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The Enduring Power of Love and Connection After Loss (An Angel Story)

Angel Story

When Jamie Lee Silver’s son Ben passed away after battling schizophrenia, she started finding ways to continue connecting with her son. In the wake of his passing, Jamie felt Ben’s presence and began receiving messages from him. Instead of waiting for signs, she discovered something deeper—she could be the sign herself. As a mother grieving the loss of her child, Jamie tapped into her connection with Ben, not only finding comfort but transforming her grief into a powerful force for healing. Whether you’ve experienced loss or are seeking a deeper spiritual connection, Jamie’s story offers hope, healing, and the possibility of miracles through love that never dies.

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Jamie Lee Silver: I know that people wait for signs and signs are, you know, wonderful to have, part of my mission and my voice is that you really don’t have to look for signs.

Jamie Lee Silver: You can be the sign yourself. 

Jamie Lee Silver: Ooh, as the messenger.

Jamie Lee Silver: As the messenger you write to my, yeah, full writing. But it may come across in different ways, but you reach out to them. Mm-Hmm. And you receive them. It gives you so much more. It gives you a lot to be able to do them

Julie Jancius: As we begin the podcast today, feel your angels surround you and sing to you. You are a miracle. Your life is a miracle. The good that you choose to do today is a miracle received by other souls. And just because you’re you, God Universe Source sends you big and small miracles this day and every day.

Julie Jancius: Right now, invite your angels to guide you. Ask God Universe Source for what your heart wants. See it as if you’re in the future and what you want is already yours now. And so it is. I love you. And I’m so grateful. You’re here that I have some freebies for you. I worked with the angels to create 31 meditations that are going to make you a magnet for miracles.

Julie Jancius: Get them free at theangelmedium. com. Want to be my angel? Leave this podcast five stars or a five star positive review, and I’ll enter you into a drawing to win a free reading with me. Use the form at theangelmedium. com backslash contact to send me your contact info so I know who to call when you win, use that same contact form to submit your angel stories, what you’re struggling with, or a question.

Julie Jancius: Which I’ll answer on this podcast or Instagram at angel podcast. That’s theangelmedium. com backslash contact. Thank you for being my angel. And remember angels and miracles are your birthright and they’re activated when you believe. So ask, believe, and receive your miracles.

Julie Jancius: Hello, beautiful souls. Welcome back to the angels and awakening podcast.

Julie Jancius: I’m your host and author, Julie Jancis and friends today. We have Jamie Lee silver on the show. And the intention is really today. Jamie has a special. son who is on the other side. His name is Ben and he brings through messages to her all the time. and what I love about Jamie’s energy is she’s just your everyday mama.

Julie Jancius: You know, there’s not a ton of woo there. Like you look like Jamie, somebody I would just. Sit down and have like a really long lunch where we end and we’re like, we could talk to each other for forever. but as Ben transitioned to the other side, you’ve heard from him, gotten signs from him. You get messages.

Julie Jancius: You’re like, Julie, For today’s podcast, I was getting messages last night, this morning. I can’t wait for you to bring all of those through and for you to really teach our audience how you connect with Ben and how you deepen that relationship with him. So Jamie, thank you so much for being here and being on the show.

Jamie Lee Silver: Julie, thank you so much for inviting me. I’ve been listening to your show and I love your energy and your mission is So important. Thank you. 

Julie Jancius: Uh, of course. So why don’t we start with Ben’s story? Because, that seems to be where, his communication with you started. 

Jamie Lee Silver: Sure, sure. First of all, here’s Ben.

Jamie Lee Silver: Aww, how handsome. He’s awesome. So, Ben was a singer, a songwriter, poet. He was hilarious. He loved people. He loved to make people feel good. That was his essence. And he was a star runner. And running was really important to him. He was 5’3 And for a man that’s Pretty small and as a high school runner in Downers Grove, North Illinois, he brought his team to state over and over and over and he wanted to get a full scholarship to college, which he did.

Jamie Lee Silver: But once he got there, he could no longer run. Had he run his body out in high school? We don’t really know. But net he started breaking down emotionally. Eventually, he was diagnosed with schizophrenia, and he definitely thought that he was being chased, that he was gonna be caught, and that it wasn’t gonna end well.

Jamie Lee Silver: So he took the escape route after really battling this. For a long time and, the minute he did, I said to everyone, I said, it was suicide. It was schizophrenia, which he was finally diagnosed with. I am not ashamed. This is a disease that struck my boy. And then I said, I could feel that the love was still there.

