. We still settle for what we can get in the courts of law. The laws were written for men. The courts talk about what a reasonable ban would do, even in the case of R. A. P. E. I would like to recommend that women begin a grassroots campaign to rewrite the laws.

So that they are equally favorable to both men and women. We women have tremendous collective power. When we get behind an issue, we need to be reminded of our power. This collective power, the amassed energy of women united in a common cause can be so awesome. A century ago, women were campaigning for the right to vote.

Today, we can run for office. [00:03:00] I encourage women to run for political positions. We belong in politics. It is an open field for us. Now, remember, this is Louise Hay, if you’re skipping forward, this is Louise Hay saying. All of this. And I know how much all of you love the work of Louise. Hey, she continues.

There are none of the restrictions of the corporate world. If we want to shape our laws and our governments so that they are equally supportive of women, then we must enter those fields. Ooh, isn’t that powerful? If we want to shape our laws and our governments so that they are equally supportive of women, then we must enter those fields.

We can begin on the smallest grassroots level. We don’t need a lifetime of training to enter politics. A political career is a powerful place for women. Did you know that in 1935, [00:04:00] Eleanor Roosevelt published a bill through Congress that made it a law that every new house built had to have an indoor bathroom?

Many of the male members of Congress objected by saying, How will we be able to tell the rich from the poor if everyone has bathrooms? Today, we take that indoor bathroom for granted, unaware that a powerful woman fought in Congress to enact that measure. When women get it together, we will move mountains, and the world will be a better place to live.

Ooh! Louise Hay! Say it again! When we women get it together, We will move mountains and the world will be a better place to live. She writes, we have come a long way and we don’t want to lose sight of that. In colonial times, a man was the undisputed monarch of the household and [00:05:00] any disobedience by wife, child, or servant was punishable by whipping.

In the 1850s, no respectable women, woman. Could allow herself to enjoy. S E X. That’s fascinating. Yes, we have come quite a distance, she writes, and we are just beginning this new phase of our evolution. We have much to do and much to learn. Women now have a new frontier of freedom. And a new creative solution for all women, including women who live alone.

Interesting. Again, that’s Louise Hay and her book, embrace your power, a woman’s guide to loving herself, breaking the rules and bringing good into your life. And again, spirit just said this morning that. Everybody needed to hear that. So feel like Louise Hay was coming through me today to bring that message to you.

And I think it’s such a powerful message [00:06:00] for this moment in time. Friends, as I told you before, and I think that this kind of ties in, I’m having the hysterectomy on February 27th. 2025. I’ll take your prayers. I know that it’ll be fine. I know that the angels are surrounding me. I feel them. I see them.

Doesn’t stop you from inside your egoic mind, just being nervous. And I don’t know if in March and April, we’ll have these. Intros like I’ve been doing just kind of keeping you up to date with the current energies But I will go back to that as soon as I’m healed So I just wanted you to hear me say that friends.

I also wanted to let you know We have a bunch coming up in the membership in March we’re working on a course a whole new course that just really explores It’s not teaching you your spiritual gifts, but there are so many different spiritual [00:07:00] gifts out there and spirit wanted you to know all that is out there so that you can understand more about yourself and what your spiritual gifts might be.

So if you’re interested in just understanding more, like what spiritual gifts are, why you have them, why your soul needs them for its purpose, join the membership so that you get access to that. whole new course in March. It’s the only way to get access to that courses to join the membership for March.

The other thing is in April, April 11th and 12th, 13th, six weeks after my hysterectomy. We are gonna be doing an in-person Angel Reiki school in Oakbrook, Illinois. All of that information is available. If you want to go to the angel medium.com and then go to the school website. You can also book a discovery call with me using [00:08:00] the show notes below.

We’re doing those at a different. Time, hopefully more convenient to you. And I would love, love, love to connect with you on it. If you want to develop your spiritual gifts to the max, which is mediumship, intuition, angel messages, energy healing friends. I would so love to work with you. And if you feel called, it’s because you’re supposed to develop these gifts in order to use them in your life to help others.

