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Hello, beautiful souls! In this transformational episode of the Angels and Awakening podcast, host Julie Jancis delivers an uplifting angelic message declaring 2025 as the Year of Miracles. Dive into a powerful discussion about how faith, trust, and unconditional love can manifest miracles in your life. Julie shares actionable advice on intentional service, encouraging you to help three souls daily—starting with yourself.
This episode also sheds light on misunderstood topics, like the spiritual connection between aliens and angels, while providing tips to maintain a high-vibration energy field. Plus, Julie opens her heart about her personal health journey and calls for community prayers for her daughter.
Ready to align with your angels, embrace divine miracles, and unlock a deeper connection to the universe? Tune in now to join a soul-centered movement toward transformation and love.
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[00:00:00] Hello, beautiful souls. Welcome back to the angels and awakening podcast. I’m your host and author, Julie Jancius. Friends in today’s episode, you might notice that there’s no intro, outro, or ad, I’m afraid that this episode might go longer than normal. Uh, if you’ve been listening to the podcast for years, you probably know that I do at the beginning of the year, uh, an episode where I talk about what the angels really want you to know and focus in on for the upcoming year.
So that’s what we’re doing right here, right now. What the angels want you to know is this is the year of miracles. Friends, they have so much coming into your life, gifts, blessings, opportunities today that I want to talk about. This is the year of miracles coming home to your soul. soul and a year of really working with your [00:01:00] angels.
And friends, what I want to do is first break down, uh, what miracles are, but I had to tell you a little secret over the past six months. Um, the angels have been saying, this is a year of miracles. This is a year of miracles. And I go, yeah, but what does that mean? And they have so much for you to know. I’ve actually got this entire notebook filled with messages from them for you to talk about today, and I’m really excited because I want to use this, all the different little pieces that you’ll see by the end of today’s podcast episode, how it all ties together.
together for you and really comes to a bigger message. Um, but the angels want us to start here that miracles are. So many different strands of energy all mixed together. So if you were to break down what miracles are, they encompass [00:02:00] faith, surrendering, gratitude, love, hope, alignment, joy, courage, trust, divine creativity that just flows through your human beingness, sometimes it requires right?
To be in the present moment, the now, to hear your intuition and what they’re channeling through you. So I want to also start with this. Our angels say that when it comes to miracles, we, We all have miracles as our birthright. And I know that a lot of people fear like, okay, well, if Julie’s saying this is the year of miracles, something bad is going to come up and I don’t want to think of this as the year of miracles because I don’t want anything bad coming my way that I need a miracle.
And your angels are like, time out. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Just because you [00:03:00] think of miracles as being something that happens, um, when things go wrong, it’s not. Miracles are our birthright. They’re this magic between us and the divine where they come through all the time and they want you to believe in miracles for a lot of different reasons.
One, your divine soul and miracles are simply an expression of divine energy flowing through you. Angels are always assisting us. And as you believe in miracles, you feel that to a greater degree, that angelic presence. Because when you’re really calling upon miracles and really asking for miracles, you feel this assistance, you feel the angels next to you.
And really that’s where it ties in a year of miracles, a year of working with your angels all year long. That’s why [00:04:00] your spirit team is constantly orchestrating blessings on your behalf. And you’re constantly co creating with the universe. Things aren’t happening to you, they’re happening through you.
And as soon as you recognize how powerful you are as a co creator, how capable you are of manifesting miracles through aligned action, through aligned intention, oh my gosh, you become this powerful person. powerful force. And again, friends, this is a kind of springboard I would say for the podcast for the rest of this year.
Your angels want you to dive into this all year long. So I really want you to listen to this full episode today because there’s so many threads that we’re going to be bringing in to the podcast all year long. The other reason that this is the year of [00:05:00] miracles and working with your angels is because there is no limit to the blessings that are available to us.
And miracles. can be this way of living where the universe shows its abundance and you become a co creator of abundance. Don’t love that term anymore. I think it’s kind of overused a lot right now. If you have another term that you love, I would love to hear that from you. Friends, your angels say that you are here to grow and expand and miracles are part of your spiritual growth, showing you what’s possible when you trust in divine guidance and friends, you all have free will, me too.
And when we exercise our free will to call upon angels, to call for miracles and to trust in divine intervention. [00:06:00] You’re going to see that miracles happen more and more frequently, and it really grows this beautiful, deeper connection between you and the divine really anchors you into your soul self, which is very, very powerful.
It raises vibrations as you do this, as you believe in miracles and you trust more, it breaks old patterns, and it increases healing, the healing that you feel within, it accelerates manifestation as you work with your angels, as you believe in these miracles and trust, you think, you see things show up faster and faster and faster.
Take care. Or you trust in divine time. There are those moments where we have to relax into acceptance and surrender. And as soon as we do, it opens up these floodgates for miracles. Now, [00:07:00] remember one more thing before we dive in. Miracles, again, they’re not just for times of crisis. Those miracles are for.
