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Surviving Stage 4 Cancer and Finding Purpose with Lynette Hill

Guest Interview

Hello, beautiful souls! When Lynette Hill was diagnosed with stage 4 terminal cancer, her world was turned upside down. Faced with fear and uncertainty, she searched for hope and healing, but often found that conventional treatments left her feeling more desperate than ever. Refusing to give up, Lynette began exploring alternative natural remedies that would lead her on a path to recovery. In this episode, she shares her journey from despair to hope, detailing the natural treatments that played a crucial role in her healing, including soursop tea, apricot kernels, and black seed oil.

Lynette’s journey is a powerful reminder that even in the darkest moments, love, faith, and the healing power of nature can transform despair into renewed hope and purpose.

Know more about her journey here: http://www.speakerlynette.com

▶️ Click HERE to watch this episode on YouTube.

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[00:00:00] I don’t know if I was there five minutes or an hour. I have no idea, but I knew several things. Love is the most important thing.

I mean, there is nothing else but love and that all of those people that were there didn’t say a word. But I knew everything they were feeling. I knew everything they were thinking. We were so connected and it was just amazing. And then I heard the doctor say, welcome back. And I opened my eyes and I was just kind of disoriented because I have surrendered to myself dying.

And here I was back in the hospital room it was such an amazing experience. And I told my husband, I know now, absolutely for sure. That there was a life beyond this one and that we’re going to be okay.

Welcome to the angels and awakening podcast, where we connect you with your angels, loved ones, and soul self. I’m your host and author, Julie [00:01:00] Jancis. My journey began when I started hearing my late father before I knew he’d passed. Through my readings, membership, and Angel Reiki school, I help you awaken.

Heal and master your unique spiritual gifts. If you feel called to work with me, it’s your angels guiding you to discover your soul’s highest purpose. Details at theangelmedium. com. Thank you, earth angels for the five star reviews. You’re entered into a drawing to win a free session. Now let’s see what messages your angels have for you today.

Friends. Today we’re here with Lynette Hill. She’s the author of Overcoming Cancer from Despair and Desperation to Hope. Life and a new found [00:02:00] mission. Lynette, the energy of that title is just so powerful.

Thank you so much. It took a lot of going back and forth with the publisher, but I wanted that to be in there because this has truly given me a new mission in my life, this experience.

And I can’t wait for the audience to hear about your journey

So years ago, my kids were in elementary school and we live out in the country and I was driving, west on this country road.

It was a 2 lane road a bus was coming east. I had to slow down to make a left turn to go to my kid’s school. And I’m the kind of person, unfortunately, the higher power has to deal with me all the time because I’m so hard headed. So I’m driving down this road and I slow down to make the left turn and as clear as I’m speaking to you, a voice said, don’t turn yet.

And I said, The bus is far away. I can make this turn. So I started to turn again. It’s clear again. Lynette, don’t turn yet. And this time it said my name. [00:03:00] So I stopped and the bus comes barreling down and it passes me flying and I go to make that turn. So now I’m sideways and my accelerator won’t go down.

So I’m sideways in the middle of this road. And the reason was, in the summertime, my kids and I, our lips get a little dry, so I keep this jar of petroleum jelly in my car. And when I went to make that, to slow down, that petroleum jelly rolled and wedged under the accelerator, and I didn’t know it. And had I not listened to that voice, that bus would have hit us, and my kids and I, my two boys, would have been either dead or paralyzed.

And I was just shaking at that point and I pulled over and I took the vaccine and I just was just giving thanks. It was just. It’s seared in my memory. I will never forget that. And that’s when I knew that our names are known because it was so clear, [00:04:00] Lynette, don’t turn yet. And it was, it was just amazing.

When you heard that don’t turn yet and Lynette don’t turn yet, did it sound like your own internal dialogue, like the voice within?

Yes, and that was the interesting part. It sounds like your voice, but, you know, it’s not your voice because how would I have known. I guess it’s the way of relating to you, but.

It was just the most incredible experience and I have never doubted since then that we have angels and things watching over us.

You have another angel story related to your diagnosis.

Well, when I was diagnosed in 2021, if I could just back up a little bit, I had no core morbidities, so I was not in and out of the hospitals or doctor’s offices.

I went to the hospital five times to have my five amazing boys. And so when I got diagnosed in July 2021 with stage 4, and they told me it was terminal, and I only had a few months to live, to say that a Mack truck [00:05:00] hit me is an understatement. I just didn’t know what to do. And so, because out of fear, like most people, I immediately jumped into chemotherapy because they’re telling me, you got to start treatment now.

This is the way you’re going to try to beat this, or at least get a quality of life. But I was one of those people that chemo just didn’t work for me. I had every side effect you can imagine until I ended up in the hospital with my organ shutting down. My blood pressure was 60 over 40. And at that point they told my husband, I don’t think she’s going to make it.

