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Your Year of Miracles: 31 Days of Angel Messages to Transform Your Life — Starts HERE Today!


We’re kicking off our best year yet in the Angel Membership, Angel Reiki School, and the podcast with a series of 31 messages from your angels!

You’ll still receive brand-new, full episodes on Mondays and Thursdays, but tune in every day over the following weeks to receive powerful daily angel messages that will help you feel more connected, guided, and supported than ever before.

This isn’t just another podcast series. This is a journey — a 31-day Angel Success Formula, channeled straight from your angels to help you open your heart to miracles. Big and small.

Because this is YOUR Year of Miracles! Your angels are calling you to step fully into your soul’s purpose with confidence, faith, and trust in the divine support that’s always around you.

But here’s the thing — your angels don’t just want you to listen. They’re guiding you to take action! And if you’re feeling the nudge to go deeper on your spiritual path, there are three incredible ways to work with me right now:

Join Today And Get To Know Every Angel On Your Spirit Team!

Develop Your Spiritual Gifts And Become A Healer Yourself!

NEW 25 min. readings recorded for the podcast and social media (all with Julie). 
Learn what the angels have to say to you!

Email julie@theangelmedium.com or book a call with Julie here: 

Julie: [00:00:00] Hello, beautiful souls. It’s Julie Jancius, your angel messenger. I’ve got something really special for you over the following weeks on my angels and awakening podcast. I’ll still be releasing brand new episodes on Mondays and Thursdays, but in addition to those on the off days, I’m sharing a 31 day angel success formula.

That was completely channeled by the Angels. These messages are here to help you feel more connected, more guided, and more supported every single day. This isn’t just another podcast series. This is a journey, a journey to open your heart and your mind to miracles, big and small, because this is your year, your year to shine.

Of miracles and your angels want you to step into it fully with confidence, faith, the trust, and the divine support. That’s [00:01:00] always around you through your Angels. These 31 Angel Messages are here to help us kick off our best year yet in the podcast, Angel Membership and Angel Reiki School, guiding you to step into your highest self and your soul’s purpose.

As you listen each day, I invite you to pay attention to the signs your Angels are sending you. Notice the nudges. As you The synchronicities, the way your soul lights up and how they might be calling you to the Angel Membership or the Angel Reiki School, because it’s truly the next step meant for you.

If you feel called to go deeper, I want you to know that there are two incredible ways to work with me beyond the podcast. The Angel Membership is all about your personal relationship with your angels and your loved ones on the other side. Learning how they communicate with you and guide you in [00:02:00] everyday life.

And it’s where you’ll strengthen your intuition, release stuckness, and start co creating your own heaven on earth. My school is different. The Angel Reiki School is there for those of you who feel called to take things to the next level, to fully develop your spiritual gifts and use them to help others, whether you want to integrate this into your current work or start your own healing business as a healer yourself.

I’ll teach you exactly how to do that. I’m teaching you mediumship, energy healing, angel messages, and how to use these to help others all in the Angel Reiki School. Think of it this way. The membership supports you on your personal spiritual path, while the school empowers you to become a healer for others, your angels are always guiding you to what’s right for you.

Trust those whispers. You’re never alone on this journey and your next step is a [00:03:00] waiting to unfold. Join the membership or the school today at theangelmedium. com. Or email julie at theangelmedium. com for details. All that information is in the show notes. Now, here it is day one of 31 in the angel success formula.

Open your hearts to these beautiful messages. Hello,

beautiful souls. I’m your host and author, Julie Jancius, and you’re listening to the 31 Day Angel Success Formula, a special edition of the Angels and Awakening Podcast. Listen in the morning while you’re getting ready to set your energy and mindset for the entire day. There are 31 recordings in total.

One for each day of the month. Use these recordings day after [00:04:00] day, month after month, all year long to see your angels work miracles and help you transform your life. Want free access to all 31 recordings, the teaching video and workbook for this course? Go to theangelmedium. com and subscribe to my email list at the top of the homepage and we’ll send you access to this entire course for free.

If you’d like to support this podcast, you can purchase a ticket to my monthly workshop, monthly sacred group healing, or take my course of the month. For access to all of these, join my angel membership. Where I’ll also get to personally coach you in our monthly small group meetings. Members report that they’ve gained the ability to work with their angels daily.

They’ve stepped into their power and they feel a deep sense of belonging. The Angel [00:05:00] Membership has been a life changing experience for so many members, and friend, I want that for you, too. A new year of the Membership starts February 1st, and we expect this year to sell out. Join now, and you’ll get Automatic access to my new manifestation course.