And, and it’s such an important. Oh, such an important thing that connects with our soul’s purpose and our soul’s path. Without further ado, here is the session with Dipna and I hope you enjoy. Love you so much, friends. Have a beautiful, beautiful, blessed day. Hey, Dipna, how are you? I’m well, Julie. How are you?

It’s good to 

see you. 

Julie: It’s good to see you. Um, our listeners probably don’t know this, but you and I were part of the same literary group, a writing [00:09:00] group working on our book. Um, so that’s how I know you. And I’m so excited to get to do this session for you today. There’s a lot that was coming through from your angels and your loved ones on the other side.

Um, I want to start with, do you have one parent on the other side? 


Julie: Okay. And is that dad? 


Julie: it’s mom. Okay, just know that that parent energy was coming through at the front and foremost of your spirit team. And I’m just gonna have you like take a look at this and if people are watching on YouTube they can see it too.

Um, let’s see, gotta move the mic so that you can see this. Um, this piece right here, where I talk about like having a female group of ancestors on the other, uh, the other side really working with you. Um, there’s this energy of this female team that has been really helping you evolve, helping really the family evolve [00:10:00] as they had lifetimes here.

Each one of them was doing their own work, getting things done. to where they need to be, and now you’ve got the baton, you’re moving it forward, um, it passes down to your kids in the future, but I’m getting ahead of myself a little bit. Um, your, uh, book, did you get the publisher yet? Because they had me write down, if not, three to six months tops.

Okay, not yet. 

Julie: How’s it going? Tell me about that. 

Um, well, I’ve had, um, I’ve, I’ve gotten a few interested agents, um, but, you know, it’s always about that darn platform, um, it’s never about the writing. Yeah, so let’s 

Julie: tell everybody about this a little bit because when it comes to Writing and you’re in these writing circles and [00:11:00] you have a writing coach to kind of help you get where you need to be They will tell you you need this platform of people and I think that from a spiritual perspective this is really complex, right?

Because You have There’s another thing that I wrote down in here. Sacred, you’re, you’re part of this group, and this is your angels and your ancestors on the other side talking to you. They had me write down verbatim, you’re part of a sacred group of gatekeepers, gatekeepers of wisdom. And they said, Um, the Sacred Gatekeepers of Wisdom who are, have human lives right here, right now.

Um, they understand the process of how knowledge unfolds and how it has to evolve into the human collective. So Really, if you look at time and how, [00:12:00] uh, we’ve come into an understanding of different things, they talk about how you’re part of these gatekeepers of wisdom. And I see this a lot within writers in general.

There’s two really, um, different opposing things happening at the same time, where these publishers are saying to these beautiful writers and gatekeepers of wisdom, you have to have this massive platform before you can get out there and bring this wisdom to the world. Um, it’s not what the other side wants.

Right? The other side doesn’t need you to have a massive platform in order to get your message out. Uh, and so, we’re working through this system right now and we don’t have it all correct because we’re not in charge of the system itself, right? Um, Mm hmm. I’ve got a lot of information [00:13:00] for you on this. Uh, Spirit said to think of it as it’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon.

So they’ve had me over the last six months step back and observe the careers of people I have really always looked up to. People who I’ve been reading their work for 30 plus years. And they had me ask them specific questions. And what I found was that they started off teaching to groups of 5, 10, 35 people.

And then at some point, the wisdom that they were bringing to the world kind of took off. Their books took off. They had a bigger platform. Oftentimes after that, though, the platform went back to what it was, that they’re not always teaching to thousands of people or millions of people, but it ended up going back to Teaching to [00:14:00] five people, ten people, thirty five, fifty, a hundred.

And what Spirit wants you to know is that part of this sacred group of gatekeepers of wisdom is that it’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon. And the publishing industry kind of coming in and being like, well, you have to have this big, huge platform before we can do anything. Um, makes people judge their own work, their worth in a different way.