And it was during COVID. And so I just surrendered. I knew I was dying and no one was there with me because of COVID protocols. And I just surrendered. I don’t know where this place was, I was in this place and it was almost like a huge building, but there was no ceiling. So you could see the. Sky, you could see everything and there was a little girl that was walking next to me with her little [00:06:00] Easter dress on and her little Easter shoes and she’s admiring her outfit and there was a young man standing against the wall like a young, high school athlete.

You look like a job and then people walking by and. What I notice about that place, there was no time. Time was irrelevant. I don’t know if I was there five minutes or an hour. I have no idea, but I knew several things. One thing and I apologize if I’m going to cry, but that love is the most important thing.

I mean, there is nothing else but love and that all of those people that were there didn’t say a word. But I knew everything they were feeling. I knew everything they were thinking. We were so connected and it was just amazing. And then I heard the doctor say, welcome back. And I opened my eyes and I was just kind of disoriented because I have surrendered to myself dying.

And here I was back in the hospital room and I told my husband, I said, And now [00:07:00] when I go places and I’m at a restaurant and I see someone sitting alone, I just want to go and say, we’re connected. Do you know how connected we are? And there’s no color, there’s no time, just, makes me feel amazing, but it hurts at the same time because people don’t realize that.

But it was such an amazing experience. And I told my husband, I know now, absolutely for sure. That there was a life beyond this one and that we’re going to be okay. So that, that was one of my other experiences.

uh, We’ve done over 550 episodes of the podcast. And when I work with people in sessions or interviews, Or just like, listen to authors on books. Sometimes spirit will go, no, no, no. And then sometimes they’ll circle something and everything that you just said had so much soul and so much yes energy.

But when you said there’s these buildings on the other side with no roofs, that is just open, they circled it and they were [00:08:00] like, that’s truth. And so when you were seeing that place, were you in a coma or just unconscious or just asleep?

I believe I was just unconscious because everything was shutting down at that time and they expected me while the doctor was kind of preparing my family that I wasn’t going to make it.

And I just remember before I surrendered the doctor yelling, I need two pints of blood. I need two pints of fluid. And they were saying, well, we’ll see if we can get it. And he’s like, no, look at her. She can’t wait for an order. I need it stat. And then I just faded away.

God bless doctors and nurses. The souls that they are able to perform are just amazing.

God bless every, every doctor and nurse out there when it comes to your journey. I know that they gave you just this couple of, months and they don’t know, [00:09:00] right? Like, A friend this summer who, was actually diagnosed in January, went through treatment and she called me on a Wednesday morning.

by Thursday evening, I felt her energy kind of cross to the other side, given her a couple of weeks. I wanted those couple of weeks to just have with her. Her daughter is on the other side. Her mom’s on the other side. So I know that she’s just so happy to be with them again. But I believe that if we are here on this earth, that we have purpose and There’s so much noise and chatter out there with all these different platforms and content creators.

And I’ve seen people really drive people away from hope lately, that you don’t need it. And it frustrates me to the nth degree, because what I believe with just every fiber of my [00:10:00] being, And would be willing to stake my house on it, if not my life, is that we have this purpose we’re souls that want to have different experiences and connections and help others and If you don’t have a vision of your future with hope, just ask the angels. They will give you a vision of what you can do. Tell everybody a little bit about the journey that you talk about in the book and how you healed and how you found that hope and that new message.

I’m glad you said what you said prior to that about the content knowing that we have a purpose because There is so much noise, like you said, and so much content and people don’t have hope and that is part of what my newfound mission is, is to give people hope and I heard something and I can’t remember where I heard it, but it said.

If you want to hear the laughter of your higher [00:11:00] power, tell him what your plans are, because what your plans are and what the higher power plans are is completely different, because I assumed my life would go in this direction, but after going through this journey, it’s just made a whole 180, like, no, you’re going this way.

And after I was diagnosed like I said, I went into chemotherapy and it just didn’t work for me. When I came home from the hospital, I was there for three weeks after that incident, and I came home with a bacterial infection called C. Difficile, and I won’t, gross out your viewers to tell him the details of that.

But it’s pretty gross. And I came home bedridden. My husband’s changing my diapers. My sister that’s a nurse was putting her life on hold, and she knows what death looks like. So she planned my funeral several times. because she would walk in and just see me emaciated and bald. And just, she just knew I was turning the knob again on death store.

And I’m looking at all of this chaos around [00:12:00] me. And I thought, this cannot be how we heal. This cannot be how we heal. There has to be something different. And so because I was bedridden, had nothing to do, I started researching over the internet, which can be both a blessing and a curse. And I just put in natural regimen, for cancer.

And this is where the chapter in my book, righteous indignation came from, because I couldn’t believe all the things out there that can heal our bodies, but we’re not told. And people are losing their best friends. They’re losing their mom. They’re losing their child. there shouldn’t be that it, we should be able.

