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Some of The Most Powerful Angel Stories I’ve Ever Heard

Angel Story

Hello beautiful souls! My friend and healer on my team, Autumn, has received some of the most incredible angel signs, stories and experiences. Today, she’s sharing her heartwarming stories and showing you the way to find miracles in your own life! You can book a reading with Autumn to hear your angel messages on my website at theangelmedium.com/readings or join us at the Angel Retreat Oct 4-6, 2024 in Oak Brook, IL to meet Autumn in person.

(00:00) Introduction
(01:00) Autumn’s Dental Miracle
(10:30) Reunion with Grandma
(20:00) Car Miracles
(40:00) Spiritual Retreat Invitation
(50:00) Conclusion


🎤 I’m hosting my first-ever in-person events at Oak Brook, Illinois! I can’t wait to see you there.

  • Angel Reiki School June 1 and 2, 2024 (early bird pricing expires May 10) Learn more at TheAngelMedium.com/Get-Certified
  • Spiritual Retreat on October 4 – 6, 2024. Learn more at TheAngelMedium.com/Retreat

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Watch out for scammers who impersonate Julie’s accounts. Julie will never DM you for a session. All purchases go through www.theangelmedium.com.


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Julie Jancius: Beautiful souls. This is a preview from today’s angel story.

Autumn: She does turn around and she does notice me and we just drop what we’re doing and hug in this grocery store for like three whole minutes. And it was the most precious healing thing that could have happened to my Soul that day or for this whole year. Because, that’s something that I’ve been asking my Angels for, for so long.

Julie Jancius: As we begin the podcast today, feel your Angels surround you and sing to you. You are a miracle. Your life is a miracle. The good that you choose to do today is a miracle received by other souls. And just because you’re you, God Universe Source sends you big and small miracles this day and every day right now. Invite your Angels to guide you. Ask God Universe Source for what your heart wants. See it as if you’re in the future and what you want is already yours now. And so it is. I love you and I’m so grateful you’re here that I have some freebies for you. I worked with the Angels to create 31 meditations that are going to make you a magnet for miracles. Get them free@theangelmedium.com. want to be my angel? Leave this podcast five stars or a five star positive review and I’ll enter you into a drawing to win a free reading with me. Use the form@theangelmedium.com contact to send me your contact info so I know who to call when you winden. Use that same contact form to submit your angel stories, what you’re struggling with, or a question which I’ll answer on this podcast or instagram. Gelpodcast that’s theangelmedium.com contact. Thank you for being my angel. And remember, Angels and miracles are your birthright and they’re activated when you believe. So ask, believe and receive your miracles. Hello, beautiful souls. Welcome back to the Angels and Awakening podcast. I’m your host and author, Julie Jancius. Friends, today we have one of the healers on my team, one of my friends. Oh, and autumn, I feel like you’re a mini me. You just have like my energy and heart and your intention and I love you so much. Autumn is one of the healers on my team and she has had just the biggest miraculous angel stories this year. And I wanted to take time to have you on the podcast because people need to hear about these stories and welcome this abundance the way that you do into their own lives. Welcome, autumn.

Autumn: Hi Julie. I’m so excited to be back. I’m so excited to share my stories. I have quite a few of them. I’m going to save the best for last, so I hope they stay tuned because it’s a really good one.

Julie Jancius: Which one is the last one?

Autumn: The car one.

Julie Jancius: Okay. Okay. Yes, that is the best one. Okay.

Autumn: Okay. All right, so we’re just gonna jump right in. the first one is kind of vulnerable, but, you know, it’s a way that, I had to battle through my own shame. so I’m just gonna jump right in. When I was younger, I had lost my two front teeth. I was playing, hot potato with this, TikTok bomb, and the cap would fly off. So when I had caught it, the cat flew off, and it knocked my two front teeth out. So I didn’t have very long with my actual, real front teeth. I think they lasted maybe a full year of my whole lifetime. And, I was supposed to have these permanent crowns in my, front teeth. Well, this past year, I was laying in bed late at night watching a movie with my fiance and eating pretzels, and I took a bite, and I started to chew. And I’m like, I spit it out. I’m like, mark, there’s something in my pretzel. And Mark looked at what was in my hand, and I could just tell by his face that my tooth had fallen out. So I covered my mouth, and I just wouldn’t even show him any part of my mouth for at least an hour and a half. I gained up enough nerve to be like, you know what? This is not my shame to carry. I don’t care that I don’t have a front tooth. It doesn’t make me less of a person. So I went, around stunting with no front tooth for a good, probably month and a half. But in that meantime, I was going to dentist, dentists,


