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Love, Intuition, & Angels: How Daryl Sabara Manifested His Relationship w/ Wife Meghan Trainor


Hello beautiful souls! Blockbuster Actor and Co-Host of Workin’ On It Podcast, Daryl Sabara never imagined that a moment of vulnerability would lead him to the love of his life. In a sensory deprivation tank, he spoke his deepest desires out loud, unknowingly manifesting his future with Meghan Trainor. Just weeks later, they met and felt an undeniable connection—a “knowingness” that it was meant to be. This same intuition has been a guiding force in Daryl’s career, helping him navigate Hollywood’s challenges with quiet confidence. In this episode, Daryl reflects on how trusting this inner sense has shaped his journey, from love to career, highlighting the power of intuition and believing in what’s meant to be.

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Episode Highlights

03:10 Intuition and Relationships 

04:21 When you know, you know: Daryl and Meghan’s Love Story

10:06 Spirituality and Angel Stories

21:08 How Meditation has Helped his Mental Health

31:54 On Fatherhood and Family Life

Connect with Daryl: 

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@darylsabara

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darylsabara/

Listen to their podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/workin-on-it-with-meghan-trainor-ryan-trainor/id1654800427

Listen to Meghan Trainor’s music: https://www.meghan-trainor.com/

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 Knowingness for me, that’s like pretty much what I’ve called it my whole life. I’ve had some, some struggles and some tough times, but I feel really lucky to say that I’ve always had this knowingness.

That everything was going to work out and everything was going to be okay. 

I love that. And I think 

that’s really helped me get to where I am today. 

Yeah. Yeah. 

As we begin the podcast today, feel your angels surround you and sing to you. You are a miracle. Your life is a miracle. The good that you choose to do today is a miracle received by other souls. And just because you’re you, God Universe Source sends you big and small miracles this day and every day.

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Hello, beautiful souls. Welcome back to the angels and awakening podcast. I’m your host and author, Julie Janci us And friends, we have a treat for you today. We have Daryl Sabara from the working on it podcast. He’s also a blockbuster actor. He has been in everything from the polar express to all of the spy kids movies. He was Junie, which we used to have on DVD. Right? Elle?. And we also have my daughter Elle with us today, but Daryl, welcome to the show.

Thanks so much, Julie. Thanks Elle. Thanks for thinking of me and having me on the podcast. 


There’s so much for us to dive into today one thing that we haven’t talked about in over 550 episodes of the show is intuition and relationships. So, I remember being about 24, 25 years old, sitting at the kitchen table with, my aunt and uncle, and I just adore their relationship.

They have the best, sweetest relationship. And I was dating at the time and I was like, But how do you know, like, how do you know that that person that you met is the right one? And they would say the most frustrating thing, which was, when you know, you know. And you don’t get that until it happens. And I Elle’s dad, my husband, he’s the sweetest man in the entire world.

I am a big time, I would say feminist or women’s empowerment person. And you are too. You like, you totally back your, you call her your angel of a wife, Megan Trainor. Um, But it seems like you and Megan really had that intuitive hit about one another right when you met. 

Can you start off telling us about that?

Um, yeah, I’m actually gonna, I don’t know if you know this story, but we’ve told it a couple times. before our first date, we actually met before that. We met at a random party two years before our first date. We I was, I had a roommate at the time, I didn’t like to go out very much, but I was kind of down in the dumps that night and he said, Hey, we’re going to a party.

And he just, he was an actor as well. And he just knew where all the parties were. So it was a songwriters party and we just showed up cause that’s what we would do. Just show up and crash this party. And I’m not, I wasn’t very social back then. So I kind of would just go off and do my own thing. I was off, like it was in the Hollywood Hills.

So I was just looking at the view and this girl tapped me on the shoulder. And I remember this beautiful blonde girl with like these greenish bluish eyes. And she said to me like, Hey, are you spy kids? Cause if you’re spy kids, like I’d love to just. hang out with you. And back then, usually if I got asked if I was Spy Kids, I would say, yeah, and then kind of move away or say no and move away.

But there’s something about this girl that was so special that I was like, yes, I’m absolutely Spy Kids. My name’s Daryl. And we just hung out. for a little while at that party and then she had friends there and, and she went to her friends and the whole rest of the night I would just hear, yo spy kids.