To have that information, but there’s so much money and the medical industry, but that’s why I tell people you have to advocate for your own health. Because if I were to pass away, the medical industry is going to move on that fancy cancer Institute is still going to keep going. But my husband’s lost a wife, my children’s lost a mom.

And so, when I decided on the. Natural protocol that. My [00:13:00] higher power said, this is what I want you to do. It just kept drawing me to these things. As I said, there were so many things, but the soursop tea, the apricot kernel, the black seed oil, those three things I kept being drawn to. And I literally said, okay, I’m going to stop every single treatment.

This is where I have to put in a disclaimer. I’m not giving medical advice. I’m just sharing my story. But I said, I’m going to stop every single treatment and I’m going to go with the medicines that is put on this earth for our bodies and either I’m healed or take me home because I knew at that point that I was going to a better place anyway, and I was okay with that decision.

I was at peace with whatever that outcome was. And so I just stopped everything and within 6 months. The 12 centimeter mass I had on my ovaries was gone and within six months after that I had no more cancer activity in my body. So it was apricot oil, what were the other two? Apricot seeds. Apricot seeds.[00:14:00]

Soursop tea. Soursop. Soursop. S O U R S O P. It’s also called Graviola or Guanabana depending on the region that you’re in. And then black seed oil. So and what’s interesting about those three things, if you go on our NIH website, there is actually documented studies that they have done quite a few. That says those things cause apoptosis in the cancer cells, which means it kills the cancer cells, but it doesn’t hurt your good cells like what chemo does.

But yet we’re not told about this. So that made me really sad

a hundred percent because. There’s a big fine line in the world. And when you have a podcast like the radio show is broadcast to 3. 4 million people in Southern California every week. Not everybody’s coming out at it from the same experiences or the same mental perspective.

And yesterday I read [00:15:00] this article in people magazine where it talked about a 12 year old girl who had some stuff happening within her body. She went unconscious. But instead of her parents taking her to the hospital to get checked out, they tried to feed her smoothies and vitamins at home, and it didn’t work, and she passed away.

She needed that, like, professional medical treatment. and obviously, like, we’re not medical professionals on the podcast, so go to your doctor for everything. But you Are in a different position. You’ve done everything medical wise. You’ve said you’ve done everything that your doctors have told you to do.

And you find this research, and it works for you. And oh my goodness, Lynette, like it’s three, almost four years later and. You couldn’t look more

healthy to me. You’re just glowing.

Thank you so much. And

Here’s our free and paid upcoming events. Angel [00:16:00] Reiki school is in person November 8th through 10th in Chicagoland, or begin online November 1st. My new course, Release Fear and Embrace Miracles, starts November 1st online. Become a member to get this course free or it’s 133 for non members. We have a free workshop October 23rd at 8 p.

m. Central on how fear is really holding you back. And join our free prayer meeting right before that at 7 p. m. Central sign up for all of this and more at the angel medium. com backslash events.

Thank you so much. And I’m really glad you brought up that story because I tell people all the time. Doctors are here for a reason.

We love them. We need them. And doctors are great at diagnosing. You need to know what’s wrong with you. And then you could look at all these other options, whether [00:17:00] you go Western treatment or natural, but at least know what’s wrong with you. So you can decide. And now, today, my oncologist says to me, if I wasn’t your oncologist from the beginning of your journey to now, you could never tell me that you had stage 4 terminal cancer.

She said, You look amazing. You’re healthy because I have to go in every few months to do lab work because according to the medical industry, stage four is not curable. There’s no cure. So she’s calling me a miracle and I’ll take that. but I go in to do lab work and they’re amazed that my labs are perfect.

My organs are great. Everything’s functioning. I have no cancer. She’s just amazed. Absolutely amazed. But yet. She cannot tell her patients what I’ve done because she’s under that pharmaceutical umbrella and here they look like I did a few years ago. It just makes me sad. And that’s one of the reasons I wrote the book.

So people know if chemo is not working for you [00:18:00] or you want other options, there are other things out there. It’s not just chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. And I chose not to have radiation or surgery. So they’re even amazed that the 12 cm mask disappeared on its own just with the natural medicine.

My God, you’re a miracle that Incredible.

We live in this society that’s so divisive now and tearing one another down and that we are propped up by platforms that get better money when they promote hate, and I want to be a voice of love and hope and bringing people together in unity within this world. It’s such a small thing, but it had a really, really big impact on me recently.

I won’t say exactly who, but, somebody I know who’s very close to me has a scalp that just kind of flakes a lot and even dandruff, Chippewa, just anything can’t [00:19:00] get rid of just this flakiness. I was like, try my shampoo. Like my shampoo is amazing. And it didn’t work whatsoever. And it took this special type of shampoo just for this.

