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From Imagination to Reality: Secret Manifestation Lessons and the Law of Assumption with Abiola Abrams

Guest Interview

Hello beautiful souls! Ever wonder why what you’re manifesting hasn’t come yet? Today, I’m talking with Abiola Abrams about the top ways in which I see my clients block themselves from what it is they truly desire. If you’re actively manifesting a heart-felt desire, today’s episode is going to help you manifest it more quickly. Get ready to step into your fullest potential and manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams as you learn to purposefully shape your reality. I’d love to hear your thoughts about this episode over on Instagram @angelpodcast . . . and THANK YOU for listening!

To learn more about Abiola Abrams:
[IG] @abiolatv
Abiola’s book From Imagination to Reality is available at all major book retailers


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Julie Jancius: Listen in for messages from this episode.

Abiola Abrams: Know at that moment that you want it and you’re focused on it, and your desire is locked in and shifts from a place of, want, which is there’s a gap between want and already having into. It’s already done. It’s already done. When you shift into that energy, then you can release it. It is done. Write that down. It is done. Write that down in your notebooks or your phones or your journals. It is done. It’s done. And then you just can release it. Just let it go. It’s done.

Julie Jancius: Hello, beautiful souls. You’re listening to the Angels and Awakening podcast. I’m, your host and author, Julie Jancius. Did you know that you can listen to this show everywhere podcasts are found? It’s true. Now I have three free gifts just for you. First gift, I give away a new reading each week to a person who’s left a five star positive review of this show, then submitted it to me using the contact form@theangelmedium.com. backslash contact. I hope I’m calling your number next. Second gift. If you’d like a new daily angel message, join me on Insta angelpodcast. Third free gift. If you’d like to know the name of one of your guardian angels so that you can work with them even more closely, go to the homepage of my website, theangelmedium.com, and submit your contact info at the very top. I’ll email you back personally with the name of one of your Angels. Okay, as we begin the show, I want you to feel the presence of your Angels surrounding you. And just know that the loving, positive messages you resonate with today are messages for you from your Angels and loved ones on the other side. Hello, beautiful souls. Welcome back to the Angels and Awakening podcast. I’m your host and author, Julie Jancius. And friends, we have on a subject today near and dear to my heart, new friend Abiola Abrams. She is the author of the new book from imagination to Reality, Secret Manifestation, lessons and the laws of assumption from Abdullah, master alchemist Abiola. Welcome to the show.

Abiola Abrams: Oh, thank you, Julie. I’m so excited about this conversation.

Julie Jancius: Me too. So I have to tell you this funny story. So I was right out of college, working for a university, and anytime they had like alumni trips overseas where they had two buses, I got to go and run the second bus. So I’m at the airport one day waiting for this flight, I think over to London and at, ah, the airport at O’Hare is just slammed and there’s nowhere for me to sit down with this big tray and my suitcase and my backpack. So I walk up to this nice looking gentleman and I say, excuse me, sir, can I please sit down at your table? And he’s like, oh yeah, absolutely, no worries. So I start talking to him and he teaches the law of manifestation. Now this is back way before the secret, maybe five, seven years before the secret. And he starts to tell me his formula for manifestation. Now you got to remember, this is in the really, really early two thousands. I haven’t even heard of the law of manifestation. And he goes, the formula is to put yourself in the future as if what you want has already happened. So he sat down, he drew me out this thing, and he gave me some of his tapes and his books because he spoke national, like nationwide on this topic and I’ve used it ever since and it is so incredibly powerful. But this is what your entire book is about. So why don’t you, just tell us a little bit more about that.

Abiola Abrams: I’m fascinated actually by the conversation you had with the gentleman. I’m like wondering, like, was it Doctor Wayne Dyer? I don’t know who he was, but that is great and wonderful that you manifested that conversation with that gentleman. So as you said in my latest book, from m imagination to reality, that this is what the point is. And it’s because I have gotten all kinds of questions over the years about manifesting. And people’s main question is, how do I do it? How do I begin? What am I doing? How do I manifest? So we’ll begin at the beginning, which is, Julie,


Abiola Abrams: that we’re already doing it. Every single one of us is already manifesting. So, you know, to the biggest question, which is, how am, I doing it? We’re already doing it. If you look around at the things in your room, you know, the things that are around you, the things in your life, the people in your life, you’ve already manifested them. What we are talking about is conscious creation, consciously manifesting, making deliberate choices about the experiences and the things that we call forward into our lives. And it is exactly what that gentleman is talking about. So when I use the term the law of assumption, which is the term that Neville Goddard and Abdullah, we’ll talk about them in a little bit. Abdullah, who is the, they’re the gurus at the center of my latest book. When I talk about the law of a son assumption, most people are familiar with the law of attraction, which is the basic like attracts like, and we are magnetic to things and experiences, which is 100% true. But the law of attraction is only one spiritual law. There are many different laws governing our Universe, and the law of assumption is exactly what that gentleman so generously taught you in the airport, which is we attract, we create, actually what we assume to be true, meaning what we believe to be true. The things that we believe to be true about ourselves, the assumptions. We all have assumptions about ourselves. I assumed that when I came on the zoom link, you’d come on the zoom link and there you are. You know, we have things that we just go through our life assuming to be true. I assume that when I turn on the sink, water is going to come out. I assume, you know, there are things that we assume. So in conscious creation and conscious manifesting, we think about what we’re wanting to call forward into our lives, and we create it as an assumption by living what we call living from the end. So looking back at what we’re doing, that’s the first assignment that I always give people is, okay, I say a year from now, if you and I were hanging out and you were to look back at this time now, and I describe it as if it already happened, let’s do that. It is creating, creating, not attracting, creating, your life by stepping into your power, by attracting and enlightening the God consciousness, or Universe or whatever terminology works for you. The divine, luckily, is not as picky as we are. You know, the God consciousness, energy within, activating that energy within us in order to create our beautiful lives.