Autumn: all of these different dentists. But because the nerve wasn’t in, they were claiming it was a cosmetic issue, and they didn’t want to cover the cost of my tooth. So, I found this dentist that was willing to cut me a deal, but they said it would take about four months for me to get my front tooth in. And I’m like, you know what? Fine. If this is what the Angels want, this is what they want. I’m going to wait the four months I was trying to, like, make my own front tooth and all these different things, and I’m like, this is just not me. I could care less. And so, long story short, I had made. I had scheduled that appointment for them. I was going in for the fitting for that tooth the very next morning. But on my drive home, I saw Aspen dental, and my guides told me, turn around and go there, and I was done. I just.

Julie Jancius: You heard it audibly, like, you heard it within your head. Turn around and go back there.

Autumn: Turn around and go back there, clear as day. And I’m just, like, exhausted. I’m just like, it’s just going to be more bad news. This is what my ego is telling me. And so I drive right past it, and they’re like, my guides in my head are like, turn around now. Turn around now. And, like, I’m like, okay, fine. So I pop a u turn, and I turned around, and I went to Aspen dental, and that day, they were having a sale for flippers until I could get an implant. but the sale was, like, $500 off the actual price. And I got my tooth the very next day. The very next day, the day I was supposed to be scheduled for my fitting, I ended up getting a tooth. So listening to that voice inside of your head is so important always. because I think that. I’m pretty sure that sale ended that day. So if I didn’t turn around that day and do as they said that day, I would have missed every opportunity to have this beautiful smile back. And I really appreciate my smile now because it is a huge difference not having, a tooth there. And so anyone out there that you know is missing any teeth, you know, I’ve been there. I feel you. I hold space for you. And, you are strong and beautiful just the way you are.

Julie Jancius: Oh, I love that. I love that. That. So is the next story that you want to tell, the grandma story?

Autumn: It is my grandma’s story.

Julie Jancius: Oh, my goodness. This one just gives me chills. You got to tell everybody this, okay.

Autumn: So I have this grandma that used to watch me all the time when I was younger. I felt very close to her. I love her. I still love her all the time. but there was a falling out in my family where I wasn’t allowed to talk to her anymore. And my dad.

Julie Jancius: Not because she did anything wrong, just because there were, like, sides drawn. I just want to make that clear because she’s such a lovely woman.

Autumn: She is a lovely woman, and she would do anything for anyone. my dad is kind of, you know, a stickler, so we just listened to my dad, and we cut ties. So fast forward to your healing your inner child. Course, it’s all about ancestral and getting to know your ancestors. And I had this huge calling on my heart to find my grandma’s number and to reach out to her. So behind my family’s back, I get in touch with my grandmother. And my daughter knows her as her mystery grandma. Her mystery grandma sends her packages in the mail. we always like our pen pails. We send notes back and forth to each other’s letters, back and forth to each other. and we just kind of keep it really old fashioned. And that’s all it’s been. But I’ve been praying to meet her again, to see her her again, just to feel her love again, because it’s been so, so, so long that I’ve even seen her face. So, my aunt is, a superintendent assistant, and she’s very, very busy, so she is. I’m like her left wing. Whenever she needs me, she’s like, autumn, can you please come help me? I’m like, of course, I’ll be there. so one morning, she had called me. She’s like, autumn. She’s like, I need you. I feel so behind. I’m like, you know, aunt, don’t worry, I’ll be there. So one of the things she wanted me to do was fill up her five gallon water jugs because that’s a process and that’s something last on the list that no one really wants to go do, but it’s something that needs to be done. So I’m like, okay, I gotcha. So I’m on my way with her five five gallon water jugs to, the nearest grocery store, which is an hour away from my house. She lives an hour away from my house, and I’m on my way there, and I kept hearing that voice saying, you’re going to run into someone today. Be ready. You’re going to run into someone today. And I’m in my head again, ego. I’m like, oh, great. I’m going to run into someone from high school or grade school that, you know, is going to want to talk to me and all this stuff. So I’m sitting there, filling up these waters