Special type of scalp that she has to really heal the scalp and to make that go away. Not even dandruff shampoo or the regular stuff out there would do it. but spirit said, take this moment to just realize that. That the shampoo, I love Tresemme. I don’t get funded by them or anything, but my God, my hair is so silky smooth and it’s like the cheapest shampoo, but it’s, I love that shampoo.

It’s just amazing, but it. boggles my mind that that shampoo doesn’t work the same way on everybody’s scalp and that everybody scalp can be completely different. Some are really oily, some are really dry. And I think that as I’ve been learning more and more [00:20:00] about the physical body, It’s just so wild that we have treatments for everybody that are supposed to be the exact same.

And yet everybody’s body is just this unique universe in and of itself. And they all function so differently.

That is such a good point because unfortunately with cancer treatment, everybody gets the same cookie cutter treatment. Here’s chemo. Here’s radiation. Here’s surgery. But no one asks, what’s your lifestyle?

What’s your stress level? What are you eating? What, you know, what’s going on in your life to get kind of to the core of it, because my stress level may be different than your stress level. And we know that stress causes so many things and our bodies, the way it was designed was so perfect. It was designed to heal itself.

You know that by when you get a really deep cut. Yeah. And your body right away, all the cells starts coming together to start [00:21:00] coagulating and healing that cut. Well, it’s the same with the inside of our bodies. We can heal ourselves, but we can’t give our bodies poison in a body that’s already poison and chemo is known as a carcinogenic.

It’s known on the CDC website as poisonous gas. So you’re going to put this thing and flow it through my body and expect me to get healed and expect that person that has a different kind of cancer and that person to have the same treatment. It is the craziest thing. But that’s the treatment they’re getting.

You’re absolutely right. It’s not a one size fits all and what works for you may not work for someone else. So I’m glad that you’re doing that and I’m glad that you brought that up. And what you said prior to that about sharing just love and all of that, that honestly is what it’s all about. That’s what we’re here to do.

And we feel our best when we’re sharing love. And when we’re in the service of other people, we walk away feeling so good. You know, [00:22:00] that’s what we’re supposed to be doing. So thank you for sharing that.

Thank you. you know, I really recently started eating a different way. Spirit kind of brought me to this woman and, to your point before, is something that I’m like, why isn’t this in every doctor’s office in America?

Like, this is so simple. This is so easy. But no matter where you are in the world, she has you take your blood work, she sends it over to Germany. All you have to do is check a little thing on a form. She sends it and you get back this entire list of foods that your Personal body metabolizes the best and the fastest.

I’ve had other people on who talk about metabolism and how that’s the primary foundation to everything that’s happening within our physical bodies, but it would be so simple for every doctor’s office or even every gynecologist, cause we’re always in there, to have that blood work worked out.

[00:23:00] Get that information because my body just shed a complete layer when I started onto this plan. and I’m continuing on it and I wasn’t following it a hundred percent. And so I changed and followed it a hundred percent now shouting like another layer. And it’s just amazing. Like you said that your body is here to heal itself, but we need to know the fuel that it needs to be able to do that.

exactly. And food is so important. And it was Hippocrates that said, and I know we’ve all heard this, let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food. Because what we put in our bodies is so important, and I tell people on all my platforms, you can’t take the natural medicines that’s been here for you since the beginning of time and then keep going through McDonald’s drive through.

It doesn’t work that way. You have to do the best that you can for your body to give it an environment to heal. And once you’ve went [00:24:00] through a journey like I have, you have to make sure that you do everything you can to keep that at bay. And you can’t keep it at bay if you’re starting to eat all the processed and junk foods that you used to.

You just can’t.

Well, and I thought that I was eating good before, but I didn’t realize like what it really was and that it is so simple. It, I spend so little time now. I even think I spend less time now than I did before preparing stuff. it’s so delicious to, to eat that healthy way. It’s just phenomenal.

Yes, it is. It’s it’s you and you know what happens when you start eating naturally and you start eating well is your body starts to respond to that. You notice that you have like more clarity of mind. You’re not as tired and just lethargic. It’s amazing what good healthy foods can do for your body. So yeah, I’m glad you brought that up.

It’s so true.

[00:25:00] Yeah, that reminded me of what I was going to say. So Nettie, this woman who does the blood work, she said that your body’s chemistry and she goes, if you’re a scientist in a laboratory, you’re not just going to take any amount of the chemicals and pour it into the beakers. Like your body needs a certain amount of this, a certain amount of this.

And, when you just learn your body’s chemistry, it behaves. a completely different way. So when I was like, I’m not completely on the plan. I like this magnesium drink. that’s kind of like flavored with Barry and she’s like, Julie, but it’s not part of your body’s chemistry. It has this in it and it has this in it, as different additives, like just follow what’s exactly on your plan and you’ll see the chemistry change.