Jamie Lee Silver: And anyone that’s listening probably knows what I mean. I’m auditory. I love music. I love words. I love poetry just like Ben. So I sat down and wrote to him soon after it happened. When a little bit of the dust of planning for the Ceremony that we did for him had planned, and I want you to know what he said.

Jamie Lee Silver: First of all, and I think this is key. And what I do now is teach people how to do this and it makes me so happy. So I wrote to him because I could see him in every bird. And I said, Dear Ben, soaring above us all, free and flying, you got your way. You ended your torturous road. You are released. You are released.

Jamie Lee Silver: And now you will have all of us praying for you. As your mission continues, right here, right now, forever, I will cry until I run out of tears. I cry in gratitude that you came to me. My heart will always be full. Oh, Ben, write through me. Laugh through me. Live your happiness all around me. My dear boy, I know you never meant to hurt me.

Jamie Lee Silver: Not ever. Ben, maybe you’re sitting right next to me on this Friday, right here by the pool. What do you have to say? Your loving mom. I kept my pen on the paper and I listened and I felt his words coming through and I just wrote what I heard. And he said, Mom, I did it. I meant to do it at the time, and I knew it would make you sad, but somehow I still had to do it.

Jamie Lee Silver: It had to happen. And this story is not yet written, not yet told, but will be right now, right? My life and death have meaning, not had. Dearest Mom, I love you. My closest friend, my absolute love, don’t despair. I know you, you, you will create a life of meaning, of love, of warmth and creativity. Together we will live on.

Jamie Lee Silver: Together we will always live on. Enjoy the song. Enjoy this day. Enjoy your life. You’re forever Ben.

Julie Jancius 2: Join me for these upcoming events. We’re hosting the Angel Reiki mediumship school live in person. Again, this fall and spring event dates are up at the angel medium. com backslash events. Space is limited reserve your spot today. And as a bonus, I’m giving you access to our eight week online Angel Reiki mediumship school so that you can get started as soon as you register.

Julie Jancius 2: Don’t want to come in person? That’s okay. You can still earn your certifications in Mediumship, Angel Messages, and Energy Healing in our eight week online program with a new online class and Zoom calls starting on the first of each month. Did you know one Wednesday evening of each month, I host a free group prayer event open to all and right afterwards, I teach you a new tool to work with your angels or loved ones in heaven.

Julie Jancius 2: Sign up today free at theangelmedium. com backslash events, and we’ll send you the zoom link to participate. You’ll also find details on our upcoming spiritual retreat, October 4th, 5th, and 6th, 2024 at theangelmedium. com backslash events. So excited to work with you now back to the show.

Julie Jancius: Let’s talk about this a little bit, because we’re having this candid conversation, and yet, when you have a podcast, there are people who are listening from so many different perspectives, and so many different experiences, and so many people look for signs, and I just want to make it really clear to folks that, I don’t believe In taking our own life, I believe that the brain Works in a way for some of us, my brain does.

Julie Jancius: I’ve had suicidal thoughts since I was 13, 14 years old. where, and I’ve talked to world renowned experts on this subject matter that once you open that part of yourself, it’s hard to close because your brain goes back to it as a resource. But we’re not advocating for suicide in any way, shape, or form.

Julie Jancius: We’re just. Noting that there are so many different people having many different experiences of life, and there need to be advocates out there who aren’t ashamed to say that those who pass through of suicide. Do not go to a dark place. There is no hell. The hellish that it gets is right here where we are living.

Julie Jancius: You can make this life hell on earth. You can make this life heaven on earth. But there are some people whose brains go to that place. And unless you’ve experienced it, I think it’s very, very hard to understand it. And yet the people who pass at their own hand are welcomed and greeted and loved in heaven just like any other soul.

Jamie Lee Silver: Beautiful, beautiful. And Ben is evidence of that. 

Julie Jancius: I want to start here because you said today before we hopped on that Ben was coming through with messages last night and messages this morning, and he was saying, there is no death. It’s time that we finally grasp this. I want you to go into that. Yeah, 

Jamie Lee Silver: he’s been saying that all along, and that’s in my book, Our Forever Ben.