And I would point at go Megan. And, and then I left the party and she went off with her friends and before our first date we got set up by a mutual friend of ours named Chloe. And before our first date, she was, uh, we were texting each other trying to get to know each other. And she said, you probably don’t remember me, but we actually met at a party before.

And I was like, wow, you’re that girl from the songwriter party. That was you. And then, our first date, she walked in the door, and like your, your grandparents, you said? 

aunt and uncle, yeah. Aunt and 

uncle. When you know, you know. It was so crazy. but also, right before then too, I was just like, the period I was in, in my life, I became really aware of, like, abundance.

and that I was lacking abundance, I was lacking, lacking acceptance. And so right before I met Megan for that first date, I went, do you know what a float lab is? No. A sensory deprivation. Oh, 

yes. Yes. Yeah. 

Yeah. They make it look scary and stranger things. You 

kind of like float in water. So there’s like a lot of salt, so much salt that you just float in the water, but it’s supposed to be very, very healing.


Yes, and this one, uh, they have like newer ones now where there are like, light therapy with it. This one that I went to was pitch black. So the whole goal of it is to just be really in tune with all of your senses because it feels like you’re just floating in space. it was like a two hour treatment.

I went and I basically had a panic attack. but in the midst of my panic attack to calm myself down, I just started. speaking out loud because that calmed me down. What I didn’t realize is that I was pretty much like manifesting, I think, and I just was really open and honest with myself and I was like in a period of dating and I was single for a while.

And something just happened where I was just truly honest with myself and I was saying, you know, I just, I think I’m ready to meet that someone. I’m ready to meet someone who’s smarter than me and more talented and, and gonna make me a better person. And I’m ready to meet that person. And then like two weeks later, I went on my first date with Megan.

So we consider our first date our anniversary because both of us just knew that we were the person for each other. 

Oh, it’s a beautiful, beautiful story. 

Join me for these upcoming events. We’re hosting the Angel Reiki Mediumship School live in person. Again, this fall and spring. Event dates are up at theangelmedium. com backslash events. Space is limited. Reserve your spot today. And as a bonus, I’m giving you access to our eight week online Angel Reiki Mediumship School so that you can get started as soon as you register.

Don’t want to come in person? That’s okay. You can still earn your certifications in Mediumship Angel messages and energy healing in our eight week online program with a new online class and zoom calls Starting on the first of each month. Did you know one Wednesday evening of each month? I host a free group prayer event Open to all.

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com backslash events. So excited to work with you now back to the show.

And I think it’s just so powerful because you had said that growing up with a single mom and your dad, not being around that, it was hard to imagine being a dad or a husband because you just hadn’t seen it role modeled to yourself, but that as soon as you got together with her, I read somewhere that you said you had a vision and that it all just flashed before your eyes.

Yeah, I never saw myself being a dad, I never saw myself being married, but when we went on that first date, I just knew that this was the person that I was supposed to be with, and, I didn’t see it really clearly of, like, me being a dad or a husband, but I just, there was, like, this calmness that just washed over me of, like, oh, everything’s gonna be okay.

And all of those things that I couldn’t see before, I think might happen now. 

Yeah. Ooh, like a knowingness. 

Yes, yes. And the knowingness, that’s so interesting that you say that. Knowingness for me, that’s like pretty much what I’ve called it my whole life. I’ve had some, some struggles and some tough times, but I feel really lucky to say that I’ve always had this knowingness.

That everything was going to work out and everything was going to be okay. 

I love that. And I think 

that’s really helped me get to where I am today. 

Yeah. Yeah. Well, I was going to mention that because the vision part or the knowingness part, those are both part of spiritual gifts. So, um, I think that intuition can be broken down, not just into like the four Claire’s they call it. Like claire seeing, claire hearing, claire knowing, claire feeling. There’s so many of them, but you just have this almost physical body response to something and you just know. Yeah. Yeah. That’s awesome. so I wanted to ask, do you believe in Angels and do you believe that we’re being guided?

I think I do. I think I do. Yeah. I, you know, I, I’m still, I’m, I’m 32. and I definitely like believe in, a higher power. and I definitely think that, that my, wife is an angel cause she’s just the best person. Ever. 

Mm-Hmm. . 

but yeah, I think I do. I think I do. 

Amazing. And do you have any angel stories that you can share of us?