Autumn: in the store, just like, kind of like looking around like, please don’t run into anyone. Please don’t run into anyone. No, offense, you know, but sometimes you just have those, those moods where you’re like, I don’t know if I’m ready. So I fill up the water, and I begin heading down this aisle, and I hear that voice again. Go by the sushi. I’m like, it’s 09:00 a.m. why would I go by the sushi. And they’re like, turn around and walk by the sushi. And I’m just like, okay. You know when you know and you have that pull, you just listen. So I turn the whole cart around with all that water in it and I start heading by the sushi. And Julie, my grandmother, is walking past the sushi as I’m walking towards the sushi and I’m just like, there’s no way that’s my grandma. And I’m looking at her in awe. Ah. As she passes me and she doesn’t really recognize me, but I say, grandma. And she just keeps walking. And I’m just like, oh, she doesn’t know me. Like, she doesn’t know me anymore. So then she walks past and I’m just, my head still turned, just watching her because I just can’t believe my grandma’s there. She lives 30 minutes from this grocery store, so I live an hour. She lives 30 minutes. And somehow, some way, divine timing, we meet up at the same exact store and, she does turn around and she does notice me and we just drop what we’re doing and hug in this grocery store for like three whole minutes. And it was the most precious healing thing that could have happened to my Soul that day or for this whole year, because that’s something that I’ve been asking my Angels for, for so long. And I got that. I got that hug, I got that, you know, I got to touch her, I got to see her. She was just, you know, in awe. And, you know, she. We still decided to keep it mystery grandma, but we both needed that. And it was so healing. Just, I felt for our bloodline even, just to see each other.

Julie Jancius: Oh, that just warms my heart and gives me a tingles all over, like on my hairs, on my arm raise. I love that. And I love that you tied it into. In the membership. There is, twelve different courses that you can go through. It’s called a year with your Angels and it walks you. You know, when you go through college and you’re like, you can’t take math 102 and take you until you take math. Oh, one. It’s kind of cumulative information that you’re learning. So, these twelve classes build off of one another. And one of those classes in there is a three month course with Archangel Michael. That’s all about healing your inner child. And we go through really connecting you with different members of your family, whether you know them or not. There’s a way to do that even if you’re adopted. And, to really feel this connection. And so you did that course in the membership, healing your inner child with Archangel Michael. And that’s where you said that you really felt called to reach out to your grandma in the first place, which is just so heartwarming.

Autumn: Yes. Yes, it was that course. And I think that that twelve month course really elevated me during my spiritual journey. I recommend it to anyone out there because it is next level education and learning and healing in that course. And I just. That’s one of my favorite ones because I remember it so vividly too. all the healing modalities and things that come from that.

Julie Jancius: That’s awesome. That’s awesome. the twelve months is, ah, if you remember and you go into your portal, there’s a folder that says a year with your Angels. And when you go in, it walks you through an entire course on oneness. An entire course on, angel communication, really. How to heal your own physical vibration, inspiration and work with archangel Raphael to heal yourself energetically. It goes through also how to find your purpose, how to clearly hear your intuition, how to connect with your loved ones on the other side, healing your inner child, how to really rewrite your story and bring that abundance into your life. It also has an entire course on manifestation. So if anybody’s just curious, there’s so much in that course. A year with your Angels in the membership join me for these upcoming events. We’re hosting the Angel Reiki Mediumship School live in person again this fall and spring. Event dates


Julie Jancius: are up@theangelmedium.com. events space is limited. Reserve your spot today and as a bonus, I’m giving you access to our eight week online angel Reiki mediumship school so that you can get started as soon as you register. Don’t want to come in person? That’s okay. You can still earn your certifications in mediumship angel messages and energy healing in our eight week online program with a new online class and zoom calls starting on the first of each month. Did you know, one Wednesday evening of each month, I host a free group prayer event open to all. And right afterwards, I teach you a new tool to work with your Angels or loved ones in heaven. Sign up today free@theangelmedium.com events and we’ll send you the Zoom link to participate. You’ll also find details on our upcoming spiritual retreat, October 4, fifth and 6th, 2024 at theangelmedium.com backslash events. So excited to work with you. Now back to the show. but I want to get forward because, autumn, you have just the best story, this car story. I can’t wait for people to hear this because spirit said, Julie, you know, autumn, you called me on the phone one day, and you’re like, you’re not going to believe what happened, this angel story. And. And spirit goes, please, Julie, have her on the podcast, because people need to hear this story. We blessed autumn in these different ways so that other people would see how we are trying to bless them as well. So if you’re listening to this right now, what your Angels want you to do with this next story that autumn’s going to tell you is really, If you can put just even one hand on your heart in this moment right now, and I want you to feel your heart opening, like, two french doors opening wide. And I want you to see, like, this conveyor belt, you know, when you go to the airport and they put your suitcase on a conveyor belt that’s moving, and just. That conveyor belt keeps moving the suitcases forward well into your heart. Your Angels have this conveyor belt of blessings, opportunities, miracles that they are trying to bring to you right here, right now. And you can’t get to them unless you’re willing to listen to your Angels and what they’re telling you within your mind. And just like Autumn said before, you know, she heard, go turn around. you got, you got to go to that place right now. And she was able to get her tooth the very next day, you know, and she was in the grocery store, and she was walking around, and she didn’t need to go past the sushi at 09:00 a.m. but they said, go past the sushi right now. They knew grandma was going to be walking by. They knew that you were going to meet up with her. So. All right, this is for everybody. Spirit’s bringing blessings into you. Take it away, autumn.