Julie Jancius: Amazing. Okay, so I’ve worked with this energy for over like 25 years. I’ve done over 7000 sessions. And there are some really concrete questions that I wrote down because there are so many ways, little, teeny, tiny ways, where people trip themselves up. So I want to go into that. But first, before we do, I found this so fascinating, and I. So thank you for writing about this, because I had never heard of, Abdullah, the ethiopian rabbi, but I had heard of Neville Goddard and Joseph Murphy, who were profound spiritual teachers earlier on, but they got so much of what they were teaching, actually, from Abdullah. so I want you to talk to us a little bit so that we just know who he is. I, was reading this story, it was beautiful, online about, or maybe it was in your book about his life, and that he just called things to him in just such a peaceful manner. He got married really early and, didn’t want to get divorced, but stayed legally married to his first wife, but then found the love of his life later on, didn’t want to disrupt the energy, didn’t ask his first wife for a divorce, but just really focused on this vision of being with his future partner and just the love there, the positive frequency there, the feeling every night of going to bed next to your loved one. And he ended up calling for this situation, right, where I’ll tell you, let you tell the rest of the story.

Abiola Abrams: Yes. So the story that you’re telling, actually, you saw in the book, is a story that Neville Goddard tells. Neville Goddard was a student of, Abdullah. So I’ll talk about this, and then we’ll go back and talk about Abdullah. so I love the way that you describe the energy as easy, letting it be easy. So if you’re watching this or listening to this, just write that down in your journal or put it on your phone or something, let it be easy. The frantic desperation, the desperate energy that we often have when we’re wanting to manifest or call something into our lives, that energy


Abiola Abrams: is repellent, the spirit, and that actually is not the energy of surrender, of laying down your burdens, of letting it be easy. And so in the story that are talking about, Neville had been married to this woman when he was very young, and he, went through a lot of trials and tribulations in his life in between. He started out as a dancer on Broadway in New York, and he was very, very successful and then got a spiritual calling, and, ended up being an apprentice to Abdullah and was cleaning Abdullah’s apartment in exchange for lessons. And Neville was in the meanwhile, married to this woman while he met the love of his life. And so the love of his life, obviously now she wanted to get married. She’s like, okay, that’s great, that everything easy for you, but you’re still married to this woman from ten years ago, and the woman lives in another city or state, and you don’t even see her. You know, let’s get married. And if you can imagine, this was 100 years ago, that it’s not even like, well, now in our time, you could just go cohabitate and it wouldn’t be as big a deal at that time. Like, they needed to get married if they were going to be together and live together and have children together and all of those things. And so, you know, his wife was, his wife to be was kind of putting pressure on the situation. Neville was like, no, no, no, no, I am going to manifest it the way that I would like it to be. And so he saw it from the end of, you know, it all working out, letting it be easy, calling in the energy of letting it be easy and put beautiful energy toward his ex wife, you know, wishing her well, seeing her at peace, seeing her in love, seeing her happy, all of these things. Now, he received a notification that he first thought was like a spam call saying, out of the blue, you’ve got to come to court. It’s about your ex wife. Now, he hadn’t been in touch with this wife in, like, 20 years, and he was like, come, come to court. And it turned out that his ex wife, she had her own path, and she had somehow ended up a shoplifter, and she was shoplifting. Now, in the town where he lived, out of the blue, he hasn’t heard from her for 20 years. He’s got to now come to court because at that time, men were responsible for their wives. He’s got to come to court. So it looked like, okay, it’s an easy road, because now he can have an easy reason for divorce because he could go to court and say, she’s a shoplifter, your honor, I don’t want to be married to her. And any judge would grant a divorce, but he didn’t do that because he was still in the energy of love and peace. And Abdullah said, God is love. That’s all. God is, just love. And so he went to court, and he testified on her behalf, and he said, your honor, she’s a wonderful person. We haven’t been in touch, but she’s amazing. And if for whatever reason, she was shoplifting, there must be something going on with her, you know, please have mercy, please have compassion. The judge was very moved by the situation and not only kept her out of jail, but also granted a divorce for them on the spot. Just making it all easy. He just let it be easy. And it was a totally. Now, he couldn’t have written a script on that happening in that way. There was no way he could have predicted that. But in putting in the energy of let it be easy, even though you may have a clear picture of what it is you want to create in your life, we leave room for the divine to work its magic. We leave room for, you know, for our spirit guides, for the divine, for the Angels to create and orchestrate things the way that we would want them to be.

Julie Jancius: Amazing. And this is where spiritual teachers say, you just have to have that end vision in mind of where you want to go. And people get so caught up with the how, but how is it going to happen? But how is it going to happen. And that really diminishes the, magic of the Universe and how they can come in in a billion infinite number of ways and just work magic for you. do you find, or how do you work with your clients to really have them step away from the how? Because some people’s brains just tend to ruminate on that.

