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Transform Your Health, Transform Your Life with Nettie Novellie

Guest Interview

Hello beautiful souls! After years of trying out countless diets and programs, I finally found one that really works for me. Nettie Novellie, a Holistic Practitioner and Certified Health and Metabolic Balance Coach, has guided me—and so many others—on this incredible wellness journey. For the first time, I genuinely feel like I’m eating for my health, wellness, and energy. It’s not just about the food—my body truly feels different, vibrant, and alive in ways I never expected. Today, Nettie is back on the podcast to share her insights and share a holistic approach to nourishing your body and mind.

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Episode Highlights

  • 01:30 Personal Health Journey and Transformations
  • 12:35 The Science Behind Metabolism and Health
  • 25:21 Empowerment Through Knowledge and Control
  • 34:43 Real Food and Body Chemistry
  • 44:57 Emotional and Spiritual Impact of Food
  • 50:44 Long-Term Health and Wellness

To learn more about Nettie Novelli’s work: https://www.nettienovelli.com/

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that’s what I love is this empowerment. And yes, it’s, it’s a feeling of self control, not a rigid self control. It’s just a forgiveness. It’s a process. It’s not a race. This is not a quick fix. This is not an overnight thing where you’re going to, again, keep your metabolism unhealthy by crash dieting.

And yo yoing this, this kills not only our bodies, but our mind is so self defeating. And so this is, this is a lifelong process.

As we begin the podcast today, feel your angels surround you and sing to you. You are a miracle. Your life is a miracle. The good that you choose to do today is a miracle received by other souls. And just because you’re you, God Universe Source sends you big and small miracles this day and every day.

Right now, invite your angels to guide you. Ask God Universe Source for what your heart wants. See it as if you’re in the future and what you want is already yours now. And so it is. I love you. And I’m so grateful. You’re here that I have some freebies for you. I worked with the angels to create 31 meditations that are going to make you a magnet for miracles.

Get them free at theangelmedium. com. Want to be my angel? Leave this podcast 5 stars or a 5 star positive review and I’ll enter you into a drawing to win a free reading with me. Use the form at theangelmedium. com backslash contact to send me your contact info so I know who to call when you win. Use that same contact form to submit your angel stories, what you’re struggling with, or a question, which I’ll answer on this podcast or Instagram at angel podcast.

That’s theangelmedium. com backslash contact. Thank you for being my angel and remember angels and miracles are your birthright. And they’re activated when you believe. So ask, believe, and receive your miracles.

Hello, beautiful souls. Welcome back to the angels and awakening podcast. I’m your host and author, Julie Jancis and friends today. I’m so glad that you’re here for this bonus episode. I’m here with Nettie

I had her on earlier this spring when I also had on another gentleman, who’s a doctor.

you should go back and watch that episode.

We’ll put it in the show notes. below because it was just so fascinating for me to see

how much the metabolism,

in a doctor’s eyes, who’s taught other doctors for eons and eons,

how much he believes that our metabolism is really the driving force and the foundation. Behind our physical health, our mental health, the way that we age

and all of that.


that was this spring. And, you know, that my husband is a teacher, a school teacher. If you know, teachers, they totally don’t have the summers off. They just have more time freedom of how they want to flex their time over the summer. but we had this time freedom to come together and work with Nettie on, changing our health And the reason that, the angels kind of started putting this together, right? Metabolism, metabolism, metabolism. And every time that I would talk to it was metabolism as well. and so I’ve been working with Nettie for the past two months. And the very first month, was incredible. I saw these huge transformations.

It felt like without even trying, where I just had 25 pounds just shed off literally within four weeks. And, it’s been a real game changer, looking at health from a different perspective. and I want to dive into that today at one point while I’ve been working with Nettie, I called her up and I was like, okay, epiphany all my life.

I have been looking at different diets and different things and it’s all felt in some ways, like. You’re not feeding yourself. You’re kind of restricting. And I told her, this is the first time in my life where I really feel like I am eating for health and like eating for wellness and eating for fuel.

And it really feels like that. Your body actually does feel different in a lot of ways. And I, I know Nettie that we’ve got a lot to talk about, but I want to keep going here because I want the audience to just understand a few things. there’ve been really, really big changes in my life.

I haven’t felt a change in my oneness, right? Like I believe if you’re a soul, you are able to connect with your own intuition, your soul’s energy, and that is now an always no matter, you know, where you’re at in your own health journey, because I believe that God’s talking to people who have cancer and different traumatic injuries that they’ve gone through.

There’s other people who have come on the podcast being like your spirituality radically changes when you do X, Y, and Z. And I’m like, no, God’s talking to all of us all the time, regardless, but. If you’re on this earth and you want to be here for your kids and you want to be as healthy as you can be, and you want to be proactive, I’ve been searching my entire life for the right system, the right way of living, the right plan.

And maybe there are different plans For everybody, but I didn’t totally know the last time that I had Nettie on the podcast, the way that this system works, and I’m going to tell you about it and what I just absolutely adore about it, because I come from, Italian, Sicilian, Sicilian family who loves to eat, who loves to eat good food.

You’ve probably heard me say in the podcast that my husband for the first 15 years that we were together, ate the exact same lunch every single day, and that is a true story. I eat the same thing three times in a row. And I’m like. Starting to have this nauseousness in my stomach, my body craves, diversity in the foods that I’m eating.