And it isn’t relevant to how the angels are working with us at all. In fact, I think it can be very, very detrimental. So what spirit wants you to do is throw all of that out the window, right? Don’t worry about the platform whatsoever. Only working on loving. Caring, supporting, helping, um, like how can you [00:15:00] be the maximum amount of love for your community?

How can you support them? What do they need? Because as the consciousness evolves so quickly here and now, which it is and it’s going to continue to, what people need wisdom wise changes. So if you look at that, um, and keep running with that, they also tied that into, um, I, okay, so sometimes when I’m in a session, Archangel Michael does this thing where he like goes into your head, pulls out a thought, and I can see something that’s been ruminating in there.

And one of those things that he shows me is like, I’m not even through this book and you’re having ideas for other books, other things to come. Is that correct? You mean I’m 

having thoughts for another book? 

Julie: Yeah. 


Julie: [00:16:00] so we have to get this publisher and we’re going to do some work today to just remove that self limiting belief because this publisher is coming in and we don’t want the past frustration to kind of keep it at bay.

Boom, we just want to let this baby in, right? And we want to get this book out because, uh, have you ever had it where You explain a thought to your community, or you get this download, or, you know, you write the book, and then, boom, there’s just more information that’s right there to get out. That’s what it is to be part of this sacred gatekeepers of wisdom.

It’s never gonna stop coming in. You know, if you think to yourself, well, I’m just gonna have one or two, or, you know, books, it’s just gonna keep coming. Like, they keep flashing Mel Robbins. Girlfriend’s gonna have like 50 books, you know, by the time that she’s at the end of her career. [00:17:00] Um, and who knows? She might figure it out.

She’s living for forever. Who knows? But, um, she’s gonna have a lot. You have the same energy of how you work. And just like she’s part of that sacred gatekeepers of wisdom, you are too. . And so what it is to be part of that is to know that the job isn’t just to get the first book published. It’s not the job that your soul is here for is not just to get on the New York Times bestseller list.

It’s just to be here for people to help them grow through the wisdom that you have to share. And that’s not a one and done process. It’s forever. Here. You grabbed your heart. Does that resonate? Does that hit? 

[00:18:00] Mmhmm. 

Julie: How so? 

Yeah. Um, well, that’s how it felt when I started the process. And I would say I was feeling that way until probably the fall.

Yeah. And then, um, it started, you know, shifting a little bit where I was starting to, um, I think deep down I knew it was going to happen, but I, I started second guessing and getting all stuck in, I need to do this and I need to do that. And, um, it just didn’t feel right. 

Julie: And it’s not you. It is the way that the system is set up.

It’s what we are being, uh, and, and the coaches can only coach us on the current process and what is truth in the moment. And the truth is, is that they just want somebody bigger. It’s, um, not somebody bigger, somebody with a big [00:19:00] platform. Throw that out the window. We’re gonna throw that energy out the window today.

Because, uh, It’s not about that at all for writers. I wish that what coaches were teaching people is that it’s all about refining the message to be the most helpful, the most loving, the most supportive, the most what humanity needs to grow from. And, uh, I see a lot of this within just healers and leaders and, and business owners.

Um, we put up like a couple of posts on social media, like we do a couple of things, and we want that big wave of people to come through, and it’s not. It’s the daily commitment to spreading love. Through your heart and spreading wisdom. Um, going back to that, it’s another way [00:20:00] of reinforcing that it’s not the sprint, it’s the marathon.

How can we just be and show up as that love every day? And as I just said that, Gabrielle and Michael came forward together, angels of yours, and they said, and as we embrace that lifestyle of just being love for people every single day, It brings your particular individual life into a state of, like, ease and love and support.

Hold on, 

Julie: wait, wait. 

I lost you. 

Julie: Oh. 