Miracles all the time show up in joyful moments, everyday synchronicities and unexpected blessings. And they want you to really believe that you are worthy of miracles, that miracles are your divine birthright. Because again, the more and more that you do believe in those miracles, the deeper that you feel this relationship between you and your spirit team growing, which is what your angels want for you this year.
Friends, I apologize if I’ve got like the sniffles. I’m recovering from a cold. Um, my mom had laryngitis over Christmas, but I really still wanted to see her. Uh, but I ended up getting that laryngitis and a virus from her that I’m still recovering from. And, uh, if you’ve ever had a cold where you have a cough [00:08:00] and you’re trying to talk soon after that cough, you know that you continue to get that little tickle in your throat.
And that keeps happening as I’m recording just now. And we’ve just begun. We’re on page one of about like 25, 30 pages of notes here. Um, so if I take little breaks and come back or if there’s little pauses, um, hopefully my podcast editor will just edit those out. But, uh, I’ll Just know that I’m here with you and I’m just sipping on a little bit of water before we come back.
Here’s where the angels want us to go next. There’s so much good that they want us to get to, but there’s a couple of things. I don’t want to bring the vibe down, right? Um, there’s a couple of things that I don’t know. We could call them a little negative that I want to just dive into, but I want to put a positive spin on them.
I want you to see them in a different way. Why are we even talking about these things at all? Because they’re energies that really [00:09:00] dominated a lot of 2024 energy. in the last six months. And if we allow them to, they completely distract us from living, from our purpose, from why our soul is here. And your angels don’t want you to lose out on another year of your life or even longer, because you’re allowing your energy to be used in a way that maybe even you don’t really want.
And so they want to present something to you. You know, when it comes to the state of our country’s politics, I keep hearing, now I’m not getting political, I’m just putting a spiritual spin on this, alright? Um, I keep hearing the angel say, You can’t have my hate. And they started to say this about six months ago.
And I really, really love that. You can’t have my hate. I think that as soon as we allow people [00:10:00] to, in any platform, to drive our vibration to a place of hate. We have allowed ourselves to be controlled by someone or something else. And I’m so sick of that. And I am so done with that. And so the angels throughout my day, they keep bringing through this saying here and there where they say, you can’t have my hate.
And then they morphed that into an evolved it into you aren’t worthy of my And what I do feel is that when you allow yourself to go to a place of hate or a place of deep, deep negativity, you allow yourself to be separated from the whole of all that is. And I don’t [00:11:00] want you politics to turn my heart or anybody else’s heart to hate.
What I want is I want to continue to be love. I will work and dedicate myself to helping and serving fellow souls in every single way that God universe source calls me to. I will be love, I will embody love and service and with the intent of inspiring other people to be love and service too. On the topic of politics as well, what I have seen over the last couple of years are people suffering greatly and in great numbers and their suffering is not being validated, let alone even addressed on a m mass scale.
These are bigger, bigger pockets of the population, big numbers of people, [00:12:00] and it’s really been ignored a lot. Their pain, their suffering, and I don’t believe that this country can afford to continue to ignore the suffering of the masses. I wrote down just as in spirituality, we are all one, one mind, one consciousness.
Our country must find its way back to a oneness, seeing and validating the suffering of all. Tying into that a bit, but going into a different topic of service, the angels had me write down, your planet needs you, your world needs you, your country needs you, your community needs you, God needs you, and I need you.
Um, I think that so often people think that this world is so big and that it’s difficult to make [00:13:00] your mark, but I disagree. And it’s a evolution in thought that I’ve had to come to because I remember being here in the Illinois suburbs and for some reason, uh, over the last 10 years driving from like Wisconsin one day all the way down to a more mid part in Illinois.
And as I made this drive, it was just one suburb after a next and just townhouses and homes. And I remember vividly making this drive and thinking, Oh my goodness, there are so many people in this world and the angels say that there are so many of you who have that same feeling like, Oh my God, there are so many people out there doing so many things.
It doesn’t matter. This is what you tell yourselves within your head. And I [00:14:00] know because I’ve said this to my, myself, within my own mind, we say to ourselves, it doesn’t matter what I do. because there’s no way that I as one person can have or make a difference among all of these other seven, eight billion souls here on this planet.
But they’ve really worked with me the other side and I disagree with this statement now. And what I see is that the world is very, very small in the number of people who think to themselves. God’s given me a voice. God’s planted the seed within my heart of passion about a certain topic. I’m going to go learn about it.
I’m going to go become an expert in it. I’m going to go create change. I’m going to go speak about it. I’m going to go do what I can to help others. I’m going to go do what I can to serve. [00:15:00] And I believe that it is a humble service. I’ll say that again. I believe that it is a humble service that those who consistently are in humble servitude, create huge, huge change and make their mark on this beautiful, wondrous world.