Jamie Lee Silver: And anyone who’s curious about this, I’ll send you a PDF for free of the book if you want to take a look at that. he said there is, there is no death. he’s not living in physical world. But he’s told me that he can be places simultaneously. Like be with me. He can be running with his running mates.

Jamie Lee Silver: He can be with his brother. He can be any place he wants to be. And he loved birds. And I said, Ben, I saw you in that bird, but then I thought I saw you in that bird. And I thought I said, he’s like, 

Jamie Lee Silver: I am in every bird mom.

Julie Jancius: It’s amazing. I talk about this all the time and I love it when other people have come to the same energy because I think it means that we’re all on the right track.

Julie Jancius: where that the angels say all the time that our soul is omnipresent, just like God universe sources and the energy of our soul can be everywhere all at once, which is just. Fascinating. 

Jamie Lee Silver: And it feels so good to know, you know, I look up in that cloud and in the back of my mind, I’m like winking at Ben, you know, like, wow, cool. Right. And I have a full life of other friends and I’m a fully functional, you know, even being, and it’s like I have this extra. 

Julie Jancius: So when you were first in a state of loss, As a mama, and Ben had passed, how did he first start coming through to you? How did you first start hearing him, seeing him, knowing his presence?

Jamie Lee Silver: Well, and this is really important because I asked him, I asked him right here in this writing, live through me, laugh through me, write through me. And then I signed the letter, Your Loving Mom, And then I listened. And I wrote what I heard. So I know that people wait for signs and signs are, you know, wonderful to have, part of my mission and my voice is that you really don’t have to look for signs.

Jamie Lee Silver: You can be the sign yourself. 

Jamie Lee Silver: Ooh, as the messenger.

Jamie Lee Silver: As the messenger you write to my, yeah, full writing. But it may come across in different ways, but you reach out to them. Mm-Hmm. And you receive them. It gives you so much more. It gives you a lot to be able to do them. 

Julie Jancius: Okay. So this is going really, really deep and I wanna break it down for people.

Julie Jancius: it’s an invitation.

Jamie Lee Silver: Exactly.

Julie Jancius: So you’re inviting them, which is a request. It’s an ask. And as you said that I was seeing that the angels are saying, and showing me at the same time, when you invite and ask via a request, A loved one on the other side. It could be God universe source. It could be an angel.

Julie Jancius: It could be guardian angel. It could be a guide on the other side, a pet on the other side. You are concentrating within your mind. On that other soul. And you’re asking them to be with you, to connect with you, to go on this journey with you, to work through you. It connects via energy. which you always have, right?

Julie Jancius: Because that love never dies. That connection of love is always between your soul and his soul. But as you were talking and showing me, they said the ask and the request and the invite strengthened that connection of energy, made it thicker, where it was almost like Doing so allowed Ben to bring through even more than he would have been able to without the ask before.

Jamie Lee Silver: Exactly.

Julie Jancius: So when you have that so you ask him, and then did you make time every day? Did you dedicate space every week to just sitting down and sharing that space with him and letting him work through you? How did you learn that process? 

Jamie Lee Silver: Yeah, thanks for asking. It’s for me. It’s really free flowing because of course, I was in the depths of, Oh my God, I can’t believe this happened.

Jamie Lee Silver: At the same time. I was receiving him. I was also dealing with the grief of not having him physical. I don’t want anybody to think that somehow. I had no pain whatsoever. It’s part of, it’s part of what happens. AndThe thought of never being able to hug you. You know, do you have any words for me? Part of my heart, dear child of mine. And he wrote, Mom, it’s not over. Our love goes on. Nothing can keep us apart. Yeah. Time, not space, not death, not even death. We are together forever and ever and ever. I’m right here with my arm around you.

Jamie Lee Silver: I’m right here all the time. And he said, we’ve been together lifetime after lifetime. And he also said, you know, we can bask in our love. Still, we can bask in our love. So, I first wrote to him kind of out of pain, and he has become my biggest cheerleader. Anytime I write to him, his favorite message for me was always, You got this.

Jamie Lee Silver: And, um, we all need cheerleaders and especially to convert that, pain and sadness into joy. A cheerleader, which is why I sometimes call myself the grief to gratitude guide because I’m like so I didn’t have to have this boy. I got to have him for 22 years.

Jamie Lee Silver: How lucky am I? 

