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NEW Spiritual Retreat & Update w/ Julie Jancius (Bonus Episode)

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Hello, beautiful souls! Are you ready for a powerful spiritual reset? Join us October 4-6, 2024, in Oak Brook, Illinois for our transformative Angel Reset Retreat. This retreat will provide you with an energetic, mental, and visionary reset, setting the foundation for the next phase of your life. Surrounded by a community of open-hearted souls and the powerful presence of angels, you’ll walk away feeling uplifted, confident, and deeply connected to your purpose.

You’ll be joined by a team of healers who will guide you through life-changing experiences. With angelic energy and support surrounding you, this weekend is designed to give you clarity about your life’s path, your soul’s mission, and what to focus on moving forward. Don’t miss out on this magical opportunity to reconnect with your inner self and let the angels guide you to miracles.

Grab your seat today at theangelmedium.com/retreat

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Join the FREE September Prayer Night 

Date: September 25, 2024

Register here juliejancius.activehosted.com/f/79

Experience Angel Reiki School in Oak Brook, IllinoisDates: November 8-10, 2024

Learn more at theangelmedium.com/get-certified

Join Our Spiritual Retreat – A Weekend of TransformationDates: October 4-6, 2024
Learn more at TheAngelMedium.com/Retreat

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Episode Highlights

00:06 Upcoming Angel Reset Retreat Details

01:42 The Unique Energy of In-Person Events

05:59 Team Healers Share Their Excitement

09:37 Vision for the Retreat Experience

16:25 Working with Different Levels of Angels

18:42 How to Sign Up and More Details About the Event 

▶️ Click HERE to watch this episode on YouTube.

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Hello, beautiful souls. Welcome back to the Angels and Awakening podcast. I’m your host and author, Julie Jancis. And friends, I just wanted to pop on, we’re going to re air here in a couple minutes, maybe in 20 minutes. A episode that autumn and I had put together about the angel reset retreat.

That’s coming up October 4th, 5th, and 6th in Oakbrook, Illinois. And here’s the deal friends, a couple of things because spiritual stuff doesn’t work the way that the rest of the world wants stuff to work. what happens is. In order for me to make sure that I give mama’s ample time to be able to get to our live in person events, which we’re going to be doing more and more of, with a fall and a spring each year, Angel Reiki school in person, I need to give you more time to kind of set that up, get good deals with the airlines.

And I know that there’s a lot of marketers out there, influencers who are like, just promote things a month in advance, two months in advance. That doesn’t work for my life. And I don’t think it works for most people. So we’re going to do stuff different here over at the angels and awakening podcast. And I hope that you’re okay with that.

And one of those things is. Planning in advance. So I hope that that’s all right with you. We will remind you here of upcoming events, but we do have some slots left open for the angel reset retreat, which is a spiritual retreat, October 4th, 5th, and 6th here in Oakbrook, Illinois. And here’s where the other thing that’s different comes into play with spirituality.

A lot of times people want to get like you want a good description. Okay, Julie, here’s this retreat. What’s going to be happening at this retreat? Tell me about it. And if you’ve ever had just divine intervention, these different angel stories happen to you, what you know is that there’s a different energy to it where there’s some words that we can come in every Thursday and tell an angel story.

But when you go through it and you feel it, there’s just a different feeling to it. And what I cannot do is I can’t send you a blast email or put up a social media post, or even put up a podcast episode here where you’re just You feel the magic of sitting in a room with other souls who just get you, who know, you know, I was talking to this woman, to a client and she goes, Julie, I’ve listened to your podcast for so long.

I can, I just ask you one question. I was like, absolutely. She goes, are you sensitive to caffeine? I said, yeah, I’m not just sensitive kid to caffeine. I’m sensitive to everything. And she’s like, oh, I get nervous to talk about these types of things with other people. You don’t have to be nervous here. We are all your people.