And God Universe Source is calling you to as well. There are things that God Universe Source has planted within your heart, and it is time for you to here and now this year to break the pattern of saying to yourself, well, I can’t make a difference. There’s so many other people doing this. There’s so many other people in this world.
Their world is just so big. It’s not the number of people who actually. believe in themselves, to inspire others, to [00:16:00] be a voice amongst the masses is very, very small, I believe, even though you think it’s a lot of people, it’s not. It’s a very, very small community of people who are trying to make change.
And if you just look at. How can I be of service? How can I help? What change is actually needed? What can I do? What can my part be? And you do that humbly, day in and day out. My God, is it going to take you to places that you never dreamed possible? Just a side note here, I am going to be announcing soon a new initiative that I do need your help with.
If you don’t know where to begin helping and serving others, I’m going to show you where to make your mark. And, um, if you, aren’t already, go over to my website, theangelmedium. com. Sign up for my newsletter because we’re going to [00:17:00] be announcing details there first, and then we’ll be announcing it on the podcast once we’re ready and we’ve got everything in line and everything in place, but for now, the angels really want you to try this.
Okay. Uh, miracles is your word for the year, but if you had to live something every day of 2025. I know it’s January 6th. It’s actually my birthday today, today, friends. Um, yay. Happy birthday. Um, but for the remainder of 2025, six days in, your angels want you to try this. They want you to help serve with intention.
I’m going to take that again, uh, back again. They want you to help and serve with intention, three souls every day. And at first I was like, every day, angels every day. And they’re like, yeah, Julie, it’s not as hard as you [00:18:00] think. And it really gets your mind in line with miracles. and blessings because you’re making yourself a blessing by serving others.
And you have this focus and this intent with your heart waking up every morning and being like, okay, I’m going to go out. I’m going to help three people today, three souls today. It creates this openness within your heart. This open energy creates a receptive energy because as you give, it’s not with the intent to receive, but you become more open to receiving because you know how, how good it feels to give.
Your angels also said that of those three souls that you seek to help every day. One of those can be your own soul. And as you do good with intention for yourself, the angels are going to show you this year, how to love yourself [00:19:00] more and more and more. So with that, I want you every day to wake up in 2025.
And I want you to ask yourself in the morning, how can I help three souls today? And here’s the other thing. You’re. Angels are going to use intuition to help you see where you need to help and where you need to serve. So they might not show you everything in the morning, but they might give you a little vision or a little nudge or a little feeling.
And if you trust that, you’re going to see it. play out throughout your day, or you’re going to be going along your day and you’re going to see, Ooh, my angels are nudging me to help this person over here. That’s what it feels like to work with your angels. Isn’t that so cool? So wake up every morning and ask your angels to show you where you can help and serve.
Three souls every day. And don’t be afraid to serve yourself too. [00:20:00] Make yourself one of those three. Alrighty. This next part that we’re diving into that the angels want us to talk about is something that I have mentioned. I don’t know if it’s in future episodes of the podcast, because as I’m recording this on January 5th, um, I have podcast episodes done, I think through the end of February, but.
Listen, this next part you might think of as a little negative. It’s not, I’m trying to get you to a positive place within your own spirituality. Um, you might have seen a lot within the news, uh, people on YouTube, Instagram, all over talking about how aliens are angels, these UFOs, um, things that people have been seeing.
I have thoughts on this and actually it’s going to lead you to a positive place, um, [00:21:00] that they want you to take this mindset to. So let’s create this mindset shift together, alright? I’m going to set the record straight. Aliens are not angels. They’re not the same. At all. So, kindly, let’s stop making them out to be.
Because I believe that when people are doing this, making angels and aliens out to be the same thing, um, they’re really contributing to the deteriorization of the human and the collective consciousness. The human and the collective mind. Ask questions? Sure! Have healthy debates and discussions.
Absolutely. But really tricking people with stories and everything that we are seeing on social media, um, into people believing that this is truth. I would go so far.[00:22:00]
I would go so far as to say it’s really fracturing people’s minds in unhealthy ways. I’m going to go deeply into this because the angels say that ultimately it creates an unhealthy fracture in the mind of the collective consciousness and really further deteriorates the one mind, the spiritual mind, oneness, all that is.
People are getting paid, I believe, big money to fabricate and talk more about aliens because it sells. And it’s not karma that I want to take on. At. All. So I’m setting the record straight here because make no mistake about it. People aren’t going to stop talking about aliens and angels because they’re making money because so many people are listening to it.
So I want you to do a test for yourself and I want you to do this test for yourself [00:23:00] all year long in 2025. I want you to feel into the energy of what it feels like to be in alignment, in oneness, okay? And when you feel what it feels like to be in alignment, to be in oneness, and you feel that divine connection, that oneness of all that is, I want you to use that as your barometer.