And you’re right. but even people in the group who have stress to have noticed that their body’s changes won’t change as much in those weeks when they’re really stressed out, but once they get their stress under control, [00:26:00] then the body starts to function again. So, so wild.

and that’s why I tell all of my followers on my platform.

That you have to listen to your body because your body will tell you, I didn’t like that. this was good for me. And if you listen and start getting in tune with your body, you’ll know the things that your body wants and your body don’t want. And you’re right. It’s so much simpler and easier that you don’t even have to worry about it.

people have said to me, so are you going to do a cookbook? I said, no, because my cookbook would be quite small. Because I eat a lot of the same things, and then I do intermittent fasting every day, so I stop eating at 7 until 8 or 9 the next day, so I don’t eat like full meals, because we’re not supposed to eat 3 full meals a day, snacks in between, everything that we’re doing, that is too much for our bodies and it’s taxing on our liver, and that’s what people don’t realize, so I love that you said, um, How simple good eating [00:27:00] is.

It doesn’t have to be hard work.

So talk to me too. How does your sister feel? Cause you talked about your oncologist that she knows you’re this miracle. Your sister is a nurse. what does she say to

my sister as a nurse? And she’s been a nurse for 30 years and just an amazing nurse, not just because she’s my sister, but she’s pretty amazing.

She just really loves. Her patients. And when I got diagnosed, she was just Johnny on the spot. And then I made her my, medical person as far as they could tell her whatever’s going on with me because my husband was a basket case and he wasn’t going to be able to really function. So she did all of that.

And so she would look at all my medications. They’re prescribing and she’s like, well, why are you prescribing this? She doesn’t need that. And so it’s just, and that was a whole other thing. And then when I came home from the hospital, I was on a TPN bag. So I was getting IV infusions because I just couldn’t eat.

I was so weak [00:28:00] and my blood sugar kept spiking because the in home nurse that they had coming every week would come and take my labs. And so then they were going to put me on insulin because my blood sugar kept going up. So my sister said, well, she wasn’t diabetic before this started. why are you putting her on insulin?

So then my sister looked at my TPN bag and realized that a lot of it was sugar. And she said, why are you giving sugar to a cancer patient? So she sent all the bags back and had it reformulated. So she was quite. Just amazing. But when I decided to stop taking all the western medicine and go natural, I didn’t tell her because I knew that she would be just scared to death.

I didn’t tell my husband. I just made a decision not to do it. And when she found out I was cancer free and all of that, and I decided to share my story on social media. So people would know and I just thought it’s going to reach a few people. That’s great. I [00:29:00] woke up in the morning. It was over a million views.

It’s since went over 5 million views and people have re shared it all over the world. And my sister said. I saw your video and you didn’t give credit to the chemo. And I said, sister, I haven’t taken chemo for over a year at that point. And she looked at me and I wrote this part in the book. She got so teary eyed.

She said, as a nurse, I would never tell you to stop your medication, but as your sister, and she started crying, she goes, I am so proud of you. She said, you’re the bravest woman I know. She says, even as a nurse. I would never be brave enough to stop my medication. I, she said, and I say I have faith, I say I believe.

But you really walk the walk instead of just talking the talk. and she’s just been bragging about me to everybody and anybody that she hears have got diagnosed with cancer. Oh, you need to, you need to get my sister’s book. You need to see what she did because there is hope out there and. So she’s been my biggest champion and [00:30:00] cheerleader.

Were there any other differences that you made besides the apricot seeds, soursop tea, black seed oil?

And I’m glad you asked that question because those were the three things I did along with a diet change. I knew I had to have a clean diet. And the reason I’m glad you asked that because a lot of people tell me, Are you sure that’s all you did?

And I said, yeah, just keep it simple because people message me now because of the videos that’s went viral and all the people that follow me on TikTok message me now and they’re like, they’ll send me a video clip of what they’re taking and I am not exaggerating, they take 50 supplements, just every single, I don’t understand why they’re scared and they’re trying to knock this cancer on its butt, but I tell them, I can’t give you medical advice.

But I can tell you that all of that that you’re taking your liver has to detox through [00:31:00] all of that. And when you go to sleep, that’s when your liver wakes up and does its thing. It works the graveyard shift, it detox everything that you’ve done during the day. And when you get up in the morning, you should feel an urge to go to the bathroom because it wants to get rid of all that waste, just detox through.

So with you taking all of that, You’re overtaxing your liver in my opinion because your body heals when it’s at rest. So you want to give your body the least just so it could do what it was designed to do and just heal itself. And so now I have so many people messaging me because you were brave enough to share your story.