Autumn: All right? And. And trust. We have to trust that our Angels know, like, no, and just trust them wholeheartedly because miracles do exist. So. So, all right, here we go. A little backstory. My dad is not one to just abundantly bless people. I remember when I was younger, for birthdays, he would, like, find bikes out of garbage cans, and that was my birthday present, things like that. So just to get a little rough around the edges of my, of my father, he’s coming around. He’s opening his heart a lot more. But, I forget how long ago it was, but. But my. Okay, long story short, my Buick. It’s a Buick encore. It has been broken down all winter long, all winter. It needed, like, a new exhaust at the bottom, so it was really loud. so I had it on for my insurance company, like, a parked car. So I wasn’t really paying insurance on it because it was a parked car. it wasn’t in my garage or anything. It was in my driveway randomly. On a Wednesday morning. My dad calls me, and he says, hey, autumn. I’m like, hi, dad. What’s up? He’s like, hey. He’s like, I need you to bring your car to the shop. I paid for them to fix it. And I’m just like, whoa, you did what? You paid for, my car to get fixed? He’s like, yeah. He’s like, you just got to drive it there. He’s like, they’re going to pay for it. Don’t worry about it. He’s like, I got it covered. And he’s like, then you’ll have your car. That’s drivable. I’m just like, okay, all right. I’m trusting the process. So I had to put insurance on my car to get my car to the car shop. I put insurance on my car. I’m driving my car to the car shop. I’m asking the guy that’s


Autumn: running the shop a thousand times. Are you sure my dad paid for this? Are you sure my dad paid for this? They fixed my car. I’m driving it home. Two days later, there was a storm, and the wind knocked the tree branch, like, this huge tree branch, off of the tree, and it landed on my car, causing, like, $6,000 worth of damage. Okay, Julie, if I did not put insurance on my car two days prior, that car would have been totaled. It would have been. I would have had to pay out of pocket. There’s just no way that I would.

Julie Jancius: Have owed still money on that car.