Julie Jancius: Absolutely. I know that you work with a lot of people and I’m just having these flashes of moms that I’ve worked with in the past who have lost their boys way too young at 3, 6, 9 years old and it’s been over a decade for some of them and they’re still not at that place. I can’t fault them, you know, like, uh, there’s no shame.

Julie Jancius: how do you work with people who are in that, that space? 

Jamie Lee Silver: I’m feeling that right here. 

Jamie Lee Silver: Yeah. 

Jamie Lee Silver: I’m feeling it right in my heart space as you’re talking. And that’s why I do what I do. it was very clear to me that there was a hole that had opened up right in front of me. That it was very easy to go down, and I see my work as a hand to help people out of that hole.

Jamie Lee Silver: And I think one of the things that is hardest about being a mom and losing a child is that we’re supposed to keep our children alive.

Jamie Lee Silver: and I wishes. Can literally kill us why I developed an EFT tapping practice after training myself and becoming clinically certified just the whole night is to help people free themselves. It’s partly forgiveness and self forgiveness and self compassion that is the key to really helping people because as we all know, time doesn’t matter at all.

Julie Jancius: Well, and I want people to know in case they haven’t listened to past episodes when it comes to energy healing. And tapping what I feel energetically is happening with the tool of tapping is you’re releasing a PTSD energy, a very, very heavy, dense energy. That’s a very, very hard to work with in this lifetime.

Julie Jancius: Not maybe completely at first, but you’re able to take it from, you know, on a scale of 1 to 10, a level 100 down to a level 90, then down to a level 80. And then as you continue going, really bringing that energy, maybe down to a 2 or a 3, There’s another part that you said, where to me and your story, Jamie, it was so easy for you to connect.

Julie Jancius: And I relate to that because when my dad passed, my God, he was just there. And then I realized he was there before he passed. And I realized the six months, even leading up to his passing, his soul and his highest self. was trying to communicate different things. but there are so many people that I work with who have a different experience where their mind comes in and they’re like, well, you know, my person’s on the other side now, but I’m making this all up in my head.

Julie Jancius: what is your advice for people who are telling themselves internally, this isn’t me, I’m making it up? 

Jamie Lee Silver: This is really where the whole tapping process comes into play, because where we would start with that process is, even though I don’t believe that this is even possible, I deeply and completely accept where I’m at about it right now.

Jamie Lee Silver: And we tap on that, which is a form of self compassion. I accept that I am where I am. And as we tap, it lifts. And then the resistance, which is why I, I love to give classes in this. Although some people are able to immediately connect. Thank you. Like you did, not everybody needs a little extra help, but I love being that extra help for people who need it is that there are emotions sometimes that what you were talking about that we need a little help getting beyond so you can allow that clear channel to come.

Jamie Lee Silver: But if you’re willing, you only have to be willing. 

Jamie Lee Silver: Yes. 

Jamie Lee Silver: And then you you can any I do believe anyone can do this. 

Julie Jancius: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. That willingness and just open to all of the possibilities because you know, I was just looking at, I do this thing. I’ve done it since I was like 16, maybe 15 years old, where whenever I see pictures or quotes or stuff, like physically, I cut it out.

Julie Jancius: It’s just stuff that really touches my heart. I cut it out and I put it in this folder that I say like manifestation board or vision board. Yeah. And so I was looking through it yesterday because I decided for 2025, I am not creating a vision board. I have too many of these pictures from over the years, too many things that I want to do and experience in this life, uh, ways that I want to serve and help.

Julie Jancius: I’ve got pictures of like Pope and, mother Teresa and, mother Mary and just. Oh, like I’m so excited to get this vision, not board wall. Like I decided to do an entire wall where I work out in the morning, so that I can see it. But I’m saying all of this because the angels always talk about having that vision And I was talking to a therapist. week ago, and, you know, I don’t know exactly where I was going with that before, but spirit saying to kind of lead the audience in this direction. and I was talking to her about how I do believe that our loved ones have a legacy through us. And even if you’re saying to yourself, you’re making this up within your mind, You’re really not because that love doesn’t die that connection that bond doesn’t die and they want to do work, you know, through us.

Julie Jancius: I wrote this down and Ben said it,we say that. For people who are physically suffering that we’re so glad that they’re in a better space that they’re not suffering anymore But he said Julie we shy away from saying that for people who are suffering mentally But it’s really no difference between the two energies and that really hit me because that was not my thought

Jamie Lee Silver: so true. 