Abiola Abrams: So I’m getting a nudge from Abdullah, who I, you know, he came, shared with me these stories to bring to you that I didn’t talk enough about him, explaining who he is, which I understand. Abdullah didn’t leave much of a paper trail, but I feel very urgently that his energy is like, okay, this is now and this needs to be, I love it. So if you are feeling like, okay, I can’t get past the how of what needs to happen, give yourself a break. Again, let it be easy and it’s okay. Just create a scenario, describe it from the end as you would want it to be, and simply say this, or something greater for the good of all involved so you can create it. If you have a vision, for example, of calling in your perfect


Abiola Abrams: love and you’re obsessed with this one person, it’s got to be that Man, it’s got to be that scenario. And we’re getting married in this place. You know, you have your vision, fine, script it out. Write it out. Envision it, you know, play with it. See yourself in the gown, see it fully, you know, create that energy. Make energetic space and physical space in your home for that person to come in and live there, whatever it is. But then this or something greater for the good of all involved and release it. Non attachment or detach it. Detachment is a very powerful spiritual principle. It’s the same thing as surrender. It’s the same thing as let go and let God. It’s leaving room, taking our hands off the wheel in belief, in faith and trust and just saying, okay, I have my intention and no, here’s where the belief in the acknowledgement, the assumption comes in. Know at that moment that you want it and you’re focused and your desire is locked in and shifts from a place of want, which is there’s a gap between want and already having into. It’s already done. It’s already done. When you shift into that energy, then you can release it. It is done. Write that down. It is done. Write that down in your notebooks or your phones or your journals. It is done. It’s done. And then you just can release it. Just let it go. It’s done. Ready?

Julie Jancius: M for a little getaway that completely resets your energy. We’re hosting a live, in person spiritual retreat called a whole new you. It’s the weekend of October 4 in Oakbrook, Illinois. This spiritual retreat is all about your own personal healing and growth, reconnecting with yourself, learning to connect with your Angels. And I’m going to talk about all new Angels that I’ve never talked about anywhere before. And you’re going to leave with more personal peace, purpose, clarity, and confidence than ever before. Learn more and see the itinerary@theangelmedium.com. retreat that’s theangelmedium.com backslash retreat. Links are in the show notes and friend, I cannot wait to meet you and hug you in person.

Abiola Abrams: So let’s talk about my good friend Abdullah for a quick moment. So, Abdullah lived 100 years ago, a little bit longer than that. He was born in the 18 hundreds. He lived for 100 years. And he lived in New York, actually, not far from where I. I went to school, to middle school and high school. And he was a metaphysical teacher and a teacher of the teachers of our favorite teachers. The teachers of our favorite teachers. And it’s very interesting because for me, as a hay house author, both doctor Wayne Dyer and Louise Hay are direct disciples of disciples of Abdullah. So Neville Goddard and Joseph Murphy were two of his most famous students. And Louise Hay was very enamored with the work of Joseph Murphy. And Wayne Dyer was very enamored in the work of Neville Goddard. And, they were both a part of the new thought movement, which was about us living our destinies, living in our fullness, living in who we are wanting to be. And Abdullah’s teachings, as it reverberates through his students, were very much just about us walking in our truth and getting to live our biggest, brightest, shiniest, whatever that means for you. It means something totally different for each and every one of us, but us moving in that energy.

Julie Jancius: Absolutely. Oh, that’s so beautiful. One of the things that the Angels talk about a lot is a lot of times, clients that I’m working with have wants. The Angels or their spirit team or their loved ones on the other side will show me this, vision within them of the wants, the place that they want to go to. And sometimes our wants take a year to manifest. Sometimes it takes ten years. Sometimes the Angels will show us a vision of, where we want to go by the end of our lives. What I find is that there’s a small percentage of people, but they’re loud folks who won’t have let themselves want, or they tear other people down for wanting. And not in a way that’s, I think, conscious. I don’t think that they’re conscious of tearing other people down. I think it’s very much a


Julie Jancius: subconscious energy for them. But they almost reject other people who want things and manifest them and go after them in a way where they’re like, What’s that word? It’s not a jealousy. It’s just kind of like,

Abiola Abrams: I know exactly what you mean. I can absolutely speak to this. Yes. Yes, I can absolutely speak to this. I just did a lesson about this, as a matter of fact, on teaching people how to desire, how to get clear about your desires. Because many of us, for different reasons, a lot of us have either had our desires sometimes practiced out of us, or we’ve had, you know, we don’t feel safe enough to say that, this is what I want. This is what I desire. You know, the well meaning people who raised us many times, you know, didn’t allow us to be able to feel comfortable in wanting what we want for whatever reason, you know, in different reasons, in different situations. And, for many years, I would. I taught a vision board workshop. And one of the things that I would have to say, like, toward the end, I realized that people were making fake vision board. So I would be like, I don’t want your fake vision. I don’t want your safe vision that, you know, that it’s okay to want. Like, okay, here’s the, you know, the car or the house or the family or the experience or the things that I know are safe to want. I want the big, bad, scary, hairy dreams that you’re too scared to utter, that you say yourself in your pillow or your journal. Those are the things we want to work with, you know, so we all have that. And it’s because we don’t know that it’s safe to desire the things that we desire. Because if and when you create and manifest the things that you’re calling forward in your life and the things that are calling you forward, what we are seeking is seeking us the things that are calling us forward. You will be a different person by nature. You’ll be a different person. And that’s terrifying to people, because the person who you are now is loved and accepted by your family, your loved ones, your community, or whoever you have. And so the thought of, rising into your fullness, which means now you’re someone else that perhaps might not be as accepted or loved, whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing, we are going to stay in tune with what we perceive to be our identity, no matter what, because we are safe in our identity. That’s why you have so many challenges with lottery winners, for example. They win the lottery and then, you know, quickly ruin their lives, so to speak, and get back to where they were before, in many cases, worse than they were before. And it’s because their identity has not caught up with this landfall, you know, this beautiful flow of money that has come to them. So what you want to do is you want to get your. Your nervous system in alignment. You want to get your. Your whole heart and Soul in alignment with your vision. And so once you know that, that’s what the case is, that it’s the self doubt and the many faces of fear. Once you know that, like, ah, okay, now you have a big advantage, because now you’re not just thinking, okay, well, why is it so challenging for me? Oh, it’s not just me. No, it’s not just you. It’s not just you. So you have to get comfortable knowing that it’s safe to desire the things that you want. And so you may want to put on that Persona and play with it for a little bit. So if you’re wanting to call in, I don’t know, being a, singer in your community or whatever it is, I’m just going to say that because that’s what just came to me. So someone who’s listening wants to be a singer. So if you’re wanting to call in being a singer, put on that Persona, what does that person, that version of you, what does she wear? Who does she speak with? What words does she use in her life? You know, instead of speaking fear into your life, start to speak love into your life. Start to plan your life the way that, you know, you, this singer, you is going to plan her life, move in that energy. It’s very interesting. If we think about NASA and the olympics, they use visualization in order to take, their athletes and their astronauts where they’re going before the body has gone there. So if it’s good enough for them, it is absolutely good enough for us as civilians, you know, to practice where we want to be. The moment before you fall asleep, the time before we fall asleep is the most potent time for our subconscious mind, for us to plant these things in our subconscious. So right before you go to sleep, give yourself a little mind movie and, visualize picture. Use your imagination to paint a rich picture of you being. Doing, having whatever it is that is calling you forward and that you are calling forward.