And when anything that somebody is saying on YouTube, on social media, that feels scary or ghosty. Anywhere that you hear it on tv, wherever. Don’t allow yourself to go into this well of scary ghosty, fear vibrations. You’re really just digging yourself a hole vibrationally that you are going to have to claw your way out of.
Now you’re like Julie, but. Aliens, it’s not possibly like there have to be aliens. There [00:24:00] has to be life on other planets. Absolutely. So I’m going to tell you what I know. Um, in 1994 or 1995, I can’t really remember exactly when it was. I’m going to name some names here because I haven’t talked to these people in over 20 years.
I, uh, probably 30 since I left Virginia and moved away in middle school, I lost connection with these people, but I’m going to tell you a true story that I’ve never told before here on the podcast. And it’s a story to really help ease your fears because I’ve been looking at this for 30 years and I know, I know, like I know, like I know certain things.
So in 1994 or 1995, I was in, living in Virginia, Centerville, Fairfax County, not too far out of D. C. And I was at a friend’s house, her name is Anna. [00:25:00] Um, we went to Stone Middle School in Centerville, Virginia, and Anna would throw the best, best parties in middle school. And it was so innocent, it felt kind of like, I don’t know.
It was just so, I don’t want to say it felt like the 1950s, but it was just so innocent. I remember like playing spin the bottle and, you know, just joking and laughing, you know, with all my friends and we would just have the best time. So, we were all at Anna’s house one day, and we were playing downstairs, um, probably making out with some people, and these other kids come in, and they’re totally freaked out.
And they’re like, you have to come outside and see this. And I am thinking to myself, eh, they’re talking about like a UFO. What, what is this? It can’t be [00:26:00] real. So we all go outside and I’m like, sure enough, the UFO has left by now. We all go outside and we see these lights. In the sky and they’re separated out from one another.
Again, this is 94 or 95, not too far from dc and we sat out there on this hill and watched these UF like, I don’t, these lights in the distance sit there, hover, not satellites. large lights in the air for 20 minutes and they weren’t close. They were miles away. Um, but you know how, I’m very familiar with airplanes because my parents were both flight attendants.
And growing up, my dad would have us go sit outside of airport [00:27:00] runways and we’d get slushies and we’d just watch the airplanes land and take off. It was just a thing for entertainment that we did. I know flight patterns. These lights didn’t move at all. So the next day I go into school and I remember Donna Strong.
I hope she doesn’t mind me saying her name. I haven’t talked to her in for forever since I moved from Virginia, but she was like the smartest, most honest, sensible kid in our class. And I remember having this thought. You know, I’ll tell Donna because she’ll knock some sense into me and she’ll be like, Julie, you’re crazy, and she’ll help me forget what I saw.
But she didn’t. I told Donna what we all saw at the party and she goes, Oh my God, Julie, my mom and I were in the car driving and we saw it too. You know, I don’t [00:28:00] know if I should say her last name, so I’ll just say Donna. And I’m thinking to myself, Oh, you know, like, well, thanks, Donald. And like, that didn’t help me at all.
Like, I really wanted to feel differently about this all. So I asked my dad and I told him what we saw. And he told me about a time in New Mexico where he and a friend were doing work. Um, we’re driving just like in the middle of nowhere and they saw lights. operating in a way that is not like planes, but they were in the sky.
And, um, in the 1990s, you know, there was this history channel, and today we have a ton of UFO documentaries. I haven’t spent a ton of time with this. I’ve channeled tons with the angels, but I did come across one documentary at one point where it talked about, I think, [00:29:00] I want to say it was like 1993 that thousands of people in Arizona saw these lights and, you know, back in 94, 95, when I saw these lights, we didn’t have like a camera good enough, you know, to go outside and snap a picture that would really accurately be what we saw.
Um, but. When I saw this documentary about the lights in Arizona and how thousands of people had seen it, they showed a picture of it and it was the exact same formation of the lights as I had seen them. And I thought that that was really interesting to see this documentary that on the completely opposite side of the country, there were these lights too in this exact same way.
And just like today with all these drone light sightings, you know, everybody wants [00:30:00] answers. And I think that everybody to some degree likes conspiracy theories. Uh, it’s entertaining, it sells, it’s, um, Kind of fun, you know, ever when you were little tell ghost stories just to freak one another out. I think that there’s part of humanity that likes to have fun dipping their toe in fearful, ghosty, scary things because it’s a way of people entertaining themselves and just having a little bit of fun.
You want to do that, totally fine. There is another part of our population though, that takes it to a different degree, and it really bends their mind in a way that’s not healthy for them. And you have to understand who you are, how your brain works, and really keep yourself in a [00:31:00] healthy place. So The government wouldn’t come out and say it, but I did research on those lights in Arizona, the lights that I saw in 94 and 95.
And at the time they were testing this V shaped, um, surveillance system. It was like this massive, like bigger than, Buildings, right? A massive shaped balloon that would float and hover with camera surveillance. But in the night sky, this huge balloon, because it was black, the darkness hid the balloon itself, and all you could see were these spaced out lights.