Just like where, you know, like, you know, like, you know, that you’re being led or getting signs from loved ones on the other side? 

I do, I did, um, my grandmother passed when I was, how old was I? 21. I think I just, no, I just turned 22 and. I did, I, I like auditioned for this TV show that I, I, I’d never been a series regular on a TV show and I was auditioning for this show and a lot of my jobs that I’ve gotten, there’s like an excruciating waiting period where I go out and then I wait for like six weeks.

So I was in this excruciating waiting period and, to know if I got the show or not. And in during that waiting period, my. Talked to my grandmother for the last time. I was in Los Angeles, and she was in Texas, and, and I got the phone call that that would be my last phone call with her, and she just told me that everything was gonna work out, and to just, like, keep believing in myself.

and to just have fun. And so during like, especially for an actor during those waiting periods, you’re kind of like in your head and you’re freaking out. And after that phone call, I really kind of just like let go of everything and, and I was really grateful that I got to talk to her one last time and say goodbye.

But it was that same day that she said that, that I got the phone call that I, I got that job. and then I think another, like, I don’t know if this is considered an angel story, but, I had a, like a surrogate grandfather that, I grew up with. His name was Papa. I called him Papa. His real name is Al.

he had Alzheimer’s when I was 13 is when it, like, really started to hit. and I’d go over to my aunt’s house and she was taking care of him and I go over every Sunday. And when I get to the house, he would kind of look and not really know who I was, but I bring my guitar and he loved that I played the guitar.

So every time I started playing guitar, he’d be like, Oh, Hey, Daryl, like there you are. And my, wow, that was him. 

It fell at the perfect time. 

but, like the last time I saw him before he went to the hospital, he went outside and he called me outside. And it seemed like he was super young. Like all of a sudden he was just so young and he was smoking the cigar.

And he goes, Hey, Gerald, you smoke these yet? And I was like, no pop. Um, I’m 13. He was like, oh, right, right. Well, you will, you will, maybe. And then he was like, you got a girlfriend yet? And I was like, no, Papa, I’m, I’m 13. He was like, oh, right, right, right. Well, you will, you will. and it was just like, he was asking me all these young, hip questions.

And it was, he was so lively. And so like, I always thought that that was like, kind of him just trying to connect with me one last time before, before he passed. 

Yeah, absolutely. That 

angel story. 

Absolutely. It is. And we’ve had, there’s a couple of people on Instagram and tick tock nurse Hadley and nurse Julie, and they’re both, hospice nurses.

And they’re huge because they tell these stories about. How it doesn’t just happen with a couple of people, it happens with the majority of people when they’re at the end of life that they’ll talk about seeing loved ones who are on the other side, There’s just so much that you can tell the veil is kind of thinner at that time that they’re kind of bridging both worlds.

They’re a little bit on the other side. They’re a little bit here. And I believe that when our loved ones go to the other side, they become a part of our spirit team. If we would have wanted that. And they help us. They can almost like find us. Fast forward the tape on our entire lives. They can see what’s coming up.

They can make sure that, you know, Megan and Daryl are at the perfect time at this party. They can make sure where you, somebody was in a movie with Chloe and like right before I think, is that how you guys became friends? And then you guys, you and Megan were introduced by Chloe. 

I did a play in New York with Chloe.


And really close friends. we lived in New York together, and did the play. And then when we both moved back to Los Angeles, we would just hang out all the time. And she’s like my, she’s like my little sister. And so we’d hang out. randomly one day, she just said like, Hey, would you ever want to go?

she was dating someone at the time. And then she said, Hey, would you ever want to go on a double date? Uh, with Megan trainer? I was like, of course I would. That’s been like, of course I would. But what’s crazy is that when we met at that party, she like all about that base. She hadn’t even written yet. It hadn’t come out yet.

She was just a songwriter out in Los Angeles. So I didn’t know, like when I first heard all about that bass, I kind of feel like it’s one of those songs that like, you, you know, where you were when you first heard that song, that song go like, Oh, that’s the girl from the party or see the video though, that’s the girl from the party.

But then when she texted me like, Hey, I’m that girl from the party. everything just clicked. 

Amazing. But there’s all those things that have to come together in our lives, right? And you said it earlier, but I think it’s the best thing. Like your entire life has been an angel story. 