My brother’s pancreatic cancer is gone. My mom’s colon cancer is in remission, all kinds of testimonials. But I also have the opposite. My dad didn’t believe in your regimen, and I tell him it’s not my regimen. These are things that’s been on the earth since the beginning of time. But my dad didn’t believe that, or my sister didn’t believe that, and we just went to their funeral.

my thing is, [00:32:00] when you’re in my situation, what do you have to lose? I heard a doctor say the other day, and I thought it was so profound that he said, we watch our relatives die from this treatment that they give them and it doesn’t work and after the funeral and after the grief has kind of subsided, we decided to do like this 5 K run to raise money and we raise money and give it to the same people that didn’t.

Help our relative in the first place. So it’s like this crazy cycle. Why not give that money to something else? Because there’s so much money in cancer treatment and yet they found no cure for cancer, which boggles my mind.

Wow. That’s

so much to just kind of process and take in. when it comes to a clean diet, what do you, what does that mean to you?

so a lot of people say, well, what do you eat? And I say, I eat a lot. I just stay away from these three categories of food. I stay away from processed [00:33:00] foods. Fast foods and processed sugars and they’re like, well, what else is there? And I said, so I remember when you used to go to your grandma’s house when you were little and she cooked everything.

Everything was whole foods. You got the beans, you have the rice. If you want to do grilled chicken or whatever, don’t do deep fried chickens because seed oils are terrible for us. but whole healthy foods, sweet potato. I mean, there was a whole list of foods. so that’s what I eat and I eat eggs. I’m fortunate enough, as I said, I live in the country.

So I have a free range chicken running around. So I’ll go and get a couple of eggs and make an omelet with just cayenne pepper and sea salt, no cheese and all of that stuff. I may do bell peppers with it and I always have fruit with every meal. And so it’s just natural food. Just stay away from processed foods is what I tell people.

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Totally on the same page when it comes to apricot seeds. I keep thinking like of a nectarine or a plum and you get to the seed and it’s a bigger seed, like a harder seed. I couldn’t imagine eating that. Is that what an apricot seed is like?

Uh, yes and no. So the apricot seed is just like what you said, like the peach and the plum, that hard seed inside that look kind of like a brain.

Yeah, you break that open and that’s the seed that’s inside. So you can find those already shell. They look like a [00:35:00] little almond, but they’re extremely bitter. So there’s sweet apricot kernels and bitter ones and you have to get the bitter ones. because those are the ones that have the medicinal properties in it.

The sweet one doesn’t. The sweet one doesn’t hurt you. But if you’re looking for healing, the bitter is the one that has the medicinal properties.

So where do you go to get that?

You can get it at any health food store. They would have, they would have all of that actually. At any health food store

and how many of those do you eat a day?

I’m glad you asked that question too, because there’s a company called Richardson Nutrition Center, and he is the son of one of the gentlemen that was friends with g Edward Griffith that wrote the book, A World Without Cancer, and it’s all about apricot kernels, and there’s so many documented studies in there.

He has said you can eat up to 2030 a day. I wouldn’t do that. But I mean, like I tell everybody, listen to your body. I only ate three a day [00:36:00] and the three along with the other two things I was eating was enough to knock out my stage four terminal cancer. but some people say, well, I eat 20 a day and I’m fine.

I’m okay. If you’re fine, your body’s different than mine. Just listen to your body. Because one of the things that apricot seeds along with apple seeds, watermelon seeds, they have cyanide in it, and it’s just enough cyanide that when it gets into your body, your cells go and eat everything that you eat, but when it’s a bad cell, the cyanide kills that cell, but it leaves the good cells alone, and the problem now is everything is seedless, Because the powers that be know that the medicine is inside the seed.

The grape seed, the apple seed, the watermelon seed. That’s why you can’t find seeded fruits anymore. So we need to go back to trying to find seeded fruits because that’s where the medicine is.

And the Soursop tea, you can get that at any health store too?

Yes, you [00:37:00] can either get it in the capsules or leaves.

I buy the leaves and I boil the leaves like a tea and then I let it steep for 10 minutes and then I drink it twice a day. And I still do all three of those things every day for prevention. Because that journey was so horrible for me. I never want to go through that again.

Well, I’m just thinking to myself too, there’s a lot of preventative stuff that we could be doing for ourselves.

And there was a new report, scientific report that came out. I saw it on some Big news outlet the other day, that said cancer within men is going up dramatically over the next like 10, 15 years. You know, you think about the men in your lives and you want them to be here and you don’t want their body’s chemistry to react poorly with, whatever we have kind of happening within our environment right


Yeah. And, um, you know, there’s a CDC report too that came out with that same [00:38:00] kind of thing, but it didn’t specifically say men. It said that within the next 10 years, cancer is going to increase by 40%. Yeah. I was like 40. I said, with all of the research that we’re doing and all of it was just sad to me.

And there was a new report that came out that says colon cancer in children is on the rise. And that really surprised me. it’s just sad and just kind of off topic, but on topic, when I went to get my labs with the oncologist. She said to me, do you know Dr. Perkins here in town? And I said, yeah, he’s very well known oncologist, one of the best in his fields.