Now, when you do research on this, and you can look this all up for yourself, you can see this. that the lights in Arizona looked exactly like this balloon and the, the particular [00:32:00] lights because it was in this V shape. So take all of this information that I’ve got given to you, and I promise I have a point to it, but hold it off to the side and let’s step into another piece.
I came from a long line of ancestors, family members, who, and I’m not joking, right, like they talked about this when I was a kid, who were sure the world was ending in their lifetime. They were sure that was the end times, that Jesus was coming. They spent a lot of time researching revelations in the Bible.
And I heard the stories of these people, of their lives. I got to closely observe some. You know, the end times didn’t come in their lifetime, but I learned a lot from them. I watched them instead of using their energy and their time. to be of service to [00:33:00] this world or to even really get more enjoyment out of their families and spending time with their families.
They put all of that time and energy into researching, again, Bible revelations, tracking alien stories, prepping for doom and gloom. And as they did all of that, I’m not saying don’t be prepared for life. Be prepared for life. But there’s a line to all of this. I watched them not be in oneness themselves. I watched as they really weren’t spreading hope and love.
They were spreading a really deep seated, deep rooted fear. And I watched it bring a lot of the others around them down mentally. Now, again, I am not saying that there isn’t life on other planets. Absolutely there is. I’m certain of it. [00:34:00] I’m also confident that there’s alien life. I really do think on this planet now, but I don’t believe that this group wants themselves to be known.
If they did, they would have already revealed themselves already. When they want their presence to be known, I’m sure it’ll happen in the most clear, loving way possible so that all are on the same page at once. The second thing that I know to be truth is that they’re peaceful beings. I really, really feel this.
They’ve been around for as long as our oral history is old and their objective, and if their objective was to dominate us or take over, they would have done it already. They haven’t done this because they’re peaceful beings. The angels say this, any life on other planets, any other life that is, is a soul itself.
And [00:35:00] those souls believe in a higher power too. Otherwise, they would have made themselves gods to our world, asking us to believe in them. But humanity feels oneness, holiness, sacredness, not when talking about aliens or ghosty things, but when talking about God, universe, source, oneness, all that is. The angels want you to know that it’s 99.
9 percent unlikely that the masses, I really do have a positive point here. I promise. The angels say though that it’s 99. 9 percent unlikely that the masses will be introduced to aliens in our lifetime because we’re not ready. We’ve shown it that we’re not ready for that level of peace and humility. And what the angels want us to know is that any life form on any other planet, again, it is a soul [00:36:00] and part of the oneness of all that is there not to be revered as God, but as peers souls connected to the oneness of all that is.
They work like us on behalf of all that is, God universe source, to give and to love. With all of this said, I do not believe the recent drone sightings to be alien made. I believe them to be human inventions. I get it. Again, it is so fun and entertaining to let your mind run wild for a time, but there’s better questions that the angels say.
We should be asking when we really spend too much on these whether it’s conspiracy theories or just these Topics. I really want you to think about what cost is my family pay for me obsessing or about doom and gloom issues How does it take me away from them mentally, physically, emotionally, vibrationally?[00:37:00]
What cost or toll does it take on my life’s purpose to repeatedly allow my mind to go down this alien rabbit hole? What does it distract me from my soul’s purpose, from stepping more fully into who I am as a soul? How does it take me away from service to others? How does it interfere with the flow and the rhythm of my life?
Would my life be better off without this rabbit hole? And in the last 30 years, uh, there’s one man’s work that really proves my point here on this more than anything else. One of the richest Americans in the last 20 to 30 years, um, 20 to 30 years ago, he, was really bothered by this topic, so he set off to study alien life as much as he could.
There’s been documentaries about this guy. Um, he’s the one person on earth who would know more about this subject than any other human being alive. And you know what he’s [00:38:00] brought to the rest of us? One huge, huge sign. He’s not out there talking about alien life. He really switched gears entirely. He switched gears and his sole focus is now on consciousness.
I’m going to repeat that. His sole focus is now on consciousness. Why? Because the answers to the biggest questions we have about life and about God are not going to come through interviewing aliens on TV and getting those answers. The answers to these great questions, the greatest leaps in mankind are going to come from the discoveries made in the areas of consciousness.
Over the next decade and continuing on over the next 50 years. Now, the reason that I find this so interesting is because when you tune into, again, remember I asked you to do this [00:39:00] barometer test, so I want you to do it. Now, if you’ve been listening to this podcast for years, you know what oneness is. You know how to feel that high vibration.
You know how to connect your energy to the oneness of all that is. If you haven’t been listening to the podcast, go to episode three of this show, and I teach you how to get into a oneness vibration. This is a barometer where you can feel palpably within your body alignment, and when you really tune in to the energies of consciousness, you automatically feel high vibrations of oneness and all that is.