Yeah. Well, especially I’m like a big, everything happens for a reason type person and especially like acting so young and, and, kind of putting myself out there at such a young age, the hardest part about a lot of industries, I would say is rejection and I never really looked at it as rejection and I think that helped me stick with it and, and keep going with it.

Yeah. cause it can really bring you down and you can really see it as like, people don’t like you or, or, you know, you’re not good enough. but for me, I’m always glass half full and just, I’ve just always told myself like, well, this wasn’t the right project and this one wasn’t meant for me. And then every role that I have gotten, I immediately think back on projects that I wanted and parts that I wanted going like, man, if I had gotten that, I would have never.

randomly, like, I did a movie called Keeping Up with the Steins when I was 12, and it was an independent movie, so it took a little while for it to, like, find, people to put it out in theaters. But a year and a half later, we shot for the poster. We shot, pictures for the poster. And the guy who was shooting the pictures for the poster ended up writing a movie called April Showers.

and it was the first time I ever got a phone call that was like a straight offer where like I didn’t have to audition for a role. And so I got this, wow, this is actually a great angel story. This movie, April showers, was based on a Columbine the writer director, Andrew, was a survivor, a Columbine survivor.

Right before I got this offer to, to be a part of this Columbine movie, uh, I was in public high school and there was a charity like at the high school, of this. event called She Said Yes, and it was all about this girl named Rachel Scott and how she, was killed during Columbine. So this like event happened at my school about Rachel Scott, and then I get this offer for this movie that’s about Columbine, and I was like, that’s, that’s, Then when I met Andrew, he told me that his girlfriend was Rachel Scott, and then he goes, you know, I cast you because I was the photographer of this poster shoot, that you did.

And you were so nice that even though you were 13, I, you know, I kept your, your name in my head and, and, uh, eventually, like, I wanted to put you in a film. So it’s just like, it’s all connected in some strange way. Way and yeah, 

awesome. Yes. Perfect. Angel story. A lot of people say they’re synchronicities like, Oh, that’s just the synchronicity.

I don’t believe it is. I believe there’s just this wild web. we’re having Jennifer Love Hewitt on the show and she’s got this tattoo that I just love that says, the universe will always provide. And I thought, man, it’s so true. And in so many different. facets and ways. 

one of the things that you talk about on the podcast, and openly is just meditation that you meditate.

what is your favorite meditation? How did you get into it? And, does it play a role do you think in your mental health? 

100%. my meditation of choice, and this was another just like the universe provided for me around when I was around 13, pretty much your age, Al, I grew up like my background is, is Jewish.

I’m technically Jewish because my mom and my grandmother were Jewish and I was Bar Mitzvahed, but I grew up, around a lot of Christians and Catholics. So I grew up going to church a lot with them. And my personal like experience with religion is like, I think whatever works for you is the best. But I noticed around like 12, 13, That, sometimes like at the Christian church, they were like, we are the best and we’re better than everyone.

And then this is my own interpretation. And then at the Catholic church, they were like, we are the best and we’re better than everyone. And then when I was learning, for my bar bar mitzvah, it was like, we’re the chosen people. And I was like, man, I wish everyone would talk to each other because they’re all pretty much saying the same thing.

So around that time, I was like, you know, I am, I feel very spiritual. I don’t know if it’s religious, but, but I definitely feel spiritual and started to look into meditation. One meditation that I looked into, even back when I was like 14, was Transcendental Meditation. at the time, because I was what, 14 in 2006?

At the time, to, Transcendental Meditation is a meditation where you sit for 20 minutes a day, twice a day, and you have a mantra. You’re given a mantra, there’s like an initiation, a learning experience with, someone who teaches transcendental meditation and they give you your mantra. At the time it was very expensive to get a mantra.

And I was a little bit confused. I was like, well, if meditation is for everyone, why does this meditation cost money? And like something like kind of just rubbed me the wrong way, but I was always interested in it because that meditation to me, you could do anywhere. so I looked into other meditations.

I was introduced to, mindfulness meditation . And then shortly after that, the Headspace app came out and I started using that and that was really helpful. and then this play I did in New York, was also about Columbine. Very strange. 


and the character that I played in that play was loosely based off of the brother of Rachel Scott.

