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An Angel Story of Understanding You’re on the Right Path


If you love hearing Angel stories of people receiving signs from their loved ones, then you don’t want to miss this episode! Xenia is on the podcast today sharing the most incredible story of getting signs from her grandfather on the Other Side. She made it very clear to him that she needed a big sign for validation, and he did just that in many different ways. I also give my best advice on asking for validation and signs from your loved ones. You can check out Xenia’s nonprofit mentioned on the episode at sensoryfriendlysandigo.org. Do you have an Angel story? Email it to juliejancius@gmail.com. We would love to feature YOU on the podcast!  The Angel Membership: For years, Spirit has been helping me develop a program that walks you through your spiritual healing and I’m so excited for you to begin! There are so many topics to move thought: holding a high vibration and the energy of oneness; trusting your intuition; working with you Spirit Team; better understanding your soul’s purpose; learning to perform self energy healing and clear your chakras; rewiring and retraining your mind to co-create the life you want; working with the inner child; and the sacred art of communicating with your angel so they can better direct you in your life. Angel Membership allows your Angels and Spirit Team to walk you through each part step-by-step. Your Spirit Team says that you’ve read all the books, you’ve listened to all the podcasts, you’ve been seeking for so long — this is the year you put it all together and use the beautiful energetic gifts and resources God gave you to make your life more joyous and full of ease. This is the year your give yourself more grace, and you allow yourself to speak out loud what your soul truly wants to accomplish in this lifetime. This is the year you stop pushing, and you allow yourself to surrender to the flow of creation — the will of the divine. Sign up HERE.

Sessions and eCourses:

  • If you are in need of an emergency session, you can book here.
  • Book a 1:1 session!
  • How to Hold High Vibration e-Course is available! Click here to register today!
  • Hear Your Angels e-Course: This course is for those who want life-changing personal relationships with their Angels. This course is a step-by-step guide to clearly and easily receiving messages from your angels and guides every day. It’s also a great precursor to the Angel Reiki School!
Additional Resources:

Have a specific prayer request? Let us know and we’ll be praying for you every day. If you want, we’ll also ask our private Facebook community to pray for you as well.  Will also automatically add you to my email list. 

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