Autumn: Yep. I still owed money on the car. I wouldn’t have had insurance on it because it was a parked vehicle. so the fact that, you know, my dad, randomly, out of probably the calling of his heart through his Angels, paid for my car to get fixed. I put the insurance on it. A branch falls on my car two days later, and because I have comprehensive, like, the act of God insurance, I didn’t have to pay anything. They completely fixed my car. It took about a week or two, but I got my car back completely brand new. No scratches, dents, nothing on it. And I’m just like, okay, this is great. This is good. I still owe on the car. You know, things are going and I about a week later, after I get my car back from the shop, this is where it gets really good. I’m driving. It’s storming really bad. The winds are picking up again. I have to go get my daughter from the bus stop. So I take the car, and I’m driving to the bus stop. All of a sudden, it’s like two and a half inch hails hailing on my car after I just got it fixed a second time, a second time, a second time. And I’m just like, oh, I’m videotaping myself in the car. Like, this is just my luck, you know, thinking that, you know, this is bad luck. This is happening to me. Then my daughter’s bus pulls over on the side of the road, like a block and a half away. I can see the bus, but there’s no protection over my car. The bus is pulled over. So now my car is even getting more hail done. And I’m just like, okay, well, we’ll see what happens. So I get my daughter, I go home, I’m like, oh, there’s not any hail damage. a couple days later, I go back out when the sun is shining and I’m looking, and, I mean, there is hail damage on my car, but you can’t see it. It’s not like huge dents. It’s just like little nicks. And I’m just like, getting this pole to call my insurance company again and have them come out and fix it. So I call my insurance company, and they come out right away. Julie, this is amazing. So the guy comes, he’s heaven sent. I can tell by his energy. He’s just so full of life, love, energy. He’s out there. He’s like, hey. He’s like, I’m going to look at all these dents. I’m going to check it out. And he’s like, I’ll call you back out when I’m done. Just like, yeah, no bigging. Take your time. I’m just thinking it’s probably $800 worth of damage. And, he calls me about an hour later. I go out there, he’s like, well, he’s like, I got some good news, I think. And I’m just like, okay, what’s the good news? He’s like, well, your car is totaled out. And I’m just like, oh, my gosh. That means they’re going to take it. They’re going to take it. And then I’m not going to have a car. But he’s like, no, the good news is he’s like, the car is totaled out, so we’re going to pay it off. He’s like, you can keep the car. And he’s like, and we have a $2,000 check for you. Because the amount of damage of the hail was like $10,000 worth. And so they took that money, paid my car off, and then I ended up still getting $2,000. So now the abundance that I’m actually receiving, because now I don’t have a car payment that I was supposed to have for the next year and a half, I don’t have to pay full coverage on my car because it’s just liability now because it’s totaled out. And I have been, you know, needing abundance in my life in this way. And this is the way that the Angels brought it through to me. And I am just so grateful of this blessing because it literally saves me almost $600 a month not having to pay this car payment in this car insurance. And, you know, the car, like I said, you can’t tell that it’s. It’s totaled at all. There’s, like, hardly any dents. But the guy was so particular when he was looking any nick or scratch he was marking for me. And I just felt so extremely blessed for this. And this is exactly what the Angels mean by trusting. And even if it sounds scary to call that insurance company or whatever it may be, to find out the damage or the total or what it’s going to cost you out of pocket, sometimes it can be the complete opposite of that. And it truly is a blessing in disguise.

Julie Jancius: Absolutely. Oh, my goodness. I know nothing about insurance, but I just am, floored by


Julie Jancius: that story. and what spirit is saying to tell everybody right here, right now, is that there are some people who. I think all people have this. You know, I had a friend in college, and Archangel Michael keeps flickering back to her. And she used to tell me, Julie, when you think something nice about somebody, you say it. When you, you know, like, you have a compliment to share with them, you say it. When you feel that you’re, like, called to give, you do it. You don’t have to just keep giving and giving and giving. When it doesn’t feel right, like it. It’s when you feel called, you take this action because it’s spirit led. And I love that. I love your story, and I love that peace with your dad, too. Like, if he hadn’t made that phone call and chose to listen to his Angels, it wouldn’t have set everything in motion for this blessing to unfold for you. so I want everybody to remember to open their hearts just up to this conveyor belt of angelic blessings, gifts, miracles that spirit wants to bring into your life every single day. and I just want to give a shout out to autumn. if you love autumn’s energy like I do, if you want a session with her, you can go over to my website, theangelmedium.com. go to the readings page, scroll down, and you’ll see Autumn’s beautiful smile. and you can book a session with her there. Also, if you’re attending the spiritual retreat in person and you want to book an in person session with autumn, just reach out to us over@julietheangelmediam.com and we’ll connect you with autumn so that you can book a, in person session with her at the spiritual retreat, October 4, fifth and 6th, in oakbrook, Illinois, where you’re just going to become a whole new you. Autumn, I love you so much. Thank you for being here. Thank you for sharing your stories. And, gosh, thank you for just being you.

Autumn: Oh, thank you, Julie. I love you, too. Thank you for all of your listeners. I’m so excited for the retreat. if you book a session with me, I’m very excited to meet you. And, yeah, I’m just, I’m just excited to, to be here and to share that story and to let everyone know that you can really trust your Angels and loved ones on the other side to bring in these miracles, because there’s so many blessings waiting for you.