Oh, okay. Sorry. Can 

Julie: you hear me now? Okay. No, that’s okay. Now I 

can. Okay. Yeah, something happened. When they came in, you said. I 

Julie: totally lost you. You totally get so Michael and Gabrielle came through, they’re angels on your team, and they just wanted to let you know that, um, you, when you really kind of [00:21:00] embrace just being love and the supportive caring system, Just being love and the supportive caring system for your, Oh, it’s so weird, it’s like, Oh, it’s so weird, it’s like, uh, I can hear myself.

Yeah, you can just turn that off. Oh, yeah.

Can you hear me now? This is all messed up. 


Julie: That’s okay. 

Yeah. Okay. 

Julie: Is it good? 

Alright, better. Yeah, thank you. Sorry about that. 

Julie: Can you hear me? Okay, yeah. No, no worries at all. Okay. I’m just gonna dry my eyes. They don’t want me to 

hear this, apparently. No.

Julie: Um, okay. Okay. So, Gabrielle and Michael, which are two angels on your team, they came together because they really want you to just feel this within your heart, that as you just accept and embrace and surrender [00:22:00] to the fact that They’re calling you to just be love and support and care for your community every day.

Um, not only does it give you, like, this pep in your step when you wake up in the morning, like, Ooh, how do I get to love on people today? How do I get to care for them today and support them today? It also simultaneously brings your life into complete ease, complete peace. Because You know that you’re doing your best just showing up and we don’t care about the results Because we are giving a hundred and eleven percent of ourselves Just showing up as as true care Unconditional love and support for people 

I love that and it’s and as you say that like it’s so funny because there’s um I have a chapter in my book, [00:23:00] well, that I, that will be my book.

Yes, that is your book. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that will be. Um, that is, it’s, love is in my DNA, is the book. Oh my gosh, 

Julie: I’ve got DNA on here two times and I didn’t even know that that’s in your book. Um, okay wait, this is so weird, like I don’t know how to show this to you. Um, 

DNA. Oh my gosh. Yeah. 

Julie: Okay. And DNA.

So we didn’t even get to those two parts yet, but we gotta get to those two parts. Yes! So they know. 

That’s so crazy. Cause that’s my, that’s my mom’s like maiden name. Like it literally is, is love. Mmhmm. 

Julie: No way. Get out of here. That’s amazing. Um, so, I don’t know if I said this before, but I just want to reiterate.

They said, female team of ancestors who’ve been helping evolve the family DNA to this point. Okay? [00:24:00] So, that was the first thing that they came on about, uh, when it comes to your spirit team. I couldn’t pick them apart. They’re a very strong circle of females that are all there for you on your spirit team.

They’ve helped the family get to this point. And it’s not just for you, it’s for your kids too. So, the work that you’re doing, you’re eventually going to pass the baton. Um, you have the son, right? 

Uh, no, I have one, no, I have one daughter. 

Julie: One daughter. Okay. Um, so it’s really being passed on to her. Okay. I don’t know what this is.

I’m hoping that you can tell me. I woke up from a dream and sometimes there’s just like a download that’s there. Uh, something that the angels have given me. And I don’t know exactly what this means. Um, but they said that if you meditate on it and go into it, you’re gonna be able to expand this. They said [00:25:00] we can actually smell who is good for us.

We can, we have, there is a scent aspect to the DNA. I, and I know nothing about science, I know nothing about any of this, so if you know anything about this, please let me know. Um, they said it’s not just who we match with as a partner for having kids, but we can almost have this other sense through, It’s almost like a smell vibration of who’s good for us and who is supposed to be a part of our path.

There’s a scent to it. Have you ever looked at that? 

No, but it’s interesting because I have a very like keen sense of smell, like ridiculously and like periodically I’ll just like smell things randomly. Like, around the house, and there’s nobody [00:26:00] else can smell them. Like, yeah, so, I don’t know. 

Julie: Okay, so I just want to expand on this and what the angels are showing me.