And when I eat the same thing over and over and over and over again, I just don’t love it. And this plan gives it to you. So what Nettie did is I went in, I got some blood work done. she from Florida had that shipped over to Germany. All I had to do was click a button. It was so easy and they tested my blood results to see what my body metabolizes the best and, When that result comes back, you get this like 20 page plan and inside that plan, what happens is you really see, what you can eat in vegetable category and the protein category, in the dairy category and the fruit category and what your body Loves and it was so fascinating because my husband did this with me and his plan is just completely different from mine.

And there’s some things on there that I was like, Oh my God, goats, milk, can’t do cow’s milk anymore. Goat’s milk, sheep’s milk, goat yogurt. What is this? I was really, really scared to try it. And I tried it and I was like. Oh my God, this is heaven. My body loves this. It tastes so good. Everything was just so rich and so creamy and so yummy and so delicious.

And the other thing was there wasn’t anything that was off limits. Like we were eating fruit, we were eating bread. We are, we’re still doing this. and. The food is just more rich. It’s more delicious. So, when, you work with Nettie, she has you get this bread from a specific baker in Indiana who uses a very old, ancient process of making this rye sourdough.

And you don’t taste the rye at all, you just taste this yummy, delicious, sourdough, but again, I haven’t tasted anything like that bread before. It’s just off the charts, insanely delicious. So as you’re making your meals and looking at your plan. Every single, plan has three different options of what you could have for breakfast, three different options of what you could have for lunch, three different options of what you could have for dinner.

And it’s not all neat. Like a lot of plans are, there’s a lot of, lentils and yogurts and cheeses and just different things where You just feel good in the variety. Like it is so delicious and you have so many different options. Whereas before I would think to myself, I can’t have carbs.

No, you can have carbs. You have to have the right carbs that work for your body. so I know that this is probably perhaps the longest introduction I have ever done to a podcast, but. Nettie is here. Welcome Nettie. Hi, Julie. Oh my gosh. Thank you for being here. And thank you for being my coach.

Um, so when we went into this and we just did this one podcast episode the last time around, we said, Hey, you know, I’m going to go on this journey. If anybody wants to do it with me, connect with Nettie, here’s their cell phone number, which for people who are already like, okay, I want to look into this.

What’s your cell phone number where they can reach out? way I’d like for them to reach out for me is because I have questions for them, is that they go to netty novelli dot com and Just schedule for a free discovery call. Perfect. Okay, and then I give them all the information Because there’s questions I need to have from them.

So there’s a little it’s free There’s a little questionnaire and it gives me some valid information so that we’re both saving time and we’re both getting the information We need to see if it’s a good fit And so we had, a group do this together. And, we had calls, one night a week, and we were all kind of being accountable to one another and learning from you and troubleshooting along the way.

and our group had really, really good results, which you know. tell everybody about that. Well, you know, you get your plan and then we have live zoom calls and then we’re, you know, they also get, so many, you know, one on ones with, me and when I see that they’re struggling and, within the group, you know, there’s a lot of troubleshooting and information, but, you know, it’s a, it’s a 90 day program that I’m with, everybody.

But yeah, interesting thing about it is, you know, everybody is looking at the number on the scale and the thing about the metabolism is that everybody’s at a different place. It depends on your age, it depends on your waist circumference, it depends on your blood work, it depends on your digestive system, you know, that’s why the plans have a lot of crossovers in all the categories of foods.

But you’ll notice one person’s. plan from the next has different food items or different quantities, or, you know, there’s categories that are completely missing for some people, based on their, health history and their health status and medications that they’re on. For example, I’ll give you the days and the ages, but like Sandra, 40 years old, by day 33, she had lost 20 pounds and three and a half inches on her waist.

Then there’s Blake, your husband, who at 46 years old, male, day 61 was at 22 pounds, but he lost five inches in his waist. Now, and I’ll get into this because this has to do with insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. Then we have. For example, Yvette, who’s 63 years old, completely different health status.

Day 45 lost 25 pounds. then there’s, you know, 35 year old Cassie, day 41, lost 22 pounds, five inches in her waist. I mean, I’ve had clients, you know, Dennis, a 60 year old man lose 50 pounds in 75 days. Me myself who had metabolic syndrome, at 58, I’m 61. Now I lost 40 pounds in 70 days. So, you know, then there’s Annie who is 50 years old who lost 50 pounds in 90 days.

So it’s not a mad rush to get to a certain number on the scale because depending on your age, quality of life, where you are, if you work out, if you have digestive issues, it may take a little longer and it may speed up. It just, everybody is different. And then it depends on. You know, we don’t work out for the first four to six weeks.

That’s totally contraindicated because that requires a different nutritional program, right? So we got to wait for the body to get to the point where it has the energy and inclination and the ability to start incorporating burning more energy. Because there’s a lot of stuff that’s going on with the metabolism and the insulin and the liver and the gallbladder and the digestive system that gets you ready to not be too dizzy to work out to not have the desire to work out, you know, to not have the ability or or the inclination to start moving your body more so that comes. As the metabolism gets stronger burning fat. Cause we want to get the body, which is not in fat burning, it’s being sugar burning, that’s why we have a difficulty losing weight and we, you know, go from that yo yo back and forth.

