✨ Both the Angel Membership and Angel Reiki School begin this week, and I’d love to have you join us! These programs are how I keep this podcast running, but more importantly, they’re how I help you step into the life your angels are guiding you toward.
Angel Membership
🌟 Ready for a life of miracles? The Angel Membership is here to help you connect deeply with your angels, hear their guidance clearly, and align your life with your soul’s purpose. Each month, you’ll get a new course, live weekly events with me, and support from a loving community. Don’t miss your chance to transform your life!
👉 Join now: https://theangelmedium.com/angelmembership
Angel Reiki School
🌟 Feel called to help others? The Angel Reiki School trains you to become a certified healer, combining mediumship, angel messages, and energy healing. Start online today and receive FREE tuition for an in-person training this spring (April 11-13, 2025, in OakBrook, IL) or fall. Step into your spiritual gifts and change lives!
👉 Enroll now: https://theangelmedium.com/get-certified
New Readings with Julie
💫 Book a 25-minute reading and hear what your angels want to share with you. These sessions are recorded for the podcast and social media, so your message can uplift others, too!
👉 Schedule here: https://calendly.com/juliejancius/promoreadings
Need Help Choosing?
Not sure which program is right for you? Let’s connect! Book a free discovery call with me, and I’ll help you figure out the best next step on your journey.
👉 Book here: https://calendly.com/juliejancius/discovery-call
Your angels and I can’t wait to work with you! 🌟 Let’s make this your most miraculous year yet! HERE’S WHAT YOUR ANGELS WANT YOU TO KNOW TODAY: Day 14 of 31 Miracles: our purpose is unique, and your Spirit Team is ready to help you step into it. What excites you? What energizes you? Spend time reflecting on what lights up your soul. Archangel Michael reminds you that each step you take toward your purpose is guided and supported. You are meant to do great things—trust the journey and allow your angels to lead you!
Hello, beautiful souls. I’m your host and author, Julie Jancis, and you’re listening to the 31 day angel success formula, a special edition of the angels and awakening podcast. Listen in the morning while you’re getting ready to set your energy and mindset for the entire day. There are 31 recordings in total.
One for each day of the month. Use these recordings day after day, month after month, all year long to see your angels work miracles and help you transform your life. Want free access to all 31 recordings, the teaching video and workbook for this course? Go to theangelmedium. com and subscribe to my email list at the top of the homepage and we’ll send you access to this entire course for free.
If you’d like to support this podcast, you can purchase a ticket to my monthly workshop. Monthly Sacred Group Healing or take my Course of the Month. For access to all of these, join my Angel Membership, where I’ll also get to personally coach you in our monthly small group meetings. Members report that they’ve gained the ability to work with their angels daily, they’ve stepped into their power, and they feel a deep sense of belonging.
The Angel Membership has been a life changing experience for so many members, and friend, I want that for you too. A new year of the membership starts February 1st, and we expect this year to sell out. Join now and you’ll get automatic access to my new manifestation course. For more information, click the link in our show notes and join me for a free upcoming Zoom call to hear how your Angels will work with you in the Angel Membership to strengthen you, transform you and activate your soul’s highest calling.
Now, friend, take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. Open your heart and your mind as you begin your day. with your angels.
Good morning, beautiful soul, and welcome to the 13th day of the month. A beautiful day for God to fill you with oneness and supercharge your energy. As you breathe naturally, notice the subtle presence of your spirit team, your angels. and your higher self all here with loving positive messages to guide you today.
Today, they’re talking to you about what it means to supercharge your energy. Friend, there are two parts to supercharging your energy. First, I need you to be aware of how we’re using our energy. And then second, I need you to know that God is always here to give you the strength you need at any moment of your life.
Okay, let’s begin with the first part, being aware of your energy. American culture places a hyper focus on productivity and constant stimulation. If we’re not working, we’ve got noisy screens in front of our eyes blaring constant information. It can feel like even at our resting points, Our minds are racing to the next thought about what we need to get done, what we’re not doing enough of, things we’re doing wrong, and on and on and on.
Friend, this is no way to have a healthy relationship with your body. Your mind, or even with spirit, in order to return to the energy of yourself, it is absolutely crucial to frequently remove your attention from different distractions, even if temporarily, remember that energy is neither lost nor destroyed.
But transferred from one party to another. In other words, energy doesn’t die. It moves going where it is directed. And friend, that direction is up to you. It is your attention and intention that causes energy to move in one direction or another. That’s so important, I’m gonna repeat it again. It is your attention and intention that causes energy to move in one direction or another.
And friend, can you know what direction you are moving your energy if you are so bogged down by the constant rush of life? This is what we’re talking about. Today, your spirit team asks you to connect to the energy of your spirit. soul, the vibration of oneness through silence. Today, they ask you to turn off the radio in the car, put down your phone, refrain from watching TV.
And instead, every time your angels bring your attention back to oneness, I want you to pause and feel oneness surrounding you. I want you to feel it radiating out from you. Today, instead of turning to distracting devices, take a bath, go for a walk in nature, or just spend more time sitting in silence and being presently aware of your high vibrational oneness and connection to Source.
Your mind is going to wander during the day. But as your angels gently and lovingly remind you to reconnect with the present moment and reconnect with oneness, all you have to do is simply return your attention to the high vibrational energy of oneness in order to feel it. feel it and live in it friend as you do this work you’re strengthening your connection to god universe source energy and as you do god is using this as an opening to super charge your energy you see when you’re in oneness you are connected to God.
And through this opening, God is sending you an abundant supercharged energy filled with every molecule, atom, everything that you need right here, right now in your life. Today, your job is to also feel this supercharged energy radiating through you and then expand it out from your heart center out to the world.
Friend, I am soul excited that you joined your spirit team and I to start your day. Today is a great day to live in joy, to build the life your soul came here to live. As you move through the day. Feel the presence of your angels as they guide you to take one step towards your best financial, mental, spiritual, and physical health.
Remember that no matter what the day brings, you are guided, protected, and so deeply loved. And super charged with the incredible high vibrational frequency of oneness.
Friend, follow me on Instagram at Angel Podcast, where I’m celebrating kicking off a whole new year of the Angel Membership. With live Angel readings for you and tons of giveaways all month long. Ready to know exactly how to communicate with your Angels? Join my Angel membership@theangelmedium.com for access to all my courses, live events, and small group coaching for those asking about the Angel Reiki school.
Yes, we are hosting an in-person event, April 11th through 13th, 2025 in Oakbrook, Illinois. Spots are limited, so grab yours today and start your journey as a healer. Not sure where to begin? Let’s figure it out together. Book a personal call with me, link in the show notes, and the angels will guide you to your next step.
See you back here tomorrow as you start your day with your angels.
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