And he’s retired this year and he has this state of the art office. I mean, you open, walk out of the elevator into his office. And it is just immaculate. And the thing about his office is his patients don’t have to go anywhere for labs or infusions. He has it all set up in his office and on that whole [00:39:00] floor.

So, she said to me, I just bought his practice. And I thought to myself, the only way that she would make that kind of investment. Is she knows those reports that you and I just talked about and that cancer is on the rise and being an oncologist and she’s a great lady. I, like you said, we need doctors, but you saw what happened with me, but all of, yeah, it just, it, I was happy for her because it’s good to progress and, but I was so sad because I, I told my sister, even she made that kind of investment because she knows, you know, She’s always going to have a job

and I’m not like I feel like I have a journalist background.

I like to read different news outlets. I like to know exactly what’s being said in different places because that’s journalism. You are taught know what this person is saying and know what they’re saying on the other side. and I’m a very practical person. Though I talked to angels. practicality [00:40:00] is just a part of how my brain works.

at the same time, you know, I have studied energy healing and various different formats. I’ve communicated with the other side. I’ve worked on over 7, 000 people. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, there are energy centers within the physical body. And I was just researching and, and reading this article about how some scientists believe that, there’s like this quantum computing, this quantum.

Something happening within our brains, quantum entanglement that allows us to kind of have this access to what I interpret spiritually, like the other side here at the same time, but also make sense of how we have multiple different lifetimes that we’re probably all living at the exact same time. if you believe in different lives and there is no time, it’s all happening at the same time, but.

When you turn into these [00:41:00] energy centers in the body, The biggest energy centers are within the mind. Well, again, right above the head, but just looking at the body inside the brain, the heart chakra area, and the gut area. And I think that those are three, as I was reading through this news article and intuiting, that quantum entanglement Can’t just be in the brain because the heart has that consciousness, too.

And the gut center has that consciousness, too. and going back to that woman that I was telling you about and how it should just be in every doctor’s office, that blood test that we could all take and tell us what our body metabolizes the best. I was having a conversation with a friend and it’s like, I was asking her, why isn’t it, why isn’t, you know, in this information that you’ve got right here, apricot seeds, soursop tea, black seed oil, you could do this.

And just see what happens. You could probably [00:42:00] keep doing your same treatment at the hospital, do this at the same time, see what happens. why isn’t it? And I feel like I was banging my head against the wall. Why isn’t this knowledge that we all have? And I love this. you know, capitalism and being an entrepreneur, obviously we have issues and there’s things that need to be changed.

But I do think that I’m just so grateful a lot of times to live in this place and have the opportunity to share my beliefs openly and not be jailed for that. But there is something to capitalism and those who have money being able to silence healing factors. And it’s just such a shame and it, it hurts my heart, but I’m so glad that there are people like you out there who are just getting this information to people and sharing this with people.

And I think it’s a miracle that [00:43:00] you are here and your message is just so so incredibly powerful. what intuitively and from your heart do you want to share with our audience and closing?

If I could backtrack to what you were saying, though, about the mind, heart and the gut, if I could share that in my closing, you could do all the natural things that you want.

You could eat right. But if it doesn’t start in the mind first, If you don’t believe for your healing, it will not happen. You must start in the mind first, as what you were saying is that, that whole central thing, it starts in the mind first. And then your heart, as you were saying, and this is going to be the hard part for a lot of people, we have to let go of hurt.

We have to let go of traumas. If we want to be healed, because that’s hurting us more than anything, we have to be able to just forgive and let it go, especially if we want our healing. [00:44:00] And then the gut part that you were talking about, we have to make sure that we’re putting everything good in our gut.

Because a healthy gut is a healthy body. So we have to do mind, body, and spirit and everything that we do to facilitate healing, at least to give us the best chance.

And sometimes it feels like a little bit of a game, you know, but you have to play this game in order to be here. And I believe that God universe source wants us to be here to help as many people as possible, but you’re so right. And that’s energy too. If you don’t believe it’s possible, there is a brick wall surrounding you.

And it’s not, there’s even a scientist who believes that And I don’t believe this. I believe everybody goes to heaven because I’ve done 7, 000 sessions and I’ve never found anybody in hell or stuck. but there’s a scientist who believes that if you believe that there’s a heaven, there is for you. And if you’d believe that there’s [00:45:00] not, then there isn’t.

And it kind of drew me back into this world and what we believe. Oh my God, if you believe that there is, there is, if you believe that you can do something, you can,


I’ve worked with some people who’ve had cancer. My grandfather was one of them who didn’t want to go. I don’t know that they believed that their healing was possible, but I do know with absolute certainty they didn’t want to go.

They wanted to be here.