It’s because the insulin, we need to get that insulin resistance and the cells to be able to start to. Absorb and use utilize the insulin the way it’s supposed to to get it into fat burning instead of always staying in sugar burning. And that’s why we have a difficulty losing weight. And that’s why we have an entire society whose bellies are getting bigger and bigger and bigger, which is the danger zone, which is 1 criteria

Join me for these upcoming events. We’re hosting the Angel Reiki Mediumship School live in person. Again, this fall and spring. Event dates are up at theangelmedium. com backslash events. Space is limited. Reserve your spot today. And as a bonus, I’m giving you access to our eight week online Angel Reiki Mediumship School so that you can get started as soon as you register.

Don’t want to come in person? That’s okay. You can still earn your certifications in Mediumship Angel messages and energy healing in our eight week online program with a new online class and zoom calls Starting on the first of each month. Did you know one Wednesday evening of each month? I host a free group prayer event Open to all.

And right afterwards, I teach you a new tool to work with your angels or loved ones in heaven. Sign up today, free at the angel medium. com backslash events, and we’ll send you the zoom link to participate. You’ll also find details on our upcoming spiritual retreat, October 4th, 5th, and 6th, 2024 at theangelmedium.

com backslash events. So excited to work with you now back to the show.

Part of the plan is, and this is one of the things that you said that was just like, First off, why doesn’t every doctor’s office in America offer this? Because this plan shows exactly what your body needs. and it just seems like it should be Information that every single person has I actually side note was talking to a friend of mine who I referred over to you And I was like, why don’t they like seriously?

Why isn’t this in every doctor’s office and she’s like well julie Like I love living in a capitalist society, but part of being in a capitalist society is that There are businesses making money off of people not having this information and keeping them buying the products that are on the shelves.

so the one thing that you said where I was just like, Oh my God, frame that, put it in a poster, stick it on the wall is. Your body is chemistry and that if you were a scientist working in a lab with different chemicals, you wouldn’t just pour any amount of chemicals into the beakers. You would measure it precisely to the milliliter and you would just use the amount of chemicals that you need.

And you said in one of our calls, your body is chemistry. chemistry and you need a certain amount of these proteins. You need a certain amount of this, you need a certain amount of this. And that’s what the plan gives you. And for everybody, it’s completely different based on what their body needs. That made total sense to me and was really a game changer to look at food as fuel.

Well, this is interesting because like we said, you know, everybody’s plan is a little different. the categories of food aren’t, but the items are. And so what we’re doing is, you know, they have the ability, the program, which was created, 25 years ago or so in Europe, we’re looking at the biological value.

So you might get one food item that it’s not a calorie. We’re looking at grams. You know, you start out at one weight and your goal weight is here. So we’re looking at the highest biological value per food item to get you to by portion size for you to get you from one weight to the next.

is pretty remarkable. this chemistry and again, everybody’s chemistry is different. Now you mentioned something earlier and I want to touch on this. sure, clinicians like myself, practitioners, this program is at doctor’s offices. it’s around the issue is, though, I mean, I could give somebody just their plan, but as you can see, just handing the plan out does not equal success.

Because there’s a big learning curve. There’s also a big resistance as a woman, as somebody who’s, you know, struggled with a weight issue. you know, and a lot of resistance and also programming that’s been done. let me bring this back to, to something that you mentioned and, and it was, why isn’t this in doctor’s offices?

And there’s a reason being unhealthy

is very profitable. And you asked why they don’t all have the plan there. And the reason that they’re, they don’t have the plan in there is because it’s time intensive and our conventional medical system works on speed, appointments are speedy, prescriptions are speedy, surgeries are speedy. I see that when we were in the like NICU and PICU with Al, they couldn’t get us out of there fast enough and they just want to send you home and we had to go back around through the ER to go back and admit.

Totally get that. So handing out these plans to everybody doesn’t make somebody succeed in the plan. It’s the time intensive coaching and guidance to reprogram how we as God’s creatures, natural beings are supposed to eat. We’ve been led to believe that quickness, convenience, box, bag, can window and restaurant is okay.

Right. And this has led us, this is by design, right? Food industry. Zero fat, zero sugar, high protein. But it all leads to where we are now, where one in three people are insulin resistant. Insulin resistance leads to metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome leads to heart disease, stroke, polycystic ovarian diabetes and now type three diabetes, which is dementia and Alzheimer’s.

They actually are have cause and effect. So this is why it’s not just the plan isn’t just handed out that you have to have a coach or a practitioner. Yeah. Because there is a lot behind it. There’s a lot to it. I know when I first got started, you were like, Julie, you’re going rogue. We need to like go back to square one.

And that’s so me, like, just get the plan and roll with it. And you’re like, yeah, but did you do like the vegetable soup for three days? And I was like, no. And you’re like, okay, well, that’s why they’re not losing. So you go back on it and you do that vegetable soup. And well, that’s a, that’s an option. Oh, yeah, yeah.

That’s one of the options. I loved it though. It was actually delicious. and then it just began to fall off and I didn’t even really believe it. I was like, am I dreaming? What is happening? Because I had been working out consistently, like every single day for at least six months when I first started with you and I hadn’t lost weight, I had gained weight.