And so what I can’t put into words is the energy of when you come in person to a space and there’s 20 women there, 40 women there with all of their hearts just wide open, everybody can share with one another in a safe space. Just their hearts, what’s on their mind, and they’re going to be received with welcome, open arms.

They’re not going to be shunned or shamed in any way, but we are going to love on you and the entire experience all weekend. When you get together at one of my events, I can’t speak for all events, but the, the atmosphere that I create is blessing each in person event. With all of the angels energy. So I have been working months in advance and just making sure every day I’m meditating that the angels are there in advance.

And that’s the energy that you feel when you walk in so that the angels are already there. They know exactly That’s exactly what you need to walk away from the retreat with. These little missing puzzle pieces and that you’re able to step back into your life with more confidence and more clarity and just this, I know, like, I know, like, I know energy that all of this is real and that the angels have my back and that they’re leading me in Every way, shape and form in my life.

And I want you to walk away from this retreat. I’ve already set this intention with the angels of walking away. With them showing you what’s for you in your life, where are they taking you in your life? 5, 10, 15 years in the future, because that’s going to let you go back into your life and be like, Oh my gosh, now I know what to work on.

Now what I know what to focus on. Now I have this huge foundation of strength and confidence that I got from the retreat to hop back into my life. And Really empower you to let the angels guide you to miracles, opportunities. And that looks different for every person coming in. What the angels want for you in your life is different from what they want for everybody else, who’s going to be there.

So it’s hard when people are like, Julie, you know, sit down and write a best email or do all of this. social media series on what the retreat is going to be like, how do you encapsulate that in words? It’s a feeling, it’s an experience that you get. So I’m going to have you come on Justina, because I’ve got some of my healers on my team here.

But Justina, you were at the Angel Reiki School in person, the last one, and you know what I’m talking about. What are you excited for when it comes to this retreat? and help me define this energy that I’m talking about. I know exactly what you’re talking about. I am like angel bumps everywhere right now.

It was, man, such a beautiful experience. It, you feel this love and this acceptance and this encouragement and this empowerment simply by being in the space with all of these other amazing people. It is. It’s unreal. It really feels unreal. And by the end of the weekend, you are, you feel so empowered. You just like rise up and you’re like, I am ready.

Like I am ready to face this life. I am ready to follow any direction. My angels want me to lead. I can do this, you know? And, and I think a lot of it is you, you learn to start to love yourself more than you ever have before, because you’re reminded of how many, how much these angels love you. It’s. It’s amazing.

Oh, I love it. Norma, I’m going to pop over to you. What are you excited about when it comes to the retreat? I’m excited about getting together with all the women in like this camaraderie atmosphere and setting and getting to meet people that I’ve seen some in zoom. Some I’ve never even met before making new friends. I keep feeling as if it’s just going to be really euphoric. That’s how I feel about it.

I’m just so excited about it. Yay. Oh my gosh. Me too. Let’s see, when it comes to the retreat, Stacy, I’m going to pop over to you, what are you excited about? I have, no one can see this, you guys can probably see this, I have a countdown on my phone.

When people talk about going to the, like, magical place on earth, they get all excited and they can’t sleep for, like, weeks. Like, this is what this is for me. I am, like, beyond excited. This is my magical place on earth. You guys kind of hit on it, the connections. We see each other on Zoom all the time and I love that we have that platform to have met each other and connected with each other, but the idea of being in the same room with all of you and all the members that are coming, I just, I just can’t wait.

I’m a connector and I’m a hugger. And the idea of having so many people with like minded ideas in the same place that are open to loving, healing, positive messages, giving and receiving just I can’t put words to it. Like I just, I’m just, I’m giddy. I just, I’m just giddy. I just, you guys probably get sick of me hearing, saying how blessed I am to be part of this, but I wake up every single morning grateful for being part of this group and being on this healing team and to be able to actually see it all and feel it all in person.

Zoom is great, but this is just going to be like amazing. Just amazing.