I keep seeing your angel team show me that just like how a sugar cube size of energy holds more knowledge and wisdom than the Library of Congress. When you’re smelling things, you’re tuning into vibrations that hold energy too. And I, I want to give you another example for you to piece this together.

When I’m teaching people how to develop their spiritual gifts, some people have the gift of seeing color, okay? And the way that I teach them to open that, that up, is that it doesn’t matter what the gift is, if it’s It’s, you’re hearing actual words and sentences within, if you’re seeing visual images within your mind’s [00:27:00] eye, um, now I know scent as well, touch is another one, um, seeing color, through the color.

The color itself is carrying different information. The scent itself is carrying different information. Touching something physically, whether it’s another person and you’re laying hands as an energy healer, or you’ve seen mediums sometimes like hold a picture or an object from somebody, it contains different information that they’re absorbing from the vibration.

So, over the course of the next year, like, as you’re around people, um, family, friends, colleagues, I want you to notice your scent. And I also want you to do a little Google search on this and see if there’s any information from the past. I, I, um, just wrote down an arrow to it. They had me write [00:28:00] something you’re going to look at, and, um.

Bring into your work in some way.

Okay. Yeah.

Okay. So then there’s this other piece that they’ve got for you. Um, I am so done with talking about, uh, I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life, I’ve talked about it before, I’m done talking about it. I know like I know like I know the direction that I want to go, and Spirit said to just give you this too so that you could have fun with it.

They really want you to have fun with just creating the look that you want to express and share with your community, okay? So, it can be anything that you want it to be, uh, and I’m gonna give it to you like this because they had me write this down. I will never wear heels [00:29:00] again in my entire life, okay? Um, Vionic shoes, they’re so cute, but they’re comfortable.

And I love it. I will never, like, wear anything else shoe wise that’s not comfortable. Um, and I love, uh, these jeans. They’re called Maeve. M A E V E. I’m not a sponsor for them or anything, or they’re not a sponsor. I just love those jeans. to death. I don’t want to be in anything else for the rest of my life except for that brand.

I love like a spiritual gangster top because I feel the energy of the saying that’s on it when I put it on. And then like a jacket and some hoop earrings. It’s totally, um, my favorite. And they said, well then just wear what you’re comfortable with. Just make it a uniform. Make it easy on yourself. And that’s what they’re saying for you too.

There’s a lot of creativity in here that’s coming in over the [00:30:00] next year. Having so much more fun with life instead of shaming or being hard or critical on yourself. I want you to just recognize anytime that we’re hard on ourselves, um, Nope, we’re going to turn this around. And I want you to ask your angels, how do you want me to have fun with this?

Like, how can I change this from shaming or criticizing myself to really just making it fun and exciting? And they’re gonna That’s one way your angels are going to work with you a ton this year, because they said as you shift into that other vibration of loving being yourself, loving the work that you do, not because any publisher tells you that you’re good enough, but because you know you are.

Ooh, like I can’t wait to see where you take things. Other people already recognize it in you too, your mom said. Everybody sees just this beautiful [00:31:00] energy that exudes from your being. They are so fascinated to hear you talk because every time you do you come out with just things that people wouldn’t have thought of before and they said That’s your reason.

Like, that’s why you’re here. So, we’re tossing all the shame, all the criticizing, um, all of the expectations of other organizations out the window, and we’re just focusing in on

being you and having so much fun with it and being so excited about it. 

I love that. 

Julie: Yay! Have you felt it too? The difference when you wake up in the morning, um, and you’re focused in on what the publisher wants versus waking up in the morning and just be, cause that’s, that’s who you are. [00:32:00] Just that support system and that love for others.

There’s a different vibration when we wake up in the morning with one mindset over the other. Um, The positivity doesn’t just happen for any of us. We have to kind of trick our brains into it. So trick your brain into it by the night before telling yourself, oh, I am waking up tomorrow morning, and I am so excited because God Universe Source is gonna bring people my way that I can help, and I am so excited to help them.

And that’s it. 


Julie: Yeah. Awesome! Dimpno, what questions do you have for them? 