And what was really fascinating is that as that weight just started to like, Peel right off. and it just fell right off. I could see all of the muscle tone and the definition had been working on. it was just all like right underneath. It was this layer just like right underneath and I’ve been really, I think that’s one of the shifts for me that has felt really good is, feeling proud of my body, like feeling like I want to look in the mirror and be like, I look good.

and I’m still like, at 180 pounds, which is great. And I’m I not be the type of person who was ever 130 pounds. Like that might not be exactly who I meant to be, but I love being in this body now. And it feels really good. And I know that like, I’m not done and I’m continuing, which is why we’re starting this up again in October, right?

October 1st. the group is going to start in October. So there’s a time frame between, you know, discovery call to ordering, you know, getting the blood work and getting the plan and getting everybody ready and prepped. They get their supplements they start the cleansing process and getting everybody you know on track to start now again.

Some people came into the group and it started right away. You started before the group started. Some people came in a few weeks after, but it’s really great to have everybody, you know, someone might have a wedding or somebody might have something coming up, but they couldn’t start. But yeah, to get everybody kind of on the same pace and we’re learning off of each other.

I just want to say one thing too, that, the weight rolled off of you. and you still didn’t, you weren’t perfect. Nobody’s perfect. You went on vacation and, you know, you know, you had summer excursions and, and we all have stuff coming up. We had the best summer of our lives.

That’s so awesome. But the thing about it for me is, yeah, who doesn’t want to lose weight? Right. But this really, for me and my work after 30 years of doing all kinds of stuff, it really is about health. Yeah. And so we got your insulin and Chuck, you started being able to see this stuff going on because your body was put into fat burning.

It’s not just about the scale. It’s literally about revving up your metabolism and getting the right foods that you can digest because everybody’s digestive systems are skewed for a number of reasons. Right? It could be medications. It could be diet. It could be cortisol. It could be stress. But so we’re incorporating not just food, but you know, the rest of it.

It is the body. The mind and the spirit, it’s all connected. So this is all about getting the metabolism working again. Okay. So that’s one of my questions because I am in it. I’ve been in it for two months. how do you know? Cause you keep telling me and I’m like, I want to believe you, Nettie. I want to believe you.

I think it’s going to be true, but I want it to be true. You know, I don’t want to say like once your metabolism is healed, you’re like, you can incorporate other things back in that aren’t technically like on your plan. How do you know when your metabolism is healed? Like, the metabolism can be altered for good or bad, right?

So we need to have some skills as human beings. You know, again, if you look back to the seventies, early eighties, we didn’t have. One in three people with a waist size that doesn’t belong, right? Because that’s a danger zone, right? And you can, you also maybe are able to tell that you’re losing weight in areas that are healthy.

You’re not just like starving yourself and losing it in your face. And, you know, I mean, we’re losing that critical weight. that’s where we know it’s working, right? But when the waistline starts chiseling down, that’s really what we’re trying to do. We’re trying to get the metabolism working.

How do you know in this program, there’s four phases, we stay in phase two, and there’s some different things that happen in phase two, but we stay in phase two until we reach our goal weight, And then we move on to phase three, where we start bringing in other foods and increasing the portions.

now you’re, when your metabolism is working correctly, You don’t gain all the weight that you’ve lost in one weekend. Well, and I just want to say, cause people are listening and really thinking about this and considering it. I really want to go back to what I said earlier. It’s a lot of food.

Like, and everybody in this has said it the same thing too. Like you’re not starving yourself. I mean, you’re eating a lot. So I don’t want anybody to listen to this and be like, like, I don’t want to be restrictive. You’re not like there, you’re eating a lot of food. You’re eating bread.

You’re, you know, you got fruit, like it is all available to you and it’s delicious. It’s everybody’s portions are by design for them uniquely. Everybody’s different. Everybody’s system. Again, it really depends on your blood work, your medical conditions, your age, your waist size. This is indicative, waist size is indicative of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.

The bigger the waist, the weaker your metabolism is. Period. the bigger your waist is, the longer you’ve been in sugar burning and not fat burning. and listen, some people are small, And they have metabolic syndrome. So it isn’t necessarily like the biggest size, it’s just that everybody is different. Oh, everybody’s so different. I like to think about it too, in terms of control, you know, cause I work with a lot of therapists who come on the show, counselors and shame is just like the lowest emotion.

They’ve tested it vibrationally. Shame is the lowest emotion that we can feel. It’s not hate. It’s shame. And so I think when I’ve worked with people in the past, folks get into a shame spiral and it’s not about that. I think for me, what I’ve come to the realization of working with you over the last two months, where it takes shame out of it is it’s a lack of control.

I felt a lack of control before. And the gift and the miracle that you have really given me, Nettie, is feeling in control, having. The education and the awareness of my own body’s chemistry, what I need, and actually being in control of my body. And it feels completely different from before, where I felt out of control, and that out of control feeling is not a pleasant feeling for me to have.

it’s a spiral that we’ve all been in and it’s, it’s so unfortunate, you know, this and that. as you’ve probably seen and heard me talking about throughout the program, most of the program is here.

The program works. I mean, it works, but this. This can stop anybody from following anything.

And, and so,

that’s what I love is this empowerment. And yes, it’s, it’s a feeling of self control, not a rigid self control. It’s just a forgiveness. It’s a process. It’s not a race. This is not a quick fix. This is not an overnight thing where you’re going to, again, keep your metabolism unhealthy by crash dieting.