So what I want you to just see is your angels are asking you in 2025 to not let yourself be fooled, be tricked by anyone who’s trying to bring down your vibration by taking you down negative Nancy, um, rabbit holes, whether it’s [00:40:00] ghosty, scary, alien, UFO, conspiracy theories, you know, all this nonsense stuff.
Don’t let them steal your mind, your body, your soul, energy away from the work, service, purpose. God, universe, source has you here in this body for Your angels ask you to rise above. Your angels ask you to control who you allow to influence your own mind. Because there are going to be many, many souls who pass away.
I do believe this. They shown me this over and over again, souls who pass away, the generations that we have on earth today, they get to the other side, they go through their life review and a lot of souls. are going to wish they spent more time on joy, service, purpose, wonder, magic, miracles, love, and enjoyment of their own [00:41:00] life.
And really the angels say only you can control who you allow to inspire you. If someone is depleting you and robbing you of you and your energy, They’re not inspiring you. What does it take to truly live this life? Right? What does it take to truly live? Why is your soul here? Why are you given angels? How can you work with those angels to maximize the life that you have?
What’s the happiest, the most joyful your life can be? What are the secrets to life that your angels really want you to know? These are the questions that your angels really want you to dive into this year. And if you’re not, join my email list, because I put this all in an email to you that’s going out today.
So you don’t have to write these down, but I’m going to say it again. These are the questions that your angels really want you to focus in on. [00:42:00] This is the reason for 2025. What does it mean to truly live? Why is your soul here? Why were you given angels? How can you work with those angels to maximize the life that you have?
What’s the happiest, most joyful life could be for you? What are the secrets to life your angels want you to know? Friends, I have an entirely new year for you in the Angel Membership. We have the most supportive community of Soul Sisters. You can feel unconditional love radiating from everyone. Every single weekly zoom gathering that feels sacred, holy, and you can palpably feel the angel surrounding you in every gathering.
Friends, with so much craziness floating around in this world, it’s hard to keep your mind, body, and soul energy centered on what truly matters. That’s why it’s so important to [00:43:00] join the membership this year. It keeps you focused on unconditional love, alignment, your purpose as a soul, your mission here in this lifetime.
And I have redone everything in the membership to bring you a whole new year of curriculum that zeroes in on a simple way that cuts through to what you most need to learn, know. And it gives you the tested tools and exercises I’ve created with the angels that work for all of my clients to help them best connect with their angels, their loved ones in heaven and their highest self to live your current one life to the fullest.
I have more messages about 2025, but let me just say this, this year in the membership is going to give you the tools that change your life now and that you use for the rest of your life. Tools that I created with the angels that you cannot get or find [00:44:00] anywhere else. Our participants say our membership keeps you connected to and supported by a community unlike any other.
And that’s what I loved so much about the retreat and the two in person Angel Reiki schools this summer. And that’s what I loved so much about the retreat this fall and the two angel Reiki schools that we did this last year in person, every single event that we held in person and online in the membership, people have come up to me and said afterwards, Julie, I’ve never felt such unconditional love, so much support by a group before.
And that makes me so proud. So the membership is all about your personal journey through life and maximizing it. If you’re wanting to start a spiritual healing business or to just develop all of your spiritual gifts to the max, I know this is your year that you’re going to join my [00:45:00] angel Reiki school.
That’s a completely separate service where you’re going to become an angel messenger and energy healer and get trained in bringing through messages from loved ones on the other side, to others, to your clients. All at the same time, about half of the people who come through the Angel Reiki school, they really want to develop their own spiritual business.
The other half just want to develop all of their spiritual gifts to the max, to use them in your life. Regardless, friends, this is the year of miracles and working with your angels all year long. And remember, just like I said at the beginning, it’s not because anything bad is coming for you. It’s not, I promise you that.
It’s because we need the energy of miracles now greatly. I would even say imperatively. So remember what is like, so remember what I was saying at the beginning? Miracles themselves, [00:46:00] the word miracle is an energy that’s laced with the vibrations of so many other things. Things that your angels are trying to teach you all year long.
Hope, inspiration, belief in a greater good, love, faith. And this year on the podcast and everything that I do, I’m going to be, I’m going to be infusing all of these energies, these messages into the energy of the podcast. And again, everything that I do. Your angels want you to make this easy to take back into your own life.
Again, I told you to wake up every morning and to ask how you can help or serve three souls each day. The other thing that your angels want you to do to call in miracles to your everyday life is to, and I know that this sounds easy, but let’s break it down. Ask, Believe, receive. [00:47:00] This is a year of keeping things simple.
To ask, you just have to state your request. When you ask the universe, what you are doing is formulating energies within yourself. So you might have a thought or this energy within you of I want to go out and try this thing. I want to pay off my child’s college. I want to pay off the house. I want to go on this vacation.