So anyway, it was a very dark play and I went to rehearsals and I was having a really tough time sleeping because it was just a lot of. darkness around that. One of the actors in the play, I overheard talking to the playwright about meditation. And so I came to work the next day and I, uh, his name was Michael O’Keefe.

And I said, Hey, Michael, I overheard you talking about meditation. do you think you could point me in the right direction? And the playwright overheard me and goes, you need to learn transcendental meditation. It’s the best meditation. And then Michael said, you know, it is great, but maybe start somewhere else.

So again, like transcendental meditation, like came in and then was kind of pushed aside. So I learned basic meditation, basic mindfulness, the headspace app, and then cut to a couple years later after I met Megan, we had a trainer who’s coming over to our house to help us get fit for our wedding. We were trying to get in wedding shape.

And one day our trainer came over, his name’s Hunter. And he just seemed, he was always a super happy, lovely guy, but this one day in particular, he seemed like he was like walking on sunshine. He just like floated in to our session. And there was this lightness about him extra. And so I always would walk him back to his car after our sessions.

I walked him back to the car and I said, Hey man, you seem like really happy. What’s going on? Like what? what’s happening. And he goes, Oh, I, dude, I just learned transcendental meditation. And, it’s the best. and I can, if you’re interested, like I can help you like get in touch with someone who can teach you.

And he did, and I learned it. And my life is basically, I consider my life, my life pre TM and my life post TM. And so I know there’s a very long convoluted story. But transcendental meditation is my meditation of choice. it’s been really helpful for me to just kind of go back to zero. I start my mornings with it and then I really try to meditate twice a day.

Sometimes with the kids it gets a little tough to get that second 20 minutes in. but that’s, it’s a, it’s like the best afternoon cup of coffee I could ever have. Like I just go, I sit as quiet as it can be and sometimes it’s not quiet and that’s okay too. and yeah, that’s meditation is huge for my mental health.

Speaking of signs, we just had Dr. Tony Nader who runs the TM organization on the podcast yesterday. 

I just got an email about his new book. 

Yes, I know. It’s fascinating. Everything is consciousness. and it was interesting because I used to work in nonprofits for, universities, like helping fundraise for the university.

And, when my dad passed, we weren’t talking at the time. He was kind of a serial cheater and I would always catch him cheating when I was young. and, When he passed, I started to hear every single time I would brush L’s hair. She needs a hairbrush. Like I used, she needs a hairbrush. Like I used.

And I was like, that’s not me. Like, that’s not something that I would say. Plus, you know, writing and scripts. There’s just a certain way that you talk to yourself versus the way that you talk to others. It’s like. I have no idea what this voice is talking about because the hairbrush that I’m using is the only brush I’ve ever used.

And fast forward a month that’s happening all month long. I think I’m going crazy and I’m at work and my sister keeps calling and she’s like. Dad’s past. And I get this vision out of my third eye of my dad brushing my hair before school, like he always would, with a hairbrush I hadn’t thought about in decades.

It was this wooden handlebar with these boars like bristles, and it just clicked like, Oh my God, my dad’s been trying to get a hold of me all month long. And I really didn’t know how I was going to tell my husband this because, we’re spiritual, but we’re not religious. And yet we’re both kind of grown up in Christian churches.

And this is not something that you touch at all. most of the times Christians are like, this is off the um, but I’m like, it’s. My dad, like my dad is on the other side and he’s trying to communicate. So I prayed and I was like, okay guys, how am I supposed to address this with my husband? And they said, don’t worry about it.

Don’t worry about making him more spiritual when it’s supposed to happen. We’ll bring him to it. So he loves documentaries. I love watching them with them. And he watched one on the Beatles where they really got into TM and like their time in India. So he goes, I think for Christmas, . I want to try transcendental meditation.

I was like, Oh my God, the angel did it. Like they brought him to, this himself, but he raves about transcendental meditation. And he says the same thing. It’s hard to get in twice a day, but he feels so much different and so much less anxiety when he makes sure to get that 20 minutes in every morning.

for me, it’s just kind of like a time for me to remember who I am because because I’ve definitely felt lost at times and growing up also like acting and being different characters and stuff like that. I would draw from different people in my life and different aspects of myself. And that time really lets me just kind of sink in to remembering, Oh, yeah, like this is who I am.

And this is who I want to be. 