And yo yoing this, this kills not only our bodies, but our mind is so self defeating. And so this is, this is a lifelong process.

You can use your plan and the foods on your plan for years to come because your digestive system works with these and you’ll know what foods you can bring in again, going back to, how do you know your metabolism is healthy?

You know, you learn and I’m trying to teach people the language that their body speaks. You be your own doctor when it comes to, you know, having a base solid foundation of understanding

what you put in affects not just your waistline, but your body and your digestive system, your, emotions, everything about your body.

I mean, we’re feeding it medicine and that’s our food. And we have to have a solid foundation of how to feed these bodies foods that belong in them. And it’s just a wonderful experience to feel good about what you’re doing and knowing that you may go off of it, but now you have the tools to figure out what to do when you do go off of it.

And how do I just get back into that equilibrium and that harmony that, everything in my body is working and I know how to read it and know how to, how to manage it.

Well, it was interesting because when I used to have people on the podcast before and talk about this, they would be like, well, what are you eating?

And I’d be like, well, I think I’m eating good. Like I go to noodles and company and I get like the veggie noodles and I get the chicken on it. And, and it’s just so specific with the body’s chemistry and precisely what you need. And I really worried when I was coming in, like, Oh my God, am I actually going to be able to do this because I don’t.

Cook and I have been shocked at how simple it is because, Oh, here’s another thing. I don’t think I’ve ever told you this, but before when I would eat, I’m home alone almost every day. Right? Like I have my routine Blake and I’ll leave in the morning. They go to school. I’m home alone. And I like to take a break from my work in the middle of the day.

And go eat lunch. But the way that I eat lunch is normally in front of the TV. And like, I go eat a little bit, go back to the cupboard, eat a little bit more, go back to, you know, and I like during my lunch that I, you get different things. Like I can go sit down and eat my salad. With meat in it, and then I can go back and I can get a thing of vegetable, uh, fruits and go back and sit down and eat it.

And if I want the bread, I can go make some toast. And I still have that same routine of like getting to spend time decompress for my little lunch break and graze, I guess I would say like over that hour. I don’t want people to be confused because timing is key. There’s a 5 hour window between meals.

hopefully 30 to 60 minute window of eating because. You know, another thing that’s put us in a really, really, really scary place is how fast we eat, you know, our stomach has no teeth. we, we gobble down food and, we don’t digest it. So there’s a whole lot going on with getting back down to the simple basics.

Because with the program, you’re, eating at least it’s got to take a half an hour and you have to sit there and be like, okay, I’m really chewing my food and it takes an awareness and a spiritual presence to be there with your food and to eat it over the period of minutes, but not longer than 60 minutes.

I mean, there’s, specific rules. it takes that amount of time for the metabolism to get into that fat burning mode. So, you know, we’re getting back to the fallacy of, nibbling throughout the day. this philosophy, if you’re somebody now for the listeners, and this is a small percentage of the population, but if you’re throwing weights around and you’re a super, super lean work outer and you need to feed the body for that amount of activity, great, but that’s not the people, the one in three people in the United States who are insulin resistant.

That’s not. The majority of the population who, is on cholesterol medicine or, or blood pressure medication, that’s not the average person. And more people work out without changing their diet and they don’t lose weight. Which was me. I mean, for like six months, like I totally, I totally get it.

I mean, here’s one of my questions though, because I don’t get how certain things work in life. Like I just don’t get how the internet works. I don’t know. but I don’t understand like, how does it know, how do they just know what your body needs in Germany? How do they come up with a plan? And why does it?

Because we’ve talked about this a lot in the group zooms. I mean, just one thing that you throw in that’s a little different, that’s not part of your plan, can really jack up your body’s chemistry. Yeah, well, one, go on vacation and you have foods that don’t belong, you know, you’re sparking your insulin because of, it could be the powders on the food.

It could be the, because we’re looking at the biological value. most nutritious, part of the food per gram. When you put something else in that’s not on your plan, you just kind of throw off the chemistry and you need to, it takes a little bit of time as we’ve discussed, to get that percolating again, you know, it’s like anything if, back to the, the, the beaker, if you throw off the chemistry, then it’s going to start percolating one way or the other.

Is it increasing? insulin or, you know, into sugar burning, or is it getting your insulin into fat burning? and that’s how it works. it’s that simple. And one thing would throw you off, but not Blake, right. let’s get real. This is real food.

Yeah. You’re you’re not eating anything outside of real food. And when you throw something, that’s not real food. Or prepared in a way it could be certain oils. It could be certain spices that accidentally have, maltodextrin in it. I know you were so funny at the beginning. You’re like, I want to know every single thing that goes in your mouth.

Like if it’s a supplement, you better be texting me a picture of it. I want to know every single thing. And I didn’t get it at first, but you really drilled it into us. Like. Every single thing that goes in your mouth has different stuff in it, and we need to make sure that this is aligning with your body’s chemistry and your food plan.

And it’s just wild. it’s crazy. We are literally our own little test tubes. So I got a question for you on this. On my plan, I have sheep and goats yogurt and sheep and goats milk. I can have a sheep goat feta cheese, but it doesn’t say goat cheese. And like goat cheese, okay. I would really love goat cheese.