You know, I forgot I skipped over that part. I am here with Justina, Stacey, Norma, who are all part of the healers on my team of healers. Um, they are all women who’ve gone through my angel Reiki school. They, do readings on my team. If you go to the website, the angel medium.

com, you’ll find them all on the readings page if you scroll down. but I started this. team of healers with Cheryl because I just wanted to feel that support and that love. And this is the very first time that we’re all going to be in the same place at the same time at the retreat, of course, with participants too.

But Stacy, while you were talking, I kept getting this vision. Of all of the healers the entire weekend. Like I know that you guys are doing many private readings for people while we’re there, but I keep getting this vision while you ladies were talking of holy cow, we are going to be sitting in circle the entire time.

And that’s how I want the layout of the room. It’s going to be one giant circle. Circle the entire time. And I feel like you are going to go up to people and kind of pull them off to the side and just give them readings because you’re not going to be able to help yourselves. Like there’s just going to be people there that need information as we’re going through.

And I’m going to be talking the entire time, kind of teaching. and I can just see you. So I want to encourage my team that when a message comes through for another person. That you just bring that message through kind of like while I’m teaching you can kind of do that off to the side I think that there’s going to be a lot of healing that happens that weekend Again, october 4th in oakbrook.

Here’s the other thing that I just can’t put Words into it like all the time, but this is just how it rolls. So if you ever watch Eckhart Tolle, before COVID, Eckhart Tolle would just go around the U. S. and he would do different speaking engagements. So he’d have people speaking and then they record him.

And I saw him multiple times. And he would say all the time, I can’t prepare for these, right? Like I just have to get up here. And then when the souls are here in front of me, spirit’s telling me what messages need to come through. And it’s the same way with this, which is so funny. Cause Elle’s trying out for the play today.

She’s so excited and she’s so excited. So nervous last night. So I was like, babe, you know what? I have talked to the best speakers on earth. And even Wayne Dyer like felt nervous before he was going on stage in his last years, you’re always going to feel nervous. But I said, babe, you are prepared. You’re prepared.

So the way that I prepare for this spiritual retreat. is as best that I can. I know that Friday night, I’m going to be doing a teaching. I know that Saturday morning, I’m going to be doing a teaching. We’re going to do some group work, some experience work. Saturday afternoon, I’m going to do a teaching.

We’re going to do some group work, some experience work. Saturday night, we’re going to do a huge gallery reading where I’m going to be doing readings, but then my team is going to be popping around and doing readings as well. Sunday morning again, I’m going to be doing a teaching, then some group work and experience.

But what happens and what happened at the last in person event, and I forgot that it was an energy that I had missed so much. is that the souls that are in that room, when we’re physically in the room together, have information that their souls need. And immediately when you’re in the room, With them, you know, as an intuitive, what needs to come through.

So I prepared as best as I could for the June, angel Reiki school in person, which is different. That’s where you’re learning mediumship and, uh, how to be an angel messenger and energy healing. You’re developing all of your spiritual gifts at once. But what happened was. These souls needed something else.

So on the dime, I had to shift and just bring through what needed to come through. And it didn’t just happen once it happened the entire time, like the entire three days. And I know because I’ve done enough in person events, that’s just what happens at every single one of them. So again, Friends, we’re doing things different here over at the Angels and Awakening podcast.

When you come, it’s like when you go in for a reading. You don’t know all the time why the angels are calling you to get the reading, but once you’re there, you connect with the healer. You know that what’s going to come through is for you. You’re open. You believe. And then it’s just better. Magical. And the exact same thing happens on a larger scale.

And if you could believe it, there’s just, because there’s so many souls, the energy is amped up. There’s just so much energy. And you could be like, Julie, well, I’m a highly sensitive person. I don’t know if I would like that. It’s not in a bad way. It’s not like going to a party where it’s all strangers.

It’s almost as if you’re at a party in heaven. With people, like souls, that you have been missing your entire life, just soul sisters, and if you ever had that friend, that like, you come home to them, and you maybe haven’t talked in six months, two years, five years, but you really, Like you start talking again and it’s just right where you left off.