Julie Jancius: Yeah. So, how have you opened up to allowing Ben’s legacy to just move through you, to move you in your everyday? 

Jamie Lee Silver: Oh, my goodness. It’s it’s he’s very practical and he’s very encouraging. Like, he’ll tell me go dance, you know, go for a swim. If I write him late at night, he might say, you’re tired.

Jamie Lee Silver: Go to sleep. Yeah. He’s very, very practical. And when I’m upset, he gives me messages of calm, just calm mom. Like, he loves me like I would love me if I were my own best friend. And it really has given me more self love. And I think that’s one of the gifts of having these relationships. You and I are talking about Julie.

Julie Jancius: Yeah. You know, in our relationships, when they’re here on earth, it’s easier to understand because it is physical. But when you have a relationship with a person on the other side, it does deepen in the same way our physical relationships here deepen. maybe a part of is trust. You know, like over the years you just, you’ve seen Ben show up for you time and time again with me, my dad, my grandma’s.

Julie Jancius: so you trust that you are held, you are guided, you are led. How else have you felt that relationship with Ben?

Jamie Lee Silver: I love that question. You know, there are these moments that we have of loss when we’re doing something. When we used to share with them and sunsets. Sunsets are, have always been and always will be, been in my thing and I remember the first time, you know, we watched a sunset and I realized we were watching a sunset.

Jamie Lee Silver: And I really almost, you know, you can say you imagine it, but you can also, you can also feel kind of the hug and the warmth right there for you. 

Julie Jancius: You know, I had this message come in earlier today and I was like, Ooh, that’s an interesting thought. I might need to sit on that for six or eight months before I bring it to the podcast audience.

Julie Jancius: But now I’m realizing that it was Ben. I’ve been looking a lot at. Legacy and how what we do here, our names might not be remembered 10, 15, a hundred years down the road, but the kindness that we show one another, the compassion that we show in another, lives. On through others that we’ve loved, that we’ve been in connection with.

Julie Jancius: And I saw this imagery and felt it and heard it this morning that if you look at a soul, so many of us, you know, believe, and I believe that we’ve had multiple lifetimes, right? Like thousands, millions, all of these lifetimes. And I heard today in meditation. What if all members of the same family tree were of the same soul, but they were all different parts of that same soul having different experiences.

Julie Jancius: Cause I’ve also heard people say that when a loved one passes, it’s like they take a piece of your soul with you, but they’re still there. And you can still connect, and that piece really isn’t gone, it’s just in a different dimension. And it was so deep and so powerful. 

Jamie Lee Silver: Yeah, and it can actually, and it’s, it can actually even grow more profound, because they are in this omnipotent, I’m in a present state going and he’s told me we’ve been every relationship we could possibly be to each other ever and ever and ever and ever.

Jamie Lee Silver: And he’s also like, well, next lifetime, watch out. I have some fun, you know, he’s also told me and I, you can say that this was part of the way it was supposed to be this time. And he points to the work that I do with people who have lost loved ones and how, how joyfully, I love being able to honor where they are and help them move along to really where they might like to be for their own sake and the sake of their families.

Jamie Lee Silver: For sure. 

Julie Jancius: And I think it’s the best way that we can honor them in this life. I love that you said it’s not just about the signs. It’s about being their messenger and experiencing life with them and including them. And I think that that just sums up everything that we’re trying to bring through as a message on this show.

Jamie Lee Silver: Yes. Yes. And you asked about legacy and I do want to add something and that is that, uh, his friends came to me, the people who loved him the first year, first few months and said, we need an event. We need to honor his memory forever and ever and ever. And that’s how Ben’s Memorial Mile was born at BensMemorialMile.

Jamie Lee Silver: com and on August 10th, which people this, that will have passed, but they’ll have, we’ll have another one next summer in Downers Grove every year. We have a run. In his honor, and it’s warm and it’s loving and it’s fun and it’s just Ben, you know, it’s so Ben and we’ve raised over 150, 000 so far for schizophrenia brain research and for the National Alliance of Mental Illness.

Jamie Lee Silver: Very proud to say that, and we have fun. 

Julie Jancius: That’s amazing, that’s amazing. Good for you. And Ben is also saying that I can’t end this show without asking you, has he talked to you at all about angels? And do you believe in angels and how do angels play into how you work with the other side? 

Jamie Lee Silver: I’ve been close to angels for many, many, many years.