You have to stick with feta right now. Now when we get to phase three, you’ll, you’ll have something else in there. I haven’t given you your phase three yet. So I’ll give you an example. You know, people ask me this all the time. I have yogurt, but I want Greek yogurt. Okay. Greek yogurt. We drain out all the way.

I mean, there’s, it’s prepared different. right. Well, feta cheese is prepared in a different way than other cheeses. It’s different than or cheddar So there’s other things in it. The processing is different. and, and it’s very clear, you know, and I don’t want people on the, the callers to think that everybody gets goat and sheep yogurt.

That’s your digestive system. I’m Italian as well. I always thought that I was lactose intolerant. So I stopped eating dairy for years. Yep. Cow has a different molecular structure than a goat buffalo, which is really weird because I have buffalo mozzarella, but I can’t have cow. You know, I have sheep feta and you can intermingle sheep or goats, but I don’t have.

on my plan. So, you know, some people have, Greek yogurt, some people, cow, and some people have, whole yogurt. I mean, it’s very clear and very specific and it works. Yeah, it really does. And I think the other thing is, And I know that this is like wrong and unhealthy thinking that I had in the past, but kind of coming in with that thinking into your program, I was like, like, can’t have carbs.

And I think that I’d almost over the years living as like a 1990s teen and early two thousands, and just all of the diet culture that we’ve been through over the years was like, I can’t have carbs. And I would tell myself that over and over again. So when I got my plan, I was like. I can have oatmeal and I can have bread and I can have, you know, fruit and I can have this and it’s all on there.

Bread at every single meal. I felt nervous at first to eat it, but then I was like, Oh my God. And then it was like a yay. It was like an excitement. Like, Oh my God, I can have oatmeal. I can have oatmeal every morning with berries. Oh my God. My food tastes so delicious that I told Blake this the other day.

I would rather eat at home than eat out and I looked at it. I think we’re saving 65 a week. I talk about this all the time, especially with rising food costs we eat so much food that’s literally killing us, right? But not only that, we eat portions that can feed an entire Brady Bunch, And so, we’ve forgotten and we don’t know and the reason is because we’re so hungry because we’re not feeding our bodies correctly. Now, you know, is this the end all be all? No. But this program works and, and I’m, I’m trying to share with people that Real food and portion control. That’s part of it as well, right?

It’s very specific and that’s based on you individually, but this is the diabolical thing. Now I’ve owned clinics. I’ve had, you know, a wonderful career. I even owned a health food store that had a An organic cafe. taught raw cleansing classes and, you know, it was a full blown grocery store.

the one thing that was really, and I had a wellness center attached to it. And the thing that was really crazy about it is every time there was, a new food trend. Now this is the bad, the diabolical thing about you feeling like you’re doing something wrong by eating something. This is, By design, okay, I’m not trying to scare people, but when we look at how foods are brought to market Big industry food every single time there was oh a new sugar substitute Everybody goes hogwild because they hear oh, you know, so and so said this was okay And what would happen is people would swarm into my grocery store looking for this You New sugar substitute or new zero fat thing or a gluten free thing.

And every time people would swarm in because this was the new, Oh, this is how you should eat. This is how you should eat. It’s not a mistake that high protein. these keto carnivore diets and the high cost of meat and rising meat prices are happening. The same thing happened with gluten free.

And let me assure you that I’ve never seen people gain weight faster than when the gluten free craze came and everybody thought, Oh, I can’t eat bread anymore, but I can eat gluten free and I’m going to eat as much gluten free as possible because they said it was okay. And it’s the same thing. It’s just more chemicals And a different type of flour and water, which is sugar, which increases the waistline and insulin resistance.

So I just want to preface this. We need to get back to the basics, real food in the right portions. For our bodies. And then you, as your body and your digestive system gets healthier, then you can start, you know, seeing, you know, you said what feels good and I’m feeling good in my food tastes good because your body needs it.

And when you put something that doesn’t belong in your body, when you’re in phase three, You’re gonna feel it. You’re gonna get sad. You’re not gonna feel good. That’s fascinating because I have cheated on a couple of days. I’ve had a couple of cheat dates and like I had a bowl of ice cream one night.

I have never felt sicker and, and I am the type of person that eat, and this is no joke, I can be sick, like the sickest ever. I can have the flu and be throwing up and still be hungry and just want to eat, you know, that is my body type. other people are like, I have this, you know, hunger turns off. My daughter has this.

She doesn’t feel hunger all the time. She’ll have, Her meal and then she’ll be like I can’t finish the rest. She feels a sensation of fullness. I don’t get that and so it was the weirdest thing to me to eat a bowl of ice cream and to physically feel sick after it. I haven’t felt that before in my life but on the cheat dates when I’ve cheated I have felt that both times.

you know when we’re babies And we’re getting breast milk, you know, we get what the mom eats, right? But as our mom starts to feed us more food and we get colic and gas and, you know, we’re crying and screaming and, you know, we can’t communicate. So we’re hoping that the baby poops or, you know, has gas or whatever, but we keep feeding them the same stuff.

it’s no different when we’re adults. When we eat something, our bodies tell us, but this is what happens. The longer we keep eating food that doesn’t belong, we start to feel normal. And the body starts to adjust. But it adjusts with things like pain, constipation, weight gain, headaches, depression.

grief, irritability. There’s a reason why we have so much emotional stuff happening. Yes. I felt like, cause I am so in tune with my energy. I felt more anger on those cheat days. And I was like, why am I angry? Why am I feeling this? It’s chemistry and it affects our spirituality. can heighten it.