Yeah, that’s amazing. Is that hard? Like you said that when you were, working in the play in New York and it was kind of dark, is it hard to separate who you are as an actor from the energy that you have to put into the role? 

it was in the beginning, but kind of like with everything, like the more practice I got, the easier it became.

And, and also theater is so thrilling, because as opposed to movies and television where you get multiple takes, theater is live. and New York theater especially was like, that was like a goal of mine to be on stage in New York. and I kind of consider it like the peak of my career because it was just such a exciting, scary experience that I got through.

and then had a lot of fun with, so yeah, uh, in the beginning it was tough, but then once I asked for help, that’s another like huge thing that, that Megan and I. and, her older brother, Ryan, especially on our podcast, we like preach just asking for help. so when I was having trouble sleeping and, and having trouble distancing myself from the character and, and the life of the play, once I asked for help, I felt so much better.

I love that. 


it’s so true because if you don’t ask for help, nobody can get inside your head They don’t know what it is that you need But as soon as you ask for it, people can be there for you 

And even just saying it out loud sometimes when I need help like I just talk out loud To myself, which again, like back in that float lab, when I was, I was like, okay, I’m pretty sure that you guys have to legally record this so you can like, know, like, you know, that I’m okay.

but I think I’m okay. And I would just, and I just started talking to myself and instantly just like, calm down. So even like looking in a mirror and asking yourself for help sometimes is helpful for me as well. That’s 

amazing. I love that tip. I read in Megan’s book, Dear Future Mama, you said something that was just so powerfully healing.

You said, whatever kind of dad you had or didn’t, you get to decide the kind of father you want to be. You get to decide to break generational curses and change your family tree or pass down the best parts of your own dad to your children. And I thought that was just so healing and touching. 

And I wonder how has being a dad healed your own heart?

Oh, I’m gonna try not to cry. It’s still, it’s happening. Like it’s still happening and I think it won’t ever stop happening. But being a dad, how’s it healed my own heart? it’s just the greatest, most, I sound so cliche. It’s just the most amazing feeling in the world. my, I have two boys, Riley, who’s three and a half and Barry, who just turned one.

They’re, it’s so crazy to see like bits and pieces of me. in them and then get to see who they’re becoming. they also help me remember who I am, because I, I had plenty of childhood trauma and, and I didn’t usually like to go back and think about. that and they just show me what it’s like to have fun and be innocent and, and be silly.

I would say like the best part about being a dad was like the realization of like, Oh man, like these boys love it when I’m silly. And I think I’m the silliest person I know. And but before whenever I was silly, I would get embarrassed. And now it’s like this like badge of honor that I have to like just be the silliest dude in the room.

and Riley especially is now becoming like the class clown. He is just like the goofiest goober, and makes everyone smile and laugh. And, and so does Barry too. Barry’s just more, he’s not talking yet. So most of it is with his looks. Like he’s crawling super fast. He’s going to walk any day now, but he’ll like crawl to a place where he knows he’s not supposed to go.

He’ll get there and just sit and wait for you. And he’s just staring at you. Just looking at you like. I wasn’t supposed to go here, right? And, um, but yeah, so it’s, it’s, it’s the best. I just 

saw a scientist talk about this the other day. They said that our brains are actually wired for specific things from mom and specific things from dad, that when mom comes in and really gives you that big hug, it gives the child, I don’t know if it’s oxytocin.


Yeah. Is 

it? Yeah. And then it gives it to the mom too, but it’s a different thing for the dad. When the dad comes in and plays with the child, the child gets the oxytocin and so does dad. 

100%. 100%. Yeah. And, and that’s the other thing too, is like remembering to play. Like we forget when we get older because we get so bogged down with stuff that like everything’s serious and important.

And then you forget to just, like, take a second to play. Yeah. And also, like, imagination is huge, especially in a three year old. It is so much fun watching Riley’s imagination just run wild. And he keeps making up these, like, wild stories or, you know, his toy car. He loves cars and anything, planes, trains, all of it.

And he’s like, the train’s going to the station, and he just gets, he just gets crazy with it. 

Is that where, um, To the Moon video comes in? We’ve been listening to Timeless, uh, Megan’s new album all summer. And I have to say, I know people say this sometimes, but this is true for Megan’s album. Like, sometimes you get one song that you really like, or two songs.