And there are some people that do want to be here because the unknown is what is scary. You know, what’s going to happen? Am I going to just. Being dirt six foot under. But this fleshly thing that we’re wearing is not who we are at all. And yes, it will be six foot under at some point in our lives.

But we go on, I mean, we go on and we have a life and we connect with other beautiful [00:46:00] souls and it’s amazing. It’s amazing.

Tell everybody what it felt like when you were on the other side, because I think what you had was actually a near death experience where you had crossed to the other side and you came back.

What did it feel like though, to just be in that vibration of love? Any of you felt? To that degree, anything like that here on earth?

That is such a great question. I felt weightless. I felt peace. I felt connected. I felt like everything that we had been through in this life made sense. That we move on and we carry that with us because I still had my memories of my husband and my children and we carry those with us.

And I thought that was pretty amazing as far as feeling that here, the closest thing I can relate that to is when we talk about be kind. And it’s such a cliche. It’s like, just [00:47:00] be kind, No, we really need to understand what being kind is and that mean being compassionate and to give you a really quick story when my husband was going through this with me and changing my diapers and he wanted to keep his mind intact so he would go to the hardware store to get things to kind of stay busy around the house.

No one in that line knew that this man had just got through changing his wife’s diapers, and he was in a rush to get home because I was literally at death’s door so many times, and he didn’t know by the time I got home if my son was going to meet him at the door and say, Mom passed away while you were gone.

So now when I go places that empathy that compassion I felt on the other side. Is so with me and you just don’t know what someone’s going through and just a kind word. How are you doing? Just making eye contact just to smile. It takes a 2nd of your day, but you don’t know [00:48:00] what that does for somebody else.

I was in a restaurant with a friend of mine and there was a lady sitting next to me waiting for her friend and I don’t lie to people if you’re not pretty or what I’m not going to lie and say oh you’re so gorgeous but this lady was sitting there waiting for her friend, Caucasian lady, probably about 65.

So well put together, just gorgeous. And I looked at her and I said, you’re so beautiful. I said, you look like you just walked off a magazine cover and the look on her face. I thought she was going to start crying. She was just so, and she was so thankful. So then her friend came and then my friend came and we sat there and had our lunch and her and her friends sat and had their lunch.

And when she got up to leave, they were done before us. She came over to my table and she said, you made my whole year. Thank you so much. And then she walked away and my friend said, what was that about? So, but you just don’t know what someone’s going through. [00:49:00] So be kind.

It’s connection, you know, spirits saying this over and over again lately.

And if you’re hearing it on the podcast over and over, it’s cause they need you to, when people say we don’t take anything with us to the other side, that’s not true. We take our experiences. We take our memories. We explore them on the other side. We take our connections. And we take our love and you think about that word connection and you think about the interactions you have with people, you should say hi to your neighbor while you’re grabbing the mail and you’re working with a colleague and you really don’t care how they are, but you go, you know, how are you?

And they say, good. How are you? Good. Zero soul, zero soul in any of that. Not to name drop or anything, but I was texting with Jenna Kutcher, the other day and She just instantly made me feel this connection, heart to heart connection. She goes, how’s your heart friend? How’s your heart? [00:50:00] And I go, oh my God, can I steal that from you?

Because that’s it. And, Thomas Moore, the philosopher and writer talks about how society uses words out to communicate. In a way, like we just use words until they have no meaning and no soul anymore. And this, how are you doing? You know, like, how are you? It doesn’t connect any more with people.

And so. I encourage everybody here to change the words just like you did for us today. how’s your heart?


Change those words, it changes everything. And it does. Action.

I’m sealing that now.

Well, we have Jenna to thank. Yes. Lynette, I could do a whole series with you. If you ever want to come back, please let me know.

But your book, tell everybody when overcoming cancer is going to be released, where you Lynette Hill, where they can find you, [00:51:00] your website, Instagram,

the best place to find me is speaker Lynette. com. that has all my social media icons on it. You can also get a signed book from me on that site.

If not, you can go to Amazon, Kindle, Audible, Barnes and Nobles. It’s everywhere books are sold. So it’s, it’s out now and I’m excited. I just did, several interviews with different TV and radio stations, and it has been amazing what. Our higher power, our angels is doing. Cause this message is going to get out, it will get out and people will know there are other options.

Just like people are telling me, I did not know that there was such things as other options to heal. So the message will get out, but speaker Lynette is the best place to find me. And I will come on your show anytime. I have so enjoyed this.

Oh, thank you so much. And thank you for the hope that you are spreading to the world and the hope that you just gave our audience today.

I so appreciate you. Thank

you to


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If you’d like to chat about which program would be best for you now, take a deep breath. Tune into [00:53:00] the loving presence of your angels and ask them, how would you have me be of service, experience joy and open my heart to abundance today and let them whisper answers to you all day long. Thank you for listening.

And I’ll see you back here Thursday with a brand new episode.

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