Oh my gosh, um, I guess just,

I, I guess, I guess that’s, [00:33:00] you know, I keep trying to understand why I had my, um, why I have had my, um, my neurologic, Um, problem that happened during the beginning of COVID and continues, even though I’ve progressed and gotten better than I was, but still not well enough to go back to doctoring. Um, and I have looked at it like it was because it was just meant to be that way because I had other things to do.

Like, there was another plan for me that I have to just embrace. Um, And I’m, I’m hearing, what I’m hearing kind of supports that theory, but I want to, I guess I, what I’m trying to say is, um, is that right? Is that true? Like, is that? 

Julie: Can you go into it deeper? Cause the more that we go into a deeper layer of it, the deeper the message.[00:34:00] 

So is it okay if we talk about like, what was the neurologic issue? 

Yeah, so, um, halfway through 2020, um, I was pretty much like forced into stillness out of work, um, with, um, the start of vestibular migraines, um, and then, um, this condition called persistent postural perceptual. Dizziness. I have to just, yeah, that’s it.

PP3PD. And um, it basically is a condition where you know, if I don’t already have a migraine, I’m just feeling kind of almost like I’m in motion when I’m still. Um, and so that part’s gotten a little bit better and I’ve learned lots of tricks to kind of manage, you know? Yeah. But there are just things I can’t [00:35:00] do still, like, I can’t ride a bike, I can’t run, I can’t be around big crowds.

Like, if I am, it’s like, off putting and I feel disconnected from my body. Like, um, you know, I have brain fog. Um, and one of the, there’s two beautiful things that have happened. One, I’ve learned how to slow down. And two, I’ve gotten to spend a lot more time with my daughter. But Yeah. I feel like that was intentional because I had other, there were other plans for me.

Julie: Yeah. 

And I don’t know if that’s right. 

Julie: Okay, so there’s a lot to unpack there. Um, I know that you’re the doctor. I have no, uh, doctor knowledge whatsoever. Um, did they do the full MRI? 

Mm hmm. 

Julie: And there’s nothing else that the headaches are associated with? 

No, I mean, there is a little thing on the MRI, [00:36:00] but they, it’s, they don’t, they think that’s just there and it has nothing to do with it.

Julie: Um, did they do the full spine? 


Julie: Um, any back pain, like lower back pain? 

Yeah, sometimes. I’ve had that on 

Julie: Have you ever looked at, um, like a tethered spine, or, um, like something within, and, okay, so this is complex, right? Because when you’re bringing through messages, you don’t want to like, um, um, bring through something that you’re going through in your own life, but sometimes, They actually have people come to you where the information that I have because I’m going through it, um, is relayed [00:37:00] to the person.

Um, and so my daughter’s going through something right now where her scoliosis is just like getting really, really bad. And I woke up, um, One day after like a doctor’s appointment and again, like that dream, like I, I just woke up and I knew like something’s wrong, like something’s not making sense. I need to go to another doctor.

And so, um, I went to another doctor. We got her a mini MRI. She has Chiari malformation. Um, and, uh, now we’re getting the bigger MRI to find out if she’s got a tethered cord. But as you were talking, they were Making a direct link between something else happening within the physical body that’s going on and the headaches and it not just [00:38:00] being out of nowhere.

Like there’s something contributing to this. It’s not like it’s just happening and nothing is the root cause. Does that make sense? Mm 


Julie: Um, so, I don’t know, like, what all the possibilities could be. They said don’t drive yourself crazy with environmental stuff. But they also did say that you’re kind of more sensitive wise when it comes to foods.

Um, and in particular, dyes. Uh, and I know that they just recently banned some dyes, which I think are really, really good for our country. Um, but I would watch what you’re sensitive to and kind of play around with taking dyes in general out of the diet and see [00:39:00] if, um, there’s something within like the food, the gut.

And also if there’s something else health wise that it could be related to that we haven’t identified yet. Okay.