Julie Jancius: Amazing. Well, and the Angels always talk about how it really takes a lot to learn how to allow yourself to be led in this life by your intuition, which I, want to head into


Julie Jancius: later because you talk a lot about imagination, but I believe the imagination is a tool of the intuition, a part of the intuition, but it really takes a lot of time, and it’s so simple and it looks so easy. but it takes time to allow yourself to want and to learn how to do that. One of the things that you touched on, too, that I think is something that frustrates a lot of people within this process is you talked about millionaires who become millionaires overnight and step into their dreams and manifest automatically, and then they don’t know who they are in the process and they kind of fall. A lot of people get frustrated with a slower manifestation process, but it always seems to stick better for folks, like they’re growing into themselves along the journey of taking action and becoming who they’re supposed to be.

Abiola Abrams: How.

Julie Jancius: And what would you say to the people who get frustrated that it’s not just happening overnight, that there is sometimes a process that is divine and is really helping you, to your point, step into the fullest part of yourself?

Abiola Abrams: Yes. So I work with ancestors a lot, and one of the things that the ancestors have taught me is that time as we know it does not exist right now. That may be frustrating for us here in earth school when you’re thinking, yeah, but, you know, first of the month, my mortgage is due, they don’t want to hear time doesn’t exist. You know, I’ve got a make whatever payments I’ve got to buy groceries. They don’t want to hear that time doesn’t exist. But it doesn’t. And, you know, divine timing is also another spiritual law. And so if we train ourselves to enjoy the journey and realize that we’re missing our lives, I had to realize this for myself. You know, when I was calling forward a lot of things that I wanted to manifest, and I felt like, okay, there are things that I want, and I felt like I couldn’t be happy. A lot of times people feel like they cannot be happy until their bank account is a certain thing or they’re in a certain relationship or their house or their car or their job or their business or their body looks a certain way or whatever it is. And what, you know, what my ancestors gave to me was the greatest gift in saying to me, you’re missing your life. You’re missing your life when you’re nothing. Realizing that every single moment is a gift, the creation of everything is a gift. So it’s not just, I’ll be happy when it’s finding the joy in the journey, finding the joy in the experience. How can you be grateful for where you are now? How can you laugh with yourself or at yourself at where you are in the journey? Laugh at the places where we fall, on our face, you know? How can you enjoy the journey more? Think about when, at the end of your life, when you look back, you’re not going to just be like, okay, well, I love that I went on this trip, or I have this money in my bank or, bank account, or could I have worked one more day? It’s going to be the little moments of when my child, you know, my child, and I smiled at each other. My daughter, I have a two year old. And the other day, we went to the ice cream truck, and it was her first trip to the ice cream truck, and it was so exciting for her to go to the ice cream. I was like, oh, my gosh, today’s the best day of my life. Like, every day, I’m like, oh, my God, this is the best day of my life. That’s where you want to get to, like, where you’re enjoying, like, you know, the beauty of every little moment. And it sounds corny, but that is. That’s wealth. Like, that, we cannot recreate that. Like, that is wealth. That is absolute wealth. And when you’re vibrating with that frequency, that is absolute alignment with divine consciousness, that is absolutely, alignment with the divine frequency, that opens up our intuition, that opens up our heart, puts us in alignment with our Angels and ancestors. Like, that is the energy of creation. And at that moment, you’re manifesting goodness knows what without even trying. The things that you’ve already put out there, put into your heart, put into the world that you want, you’re already now opening a door to it when you’re at that vibration of joy without.

Julie Jancius: Even trying, which is just amazing. And I love how you talk about the fullness of it all because I just wrote my second book, last fall, and. Yeah, I know. So exciting. Thank you. And that’s what spirit kept bringing through. And I’ve been working on this, too, with happiness experts that happiness isn’t what we think it is. Success really isn’t what we think it is. It’s simply following our wants, allowing ourselves to want and go after those things, both little


Julie Jancius: and big, that lead to just a fullness within your being. You just feel full, so full of life, so full of just love, joy, peace, bliss, ease and grace that you’re just bursting at the seams and that you’re that love to all. so I wrote it down because I think it’s just amazing when you said, step into your power is a term that hasn’t always fully resonated with me, but rise into your, your fullness is what you said, and my God, is that it?

Abiola Abrams: Yes. And I can feel it reverberating around your community as you know of, this podcast as we’re speaking, because that’s what we all want, you know, that is what we all want. We all want, you know, the fullness of our experience in this earth school, whatever that means for each and every one of us. Whatever that means for each and every one of of us. And that has nothing to do with, you know, the material things are great, the material things are fun, but it’s the experience of you getting to be you, you know, like us getting to be us. Like how wonderful that we get to be who we were born to be.