Oh my god, like, we love To the Moon, Been Like This, Whoops. I want to thank me, uh, which is amazing, Roland, I get it, hate it here, Bestie, I mean, like, they’re just so amazing. I call it, there’s a, it’s a never 

skip album. 

Yes. Skips. Yeah, it’s so fantastic. 

Aw, thank you. She is going to be so stoked to hear that.

And I told her that you guys are coming to the show on October 5th. Yay! It’s going to be so fun. To the Moon. Yes, To the Moon was because of Riley’s love for rocket ships. He loves rocket ships, he loves space. His room is decorated. In space and rocket ships, and he had this bath mat on his bathroom floor that where we would dry him after his bath.

That said to the moon on it. And she was just like drawing him after his bath one day while she was writing the album and she looked at to the moon and she was like, Riley, I’m going to write you a song called to the moon. And that’s how it started. 

Wow. And for those who haven’t seen it yet, you should go check out the video on YouTube because, it’s just such a fun video in it, Daryl, you’re in it.

Um, Riley’s in it. And, she makes mention of a song. I caught that, like, how do you know if he’s a spy? So I didn’t know if that was like a nod to Spy Kids. 

Yeah. We kind of wanted to have fun with it and, and, you know, bring the Spy Kids bands in as well, cause there are a lot of people who know that we’re together, but still like on social media and stuff, we’ll post a Tik TOK or something together and people will say, I have no idea, I had no idea you guys were married.

I don’t know 

how people couldn’t. You guys are like a reality show that doesn’t have a TV show yet. Like, that’s all that’s needed. the brothers that live with you guys. The, the podcast. I love Megan’s personality. I love everything about who she is. And you, you guys are all just the perfect. You need a TV show.

Maybe. We’ll see what happens. Maybe one day. I don’t know. I don’t know how I feel about that, but it’s cool. 

Yeah. Yeah. so where can people find you if they want to find you? And Megan and Megan is going on tour. The Timeless Tour is starting. It’s going to go, I think, all across the U. S., right? 

All across the U.

S., Timeless Stores starts September 1st. you can find me on all the socials, just my name, Daryl Sabara. I’m a co host on the Workin On It pod, and I think that’s just called at Workin On It pod, uh, on all socials, and, and it’s available anywhere where you can listen to podcasts, and our videos are on YouTube.

and then Megan, everyone knows Megan, you can find her anywhere. 

Daryl, thank you so much for taking time out of your day to be here, to be on the show. And just for everything that you do, I, I really spent a lot of time reading Dear Future Mama. And for those who haven’t read Megan’s book, There’s just a lack, you know, there’s, it’s so easy to criticize our relationships or just to criticize this and that the way that you two lift one another up and empower one another, I think is just very healing for the world to see how to be in a healthy relationship, how to love one another and really support one another.

So thank you for the person that you are and for how you’re helping the world. 

Thanks. Oh, well, you know, we just try to be the best people that we can be every day and, and we both feel really lucky that we found each other and, and really it’s just, we’re just honest with each other and she’s the person who helped me is still helping me become the best version of myself.

And, you know, I think, like our relationship is, is just. Based on honesty and communication. And so we just keep those gates wide open at all times. 

I love that. Thank you. Thank you for being here. 

You Julie. 

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At your request, we’ve changed the membership so that you can join anytime, any month. You can purchase readings, the school, my membership, all over at theangelmedium. com. As we close today, ask your angels to be with you and allow these messages to speak to your heart. Your angels say you are connected to the universe.

And the universe is connected to you. All you ever need is within you right now, at this very moment. Stay true to yourself. Don’t betray yourself by going against the intuitive feelings you get. Trust your own inner wisdom. Why? The world needs you. The world needs you to dream big. big and for you to discover what’s possible for yourself, step into the energy of all that you are smile, laugh, and allow your heart to be healed.

Ask your angels to bring you big, big miracles, prosperity, and to open big doors. Believe in miracles. You have a big purpose and friends. Inspiration is everywhere. Everywhere you look, there are people in need of help, love, and support. Find a way to be of service. Start right now by asking yourself, what good shall I do this day?

Love is who you are. Joy is your nature. Remember, God only ever has three answers to your prayers. Not yet, or I have something so much better in mind, you can’t possibly believe it. Nothing is impossible and nothing can stop your determined soul from succeeding. Now go about your day and expect the most wonderful things to happen.

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