For more information, click the link in our show notes and join me for a free upcoming zoom call to hear how your angels will work with you in the angel membership to strengthen you, transform you and activate your soul’s highest calling. Now, friend, take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. Open your heart and your mind as you begin your day with your angels.[00:06:00] 

Beautiful soul and welcome to a beautiful day to live out your soul’s purpose and your soul’s joy. As you breathe naturally, notice the subtle presence of your soul. Your angels, your higher self, your loved ones in heaven, here with loving, positive messages to guide you today. Today, your spirit team asks you to focus on oneness, which is your energetic connection to the divine.

There are many. phases of awakening, but it all begins with oneness. Oneness is like a rebirth that affirms who you are as a soul, your oneness with God, the ways your soul is made up of God’s [00:07:00] energy and how the voice of your soul lives within you as your intuition. Through this remembrance of self, you can step Back into union with God and live each and every day in God’s energy.

Remember, friends, it’s also the energy of your soul with which you can heal, rebuild your life, and create your own heaven on earth. Oneness is like a radio that allows you to connect. Oneness is like a radio that allows you to connect with the other side. It is the tool you need before any other communication can occur, and getting to know your angels is like fiddling with that radio station dial until you hear the other side clearly.

It is the tool you need to know which station [00:08:00] they’re coming through and where. the most clearly. Oneness creates and strengthens an impenetrable connection with God, your angels, and your loved ones on the other side in order to establish the unshakable faith of who you are and the courage you need to take the next steps in your life.

Here’s what your spirit team wants you to think about today. Today, Archangel Sandalphon and the Cherubs are working with you to feel an abundance of oneness energy. They are here with you now, and I want you to feel as they open you to oneness energy. Simultaneously, all at one time, the cherubs are able to activate, open, and tune every cell in your body and every molecule in your auric field surrounding you.

The cherubs simultaneously tune you in your entirety [00:09:00] to the highest vibration that is. Oneness. You do not have to go through any meditation, just be here with your angels and I now, and allow yourself to feel a yummy warmness surrounding you, a tingling energy brushing the top of your shoulders. You may feel your crown chakra is activated and open.

You may feel a sense of being lifted upward above your head. Pulled. You may feel something completely different. Or, friend, you may feel nothing at all. If you feel nothing at all, you’re not doing anything wrong. It is simply that your gift is not feeling, but rest assured you have many, many other God given gifts, and all you have to do to be in oneness is see it.

[00:10:00] If you can’t feel it, imagine it. Imagine an opening at the top, the crown of your head, and you can feel it. And in through it pours God’s warm love. It overfills, it overflows within you and your auric field. It overflows so much that it has nowhere to go except to radiate out in every direction from your heart chakra out to the entire world.

What’s happening now? God’s energy is moving through you, filling you. And as you continue to hold oneness energy, it moves through you and then out into the world and raises the vibration of the planet. Friend, you are one with the whole of all that is. And today, your spirit team asks you to re center into oneness energy by seeing it or [00:11:00] feeling it.

Every time they bring your attention back to oneness energy today, it’s going to look a little something like this. You’re going to be going about your day. Your mind is going to bring in a word or a thought. It might think oneness. Or it might think, I’m not in oneness right now. That’s okay. What your angels are asking you to do in that moment is to pause for 10 seconds.

And in that time, bring your attention back to feeling or seeing oneness move in you. through you. See the cherubs open every cell in your body, every molecule surrounding you to oneness energy and see yourself getting into this energy effortlessly. Your angels give you that mantra for today. I get into oneness effortlessly with [00:12:00] ease and on command.

I want you to say that to yourself today. If you feel like you’re struggling, say, I get into oneness effortlessly, with ease and on command. And friends, allow it to be so. Open yourself to it being truth within you. And also give thanks, you know, say, Thank you, God, universal. source for allowing me to live in your energy now and always.

It’s like living in heaven on earth and then just bask in that yummy energy. Friend, I’m so excited that you joined your angels and I for today’s Thrive Talk. thought of the day. Today is a great day to live in joy and take one step towards building the life your soul came here to live. As you move through your day, feel the presence of your angels as they guide you to take one step towards [00:13:00] your financial, mental, spiritual, and physical health.

Remember that no matter what the day brings, You are guided. You are protected. You are blessed. And friend, you are so, so, so deeply loved. Spirit wants you to see yourself as being so filled with that love, so overflowing with blessings, that both those love and blessings radiate from you out into the world.

Friends, I love you. They love you. Open up your heart to all of the unexpected blessings that Spirit is bringing your way.

Friend, follow me on Instagram and join my angel membership program at theangelmedium. com for access to all of my courses, [00:14:00] live events, and small group coaching. See you back here tomorrow as you start your day with your angels.

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