Um, I want to learn this new skill. I want to become a healer. I want to start my own healing business. Want to start a podcast. You have these different things that are kind of bubbling within you as vibrations themselves. But you, with your intention, need to make them concrete. And you need to ask for what it is that you want.
It’s not enough to let those things just bubble within. You have to provide clarity [00:48:00] to God Universe Source. and direct the universe. That is part of co creation. So you have to stay, state to God universe source, I am asking you for this. Make the request. You can make requests daily. You can make requests hourly.
There is no limit to the number of requests that you can make. And please do not think, I should do an entire episode on this, please do not think that making small requests is bad. It’s not. You want to be in constant co creation with God, Universe, Source. And the only way to do that is to continually ask throughout the day what you need.
Big and small. Ask God for all of it. Ask, believe, receive. The second thing is believe. Now this is where people get tripped up and I find that the best thing that helps my clients, my people in the Angel Reiki [00:49:00] school, is to show them, and, and the membership, um, show them that belief Really translate that to vision.
Okay? So when you have a belief, see it within your mind, concretely the way that you already want it to be done. Think of it as already being done. Create that vision within your mind. As you create the vision, you create the belief and you become this magnetic energy where energies around you that you can’t even see begin attracting to you and you start to call in everything that you made the request, the ask for.
And it’s all going to start to show up. Now, a lot of people or a lot of people who talk about manifestation really talk about making the ass. They talk about the vision, but I see so many clients and so many souls who really have a very, very hard time. See this within myself a [00:50:00] lot too. Um, in the past, I’ve had to learn how to work through this, who, aren’t good receivers.
And the angels say all the time that part of the co creation process is, Hey, you can make all the asks in the world. Hey, you can vision all day long about what’s to come. But if you’re not preparing your heart in a way that you’re opening up your heart and believing that you’re worthy, believing that You’re worthy to be a messenger.
You’re worthy to inspire others. You’re worthy to help and to serve. Then you’re always kind of keeping what you want as an arm’s length at an arm length distance in front of you. You’re not really letting it in. So you want to receive, you want to work with your angels to become a good receiver, to let it in.
And, um, it really starts with opening up your heart. [00:51:00] To it’s already here and that is the truth friends. That’s something that I work on with myself When it comes to anything that you want to do as a soul, you’re infinite. You will always be an infinite soul. Anything that you want to do, you have the different lifetimes to be able to go out and do it.
If you want to be a queen in a lifetime. It will be done. If you want to make movies in a lifetime, it will be done. If you want to understand how to be a librarian in a lifetime, it will be done. You will do every single thing that your soul came here to do. So you have to step out of and stop getting in your own way.
And recognize that you’re just delaying yourself. Be a good receiver. Allow it to come in. Allow the miracles to come in. [00:52:00] Receive them. Be grateful for them. One of the best ways to do this is by asking for signs and allowing them to come through. The universe will never let you down as long as you keep believing.
Keep working with a humble heart. All right, friends. I know this episode was a little longer than normal, but, um, for anybody in Southern California, uh, Jenny Garth asked me to do readings at her upcoming I Can Do It conference. It’s January 11th. If you want, I will see you there. You come see me and I’ll do a reading for you over there.
Um, I know that I had mentioned in a couple episodes and I didn’t really get to address it that I’d been going through some health stuff in 2024. Um, I’m gonna do a whole different episode because this one has been so long on it. But, uh, I’ve been suffering with, uh, an endometriosis flare [00:53:00] up, um, looking at a hysterectomy.
Didn’t know if it was cancer, was really worried about that for a while, but it turned out not to be and I am so, so grateful for that. I am so grateful for my health. But I’m not totally sure if it’s just endometriosis or if there’s a fibromyalgia at play. There’s a couple other things that I’m looking at.
And I don’t feel that I’m in that flare up anymore. I’ve done things, uh, worked with holistic practitioners to really get myself out of that state, but it was not pleasant. So if you’ve heard me talk about it, or if I mentioned in episodes in January or February, that’s what was going on. And I was in a lot of constant pain this fall, uh, August, September, October.
And I’m not feeling that pain anymore, which is really, really wonderful. [00:54:00] Um, on the flip side, I need your prayers for a miracle, actually for my kiddo. And I don’t believe in talking about her medical stuff here because she’s going to be an adult soon. And I believe that she has the right to privacy within her own life.
Um, But I feel comfortable saying that, uh, she has some scoliosis issues that we thought were minor, um, that have become more major and we weren’t really, um, expecting this to become a thing for her, a health challenge for her. We didn’t really see it worsening. We didn’t think it wasn’t just on our radar and, um, she really needs your prayers on the flip side.
Uh, I [00:55:00] need your prayers for my kiddo. So friends, I believe in prayer so incredibly much, and I believe that we need one another. We need help. And I could really use your prayers. If you could pray, uh, or keep my kiddo in your prayers this year, we need a miracle for a health challenge that, um, we didn’t see coming.