You just pick up again. That’s what it’s like when you come to this retreat, you’re going to feel that with other souls. You’re going to make friendships, hopefully that lasts a lifetime and this is the energy that you’re going to feel. So, I just wanted to come out here with Justina Norma C. Stacey and tell you, this is what you’re going to get when you come to the retreat.

the remainder of the episode, I’ll dive into the details that Autumn and I had run through at the beginning of the summer, but ladies, is there anything else, I’ll just go one by one, Justina, that you want people to know? I promise you won’t regret it. It’s one of the best experiences you will ever have.

I desperately want people to know that. I mean, If you want your heart to feel warm and you want to feel loved, you’ve got to come. It’s amazing. Yay! I think Justina said it. It’s the love. You’re going to feel so much love from all of us. We’ll feel the love from you and it’s just going to be so, so great.

I just look forward to meeting every single one of you. Me too! I just feel so many amazing things are going to happen. Like, I just have this giddy feeling of what we’re going to experience. All the new angels. I’m so excited to hear what they have to say for us because you’ve talked about new angels coming through for this and just, just the whole thing and the love and the support we’re all going to experience and just being there together is just.

Again, no words. I am just so excited and I just hope everybody comes because I just want everyone to experience what we’re going to experience. I’m so glad you’re here because I keep getting downloads as you’re talking. And Spirits, like, I didn’t have words for this before, but I do now. I was recording a podcast episode with Dr.

Eben Alexander, for the future. It’s going to air in a couple months here. And he’s come on the podcast before, but he said something different this time. And I was like, Oh, that’s what the angels have been trying to show me. He said there’s different choirs and levels of angels because when he had his near death experience, he rose up and he said he could feel himself rising through the different levels of angels.

And I said, I’ve got my theories on this, but why do you think there are different levels of angels? And he goes, because. You go through different aspects of your own consciousness as it grows and it expands that when you’re first awakening, you need certain angels. When you are really diving deep into trauma work and working through your past stuff, you need different angels.

When you are working on becoming a healer, you need different angels are exploring your purpose. So there’s all these different layers and levels of angels and the angels that we’re working primarily with at the spiritual retreat are the Seraphim, which come through and give you just this complete clarity about who you are as a soul.

Why your soul is here on earth and what your soul’s mission is here on earth. What your purpose is, what you should be working on. So that’s where I keep saying to people, when you leave the retreat, you’re gonna have that vision because we’re going to be working with the Seraphim the entire time. We’re going to bring in the cherubs a little bit as well.

To help those who are awakening, we’re going to bring in the archangels, guardian angels as well. But the seraphim are going to really, be who we’re primarily talking about. And we’re going to explore who the seraphim are, which I’ve actually never talked about anywhere else. So this will be the first time.

But yay, thank you ladies for being here. Thank you everybody for listening and stay on because here is the episode that I recorded with Autumn has all the details about the spiritual retreat. You can also go over to theangelmedium. com backslash retreat, or just go to theangelmedium. com click on the menu bar, the three dots.

Three lines at the top if you’re on your phone. And then there’s a bar that says, in the menu retreat, that’s what you’re going to click on. Friends. If you have any questions whatsoever, you just email Julie at the angel medium. com and we’ll make sure to get you signed up, but it’s an Oakbrook, Illinois.

October 6th, still a couple of spots available. We would love, love, love to have you there. And if you heard this this morning and the angels are calling you to be there, it’s because I just got to call a duck a duck. There’s a missing piece. There’s something that you’re missing and that you’re going to get here.

and it’s going to be easier for the angels to bring it through here. In this three days than them having to piece it through and expand your consciousness over six months, a year, two years to bring in the same information that you could get here at the retreat within just three days. so I love you friends.

I love you tons. The angel medium. com. We’ll see you at the retreat, October 4th, Love you friends.

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