Jamie Lee Silver: I have them about, I have one right here. And um, and Mother Mary and the loving benevolent beings that are surrounding me. So I honor them in my heart. I sometimes invoke them, you know, by name, but I believe that I often say Ben became my angel. 

Julie Jancius: Yeah. I love that. Jamie, you are just such a wonder. Thank you so much for all that you do.

Julie Jancius: And I know you’re an expert in EFT and tapping and the It’s how you help people come back home to their selves after loss. Please share where everybody can find you, where they can find your book. And we’ll put all of that information in the show notes below. 

Jamie Lee Silver: Absolutely. It’s all about happiness. T A P F O R happiness tap for happiness at gmail.

Jamie Lee Silver: com. If you, if you do email me, I will send you a PDF copy of the book and offer a 30 minute chance to chat, get together, and just, you know, see where you are and where you want to be. And tap4happiness. com is my website. And tap4happiness. com. if you want to look into Ben’s Memorial Mile or donate to a good cause or even there’s videos of him and you get a feel for him as a person, it’s bensmemorialmile.

Jamie Lee Silver: com. 

Julie Jancius: That’s beautiful. Thank you, Jamie, for being you and for just being the messenger that you are. I so appreciate the work that you put out into the world. 

Jamie Lee Silver: I appreciate you, Julie. What a pleasure. Thank you. 

Julie Jancius: You too. Have a beautiful blessed day, friend. You 

Jamie Lee Silver: too. 

Julie Jancius: Thank you. And to all our listeners, if you have an angel story to share, we would love, love, love to have you on friends.

Julie Jancius: There are all different types of angel stories, stories where you hear the angels come in and they ask you to do something and it saves someone. There are stories of just signs that you get from your loved ones on the other side, making sure that you know that they’re okay. We’d love for you to share your angel stories on the show.

Julie Jancius: And if you’ve seen an angel too, we have those stories. They’re so powerful. every story deserves to be shared. We’d love for you to submit them over at Julie at the angel medium. com. Love you. 

Julie Jancius: I’d love to work with you if it resonates. Book a reading to get messages from your angels right away. Or join my membership or my Angel Reiki Mediumship School. What’s the difference? The Angel Reiki Mediumship School certifies you in mediumship, angel messages, and energy healing all at once. Some join simply to develop all of their unique spiritual gifts to the max, and others want to start their own spiritual business.

Julie Jancius: Both are perfect. You can take the Angel Reiki Mediumship School online with Zoom meetings. Or in person in Oakbrook, Illinois in November or April bonus. When you register for the in person Angel Reiki Mediumship School today, you also get the eight week online program free with zoom meetings included.

Julie Jancius: So you can literally start today. How is that different from my membership? My membership gives you everything you need to care for and nourish your soul. The fact is our world neglects the soul. Most people only attend to their own soul when they have a big life crisis. But your soul is not a problem to be solved.

Julie Jancius: Your soul is starving to be seen, heard, nourished, and cared for. Your soul is speaking to you, and it wants you to hear it. That’s what my membership does. It nourishes your soul. It shows you there is an entire universe. Living within you, how you can access your own angels, messages, and live a life of wonder, magic, enchantment, and miracles.

Julie Jancius: At your request, we’ve changed the membership so that you can join any time, any month. You can purchase readings, The school, my membership, all over at theangelmedium. com. As we close today, ask your angels to be with you and allow these messages to speak to your heart. Your angels say you are connected to the universe and the universe is connected to you.

Julie Jancius: All you ever need. Is within you right now at this very moment stay true to yourself Don’t betray yourself by going against the intuitive feelings you get Trust your own inner wisdom why? The world needs you the world needs you to dream big Big and for you to discover what’s possible for yourself, step into the energy of all that you are smile, laugh, and allow your heart to be healed.

Julie Jancius: Ask your angels to bring you big, big miracles, prosperity, and to open big doors, believe in miracles. You have a big purpose and friends, inspiration is everywhere. Everywhere you look, there are people in need of help, love, and support. Find a way to be of service. Start right now by asking yourself, what good shall I do this day?

Julie Jancius: Love, is who you are. Joy is your nature. Remember, God only ever has three answers to your prayers. Yes, not yet. Or I have something so much better in mind, you can’t possibly believe it. Nothing is impossible. And nothing can stop your determined soul from succeeding. Now go about your day and expect the most wonderful things to happen.

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