Uh, now Elle, within four years, will be an adult herself, and I just don’t believe that, um, Sharing her medical stuff here on the podcast is appropriate. Um, but I think that this is something that you’ll get. And I, I want to pray specifically on this. So Elle has, and the angels also say, I’m sharing this with you because if you find this in your own children or grandchildren, it’s really, really important for you to understand in order to help them.
[00:56:00] Um, I didn’t. Realize. how bad scoliosis could get. And we’ve had our kiddo in a back brace for well over a year now. As soon as we heard about her curves, she’s got two curves. Um, and I naively assumed, you know, that you put a kid in a brace and the brace does what it needs to do and the curve stops.
Curving, right? Because the curve, um, from what I’ve heard from surgeons and surgeons, what they say, because they deal in surgery different differs often from physical therapists who really talk about things much, much differently from serve surgeons because they believe in a more preventive type of therapy.
But I believe that you put a child in a brace and the brace just kind of stops the curve from curving. It’s not going to make it get better, but you can stop [00:57:00] the curve and for our kiddo, it didn’t. The curves got significantly Um, to the point where she’s only two degrees away, they said, from, um, and I’m kind of all still processing this.
I, I went through a point of, I had a pretty hard time with this news. Um, They said that she’s two degrees away from the curves becoming degenerative where gravity and the weight of the body over time is going to continue to pull the curves further and further into a curve until you need to have back surgery, spinal surgery.
And I don’t want that to happen. for her, mostly because of my self limiting beliefs of thinking, Oh, well, if you have surgery, you know, a lot of people have surgery say they’re still in pain and the angels say [00:58:00] that that’s something that I have to work through, that there are a lot of people who have surgery and they don’t feel that pain after.
They feel amazing for the rest of their lives and that’s the direction that I want to take my mindset. in order to help her. But we’re only two degrees away from that degenerative process. And I am asking you to help us pray for a miracle for her. Um, scoliosis in kids, they don’t maybe feel as much pain, but as they become adults, they do.
Um, and. I don’t know what miracle is possible, but I’m asking for her complete health. And we have been led to amazing, amazing people already. Uh, when I’m ready, there are angel stories that all have already happened in relation to this. Um, and I’ll, I’ll share those with you, but we, one of those things was finding a specialist in our [00:59:00] area.
She’s a physical therapist who just deals with scoliosis. And I feel she’s just an angel. My God, people who specialize in a certain area to the people who are dealing with that ailment. Oh my goodness. They are such angels. And I’m so, so grateful for this woman, but she’s helping. And again, you can’t really change the curve.
Maybe you can. The angel said, keep the possibility open. But, um, if kiddo in your prayers, I would be so, so appreciative. On another note, as we come to a close here, all year long, I am going to be doing more and more on this show, um, more readings with you, more talking about miracles, more speaking myself, which is what the angels are really calling me to here now.
And, uh, I need your help with that. So let’s make this fun. Um, if you could go down and leave five stars. Uh, for this podcast, anywhere that you’re at, [01:00:00] use the contact form on the website to let us know that you left us five stars. Give us your name and your phone number. I’m going to be calling at least one person a week this year to just do a reading for them.
We’ve also got the membership friends. I have an entirely new year of content with you. It’s a year of miracles and working with your angels. There’s a new course every single month that you get every single Wednesday. I am live with you in our gathering and it is so much fun to connect with this sacred group of soul sisters.
And I want you to feel that energy. We’ve also got the Angel Reiki School. I told you about that earlier. Learn how to develop all of your unique spiritual gifts at the same time. And I want this year to be so incredibly fun for you. So we’re doing a ton of giveaways all year long over via email and text.
So I hope you are signed up for my newsletter and you stay signed up all year long because we’re going to [01:01:00] be giving away so much to you. So stay tuned on the podcast because there is so much coming your way. Friends, I love you so much. Your angels love you so, so much. Remember. to think of this year as the year of miracles of working with your angels.
Every day, I want you waking up and really thinking about. Three souls that you can serve. One of those souls being yourself, make that your intention throughout the day. As you do friends, I promise you will see your intuition grow in leaps and bounds. You will become more connected with your angels yourself.
And I want you to really make it an intention this year to ask the universe for what it truly is. Ask every day, every hour, ask out loud, ask within your mind. I want you to believe. I want you to envision what you want as if it’s already happened. And I want you to receive. I want you to open your heart.
I want you [01:02:00] to know that. God universe source wants the best for you. And this is your year. This is your year to step into your power. This is your year to step into miracles. This is your year to step into a greater, greatest vision of yourself so far. And your angels are just so incredibly excited for you friends.
So I love you. I hope that you loved this episode. Give me some feedback over at, uh, Instagram at Angel Podcast. I’d love to hear from you. Love you so much, friends. Have a beautiful, beautiful blessed day.
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