Thank you. Because I see you want to go back to work, right? 

Mm hmm. Being a doctor. 

Julie: Yeah. 

Yeah. I’d like to. I see you going 

Julie: back. Yeah, um, they want you to manifest this yourself. They want you to see this yourself and really visualize it that you found a root cause and through the process of going through this, you’re able to help others so much more.

But, um, I think I’ve told you this before, like when the angels show me stuff, they You can see it if it’s like 50 50, you know, what the odds are on each thing. It’s a hundred percent you going back. [00:40:00] 


Julie: It’s a hundred percent. So this is leaving and your mom said as quick as it came on is as quick as it’ll leave.


Julie: And it came on fast, right? 

Mm hmm. Very. 

Julie: Yeah. Yeah. Um, visualize, uh, and also, oh my gosh, they keep taking me back to the smells. So like, the smell of being at work, the feeling of just getting to be around colleagues, uh, the feeling of just Just loving what you do and, um, I also really want you to visualize yourself having conversations with people in the future that as you’ve figured this out, you help other people make the connection more to root causes of what’s going on.

Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Thank [00:41:00] you. Of course. Of course. Okay. I want to do one more thing, Dipna. I want you to put your hands on your heart. I want you to close your eyes. And I want you to see yourself every night before you go to bed. I’m just saying, oh my goodness, it’s tomorrow morning and I am so excited because I get to go to work at the, as being a doctor at the hospital.

I am just so excited to get up, to help people, um, God Universe Source, I know that you have people that I can help, I can serve, please send me those folks tomorrow. And then see yourself just getting great, great sleep at night, and you wake up in the morning, and that’s your first thought. Yay! I get to wake up, I get to help people, I get to serve.

Oh, you feel like you’re in your element. And I just want you to also feel this publisher [00:42:00] coming in. And I really want you to see it happening within the next six months that, Oh my gosh, like. You’re in tears because you’re so happy, you not only have like the literary agent, but you have the publisher, you have this contract, you’ve signed it, you and your husband and your daughter are just so excited that you’re going out to dinner, you’re celebrating, you’re cheersing, all to this beautiful, beautiful, exciting event, and you’re just so excited like you’re gonna get your book out.

And I really want you to feel that within the next year, you have the cover of your book. I want you to feel into the future where you have the physical book itself. You’re holding it.

You’re signing it at different events for folks. [00:43:00] I want you to see yourself waking up every morning, jumping on social media, and just, Just being love, being pure care, unconditional love and support for whoever needs to receive your message that day.

And I want you to see that this is your year where you are no longer critical of yourself, you’re no longer holding yourself back, you’re no longer trying to make yourself out to be something that others want you to be. You are just totally in your glory of choosing everything because it feels good, it is exciting to you, you’re doing what you love.

And you just are being pure love and radiating that to the world. See yourself just getting to live in that excitement energy. [00:44:00] That service energy. And one more thing, your angels want you to see, oh my goodness, like trillions of angels just surrounding you in every direction. And your angels have this message.

They said, Dipna, we can never, you can never get anything wrong because you are just always evolving. And they said, we are so proud of you because you have always done everything that we’ve asked you to do and you have no idea just how much you’re helping and serving in this world. And they just come in and give you this huge angel hug.

And they ask you all year long to just release whatever you’re dealing with or, or challenges. Release it all to them and just know with confidence they have it, your mom has it and all is good. You focus in on being [00:45:00] excited, happy, and um, serving.

Yay! Thank you so much. This was so wonderful. 

Julie: Oh, yay! Well, thank you for being here, friend. I so appreciate you. 

Thank you for having me. This was wonderful. 

Julie: Oh, awesome. Yay! I hope you have a beautiful, blessed day. 

You too. Great to see you. 

Julie: You too. Thank you, friend. All right. Bye. Friends. I love you so much. I hope you had a beautiful time listening to this session.