And it can suppress it. It can heighten our joy and it can suppress our joy. It could increase our pain and decrease It makes sense to me. And I do agree that if you’re not feeling sick and angry and headaches and, and all of that, it, opens you up to be more present with goodness of life. I totally get that.

And self love, you know, there’s another thing that I just loved. Blake and I have looked at one another, I forget. how many years we’ve been married, but from 2007 when we got together, and just, we go to the grocery store, we would shop, we would have fruits and veggies in the refrigerator, we would get to the end of the week, and we just hadn’t eaten what we’d bought.

And we, Have looked at each other every month since we’ve been together and be like, this is the month that we actually eat. Cause you feel so bad and so guilty at the end of the week, throwing out this food that you haven’t eaten. And I will say over the last two months, we are not wasteful of our food.

Like we are eating everything that’s in our fridge. Um, and when I said before that we’re saving like 65 a week, That’s just on take out where we were eating. Out like just grabbing a thing from Panera, grabbing a thing from Noodles and Company, grabbing some from over here. that’s not even like the grocery bills.

We’re saving at least 30 to 35 a week on groceries as well because we’re, we’re eating everything that’s in our fridge. And from a spiritual perspective, that has made me feel really full and happy inside where I know that we’re not being wasteful. I really like to pray over my food. I like to give thanks and it makes me feel so full and joyful inside that like, okay, I’m giving thanks also because I’m eating everything that I’m purchasing and that just makes me so happy.

I agree with you. I talk about it all the time. I save hundreds of dollars a month. And, again, food costs are so high. We were talking about this when I started talking about portions, you know, what to eat, you know, your portions it’s fresh. So you’re almost going back in time when people bought fresh food and they actually ate it.

I mean, I can’t tell you, and I’ve been buying organic food, for forever. I’ve been in this world for 30 years and I’ve thrown just so much food out at the end of the week because, you know, I’m. hitting the food, out of a box bag can or window. And it really is. it’s amazing.

when you learn what your body thrives on, you save money. You’re saving doctor visits. You’re feeling better. there’s just so many benefits to knowing how to care for your body. There’s just so many benefits. It doesn’t take the rest of your life away. people who listen to the podcast know that I used to struggle with a vocal disorder.

And then I tried just different plans after that to heal the vocal disorder. And I. Knew that I kind of fell out of those and was struggling and I kept telling all of my girlfriends I can’t start something like I can’t physically start something Until I know that I can do this long term because I am just done done done Doing different plans and different this and different that and so a friend introduced me to you and i’ll just be honest She was like she’s worked with this celebrity and I was It’s nobody that I’ve had on the podcast.

It’s nobody that I’ve talked about before, but I was like, Oh my God. Well, if she’s working with her, then I want to work with her too. and just the understanding of the chemistry, this isn’t like anything else out there. This is designed for you. This is specific to your body’s chemistry. It’s kind of like my angel Reiki school, where once you learn it and you go through working with you and getting that coaching, these are tools that you can’t.

Unlearn, you can’t unlearn how to read. You can’t unlearn how to ride a bike. You have this gift and this miracle in your life for the rest of your life. And so what I’ve been really, really grateful for is just that, this is something that can be done. It’s achievable on every single level. Your kids can participate in it with you because I was like, does Elle need to go through this?

And you go, Nope, just have her eat off of your plan, off of Blake’s plan. and my God, it’s something that you can do for the rest of your life. And it’s fabulous. Oh my God. I got to tell this story too because I totally, I don’t know. I don’t like the term skinny jeans, but whatever. It’s like, like the lowest size in my closet.

And, I kept them in my closet cause I was like, maybe one day, but it’s, it was. Quite a number of sizes lower than what I started the program wearing. And, I woke up one day, I put on my regular pants and I was like, well, this isn’t going to work. Like they’re dropping off. So I tried another pair that was like a lower size in my closet.

And I was like, okay, well, this isn’t going to work either. So I tried on the smallest one and I’m like, Oh my God, I haven’t worn these for years. Um, Plus, I’m only, 20 pounds away from my high school weight. Yep, and you’re going to get there. Yep. Yeah. That’s the next certificate. It just feels like, like I was saying before, I think it was so difficult.

It felt so difficult. It felt like Mount Everest. And now I feel this ease because of you, because of the ease and the simplification of this plan. So, I’m just so grateful for you. You’re my food angel. And I know you call our group, the Wellionaire Angels. And if anybody wants. to join us on the second round that you’re starting in October.

I don’t want people to feel like, Oh God, I listened, October 15th. Then I didn’t get in right away. Just no deadline. No. And I feel so much like we kind of wait for January 1st, but it’s so wonderful to be able to have you through the holidays to kind of navigate holiday situations and parties and food.

so this isn’t a gimmick. It’s not like, I’m just promoting Nelly to promote it. I have been longing for and searching for information to just feel in control of my body and to not feel the headaches that I felt before. I’m not on my thyroid medication anymore. this has given me that back and I feel like it’s given me a future that I’m really excited about.

and I love clothes. It’s so fun to wear clothes and it’s been so fun to just go in and be like, I look good. I feel good. I look good. And it’s okay to say that we’re proud of ourselves. And I feel proud of myself. And so thank you for that. for anybody who’s like, okay, I want to try this. Where should they reach out?

you can go to nettynovalley. com and there is a you know, schedule with me button and you would schedule the free discovery call and we’re just going to be starting the October group of wellionaire angels Looking so forward to meeting each and every one of you because it’s really exciting.