Julie Jancius: Yeah, amazing. The other thing that I wrote down as I was reading through the book is there’s another percentage of people when they work on manifesting that they know in their heart. And actually, I was talking to one of my best friends yesterday about this. I did a session for her and she started her own salon, and she’s just been wildly successful, started multiple now after that, and she’s like, Julie, when I was working at someone else’s salon and I got the idea, I’m going to start my own salon one day, it was actually a feeling within me that was so concrete that I knew 1000% it was going to happen. And so after that session, I stood like took a step back and tuned into that moment that I knew I was going to start the podcast. And there was a different feeling to it. It wasn’t just a dream, it wasn’t just a want like this. This is something in my future that is absolutely happening. I just have to take the steps to make it happen. But there’s a percentage of people who want something. Maybe they even get that feeling within themselves of just knowing it concretely.

Abiola Abrams: Yes. Ah.

Julie Jancius: Then their head starts to come in, then they start to self doubt, then they start to use logic. And a lot of times what people will say to me in sessions is, but what if there’s something better out there? But what, like, is this my person? I don’t know what if there’s something better out there, is this the best career that I could take? Is this the best role or position that I could take? I don’t know. And so, there’s also an energy sometimes of moms who want to do something big, but maybe they want to spend time at home with their kids, and they don’t want to lose that work life balance and creating their own thing. So what do you say to the people who do want something but are allowing other energies to kind of come in and muddy the situation?

Abiola Abrams: So I am so familiar with this challenge. I’ve heard this a lot from my retreat clients as well. You know, people who, again, they want something and they maybe even have that moment, like, oh, my gosh. That knowing this, that clear assumption, that clear belief and then fear and doubt, and that inner voice comes back and says, who do you think you are? Who do you think you are? You know, like, well, we don’t. People like us don’t do that. People like us just, you know, stay home or, you know, we’re not that kind of person. You know, all of those kinds of things. And what I say is that, you know, the best way to move through that inner voice is to just take one step. The beautiful thing is that just by taking one step, whatever it is, you know, sometimes it’s signing up for the LLC or, you know, signing up for a class or buying the website or whatever it is, don’t think of the whole vision and the whole picture, because sometimes that can be overwhelming if you think, you know, the whole big thing, and then people get into freeze mode.

Julie Jancius: Right?

Abiola Abrams: Don’t worry about that. You don’t have to see the whole staircase. As doctor Martin Luther King said. He said, you just need to see the step. That’s all you need to see. Don’t worry about the staircase. See the step in front of you. Take that step and take another step and take another step. And in terms of, you know, dealing with the voices of our family and friends, because that often, frankly, is what is most frightening to us. It’s not, you


Abiola Abrams: know, so often we’re afraid of, like, what the world is going to think. It’s what your mother is going to think or your family or the people on your. In your neighborhood or whatever it is. Take whatever practical steps that you need to take in order to make yourself feel safe. So there was a point where I had to block family members on social media for my own heart and my own sanity because I was concerned about their judgment and I was scared of what they would say and what they would think and all of those things. That’s a very practical thing that I needed to do to protect my magic. So that’s the next thing you’re all going to write in your notebooks or in your phone, protect your magic. How can you just create safe and healthy boundaries for you to be the creative soul that you’re meant to be? And sometimes that means. But, you know, just putting up healthy boundaries. Another thing that I’ve had to do in terms of, you know, just protecting my magic is that, you know, there were things that in the beginning that I couldn’t say to my best friends that I was creating, and they would say, oh, my gosh, you just came out with this whole thing and I didn’t even know you were planning a retreat to Bali. And it’s like, well, because I didn’t feel safe to be able to say it for myself, so I couldn’t take the strength of someone else’s voice raising questions and saying, that’s weird. Why would you do that? Because I wasn’t secure enough in myself, so I needed to just do it and then let them just see afterward. And you may need to do that, and that’s perfectly fine. If that’s where you are. Be where you are. Be here now. Be here now. Be in this moment now and take the steps. Steps one by one by one. You are so worthy and so deserving of your own dream. Think about it this way. Oftentimes, we’re asking people to believe in us and believe in our vision, believe in our dream, and they don’t believe in themselves. They don’t believe in their own vision, their own dream. And that was something that I had to realize that, you know, I would get frustrated, you know, with my beautiful mom and be like, oh, my goodness, you know, like, you know, she doesn’t. Doesn’t. Doesn’t believe in my dream or my vision, and she was believing in me, but it was just hard for her to believe in a bigger vision. And I had to realize, oh, she doesn’t believe in her own vision, so how could she believe in mine? She’s an amazing human being, but she doesn’t believe in her own vision. And so, you know, the biggest gift that I could give to her is to be who I was born to be and then let her say what she has now. Wow, that’s awesome. What can you teach me about that so that I can live in my full this? So you go first. If you’re. If you’re watching this. You go first. Don’t worry about other people getting your vision. They won’t get it or may never get it. It’s your vision. You’re meant to get it, not them.

Julie Jancius: Oh, I love that. so many places I want to go with that.

Abiola Abrams: I’m going to pull a card. I’m feeling called to pull a card. My secrets of the ancestors oracle deck. So go ahead, keep talking. I’m going.

Julie Jancius: Yes. You know, something that was coming up while I was reading your book, but then you, you kind of commented on it, is there are just people who are not safe for you in your process of rising into your fullness. And I know that there are a lot of spiritual teachers who say we attract every single person that we pull in and every single experience and circumstance, but I’ve had to set boundaries in the past, too, and it doesn’t feel good. You know, you just want everybody to be on board. You want everybody to be a support, system to you. Do you feel like we really are calling in those people, those negative situations, or are some people just not aligned with your vision all the time?