If you’re still here and you are curious, remember what I said at the beginning and the intro, we have two things coming up that I think that you will just love, love, love, love, love, and. If you feel called to these, no, it’s because your angels want to work with [00:46:00] you on a deeper level. So March 1st in the membership, we’re working on a whole new course that exposes you and shows you what all different types of spiritual gifts look like, what they feel like so that you can identify, begin to identify what spiritual gifts you have.

Now they’re not going to develop it to the max, but You want to look around. I mean, just like a kid who’s going to go to college, wants to look around at all the different majors available to him or her, what this course does in the membership is allows you to see all of the different spiritual gifts that you might have, why you might have it, how it is incorporated into your life plan, how you might need these certain gifts in order to help others and.

Beyond that, if you want to go even deeper, we’ve got my angel Reiki school. This is a completely different service. The angel Reiki school is all about you [00:47:00] developing your gifts as a healer yourself. So developing mediumship, the ability to work with the angels yourself and bring through messages, friends, which is just so, so needed in this time, and it’s going to continue to be so needed.

over the next 20 years. Plus healers right now are really helping shape the future and really helping us come into a whole new heaven on earth. But you can’t do that unless you develop all of your gifts yourself. Do that in the angel Reiki school. We have an all new eight week program starting online, March 1st.

And when you sign up. This week for that eight week online program, you get the tuition for free to come in person, April 11th, 12th, 13th, that doesn’t cover travel, food, et cetera, but it does cover your tuition. And so if you want any information on that, go over [00:48:00] to the angel medium. com. And you can go to the school tab, or you can email me.

Julie at the angel medium. com. Or if you go to the show notes, there’s also a place where you can book a discovery call. And the eight week online program is the same as the in person program. The online eight week version begins on the first of each month. So March 1st is our next one. Then we’ll have April 1st.

And it just allows you to have over about 25 hours of prerecorded content. And then we have Saturday morning meeting calls as a group to work through your questions, to help you navigate and develop your gifts as you go. When you come in person, April 11th, 12th, 13th, what that is. does is it allows you to develop everything really fast.

So we’re all in [00:49:00] person. You’re just developing your gifts over the weekend. You can use the online program or not. If you choose, you can come to the Saturday morning meeting calls if you want or not. When you go through this in person, you’re going to feel all of the energies because you’re. In it yourself.

I have volunteers lined up who come in and people always, it never fails, right? The angels are saying to tell you when people come into the online, sorry, in person program and online, really. Everybody goes, Julie, I don’t know. My angels really just wanted me to do this. I felt it. I felt the pressure in my heart.

It just kept coming back around. So I did it, but I don’t know why I’m here. I think other people have gifts, but I don’t know myself. And I have to tell you by the very end, those folks are giving readings to the taxi driver on the way, [00:50:00] you know, back to the airport there. You know, giving names and dates and the person’s, you know, dying words that’s coming through from the other side.

And it is just so profound to watch people walk through in two and a half days in person to watch people just have this total shift and the stunning look on their face where they go. Oh. My God, I never realized what we’re doing in the eight week online and in person is tuning your brain, wavelength, vibration into that.

of heaven, God, universe source in a way where you’re able to, with clarity, get messages, feel and see the presence of angels, become an [00:51:00] angel messenger. You can feel different energies and you understand, you learn, because this is what we’re teaching you how to. Work with those energies to shift them, transform them in your client.

It’s one of the most profound things that you will ever do. And there is nothing else in the world like it because I went through program after program, after program, and the angels came to me and said, Julie, we have to put this all in one place for everyone to learn everything. All at once, that is the angel Reiki school, and it will blow you away.

Friends. If you do the work, it will work for you. All you have to do is go through the program. You don’t have to have any previous experience. So eight week online that begins March 1st through the angel Reiki school, or. If you want [00:52:00] to come in person to the Angel Reiki school in person, Oakbrook, Illinois, we are there April 11th, 12th, 13th.

Cannot wait to see you friends. Hope you have a beautiful, beautiful blessed day.

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