And, you know, I just wanted to say to you, you know, the, the accountability is, awesome because we all need it. But I’m also I’m very proud of you. I mean, it’s super excited for you both you and Blake both the group is doing awesome. And it’s just been an absolute joy, I just had so much fun with this and I just want to say so much.

You’re not even done. We have two more live zoom calls in our group. So right now is really the focus on what happens as we move into phase three on how you can start incorporating when you reach your goal weight. But also, I think the most important stuff that we’re getting into right now is What do you do and how to get back on track when you’ve kind of gone off of the plan and those are life skills.

It’s not just the plan because the plan is the plan. But it’s outside of the plan and living in life and getting to still have fun and enjoy the things that you enjoy and learning how to listen to the language of the body and how to get it back into homeostasis. That’s the really exciting stuff that I love because those are the life skills that we all need and we need for our children.

So nettynovelli. com. we’re starting the Wellion Air Angel Group in October and I’d love to have you as a part of it. It’s just going to be so much fun. Spell netty novelli. N E T T I E. N O V E L L I dot com. Okay, perfect. And they need to tell you that they want to be part of my group so that you’re in with us and so that you can get access to all the bonuses that you give my group.

Yeah, it’s a discounted program, and if you, it’s even discounted more if you have a partner, a loved one, or a friend that you want to do it with. It’s fun to have somebody with you. you know, after our discovery call, then I’ll send you all the information you need on what’s in, you know, you’ll know, you’ll know everything.

I’m very transparent. I just want you to be comfortable and to be in it to win it because I’ll be on you. I know you are you are you don’t let anybody go. And that is one thing. We’re all just here to live our lives. And, you know, we went on vacation over the summer, we went on a couple different trips.

And Blake was like, I got to stick to this specifically. And I was like, Okay, babe. But You know, balance is also living your life and enjoying. You’ve done so much hard work to go on this trip. Let’s enjoy this trip. And so you are going to live and you’re going to fall off every once in a while. And it’s not about being religious to the T.

It’s about learning how to live in a way where this becomes your life and you love it and you will like this food. It’s just I would never have imagined that I myself would speak these words. The food is so good that I would rather eat out of my own house than eat at a restaurant. It’s just the truth.

Your body’s talking to you and it’s always talking to us loud and clear. We’re just, you know, you’re, you’re just clear and now listening. Amazing, Nettie. I love you so much. And I can’t wait to work with everybody who wants to join in. definitely reach out to Nettie and I’m going to be so excited to have you in the second group that we’re working on.

Nettie, love you so much. I hope you have a great day. Thank you, Julie, so much. Love it. Bye guys.

I’d love to work with you if it resonates. Book a reading to get messages from your angels right away. Or join my membership or my Angel Reiki Mediumship School. What’s the difference? The Angel Reiki Mediumship School certifies you in mediumship, angel messages, and energy healing all at once. Some join simply to develop all of their unique spiritual gifts to the max, and others want to start their own spiritual business.

Both are perfect. You can take the Angel Reiki Mediumship School online with a Zoom meeting. Or in person in Oakbrook, Illinois, in November or April bonus. When you register for the in person Angel Reiki Mediumship School today, you also get the eight week online program free with zoom meetings included.

So you can literally start today. How is that different from my membership? My membership gives you everything you need to care for and nourish your soul. The fact is, our world neglects the soul. Most people only attend to their own soul when they have a big life crisis. But your soul is not a problem to be solved.

Your soul is starving to be seen, heard, nourished, and cared for. Your soul is speaking to you, and it wants you to hear it. That’s what my membership does. It nourishes your soul. It shows you there is an entire universe living within you, how you can access your own angels, messages, and live a life of wonder, magic, enchantment, and miracles.

At your request, we’ve changed the membership so that you can join anytime, any month. You can purchase readings, the school, my membership, all over at theangelmedium. com. As we close today, ask your angels to be with you and allow these messages to speak to your heart. Your angels say you are connected to the universe.

And the universe is connected to you. All you ever need is within you right now, at this very moment. Stay true to yourself. Don’t betray yourself by going against the intuitive feelings you get. Trust your own inner wisdom. Why? The world needs you. The world needs you to dream big. big and for you to discover what’s possible for yourself, step into the energy of all that you are smile, laugh, and allow your heart to be healed.

Ask your angels to bring you big, big miracles, prosperity, and to open big doors. Believe in miracles. You have a big purpose and friends. Inspiration is everywhere. Everywhere you look, there are people in need of help, love, and support. Find a way to be of service. Start right now by asking yourself, what good shall I do this day?

Love is who you are. Joy is your nature. Remember, God only ever has three answers to your prayers. Not yet, or I have something so much better in mind, you can’t possibly believe it. Nothing is impossible and nothing can stop your determined soul from succeeding. Now go about your day and expect the most wonderful things to happen.

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