Abiola Abrams: So. So I’m going to just share with you the ancestral message that just came through. It’s the high priestess, and she represents intuition and knowingness, of course, which is exactly what we were talking about, of course, and totally in alignment with what we are saying. I am not a, There are a lot of spiritual teachers that have this energy of blame and shame and guilt around them. And I remember a couple of years ago, a few years ago, I was dealing with the medical situation. I had really bad fibroids and I had several different operations, and I was dealing with infertility and going through IVF and all of these things. And I had a big level of shame because I was in these spiritual communities that I interpreted the meaning, the lesson of being that something was wrong with me because I was not able to manifest, manifest perfect health. Something was wrong with me because I was not able to have a, you know, a healthy womb. There was something that was, you know, I was somehow physically broken. And I think that that is energy that is not divine, that is not energy


Abiola Abrams: of, you know, the highest consciousness, any energy that says that, you know, well, you are hungry and poor because you’ve created life to be that way. Here is the absolutely absolute truth that I know. As I said, there are many different spiritual laws. The law of attraction is one, the law of assumption is one, but there are many different laws. And we’re all here bumping up against everyone else having their experience in this world. And so there is nothing in, divine consciousness, in the divine frequency that wants us to feel guilty or shameful for not creating things the way that they want, that we want them to be. There’s nothing that says that, oh, well, you know, you deserve to be in that, I don’t know, a wrong relationship or abusive relationship or whatever, because you just created that. That is a lack of compassion, and that is out of, It’s a lack of self compassion if you’re believing that about yourself. And that’s out of alignment and out of concept of with us being in our fullness and being who we were born to be.

Julie Jancius: Beautiful. One of the things that I wanted to ask you about, too, is I always was waiting. You’ve done so much. I was looking and, like, you’re doing retreats internationally. You’re talking at, like, these huge corporations all over, you’re writing all these different books and tarot card sets. I always thought as a younger person, when I get to this point in middle life, like, I’ll be able to breathe, it’ll be easier, it’ll be slower, but it’s not slower at all. It’s like warp speed. You know, going through the process of editing a book, we’re working on a tv show, still trying to, like, maintain everything within the business and just do it, you know, two podcast episodes a week. It’s warp speed right now. And yet my intuition is on point because I have that spiritual practice and I feel so centered and grounded, even though everything else around me is spinning so fast. Can you talk to this at all, too? Because you’ve just seen so much of this, I’m sure.

Abiola Abrams: Yes, absolutely. It’s so funny because, you know, I was having this conversation with someone a couple of weeks ago. She said to me, she was interviewing me for something, and she said. She said something similar to what you just said. She said, oh, my gosh, you know, there’s so much going on that you’re doing. And it was so funny because the things that she was mentioning were only just the tip of the iceberg. She didn’t know, like, all of the other things, like you said, the stuff that you have going on that we don’t know about, like, you know, like, I just handed in my book for next year and my deck for next year and my this and that and the other. And, you know, and one of the things that, especially for the lightworkers and the way showers who are called to this podcast listeners of your podcast, what they need to know is that for us right now, as lightworkers, there is an urgency. There is an energy of urgency because we are needed. Like you are needed on the front. It’s almost like we’re being called to the front lines. Like right now, this is needed. And if you’re having the experience, wherever you have a concept, you have an idea for something, and then it feels like, oh, my God. Like that other person did it. you know, a lot of people are experiencing this more. The feeling of, oh, my God, they, they steal my idea. Like, you know, like, I was feeling that all the time. Like, hey, take my idea. Like, where’d that come from? And it’s because, you know, if the divine is giving you an idea and you haven’t moved on it and it’s urgently needed in the world, it’s going to be given to someone else. If you’re not ready to bring it forward, that’s okay. Something else will come for you, but it’s needed. Like, this is needed right now. This is needed it right now. And grounding yourself in the center of that through whatever practices, whether it’s doing breath work and meditation or, you know, even just physically putting your feet in earth, if you have the capacity to do that, is a beautiful way to do that. And what the lightworkers and way showers who are called to this podcast and this conversation need to know is that what is for us, almost like a, you know, operating at a five for you is a ten for other people, you know, so. So what for us is like, you know, like a five or a three for other people is like a ten or a 20. And that’s okay. We only have to keep up with ourselves. We only have to be in alignment with what is true for us. And one of the things that, for me, is a beautiful practice that helps keep me grounded and helps me enjoy a, you know, earth school as much as, you know, because as we know, also when we start doing this work, like, you can, you know, like, at the beginning, you feel like, okay, I might just float away. Like, I could just levitate away, you know, like, and just be,


Abiola Abrams: like, totally here and just. But we’re meant to be in the part in the world. We’re here for a reason, you know? So one of the things that for me is really grounding and lovely is use beauty as a spiritual practice. So when I’m looking at your beautiful environment and the pompous and the, you know, like, that’s just wonderful. Like, taking in the beauty of the world and creating beauty whenever possible for me is a grounding, wonderful thing. So everyone find that for yourself, like, what feels for you? Like play, hopefully. You know, there are things that, you know, within, I know for me, you know, within certain parts of, like, creating my book and creating my decks, you know, like that for me is play as well. But then we have all of the business things that are layered on top of it that are at work speed and can make it feel sometimes like you’re just holding on for dear life. Make time in, in between that to just be grounded. Light a candle and just be. Just sit for five minutes. If you, if you cannot meditate, say, light a candle, you know, allow in the presence of the divine and just sit for five minutes and just.

Julie Jancius: And that’s what I think it is. As you were talking, it kind of came full circle to me because I’ve been trying to understand what it is that I’ve actually been feeling, and that helps so much. spirit was showing me this vision of, you know, those huge storms we get in the wintertime in New York and here where it’s just like polar vortex. but there’s like an eye of the storm, I think, even in hurricanes. Right?

Abiola Abrams: Yeah.