Julie Jancius: So many blessings. And you know what? Yesterday I woke up out of a deep sleep. Autumn and spirit said to read this to everybody, and they were like, just write down what you really want people to know about this retreat. And so here’s what I wrote. Hello, beautiful Soul. There’s an incredible energy that feeds my soul that I receive when I personally go on a spiritual retreat. I’ve been going on spiritual retreat since I was 19 years old. And the energy never fails. What is that energy? First, the anticipation energy acts almost like an activation. Energy opening your heart, your spirit, your mind to a deeper. To receive messages from your Angels on a deeper level and from your loved ones on the other side. You begin to feel them more palpably as the retreat draws closer. You enter the retreat with an open heart, similar to a session where you’re ready and eager for spirit to take you to the next level, revealing something subconsciously that’s been with you, but you just couldn’t tell what it was. Just like when you’re thinking of a word and it’s on the tip of your tongue, but you can’t recall the precise name of the word. This energy of openness, along with the energy of stillness and connection to spirit at the retreat itself, allows you the space you need to connect with messages you’ve been needing for hm me. Spirit always takes these messages and then shows me more energy. The energy of a plant. That’s right. Whenever I’m at a spiritual retreat, spirit always comes in with messages that lead to a greater plan and vision for my life. These are next steps that spirit is asking me to take in my life when I get home. These are things they’re asking me to run with in my life and I do. This combination of messages and a plan that I always get out of retreats is always the clarity that I’ve been looking for from spirit it. And these messages, plan and clarity is exactly what I want you to get when you attend the upcoming spiritual retreat. I’m hosting a whole new you October 4 through six in Oakbrook, Illinois. The hotel is gorgeous, set on a serene looking golf course, but just ten minutes from the famous Oakbrook mall with some of the best food in Chicagoland. This entire retreat is going to lead you back to the next chapter of yourself, and it’s going to help you become more you hear your intuition more clearly, know your m, your purpose more clearly,


Julie Jancius: love your life more, and feel more fulfillment in your life every day. So, friends, I hope that you use the link below to register for the retreat because you’re just going to get so much out of it, and I just want it to be life changing. And, autumn, I can’t wait to see you there, hug you there. And I think, our entire team of healers is going to be there. So I’m really excited.

Autumn: I am so excited. It’s the first time we’ll all be in person and it’s, it’s going to be overwhelming and so much joy. I’m so excited.

Julie Jancius: Yay. All my love to you, friends, and thank you so much for listening. If you want to register for the spiritual retreat, go over to the angel medium.com backslash retreat. That’s theangelmedium.com backslash retreat. I’d love to work with you. If it resonates, book a reading to get messages from your Angels right away or join my membership or my Angel Reiki Mediumship school. What’s the difference? The Angel Reiki Mediumship School certifies you in mediumship angel messages and energy healing all at once. Some join simply to develop all of their unique spiritual gifts to the MATA and others want to start their own spiritual business. Both are perfect. You can take the Angel Reiki Mediumship School online with Zoom meetings or in person in Oakbrook, Illinois in November or April. Bonus when you register for the in person Angel Reiki Mediumship School today. You also get the eight week online program free with Zoom meetings included. So you can literally start today. How is that different from my membership? My membership gives you everything you need to care for and nourish your Soul. The fact is, our world neglects the Soul. Most people only attend to their own Soul when they have a big life crisis. But your Soul is not a problem to be solved. Your Soul is starving to be seen, heard, nourished and cared for. Your Soul is speaking to you and it wants you to hear it. That’s what my membership does. It nourishes your soul. It shows you there is an entire universe living within you. How you can access your own Angels messages and live a life of wonder, magic, enchantment, and miracles. At, your request, we’ve changed the membership so that you can join any time, any month. You can purchase readings, the school, my membership all over@theangelmedium.com as we close today, ask your Angels to be with you and allow these messages to speak to your heart. Your Angels say you are connected to the Universe and the Universe is connected to you. All you ever need is within you right now, at this very moment. Stay true to yourself. Don’t betray yourself by going against the intuitive feelings you get. Trust your own inner wisdom. Why the world needs you. The world needs you to dream big and for you to discover what’s possible for yourself. Step into the energy of all that you are. Smile. Smile, laugh and allow your heart to be healed. Ask your Angels to bring you big, big miracles, prosperity, and to open big doors. Believe in miracles. You have a big purpose and friends, inspiration is everywhere. Everywhere you look, there are people in need of help, love and support. Find a way to be of service. Start right now by asking yourself, what good shall I do this day? Love is who you are. Joy is your nature. Remember, God only ever has three answers to your prayers. Yes, not yet, or I have something so much better in mind, you can’t possibly believe it. Nothing is impossible and nothing can stop your determined soul from succeeding.


Julie Jancius: Now go about your day and expect the most wonderful things to happen.


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