Julie Jancius: And it’s like, in the center, in the middle, it’s just calm and peace and clear skies. And that’s what I felt is that I haven’t had a lack of intuition going so fast. It’s actually that I am present in oneness and just radiating that divine vibration, and there is peace. You know, we are the center, and everything might be swirling around us, but I’m actually, I wrote down as you were talking, I don’t have time anymore for worry or doubt or lack of self confidence. Like, I’m getting up tomorrow, for the professional women’s association of Chicago, talking in front of 100 women and. And just, I know it’s going to be good. I don’t know everything that’s going to come through my mouth, but I just know it’s going to hit, and I’m going to hit my marks, and then I’m going to go on to the next meeting that I have. Do you find the same thing?

Abiola Abrams: Yes, 100%. And as a matter of fact, that exact metaphor that you used, I think it’s either maybe in my last book or maybe I used it in a talk or something, like, you know, the being in the eye of the storm and being at the center where it’s calm. Finding that center, I had that experience you know, earlier this year where I was gonna speak, and it was the same sort of thing where, you know, because I’m a control person, I like to, you know, have. And as we were getting closer and closer, and there was no time for me to write this speech and script this talk, and I was like, I don’t know what’s gonna happen and make the, you know, is I can make slides or not, and all of that, and then just released it and said, you know, okay, I’m in alignment. These are the, you know, I know what I’m doing. I’ve been doing this, you know, for a long time. And greater than that, I am aligned with spirit. I’m spiritually ordained to do this. I’ve been chosen to do this work, and I’m in alignment with my work, and I’m going to get out there and allow myself to be used by spirit, and it’ll be what it needs to be. And it was, you know, it’ll be what it needs to be. That’s the next thing to write down. If you’re watching or listening, it’ll be what it needs to be and allow it. Allow energy to just flow through you and allow the journey to be what it is, and it’ll be greater than you could have orchestrated had you planned every moment and every word of it.

Julie Jancius: And that’s exactly it. What you just said. If you’re going to be the center where that, that piece exists, you cannot have control anymore because it isn’t you. And I think you get to this, this greater point of acceptance, surrender, where you release, you just fully release all control. And there is an energy that you feel within yourself as you do this, and you really are more present. You just be. You just are even more so than ever before. And I think why spirit wanted to bring this up is because there are so many healers who listen to this podcast, and I’ve heard just on social media and different places recently, a lot of people shaming others for that warp speed and for going so fast and being like, slow down, slow down, slow down. There isn’t a slow. Like, if you’re gonna do all this and the tv show is gonna happen and different books are gonna come out, it’s going to


Julie Jancius: increase. And I’m. There is a mama, and I love my job as a mama, and I love my job as a wife. I don’t think we have to slow. I think we just have to be the center.

Abiola Abrams: Yes. that’s so beautiful. Yes. Yes, that’s it exactly. And there are, you know, for the healers and the lightworkers who are watching this here, for me, is what a switch was, because I had a lot of anxiety and a lot of fear. I realized that my purpose and my calling was greater than those fears. And that it’s not about me. The things that I have to say, things I’m being called to create and to produce, and none, of it is about me. And that was a relief, because it’s not about me. It’s not about me. So think about the person who’s on the other end that you were born to give them that particular brand of spiritual medicine, whatever it is, if you’re a relationship coach, if you are a Reiki healer, if you are, you know, an angelic worker, whatever it is, the people who are on the other side that need that spiritual medicine, imagine that they’re not getting it. The longer that you’re staying in fear.

Abiola Abrams: They’re not getting it. And so you answering your calling and answering your call is not about you. So how phenomenal is that, that you need to. You’re called to make the choice of stepping into your. Stepping into your vision. Stepping into your vision and answering the call.

Julie Jancius: Amazing. Oh, my gosh. I’m so excited that we’re doing this because it’s taken me on this, like, spiral up, up, up. I’ve thought about this a lot over my life, but I haven’t known exactly how to say it. So you have these wants, and I hope this brings things full circle to what we were talking about at the beginning for people. You have these wants, let’s say, just in our personal lives, everybody has a home that they envision for themselves. Clothes, car, ah, you know, just these material possessions, a spouse, you know, your kids. You just kind of have this vision. But when you go to pick these things out, I don’t have a tailor that I can hire to just specifically make the clothes exactly the way that I want it to. So I go to local boutiques or to TJ Maxx or to Target or wherever I am, and I just pick the option that resonates most with me. Same with a house. You know, like, if I had the house of my choosing, it would have a pool in the backyard, and it would have this very, very large wraparound porch that I have just always dreamed about. But the best home for us when we were choosing a home, is the one that we’re in today. Same with a car, anything that you could go purchase. But as a healer or just creator, because because every Soul who is listening to this is creating their own life. When it comes to the things that you’re creating. I think about the tv show that I’m working on, the book that I’m working on, the next podcast episode. It works in the same way. Like, I’m molding and sculpting the best that I can, but, like, it’s also in collaboration with other people and, and what spirit’s message that needs to come through. That’s why we don’t have to always know how or, what it’s going to look exactly like. We just have to have that envision. I just want to write the book. I just want to start a podcast. I just want to become the healer. Okay, that’s great. What’s your next first step? Go through the angel Reiki school or wherever it is that you’re going to get trained, but you don’t always have control of what the final thing looks like precisely, or how you get there.

Abiola Abrams: Right? That’s it. Exactly. The this or something better for the good of all involved. That’s the space, that’s the gap. That’s, that’s it. How wonderful, you know, how wonderful. And that’s where your imagination comes in. You know, I, love the way that you saw that, you know, the connection between imagination and, and intuition, but using your imagination to be able to play and say, okay, you know, because I used to say all the time, dream bigger, right? And then someone told me, when, you say dream bigger, that’s really intimidating. That’s really scary, you know, and I realized that sometimes it’s, you know, as we were talking about earlier, scary for people to think about dreaming bigger. So it’s more about dreaming in a line, you know, dreaming, allowing yourself to, you know, when I was a kid, toys, the toys r us catalog would come out around Christmas time, and my brother, my sister and I, we were so excited and we would be so into it. We would, like, look through and see all these things


Abiola Abrams: and circle them and whatever it was. And I don’t even know if we ended up giving it to our parents because it was part, that was the experience of, the catalog. That was the experience of, like, you know, so think about your catalog of your life, not necessarily from a material point of view, although if that’s what you want to do, let that be what you want to do. But the experiences, you know, is it you being in front of auditoriums and leading crowds and, you know, speaking and writing books and making cards or you know, having a tv show or making movies or whatever it is, you know, having that vision, allow yourself to play the same way that, you know, if we look at children and they can, you know, take a situation and play with it and imagine it, you know, allowing yourself to have that, bring back that element of play rather than the energy of desperation around your manifestation and creation. And that’s very freeing. It’s very, very freeing.

Julie Jancius: Not only that, but it just makes me giggle inside, like, my inner child coming out, because it is so wild how spirit will just bring us to these amazing people in life. And I, on my journey, what I’ve experienced is that the world is really just so much smaller than we think it is, because spirit, in an instant, I can’t talk about all of it, but we are working with some of just the greatest minds who have worked on just the best, shows. And I cannot believe. can I tell this story just real quick? I was on the phone with one of them the other day, and we’re in this meeting, and, he, like, prefaced, he’s like, jules, if, I have to take a call. My assistant is away on vacation this one week. I got to take my own phone calls. No worries at all. So he gets a call from just, like, this person that I admire so much, and he’s like, so sorry, going to have to call you back. but I’m like, oh, my God, put that person on hold to continue. Like, who? What is happening? I’m just so blown away at, what spirit can do. And it’s so funny, because in my own mind, I always think, well, this is what it’s going to be like. This is the end point that spirit’s bringing me to, but it never is, because then they keep showing me the next vision of where this is going to go. Next vision of where this is going to go. And I keep seeing this tour of how the tv show is going to kind of mold and sculpt, but there’s going to be a bigger tour of healers. you were talking about just doing, like, stadiums and different. Oh, my gosh, I can completely see that. so it makes life so much fun and such an adventure. Abiola, your book, from imagination to reality, is just really such a great guide on how you can live such a fulfilling life. And you give so many tips, tricks, and secrets in here. Tell us where everybody can find you and where they can find the book.

Abiola Abrams: Yes. So thank you so much. First of all, Julie, this was such a fun, and incredible conversation. I’m so glad that we are connected. I adore you and I feel like I found like just a kindred spirit. Yay. So from imagination to reality is available wherever folks buy books. So it’s on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, the hay house sites, and, you know, wherever you would find books. I am on, social media at Abiola TV. The tv stands for transformation and victory. And my site is womanifesting.com. so like manifesting.com, but womanifesting.com and the deck that I pulled a card from today was my secret secrets of the ancestors oracle deck. This was wonderful. Oh my goodness. The power of my beautiful sister.

Julie Jancius: Thank you so much. You too. Thank you for your time and open invitation anytime you want to come back. I know you’ve got other projects. Come back to us.

Abiola Abrams: Yay, I will.

Julie Jancius: Awesome.

Abiola Abrams: Thank you.

Julie Jancius: Friends, I need your help reaching as many people as possible. If you’d like to support this podcast and help us spread more hope to the world, please book a session with me, join my angel membership or take my angel Reiki school. What’s the difference? If you’d like to know what messages your Angels and loved ones have for you, you’ll want to book a session with me. The angel membership is all about your own personal spiritual healing. The membership takes you on a spiritual journey that teaches you how to create your own heaven on earth. And the Angel Reiki school is for those who want to get certified in mediumship, angel messages and energy healing all at once. These are three ways you can help us share a message of hope


Julie Jancius: and love with more people than ever before. Register for one or all three at ah, theangelmedium.com dot. That’s the angel medium. Now let’s pray together. As we do, I want you to pray in a way where you feel as though everything you want for yourself and the world has already come true. And you’re giving thanks. Why? Because this is the best way to manifest. So let’s begin. God, Universe, Source. Thank you. We’re so grateful that you’ve blessed this world with calm and peace for all. This calm and peace has spread like ripples, soothing the hearts of every Soul. Thank you for opening our hearts to abundance, allowing each of us to live our, most authentic life and helping us to create our own heaven on earth. We thank you for the love and deep heart to heart connection that surrounds us every day in our relationships. We thank you for the abundance of health and aliveness we feel radiating from every cell in our and our families bodies. Thank you for the gift of walking this life with us and guiding us every step of the way through your messages. We hear you through our own intuition and we feel you walking right by our side and we overflow with gratitude. Thank you for financial abundance and abundance of opportunities and miracles, blessings and prosperity in every way. We know that you want us to succeed so that we can show others how you want them to succeed too. Thank you for the boundless love, kindness, Empathy and compassion that binds us all together. Thank you for the laughter, fun moments of pure delight that fill us every day, especially today. God Universe Source thank you for blessing us beyond measure and allowing us to use our souls gifts, talents, skills and abilities to serve the world. We love you. I love you. And in this we pray. Amen. Friends, we’re working on some pretty major things over here and if you wouldn’t mind saying a little prayer that these things come to fruition, if they’re God’s will, we’d so appreciate it. And please add a little prayer in for any specific thing you need right now too. Have a beautiful, blessed day and don’t forget to submit your contact info@theangelmedium.com. if you’d like me to channel the name of one of your Angels for you, sending you peace, bliss and many blessings.


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